ASTORI A , OR EGOJllt TD URSDAY, ! DECEMBKR luy 1503 h - t i ' f i t r. " I i , ) ' i M I - , I I f Charter Rates Growing Better ; Advance in Figure for German ; ; Ship Christel Indicates an Inv ' : ' proved Condition. i Three more grain carriers will com plete their cargoes this week, practi cally clearing up all the engaged grain jtonnage In the harbor Those whose flargoes are nearlng completion are the Vrcnah bark Admiral Halgan, the iTYench ship Beran'gere and the British "ship Vincent. The Halgan, which Is liying at the Oceanic dock, will probably 'finish today.-. Aa. ff ort. ia being made 'U havVthe Berangere"ioaded tomor row. She is at the Montgomery dock. ;The Vincent is being given qfllck dis patch at the elevator, and wfll be finish J' 'The ouly remaining sailing vessels at '? Portland on the engaged list are the French bark Europe and the German, ship Christel. The Europe is taking on wheat at the Greenwich dock, but It will be sometime yet before she" will be ready for the ea. - A big force of lon shoremen is busily engaged n loadiWg the steamship Lothian at the flour mills but the task will not be completed be "fore the first of the week. No new charters have been reported lnc the German ship Christel was taken last week by Kerr, Giftord, ft Co., There are still three ships In tne river that are open for engagements. They are the Red Rock! the East Afrl can and the Glenesslin. The rate given the Christel shows a Redded lmprove- , ment In the situation, to the shipown er's way of looking at the matter, and it is believed, to, .be very likely that any charters made from now on will be effected at good figures. The Christel was; reported chartered, at 18s H but several of the ship owners say that the rate IS 19S. .-, t ! ,-. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Lackey Is home from a Port land visit. ' Mrs. Charles Zlgler returned today from a Portland visit. J -J Frank Sweeney, a west side capital ist, was in town today. ' ' ' ' Fritz Johansen, the lumber man' of I Chinook, was tn town today. Miss Laura Fox'returned last night from a brief trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Powell were In the city last evening from Seaside. H. D. Parker has gone to San Fran clnsco where he will remain for several days; ..' u '- Mrs. J. $1. Gratke and little son, re turned today noon from a visit to Port land. Fred Moore, the popular city treas urer of Seaside, was an Astoria visitor , (j. N'.Hess, the well-known dairyman of Youngs river, was doing business in the" city Jpday. . ;, J, B. E. (Foard, a resident of Olnty, re-:j turned home toaay arter-spenaing me nfght In the city. A. D. Rockefellow, the "follow the flag" jNEW BARGAINS FOR TODAY (Toke Point and Shoal water bay oys ters at the Imperial chop house. Try our coffee; unexcelled.' S. M. GALLAGHER Manager . t. v.- , JAPANESE) GOODS. ' New stock of fancy goods Just arrlv. ed at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. Upper Astoria has a place where you can get a fine glass of beer, as good wines and liquors as you can find any place in the city. - V ' HARRY JONES, tf Opposite Kopp's Brewery. DENSMORE TYPEWRITER. We' sell, rent, and repair all makes of typewriters. Write for new catalogue of New Densmore. Huxley, Ryai?' :1Oo,v,"'.;.7; 82 Fourth Street Portland, Or. politician of Seaside, was In the city yesterday evening. V. H. Coffey and daughter, Miss Mamie -Coffeyr returned - yesterday from a visit to Wlnlock, Wash. Otis Patterson' was called to The Dalles last evening by a telegram an nouncing the serious Illness of his wife. Professor Dennie left for San Fran cisco on yesterday's boat. He will prob. ably remain permanently In the Eay City. " : , Mrs. J. H. Smith and Mrs. F. J Taylor returned last night from Port land, where they accompanied Mrs C. R. Thomson, who is enroute for Los Angeles to be with her invalid husband. BEST 15-CENT MEAL. Yoti-w(fl ftlwayi Jnd thea'test J.if' meal ul the Stty.a th BJsiftgvSukf'es taurant. No. 613 Commercial street, Smoke La Imperial cigars. The British ship Glenesslin will be brouKht over from the north shore where she was recently fumigated and anchored below Smith's point. She will remain there for the next seven days when the auarantlne will be lifted. The ship was alive with rats and cock' roaches. When the fumes of the sul nher bexan to tell on the vermin, the roaches crawled from every conceivable crack and crevice on the ship, so that the decks were literally covered with them. It was Impossible to walk about the ship without crunching them. The sulphur turned them to almost trans there, were dead rats, and plenty of them. , , IT'S WONDERFUL The smimut of (rood ypu'll receive from a few doses of Hostttter's Htoinncli Bit ters, especially when the stomach in dis ordered or tlie liver innotive. It cures Lost of Appetite, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Chills or Malaria. Be sure to trv it. nlso obtnin a eonv of our Illustrated Almanac for 1004 from your 673 Commercial Street, urncKtst. it Is -ret and rontimm in- smionve muting matter trim is well '.TELEPHONE BED-2061. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Real Easy .10 ) . . , Save lots of , Money , , Everything that's Beautiful Chir .wnre, Crockery Class ware Fincy Holiday Ornam its and Novelties " Dolls, Lamps, Clocks . . IVich Cut aiasi Dinner Sets Come before Parting with your Money , Ost our prices Great American Importing j Tea Co 1. 0 Stores That's t!u Reason. 571 Commerclsl St- Astoria. Ore ' ; STILL IN TTHH LEAD Dainty eaters, people with hearty appetites theater parties, and all other parties And what therdeilre ud some to appreciate at the Toke Point oyster house. The choicest viands In the mar ket are there served In most pleasing style. Open all night Private rooms. THE PALACE BATHS. The best place to get any of a bath is at The Palace Bath. Best equipped barber shop In the city. Five artists always on hand tf A LIFE SAVER Many lives are annually destroyed by diseases resulting from faulty plumbing Be sure your plumbing Is done by an expert, and save annoyance and dart ger.' Gas and steam fitting,' heating, tinning, etc. Fixtures In stock. - T JOHN- A. MONTGOMERY, 1 425 Bond street', ' 'Phone 1031, , CAI'I ON THEM. Electrical fixtures., , Electrical wiring. Electrical supplies. Gas mantels guaranteed. 43S Commercial street. TRULLINGER ft HARDEST Y, s ; Electrical Contractors. , OCCIDENT 8HOP ; . i Four chairs at the Occident barber shop. No use to miss everything wait ing for a shave. First-class artists and by the way, this Is the place to get a bath. Everything the very best. ' tf. BUSINESS CHANCES. The Columbia Oyster House is now handling tbe celebrated Toke Point oysters. ff ' Dry slabwood. cut to 18-tm h lnt!th8. for sale by Wm Kelly at reasouable rates. Full-' moasure . sru unteal. Orders Riven prompt attention ; phone 1221 black. " For Sale. Comfortable residence in nice location, four moms with basement coveritiR all tioor sjnace; terms reasonable. For particulars apply ,to Robert Gibson, publisher Dailt News. Those whs need tinning done on their houses should call on J.. A. Montgomery, the tinning depertmerjt of whose establishment is in charge of L. Koe, who has no superior In that line of the business. -Ji very fine variety, of articles . of fancy work will Wo'ffored for sale by the Bisters of the Convent of the Holy Ifftrhes. The articles are suitable for Christmas presents,; and those desir ing bargains of thai description will be pleased with the opportunity presented.- T. F, X-aurin,, the new proprietor of what has been known ' as the Conn drug store, has re-arranged the store throughout, and is paying particular attention to the prescription depart ment, In which is being' Introduced the excellent system followed by Mr. Laurin in his Bond street establish ment. Careful attention given to all orders and the filling of prescrip Notice to the Public. Notioe is hereby giyen that the un ersigned will not be responsible for any bills that may be contracted by his wife, Mrs. John Johnson, after this date; " a-'Johh Johnson. MelvIlle,Ore.,November 27,1903. lot ooociaxxxjocxxxxxxxx Great Eastern Furniture Co. Kit? rouMKRriM, ST. - ASTORIA, OREUON h SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEIl t$c Brass -for Opaque window shades 35c quality at 25c Extension rods 2 s cCorrogated cottage poles , . white, four feet long for..,. 15c Decorated cups and saucers in semi porcelain 2 for 25c Iron beds from $2.50 UP 6 Hole steel range the big. ;V gest value ever offered worth $35 00 this, week for............ $29.50 , '" ' - " ' 'Y Wood seat high back chair , ; ' , ,wort.h 6sp,this week. . 5()c . AU. linen f'arp matting nice patterns all this week at ; petard..... 19c: Heating stoves $2.25 UP K-1 O 8' Wcirry the largest line of Louh'ges,'"Couches'and SofeisTnlHe'citj S Let us figure with you on furnishing your home; we can do it in. . good style. We sell.the famous Ohio Steel Range-best on earth. ; AgeiitS tor the JJew jforoe.- Sewing Ma'ctiioS; price's away downV. The Mug Saloon Corner Ninth and Astor St ? t (ilioes, Iiiquors. and Cigars Of the Finest Quality Fisbarmea ud Seiner' ileadqaarters C. W. Barr-Dentist Mansell ' Building Astoria, Orei Fishers' Opera House L. E. SELIG, Lessee and Manager Week commencing Monday Dec. 14, 1903. ' hi ..... ..- -i Mlndreader and Predistltator. PrkeK Reserved seats 50 cents, Gallery 15 cents. Seat - . v tpens Saturday aiorniaj at Griffia's book store. sale , MEETING NOTICE. . Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stocchold- ers of the Columbia River Packers As? soclatlnn will be held at the office of the company, at Astoria, Ore., on December l'4th, 1903, at U o'clock,' a. m.fdrthe' purpose of electing directors, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly be considered. 11 ' )3y order of the president. GEORGE H. GEORGE, Scc'y. . . COAU COALt COALI -If you want your, money's worth Rinir 'Phone 1311. .. . , GEO. W. SANBORN, Agt. HATS TRIMMED FREE. , Has Just received a Full line of Military Raglans for ladles. Come and see before purchasing elsewhere. Complete Furnishing Goods, Hair ., Switches and Pompedours. MRS. R. INGLBTON, , Welch Block. CARLSON'S:.. ; Family Jiqnor Store s Choicest Table Wines for Families PMVATB BTOCK-Cream Bye, Old Hickory ! Pride of Keutuokey nd HermiU(- 1 ; BeptolU California Brandies. i ' i.V.'if-..M i.itf; '.() XI Twelfth Street, . ;. - Astoria You can save money by seeing Robinson Furniture Store DesRs, Couches, Center ; Tables and RocKers.... Be Sure and See Them Before Going' Elsewhere ' Prices Are Right ;? ;-;i" - IKE "IMPERIAL" HOTEL " O. W. KNOWLEW, Pbo, 4- WILL MADISON, . 5 ,J. f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' :-: , 534 , DEALER IN CIGARS i All the Leading Brands Sold at Portland Prices.. Commercial Street, ' - - f and 114 Eleventh Street, p CAJTQRIA: CRFCAN J. H. HANSEN Plumbinq and t V-l . STEAM AND OAS FITTING Tinning ., RATES: , , European Plan . Amarloan i'Uu fi, $1.50, $a $2, $n.$o, $y 8i(' t' and Wah'.netn strta.Pnftiaif re Jhe Germania i WM. BOCK, Prop, J" WINES LIQUORS and CIGflRS Weinhard's Celebrated Beer Corner Bond and Tenth ..... Astorin CHEAP FUEL. Fir slabwood, stove lengths, $2.00 per cord, Boxwood 11.50 par large load. Phon 2211 Black, Kelly, the transfer man. PIANO TUNER. . For good, reliable piano work se your local , tuner, To. Frederlckson, 207i noiid (tree,,- phone 2074 Red. Fishers' n Opera House! 3 L E. SELIG, Lusee and Atanager H ABOUT AUSTRALIAN COA!. Coal Is the . beat fuel, ' Australian Is the best coal. Tou don't have to hire It split, ! It burns without seasoning, No large Space required for It, " Australian coal excells all others, 1 It makes less aahes and dirt, It keeps a hot even (Ire, It Is the cheapest fuel, -Call up phone 191 for coal, ; We deliver It for you. , No charge for delivery. "" ' lAIORE A CO. Bargain for Any One Desiring, to do " Into Business, i ) The proprietor of a good paying fruit, confectionery and olgar and to-! baoco store desires to sell out on ao-1 count of poor health, aod will do so ' on terms adyantageous to the pur-: ahaser. In addltloa to tha store, there! UaslxtMtt-room lodging house, It rooms furnished and thr un furnished, and all bsvlair occupants. I For further Mrtiovlara sdoIv a.t thi H All work promptly Eyperted.' Telephone 441 Main. "r. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 505 Bond Street, Astoria," 9 -l-. Thursday Evening, ; ; S Dec. 10, 1903 . . r.... . . H ine greatest 01 an ixwn liast EICHARD GOLDEN 'S aLl.eW a(i ALL Old ,With the best company ever pre senting this Famon play inclndinjf ..Robert Crai . GoUlen's original nnderstud; as "Old Jed Prouty." Harry and Morse 10-Big Vaudeville AoU-lO Psicns Beserred Bests 75 eta., Gallery 50 (Ml. Seat sale epeiui , Wednesday merning at GriCEu'e H "bookstore. Tlie Waldorf THE BEST OF iWjNES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS,; Concert Every Evening ;n;,a. Corner 8th and Astor Sts. :'U' Astoria. Oregon . T U r UflP im ii GUS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Xoast ; a a n n a a a' i a a. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a n a a a a a a a a a a a), j ...,, Phone ,3i -' a ft T Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars f. SEE THE ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. a a a, a a tt a a a a a a a a a . a ASTORIA a , , - a: ,i l a i- oaaa. , Knn a a - a a a a a a a n a a a a a a a nun aa