The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 09, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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I , A
vSvenson'sBobk Store
657 Commercial St. ' ' ; Astoria, Oregon
N O T ji I N G
j so well as nicely lauadried
. j and most sanitary laundry
:, work. All White help.
Oor. Tenth and Dnane St.
FboDe 1991
A. IULJUNEN-The Union Tailor
Suits to order and
North Pacific Beer
Rr J. OWENS, Proprietor.
s Gus Brooks. Manager, " -
Fine Bar and the Best
Eighth and Astor Streets, -
" " ' '"-v. V8f T .'''' -P' K,:':' T 7?!
; 'We are prepared to furnish good table board at the most reason
able' rates. Home cooking and wholesome 'food, and courteous
' treatment to our patrons. 1
The Central Hotel
it '
K. M. HANSEN & CO., ,
Plumbing arid Tinning
est Work
est Prices
est Material
Prompt Attention Given to All Orders
W. N.
Commercial Street ' ;
Real Estate values may fall, Stocks of any kind may
decline, banks may suspend, and so, also, may ln-
insurance companies, but If you want tomake a safe
t vestment and be sure of converting your cash into
something that Is bound to appreciate in value,
And now that the rainy season is at hand, remember
that we can furnish, at reasonable cost a handsome
Silk Dmrella for youwels,
& heart.
1 ni 'Hi H-in-ni H-r w iwf hi
You will find every morning during the
;;onthjj, of November (ad Decern ter
k A
Solid Gold and Gold-filled watches, with ,. ..
1 the finest Walthan, El?in and Hampden
x. movements, all away below eastern prices,- - -Change
of entire display daily., Come and
see. Count them.,. , :
, ' I. 1 . , , r ; '
M Ml 1 1 HI M III I 1 1 I li 1 1 1 r II
M. C BOWERS, Mgr. - Special Rate to Astoriacsj
LdoKing for a Present?
We bave a complete tine bi.
Toys, Albums, Manicure Sets,
Burnt Wood Souvenirs, Tic-
lures. Our Booh are up-lo.dale
P L E A 5 E 5
linen. We have the neatest
in the state and do the best
Troy Laundry
Fit Guaranteed.
'Phone 831
of Liquors and Cigars
- Astoria," Oregon.
- Proprietors
- '
Astoria, Ur
your wife or your sweet
-iv..' '!v . .
, 466 Commercial Street
' ' Aftorla, Oregon
i i inn 111 1 1 1 in n 1 nir
j 1
, . I
1 1 1 Hi II 1 1 1 IH 11 1 1 I I I I 1 1
Notice is hereby given that qb the th
day' of. December, 1903, a general elec
tion for the City of Astoria will be held
at which election the following named
officers will be elected, to-wit: ,
One Mayor, for a term of two years.
, One City Treasurer, for a term of two
years. ; .-. 1 .
One Police Commissioner, for a term
of six years.
One Auditor and Police Judge, for a
term of two years.
One City Surveyor, for a term of two
One Superintendent of Streets, for a
term of two years.
Two Councilmen from the First ward,
for a term of three years
One Councilman from the Third ward.
for a term of three years
That the polls for said election shall
be' opened at the hour of i o'clock, a,
m., and shall remain open to the hour
of 8 o'clock, p. m., on said day, at
which time they shall be closed.
That the following described regis
tration.and polling precincts and vot
ing places, therein are hereby estab
Hshed and, ,the following named per
sons appointed as judges and clerks for
said .polling . places, .for said election,
to-wit: , . ' ,; .,,.(
Registration and polling precinct No.
1, in Ward No. 1, shall include all that
rortion of tb City of Astoria lying
west of the west line of, McClure's As
toria if extended a sufficient distance
north and south to. Intersect the north
and; south lines of the Jlty of Astoria
and the polling place for said precinct
shall be SuOma hall. The Judges of
election for said polling place shall be
S. G. Trullinger, Leander Lebeck and
Henry Helnonen, and the clerks shall
be Frank Norberg and Frans Kan.
Registration and polling precinct No.
In Ward No. 1, shall include all that
portion of the City of Astoria lying
between the east boundary line of
precinct No., 1. and the center line of
Eighth street in McClure's Astoria if
extended a sufficient distance north
and south to intersect the north and
south boundary lines of the City of As.
ltoria, and the polling place lor , saiq
precinct shall be engine house No,
at the corner of Seventh and Commer
cial streets. The Judges of election at
. ....
said jolling place shall be P. J. Good
mahl Thos. E. Nelson and Albert Brix,
and The 'clerks C. C. Utzinger and
George Hill
Registration and polling precinct No
3, in Ward No. 1, shall Include all that
portion of the City of Astoria between,
the east bundary line of precinct No. 2,
and th center line of Twelfth street if
extended a sufficient distance north and
south to intersect the north and south
boundary lines of the City of Astoria,
and the polling' place of said precinct'
shall be engine house No. 2, at the City
Hall,, and the Judges of election shall
be Herman Wise, H. D. Thing and B
F. Allen, and the clerks shall be R..G
Prael and Arthur Leberman.
Registration and polling precinct No
4, in Ward No. 2, shall include, all that
portion of the City of Astoria lying be.
tween the east boundary line of pre
cinct No. 3 and the center, line of
Twenty-first street if extended a suf
ficient distance north and south to in.
tersect the north and south boundary
lines of the City of Astoria, and the
polljng place, for said precinct shall be
the room at No. 854 in the Welch block
,m Commercial street, and the Judges
of election lor eaia precinct snau oe
C. R. Thomson, August Danlelson and
A. Scherneckau, and the clerks shall be
D. T. Gerdes and D. H. Welch,
Registration and polling precinct No
6, In Ward No. 2, shall include all that
portion of the City of Astoria lying be
tween the east boundary line of pre
cinct No. 4, and the east line of the J.
M.Shively D.L.C.if extended a sufficient
distance north and south to intersect the
north and south boundary lines of the
City of Astoria, and the polling place
for said precinct shall be engine house
No. 3. The Judges of election for said
polling place shall be Horry Jones, L.
Larson and William Kelly, and the
clerks shall be Peter Johansen and E
Registration and polling preclaot No.
6, In Ward No. shall include all that
portion of the City of Astoria lylBg be
tween the east boundary llrie of pre
cinct No. 5 and, the east boundary of
the City of Astoria, and the polling
place in said precinct shall be
the 'old school house In Adair's Astoria.
The; Judges of election for said polling
place shall be Ole B. Olsen, F. C. Reed
anct John Enberg,. and the clerks of
election shall be T, C. Fredrtcksdn and
Jake Utzlnger..,
111. JUUgD Ul IHCIIklfllCU BlfUII UC
the chairman of the Judges of the poll
ing place for which he is mentioned.
Each elector of t?ie city shall vote
nly within the precinct In which he
resides and in which he is registered.
Tot sale at a bargain Tract of (land
in McClure's Astoria. 100 feet square.
For particulars inquire at this office.
I hereby offer a reward of 125.00 for
the recovery of the body of my wife
who was drowned on Tuesday morn
log In the Lewis and Clark river.
tf. , J(AT Jojrs, '
The cosiest and moat tastefully dec
orated cafe in the northwest is that
of Aug. Kratz, on Sixth St, near
Washington, Portland. All goods
w&rr&nriwi anrl lunnh matwA at 11
0im m "", "' wmii l.llWlU.lllilii,l.TPrnMW.-aM-w.W..-f-iw-Sv. - ' - " ' ' ""'
,.y 1.. 1 . , f .... ,i i,a
. '.'.)..
, ' , ' v , , - .
Annual Election Held by Ma
sonic Lodge Last Night
The annual election of officers of Sts.
John chapter, No. 14, R. A. M., wan
held last ' evening. With the following
result: ' " ' " ' ' '
M. E. H. P. W. T. Schoineld.
, e" K. Dr. Jay Tuttle." '"
; E. S.-W. L. Robb. !? "
Secretary E. C. Holden. ,
Treasurer J. Q. A. Bowlby. '
C. of H.-O. F. Hellborn. , '
P. S. E. Finney.
R. A. C.-N. A. Peterson.
M.';ldV.-H. M. Wherity. ''
M. 3d V. H. J. Wherity. '
M. 1st V.-Willlam RehfeldtV
Sentinel L. Hartwig.
The date of the installation has hot
yet been fixed-
Superintendent of Streets Kearney In
upected the road leading around Smiths
Point yesterday and reports that It is
practically in an impassable condition.
The street Is literally burled in mud,
traffic being at a standstill. The Sash
ft Door Company's factory Is shut off
from the city, and residents in that
part of the city feel as though they are
off the earth. Mr. Kearney will file a
report with the street committee at the
next meeting of the council recommend
Astor Street
and Billiard Parlor
Most Popular
Resort . . ,
Kopp's Celebrated Beer Always on
DriuiRiit. imporwa ooofis; for
eign and BornoHtic Cigars ' ' -
Program Week Coiumeiclng December 7 '
A Cure for the Bluu,
Overture, Betr it 5c, The Waiter. ,
A return Engagement of (he Sparkling
Joubrette, .'. CARMELITA MEEIC
Overture, "Mlitrtfi Nell Waltza"
Now we have the wnutlonal hit of the
eaton, JOHN J. LORD, and
MEEK CARMEUTA, in a novelty
act of their own.
Overture, "Bamboo Queen"
The pen of Song lllurtraton, LUCY
CUNNINGHAM, printing Howlty
HavlUnd and Dreuer'i Latest Sue
cesses, "Down In the Meadow
when the Green Gran Grows."
Overture, Wait lor the Moving Pictures,
The somewhat different commediui.
1 Program Is subject to change wtihast notice.
ing the street be improved. One hun
dred dollars, the superintendent ex
plains, will pay for improvements that
will set things to rights.
iThe coasting steamer Despatch has
arrived in from San Francisco and way
points. '
John Borose Tuesday made declara
tion before County Clerk Clinton of his
intention of becoming a citisen of the
United States. t ' j
Maty Treasurer Dealey called at'the
office of The Astorlan and Dally News
yesterday afternoon and requested cor
rection of a statement; alleged to have
teen made by John Hahn, republican
candidate for the office of treasurer, at
the recent smoker given by the Toung
Mens' Republican Club. Mr. Hahn is
said to have" made the statement that
there was $20,000 on hand in the elty
treasury nnd that Warrants to the
amount of the money on hand should
be called. . Mr. Dealey produced his
trial balance dated September 30, 1903,
showing cash In the general fund
amounting to (3224.06, of which amount
txw belonged to the park fund, while
$1600 was paid cut October 2 for bond
Interest. All of the remainder of the
cash on hajid belonged to the various
street funds, and. nearly all of It has'
been paid out. The actual amount of
money on hand at that time, says Mr,
Dealey, was $10,668, including the $800
for the park fund, the $1500 paid out for
bond interest ' on October V nnrt the
sums In the various street funds..
I is tii
iere nv , snan
Pears' which has been sold
in two - centuries - and is
Belling ifr the third?
I 'aoldsttowtbi'woild y t
JOHN J. LORD, will hold your at-
1 tentlon.
Overture, "The Lion Hunter"
In more of the Latest Eastern Successes,
Overture, "Ben Hur Waltzes"
The Magnetic Star, CARMEUTA MEEK
will please you.
Overture, "The Varsity Girl"
i. P,., FRED T. AttlTON.
The Eccentric Comedian, JOHN J. LORD,
will pass out a few knock-out drops.
Overture, Don't forget the pictures.
Once more with the same old smile, .
Overture, "Marlta," Flotow.
Edison's Latest Invention, The Proecl.
scope, in different subjects and
cents . j r:,
Prof. Clark Speaks of the Proposed
Levy for High School
"""" ; Purposes.
Sound Argument in Favor
iPqnal Privileges to PupiN
x From Both City and
City Superintendent of Schools Clark
believes that the proposed tax levy to !
be made upon the county for the sup
port of the local hlh school Is the best
thing possible. "There are eight pu-
pile paying tuiUon at the present time," i'
snid Mr. Clark yesterday. "Each pays f
$20 for the year. It would require but 'f
a email levy to make up this and a
good deal more. That the young people i,
throughout the county should be prlv-
liege to attend the high school with-'
out cost to themselves I certainly evl-
dent to all, and tax levy if mad would it
be sn small and so justified that there 4
would not likely be any objection to j
the plan," jtt,, Is believed by Superin-
lendeht Clark and others that if the
school would b thrown open to all free
of charge that the Increase of attend- i
ance would be marked, ; and the Im
portance of the institution would
quickly be manifest! ' The matter will
be taken up with the county authorl- J;
ties at an early date, and It Is thought
will 1.131 iiiiiiulo mvuntuijr, . j y f
111 .. 1. 1 : ; . . .
T' Il'i II tfnii.nn t: 11 a of An w.
soa last week. . ..... ,,.
,. Miss. A. G.
..Davidson, of. Portland, .
was a guest
of Miss C 'V.' Hess on
Thanksgiving day, ani pTMIwi. EnUna j
yttm ai.Aetorla J,.
Mr. Zurlo has accepted a position at 1
the machine shops of the A. "ft C. R.- R. j
and will make Warrenton his home for, j
the, present. v a j
John Reeves of Warrenton Is enter- j
talnlng hie '.brother from San Fran-
Arthur Sweeney of Seattle was visit- I'
In hie brother, 1 Frank , Sweeney, last ( .
week. ., 1 ; -t
Mr. Alice Radcliff of Knappa Is j
Visiting with Mrs. A. J. Hill.
Mrs, W. E. Grlder is In Portland ;
visiting her sister, Mrs. Powers, and
will remain for two weeks.
The boilers of the new Warrenton i
mill have arrived and will soon be in I
place, as the foundation is about ready.
Rev. W. S. Short will hold regular
aervtces In St. . Thomas' chapel Friday i
Miss Alma Johnson was a guest of
Miss Eva Barker a few days last week.
Mlsa Clara Munson has returned from ;
a two weeks stay in Portland, , Sh
visited with fir, 'cousin,, Mrs. D Rat-