The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 11, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Daily Astorian
- AMD ,.,...''
Astoria Daily News
EiUblished 1873
' HATESi '
(Sent by until, per yew. $6 00
Sunt bv miiii. ner moatli 51)
'Served" by carrier, per month. . .;. . f ; ,
Bent by mall, per year. In advance 11 00
"'The "Aatorlari guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the larzeat circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
River.' , "I'vni'iv.-ir i ;. . "'
Much Interest has been attached to
tlie meeting today of the republican na
tional committee, not only on account
of its political Importance, but because
it will decide the time and place of hold
lng the next national convention which
will nominate candidates for president
and vice president. As to the time
there will probably not be much dis
cussion. Congressmen and senators
are not anxious for a long session, and
will adjourn as early as possible, and
the convention will probably be held
not later than June.
That, however, is not so interesting
Just now as the question of where the
convention shall be held. The canvass
by varlbus ' cities has been going on
quietly for Some time, and as the time
for a decision draws near the contest'
is becoming more active. The principal
contestants, 'frOm present' Indications,
are likely to be Chicago, St. Louis and
Milwaukee, with "the first two in the
lead. Chicago refers to its past record
as a convention city and offers induce
ments, ncludtng,,a guarantee fund of
tfQ.OOQ.jiru .he, use;.of! the .,Coliseum
bulldlng,;:to, be equipped , by the city
at a, cost of $30,000. The guarantee fund
however, Is required of nil cities desir
ing the .convention ,and in that respect
all the applicants are pn the same foot
ing.,, The other offers of Chicago, to
gether,. with the hotsl. and Jelegroph'c
fnolUtlen, .make thatHy a strong can
didate. rj ...
St. Louis, ns well as Chicago, wants
both natlonsU conventions, and,,, lead
ing UiduAmifn heW.qut is fhe fact that
the world's fnlr will be in progress and
that everybody will want to see it, a
cirouinatawe, thaj will suable , people .to
kiij two birds with one stone. The
pi'BHtnc,j3t ,the, exposition, however,
Is being used as an argument ngalnBt
holding the convention there, It being
alleged that" the combination of hot
weather and crowded hotels will out
weigh other.advnntages, Milwaukee Is
making a quieter Hght'uml promises to
entertain the convention handsomely If
It ihouU'go thereT"""""
11 addition to these cities, Pittsburg,
Uotrolt and Sun Francisco are also
miking bids, Pittsburg presenting the
argument that as the first Republican
convention was held there more than
half a century ago It would be a mat
teiof historic interest to hold next
year's meeting t'here also. Chicago, St.
Louis and Milwaukee, however, appar
ently have the call, with the chances
probably In the order named.
Te Southern Pacific announces that
it fiis brought out from 5.000 to 10,000
horneseekers from the east who have
established themselves in Oregon,. It
ls 'he result of pfvi ivv, i-uterffof
tnisportation, WW ti-ms
h d to, there will be a notable In
close In Oregon's population every
$.' ' fytx't
The northern roads hav,Xhruht
Ihflisariila to the northwest by estab
llsUng honieseekor't rales, and n. good
paM of. the Increase In this state's pop
ulation '(lining the past few years has
bei made up of those who have given
uuWnie In the east and middle west
fori the more attractive surroundings
of he Purine coast, says the Spokes-mill-Review.
There Is hardly a section
i the state that hns not welcomed new
voijeis In large numbers, and the In
land Empire has been particularly for
tunate lirmwihrifRn
lionieseekers of the best class.
There Is no reason to expect that this
western, movement will sensibly tail off
so Jong us the railroads offer fair rates
to those who desire to make a new
hum hi this part of the country. There
Is mill room for thousands, and, as the
character of 'the country and' Ma re
sources become better known, the
stream of newcomers will Increase rath
er than diminish. While there are al
ways inconveniences and discomforts
Incident to. changing homes, the most
of those who have settled In Wash
ngton have found themselves pleasantly
located and have sent back good re
ports of the Pacific northwest. It is
generally regarded as a favored sec
tion, and the influx of new people is
likely to continue for many years to
come. .......
A writer in the Rural New Yorker,
one of the oldest of agricultural papers,
calls attention to the advertisement
now being published in sq many papers
asking readers to send for spawn from
which to grow mushrooms In cellars.
Wliile all that they represent may be
true, an old and successful grower
flays that while Jarge prices are. some
times obtained, 50 cents a pound is a
good average price.' As to growing it
In cellars, it Is of course, possible,; but
as fresh, dressing from the' stable is
one of the first essential of culture,
the odor rising Into the living rooms
Is hardly agreeable. Neither is the
handling of the material work particu
larly adnpted for women and girls, as
often represented. ' It Is simply another
scheme for getting money from those
who are trying 'to "get rich quick," and
It Is believed that a large amount of
money has been realized by the promot
ers of this and the ginseng scheme.
What is wanted of soap
for the skin is to wash it
clean and not hurt it.
Pure soap does that. This
is why we want pure soap;
and when we say pure,
we mean without alkali.
Pears' is pure; no free
alkali. You can trust a
soap that has no biting in
it, that's Pears';' n.
Established over ioo years.
Chilean government, have resulted In
an average of 20.3 knots per hour, thus
showing that she Is the fastest battle
ship afloat. ' ' ,
The San Francisco Examiner says:
"First of all, a baby is democratic.'' In
view of the fact that ' the first thing
a baby does is to holler, we agree with
the Examiner. ' '' ''
Thomas Wexford Jones, late of Bel
fast, reland,' but now assistant, sport
ing editor of the Oregonian, presides
over tne destinies of the Note and Com
ment Column. He ha? lately, under
taken a historical resume, entitled "The
Travels of Meriwether, Lewis.",.. The
second chapter, appearing Thursday, is
of special Interest to stqrian, and 1?
herewith reproduqed,; . .... , ... ,, , ,.
"On our, way,, down,. the r.iver,, Clark
was very anxious, 'to go(up the Willam
ette, but I remembered tha , gambling
was open In Portland,,, and j was afraid
that our stopkpf beads would be de
pleted too much if he got spo'tin'. We
kept on, pass(ng .Bugby,. where we saw
dead oodles of rocks. , ,, ,,,,, ,.
"Finally we reached Astoria, and sa.w
the Pacific. A number of he prew be
came seasick, and we were forced to
land. The chief of police demanded a
fee. of 30 beads a day, as, he said we
must be, show., people, , pointing to the
Portlund exposition, as a proof, We
had to pay thjs amouiUuntil Fort Clat
sop wm. built,, whef,',I fold (he chief to
go to Skanwkawa, ,. . :1, r...(M
.','On Hie, second,, day., .of our arrival I
lectured to the Commercial Club on
making Astoria , a common point. I
have been Informed that similar lec
tures are still delivered.
"Winter set in while we were in Fort
Olntsop, but I whlled away the time
counting the raindrops. I never kept up
with them, as they came so fast that
we had to renew our roof twice. I
expect Mr. Himes to have some trouble
in locating the site of the Fort, as York
refused to work at laying down con
crete foundations."
Chicago Is to Tiave a fourteen story
building with a wide- arcade on each
floor. Into which stores will open on
either side of each arcade.
Speed trials of the Llbertiid, which,
with her siaioi: ship, the Constitution,
hns been sold to Great Britain by the
The postoffice in San Francisco ex
pects to receive ( official notification
shortly of the new parcels post treaty
with Hongkong. The treaty will take
effect January 1st and provides a max
imum limit of fpur poundB six ounces.
New York, Dec. 11. Justice Fitz
gerald In the supreme court committed
Kalman Foldessy, who was arrested
here while President Roosevelt was at
tending the funeral of his uncle, to the
Manhattan state hospital for the Insane
Dr. Packard, of the Bellevue hospital,
certified that Foldessy was Insane. It
was said that Foldessy had written to
the president. District Attorney Jer
ome, and other persons, asking for help
against an imaginary conspiracy.
,-r., TO ALL. WB:&
;i, ).'. -
i !,) It : lili
Citizens of , Astoria Informed
How Best to Arm Themselves
Against it.
Who steals my purse steals trash
You can get another
Who steals my strength steals that
which 1
May never be recovered
Backache is a highway robber
But is Very vulnerable to a simple
weapon, ., ., , , ; .
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Astoria knows this. Read the proof:
D. E. Duncan, who Is employed with
his brother at the Astoria Soda Works,
426 Duane street, and who resides at
the corner of Duane and Ninth streets,
says: "I had been troubled with a
weakness of the back and kidneys for a
number of years. There was a constant
dull aching in the loins and a numbness
of the ba.ok, often extending through
the whole muscular system as far up
as the shoulders. Not only did my back
nche but there was a weakness .from
the kidney secretions which was very
annoying and disturbed my rest.
heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and
one day I stopped into Charles Rogers'
drug store and got a box. I found them
to be a great benefit. After the first
few doses I felt better. I know of
others who have used them with the
same good results."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents
per box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the U. S.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no substitute.
'i ft 1
' i .3
President of the Shakespearian Club, Kansas City,
" Your booklet came to my
home Ilk a message oi health
whto I had luitered with
hMdacht. backache and txu-lug-down
pains IVuwcakj
nervous and hysterical ana
had not consulted any doctor,
thinking it would pas away
la time, but Instead I found
tiral (he jlni increased and
were' more irrc::ent. I de
cided to try Wine of Cardul
mnA in m hnH ItnuvU Oltich
improved. It seemed to act uk a charm.
I kept up the treatment and the result
was most tatufactory. Words fail to cx-
rm my gratitude for the suffering that
now saved me. I am in fin health;
physically and mentally. I can only say
Hhank you', but then is modi mora in
my heart loe you."
IEARING-DOWN pains are the
worst that women mow. 11
you are indexing from this trou
ble vou need not be uncertain.
about it. The paint in the abdomen
and back that feel as if heavy weighta
were pulling down on tie nerrea of the
stomach are "bearing-down paini .
They mar not be particularly levere at
present but they are growing worse.
That headache which nearly drives you
distracted now ii caused by the terrible
my nca
1 nervous tension. The nerves
soon begin to give way under
ihti strain. Ynn nerhfttin inmn
at any unusual disturbance,
or laugh or weep, hysteri
cally, at no apparent cause.
Thai W UlM PflV TA.
J.UEHI .O " it. If win, I MV",
6034 North Seventh Street,
Kansas City, Kansas, was
coming to when she rescued
herself bytakinj Wine ol
1 Cnnlni. The Wine mjuift
J her a strong, healthy woman
again, as it bat made a million other
women strong and healthy. By induc
ing regular menstruation the enure
system, it relieved of the terrible wasting
drain. The I i cramer, ts which hold the
womb in place are strengthened by a
healthy flow ana mat organ is returned
to its normal position. Returning
health it the result. . This is what
Wine of Cardui has done for thousands
of the best women in America.
If yon need advice write The Ladies'
Advisory Department, The Chatta
noogaMedicine Company, Chattanooga,
Tenn., describing all your symptoms
freely, and a letter of advice will be
tent you. Secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui from your druggist to-day.
A million su ferine;
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
, , In every department of our store can
be found suitable Christmas presents
for every one.
Cloaks and Suits
which have been slaughtered in price
make most acceptable presents.
) t
In notions. Fancy Pillows, Head Rests,
daintily trimmed Pin Cushions. t
In the I toy department,' Kid Body
Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Drums.Tool Chests,
Iron Toys, Magic Lanterns.
'j? ;-4 ,."2 k $ Jn'i:
Before maKihiyburl! purchases favor us
with a call.
; Garpentep and Builder '
Special attention given to the oonstrnotion ol
one buslneM and residence buildings.
Commercial Ptrw
Telephone t2L
All goods shipped to our care
Will receive special attention.
No 538 Duane St W. X COOK. Mgr.
John Fuhrman,
G. W. Morton.
Central Meat Market
Your orders for
meats, both ,. , .
" ' Will be promptly and '
. .. , iutifaotorll; aue,uded to
TelepSobe No. 8H. ' '
Electrical Works
428 BOND, ST.
We are thoroughly prepared for
maklnj estimates and ezecvUng '
ordert (or all kind of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stock. We sell the ,
celebrated BHKLBT LAMP. Call
up Phone 11CL
H. W. CYRUS. - Mgr
Mansnll Bldg. S7S Commercial. St
Fhone Black M6S Astoria Ore.
There is no train in service on any railway in
the world that ' equals in equipment The
Pioneer Limited train from St. Paul to Chi
cago' via the
Chicago, Milwaukee 1 St. Paul
n. s.
The railway company owns and operates the
sleeping and dining cars on its trains, and
gives to its patrons an excellence of service
not obtainable elsewhere. The buffet cars,
compartment cars, standard sleeping cars
and dining cars of The Pioneer are the
General Agent
134 Third Street," Portland
BstoFia iron Works
n Foot of Fourth Street
Machinists i Boiler Makers
, ""oiu Bouer won
imallnv. nf all AmriMUn. . . .. .
hort notice. 8teambo( and canaerv work
John Koa President ud Superintendent
l-roj Vloe President
F. L. Bishop Secretary
aatorla Havings Bank Treasarer
AbercromMe & Wilsca
Pate Building .... Adorta
of Fit
a. ! v and style can always be depeni
upon when you get a Suit i
clothes from
A. Lake...
Astoria's Leading Tailor. Ai
terials and workmanship are
' ' best that can be procured a
prices within reach of all. Dot'
forget the number,