The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 29, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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County Clerk Clinton Fivors Gen
eral Regulation Covering
Fees for Recording.
of Mies Laura Fox I accomplishing
much la the rehearsal for themenwrlal
session to be held by the lodge of Elks
on the flret Sunday in December. On
of the numbers to be sung Is an ar
rangement of Tunnliaueer, Wagner"
great somposltlon.
Final paper o cltlsenshlp were
granted by the county court yeeterday
to Frank Tancabellth, a native of Aus
tria. Before County Clerk Clinton
August IUtmMger, a native of Ger
many, declalred hi Intention of be
coming a cltisen.
George Hibbert Assailed by lrafe
Resident of Chinook Last
Friday Evening.
We are exclusive
agents for
New line Just In. "The Money
Back" Kind If not satisfactory.
Deputy District Attorney Eakln yes
terday Jlled a demurrer to the com
plaint of Alexander H. McDonald, of
Weatport. who has brought ult ogolnrt
the county for damage. The demur
rer I general and I baaed on the In
tufflclency of tu-us.
w w. Whlntile, of A tori a, ha an
Special Measure Will B Pre
sented If no Effort la Made
to Thm General Law
for Alt Cuiuitle
Newspaper Man I Seized by the
Throat and ltecelve 8tlng
lug- Blow ou the Hide
or the Head.
HiilFVUr. A. K.
SIfNBAT "", .
Monday . . .
Tuesday . . ..
Vdneday . i
Thundoy .
Friday . . .
Saturday ' .
li 40
7; JO
S: 11
;t A Gentleman desiring to be re
ceived into society must be ready
to dress in society's .full dress.
WE hive the world famous Alfred Benjamin Full
Dreii Suit as well ait HiiHincss or Sunday Suits.
Thli Brand of fine Clothing
Uuruiy Tairor in Price, but
in the "STYLE" furnished
ligner employed by Alfred Ilcnjamin or B. Kuppen
hcimer & Co. for both of which makes we are Sole
Agents in Astoria.
5;ection of Critics Is Solicited
Tho probabilities sr thai th new
Warrenton mill will not begin opera
tion until March. The delay la occas
ioned by the nonarrlval of the machin
ery, which was ordered some months
40 but which has not put In an appear
a lies. Aside from metalline the ma
chinery the mill Is In entire shape, the
final touches to the building having
been put on noine days ago- It waa at
Carriage and Wagon Building. First-Class Horse Sbocln;
Logging Camp Work,
. All kinds of wagon materials in stock for sale.
We guarantee the best work done in the city. Prices right.
' .Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts. ,Thone9i. ,
Low Water.
Monday , , .
Tumidity , , ,
Thursday . ,
Friday . , .
Saturday , .
I A.-M.' T1T1
it 1:41 't."4 1:11
IS 1:11 I.I 1:44
14 10:41 1.7 10:11
24 10:11 1.110:40
14 11:41 1.7 11:17
27 U
21 1:14 i.l 1:41
WW. wjl
tfyM HA
docs not only beat the
no ordinary 1 ailor can put
by the Jio.oao a year He-
flret thought that the new plant would
be In onerathm the flret of the new
year but this plan must be abandoned,
owing tn circumstances. The machin
ery has been en route (or some weeks
and there U no accounting for It de
lay In arriving. That H will be here
shortly the company la certain, but
time must be allowed for (ta Installa
tion. ....., '. C
v Adda Comfort
To Your Home ,
. Only ..
We havemany
stylos and sizes,
Soe our Jewell Stoves and
If a general bill 1 offered at the
forthcoming legtnlature providing foes
for recording deeds In the several coun
tlM.C'IMwip's delegation will not pre
nt a hutaaure. If. however, no en-
era! bill Is. framed, the local legisla
tor will take sups to protect tne in
terests of this county. The matter of
framing the necessary bill has been left
to County Judge Trencnata ana ia
Srlot Attorney Allen.
Of all the oountlea of the state, but
two have at present any protection
from poaolble recovery of fees collected
for the service of recording deeds since
USA- Multnomah and Tillamook, hav
ing wideawake representatives In the
legislature, discovered the dtacrepency
In th law and succeeded tn getting
special bills through for their own pro
tection. Similar axtlon will be taken
by Clatsop's delegation at tha special
semlon In the event that no general
OiesMure la offered. ,
"I hope that a general bill Oslny uni
form feva In all the t counties of the
state, will be paused st the special oes-
slon," said County Clerk Clinton yes
terday. "Freauently people come Into
my oflUe with deeds wbUh they wish
sent to other counties, and we are un
able to give them posltlv Information
as to tha fees exacted outside Clstsnp
bounty. It eema to me the law should
be a gfneral one, for thla would aave
much annoyance and Inconvenience,
and, nbove 0,11, stop the constant com
plaint that Is registered with the re
cording clerk.
Mr. Clinton Is of the opinion that the
fee for recording deeda should be 15
centa a folio flat. At present each folio
(100 words) Is charge for at the rate of
25 cento, while an additional charge of
10 cents per name Is made for Indexing.
The lertlrtcate of record la 28 cents
mre. The average Instrument con
tains 400 words and the cost la $t.45.
Under a flat rate of 2S cents a folio
ih . harirs wo tld b II where now 11.45
Ik charged. Clatsop exacts a greater
rhnrge than almoet any other county
in the slate.
pMnmratlone will be made to Intro-
rt,.. a hill, nrovldlntr for fee In Clat
sop county, and the meaaure will be
prenoed If a general law 1 not contem
plated. Local Brevities.
Unuae for rent. Furniture for sale.
Apply at 872 Franklin avenue.
mim arace nannels will render a
vocal solo at thla evening's aervlce 6f
the M. K. church. -
n..1u. mAtln nf Astoria TyPO-
graphical Union. 'No. 604, this after
noon at 4 o'clock. Important buslneas
Christmas novelties now coming in.
Full line of things to burn. Visitors
always welcome. Frank Woodflelds
Art Store, Bond street. tf
ThA nrm nf Truilliiaer A Hordeety
-tn now supplied with a line of gas and
manltne mantled, wh en will be guar
anteed to do good aervlce.
William Bcaeley, the well known nlm
rod, succeeded In killing an otter, over
on Youngs river, Friday. This animal
Is very scarce In this section.
Tho local aerie of Eagles will have a
rousing good meeting this afternoon,
to which all visiting members are In
vited. A program of music and song
haa been provided.
The aetond high school football team
beat the can factory team yesterday,
the-fcor being 20 to . There was not n
large attendance, but the boya enjoyed
themselves. ' ' , , '
The local branch of the National
Letter Carriers' Association are mak
ing big arrangements for a grand ball
to be given on New Tear's eve in
Foard . Stokes hall. . The ball gives
promise of being largely attended.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Silas B.
tmlth was held yesterday fro mthe fam
lly resltlenca at Sklpanon, Rev. J. w.
McCormae officiated at the services and
the Interment was In the old pioneer
cemetery on the plains.
Th largo choir under the direction
"Ky Mhn had bma a nlmr ho ilk audMn
Su Ik lait Itnli'ln 7r tod at toanj aay
nlM anUI ha antu uklot your CaieaMM. Slaa
kahat kataa taking OMoanla ha kaa Btvat k4
tha haadaoha. They hava aallraW aai4 hlak
OuearaU 4a wbat jot naonnand nm la So. I
will lr. yoa tha priTllaia ot tula hla "
I.M. l)lkioo, UM BaalMrSt., W.IndlaaapoUt, lad.
SkS Beat For
(7 mJS Th Dowel a .
nauant, PalalaMa, PoMmt. Taata 0vo4. poO4,
toU In bolk. Tha noimlna !( fi.ray.d 000,
Qaattnuad le aura of roar nonar oca.
Star ling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 5B
nounced hi determination of erectlrtr
a 600,OW hotel In Port land. He bo
ecured a lte In th central part of the
city and will go eat shortly to study
up lata lotel Innovation. Th new
hotel will hav 150 room and will be
flmt-clM in every particular.
The lighthouse tender Columbine I
lying at th foot of Ninth street, where
repair are being -made to the pilot
house. The windows In the pilot houee
hav been leaking of late, and new
window or .being metalled. Captain
Rlrhsrdaon haa no order at present
but expects that be will go to sea some
time during th week.
Mis Oertrud Kearney suffered th
amputation of her right foot yeaterday
at St. Mury hospital, to which tntl
tutlon th young lady wo taken th
evening previous for treatment. Mis
Kearney bo been suffering greatly of
late and It was found that her only re
lief would be secured through an oper
atlon. .'' - ' f . . "'
i 'City rhynlclan Pllklngton discovered
six cases of scarlet fever yeeteraay in
addition to the cooes already reported.
This makos eight pronounced case, al
though there hav been many other
wares, Th homes now under quaran
tine are ail In the west end of the city.
Non of the patients I wrlouoly 111
and It I thought that good care will
bring them all afe!y through.
The recent buolne session of the
Oregon Free Aoooclatlon held at Sa
lem haa arouoed widespread interest
In western, enterprise and project.
The association la bringing the Lewis
and Clark fair before th public In a
tclllror mannw. The membership dues
.tre reasonable and It la expected that
before long every newspaper man In
the state will b Identified with the
organisation. ' i . "
Tomorrow evening the great comedy
drama. "In Convict Stripes," will be
produced at Fishers' opera house. The
play la one that appeals to all classes
of theater-goer, being a southern one.
with all It aunshlne and beautiful
flowers. An enjoyable evening of
laughter end tear I Insured by the
management. The company carries Its
own scenery and effect. Seat now
elllng at Grlffln'o book tore.
A caMnet exhibit of Columbia river
ulmun ar nrmed by the superintendent
of the Chinook hatchery, showing Ash
from un-lmpregnated egga to flsh Ave
niontho old. Is the Interesting display
made by th Seaborg Packing Com
pany. A copyrighted protograph mode
of th exhibit I In th hand of the
company, a. tew copies of which have
been distributed among the press and
friends. The exhibit peaks volumes of
what can be don In the artificial prop
agation of fish,
At Friday evenlng'a meeting of Cli
max Camp 895, Woodmen of the World,
the following officer were elected to
serv the ensuing year: Thomas Woo
ten, past councillor commander; M. F.
Hardesy. councillor commander; Tho
Parker, advisor lieutenant; William
Kelly, eocort; C. B. Foster, clerk; B.
J. Pye, banker; . Robert Whldby, man
ager; George Coffman, Inside watch
man; Henry Roe, outside watchman;
J. A. Fulton, R. J. Pllklngton, C. A.
Cordlner, physlclana. K f
The bar dredge Chinook la now laid
up for repair to her boiler. Th work
1 being don by the Astoria Iron
Works and will occupy the entire week,
it la exDected. - Captain Lynan, who
haa been In charge ot the Chinook, left
vraterday to loin the transport Thomas
at San Francisco, to which vessel he
has been assigned. The Chinook Is
In charze of Captain Dunbar and It
.vnoctad that he will succeed Captalni
Lynan a commanding officer'.of the
big dredge, ' ?
Th dedication of the new Presbyter-
Ian church will take place next Sunday
evening. It far the Intention of the
authorities of th ' denomination to
.wait the arrival of theew whicn
have been ordered for so long a time,
but there will be no longer delay. W
case the pews do not arrive for the ded
Icatlon, seating arrangements will be
tmrxrlxed. th intention being to use
the pews ot the old edifice and It those
trove Insufficient to add to them wun
chairs. ' Mis Reba Hobson is training
a full chorus choir that will render a
sacred concert -for th occasion.
The offlclala ar exercising every pre
caution possible- to prevent the epread
of scarlet lever that Is now becoming
alarmingly prevalent in this ctty. Strict
quarantine 1 being established over an
homes affeoted with the malady and a
special officer will be appointed to keep
tab on the district under surveillonce.
The city teachers ore working In har
mony with the methods being employed
by the regular, officials and with their
assistance It la expected to reduce dan
ger of the spread In the schools to a
minimum. While City Physician Pll
klngton ts frequently colled out when
there Is really, no cause for special
alarm, nevertheless he readily responds
so no risks are run that can in any way
be avoided.
Because he tosk offense at an article
published In the current imue of the
Chinook Observer, Orrla H. Belknap
assaulted Oeorg Hlbbert, editor of th
paper, Friday evening in front of th
leading store ot th north shore town.
Mr. Hlbbert wsm on the point of enter
ing the tor when be wa (topped by
llelknsp, who grabbed the editor by
the arms and In an Infuriated manner
demanded who wo th writer of the
article In question. Mr. Hlbbert re
plied that the Observer wa responsible
t"r the article and any and all matter
that appeared in th paper. Not being
able to Intimidate Mr. Hlbbert. or com
pel him to divulge the ouurce of hi
information, It I alleged that Belknap
oelxed the editor by the throat, at the
same time delivering vleious abuse and
violently striking out with hi rfcht
arm as If he Intended to do bodily harm
In this way he worked himself Into a
passion and at hurt struck Mr. Herbert
a slinging blow on the side of the head
that fortunately did not result serious
ly. At this point outsiders stepped up
snl putlel th txestlant away. Bel
knap Is a large, blustering fellow capa
ble ot pounding the Observer man Into
Jelly In less than no time, Hlbbert Is
a man of small stature. -
Belknap ha gained no little notoriety
tn Chinook on previous occasion. He
has dabbled in politic at cross pur
pose with the Observer, and all his
attempt to dominate and succeed have
been signal failures. The Observer op
posed him In his attempt to Slsrupt
th republican organisation at the last
campaign and since then he bos had It
tn for the paper. Last spring Belknap
got Into trouble with the trapmen by
driving a trap between two well known;
locations in Baker's bay. Now he ts
trying to make Otto Rosendahl and the
Standard Box Company agree' to his
demands regarding rafting and the con
struct Ion and operation of a boom on
Bear river, or to compel them to shut
down business. Mr. Rosendaht and
the box company ore standing pat on
the demands and thexharges for dam
age done to a dyke, deeming them ex
horbant and unjust. Reference to the
latter cose is what Infuriated Belknap
and Induced him to assault the editor
of the Oberaerver, though It does not
appear that th article gave anything
but a general statement of facts.
Special Election Will Entail an
Outlay or About $725.
The cost of the special election to be
held In Clatsop December 14 will not be
nearly so great as was at first expected
County Clerk Clinton yesterday com
plied an1 estimate of the probable expen
ses, which to shown to be )725, as fol
lows: Judges and clerks 1168 00
Messengers 4$ 00
Erecting booths, etc. 18 00
Expressage ..' 11 00
Delivering supplies, etc. 18 00
Canvassing return I 00
Supplies, ticket printing ....... 125 00
Total 1725 00
The estimate is based on the cost of
other elections. Because of the tact
that there will be no registration for
the special election, the cost will be
much less.
Registrations - Indicate That
1200 Will Be Cast.
Up to the close of business yesterday
afternoon 904 person had registered
for the coming city election. Last
year th total number of registration
was 1057. The fflce of the Auditor waa
open last night from 7 to I for the ac
comodation of voters and will be open
all the nights of the present week ex
cept Saturday night. The books will
be closed at 4 o'clock Saturday after
noon. That the registrations will ex
ceed 1200 I now certain, and the num
ber may come nearer 1400, The follow
ing statement shows the registrations
for 190S to date, the total Teglstratlons
for 1908 and the vote In 1902: -
' . Vote
, -im. 1903. Cast
Precinct No, 1..... 148 117 131
Precinct No. I '. 184 206 189
Precinct No. 1 184 271 244
Precinct No. 4 190 227 244
Precinct No. 1 123 88 10
Precinct No. 4 74 149 139
06 1057 1027
White pepper is black with
its coat ofl ; different flavor, of
course. There is little demand
for it; costs too much. There
is only one mill in the world;
Schilling's Best is its finest
product. There's another way
of getting the coat off ; rotting
it off. That's cheaper. Need
we mention it?
Uoncyback overyihing alwaya and antywlwra.
Successors .to John H&ha
CHAS. WIRKXALA, rVoprtetor . JAMEi GARPNEH Manager
Program Week Commencing November 23
The TaOutiv Magiciao SHOENVERK
Will attrprist tni imux you
Overhir "Soldi r of Fortune" . Guiiio
- CootiniKi to Pltax
Overture "Qi& FiBow March" ' John
The Great and Only CARROLL
. America's Prtmir Imptnooaiar
Overture "Wedding f the Winds" MoO
A Laughing; Success HREWN
Exponent of Gcrmm WH
Overture HaS to the Bride" . C. Rojky
Program is sabtect ts
A. KILJUNEN-The Union Tailor
Suits to order
The Boston
Best and Neatest Eating: House in Astoria
Try Oar 2 5-Ccnt Dinners -,
Prompt Attention tllQli Class etc!
Scow Day Iron 8 Brass lUf& j
- Jassafacturers f
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. - -
. - General Foundrymen and Patternmakers.
" " Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest. ...
Pfeise 2431 1 Corner Eighteenth tzi ftsziYu
Fancy and Staple Groceries
1 '. Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers, - . .
A "V ' A LJLrfB N Tenth aid Commercial Streets
orflnd Ik noHry to KJKJPICIC A. WOB!f.OTJT HOOK
Take the plaon of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings
For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, eto. Easy to lay. Tempered for all
ollmates. Reasonable in cost. Sold on merit. Gnaranteed. It will pay to oak (or
prices and information. , .... . ' , - .
THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland
The "
1 Palace
la Latest Eastern Suecetic
Overture . . . . "Night Birds"
One More CARROLL ' The Kingpin
Overture .-.-Atfly Waltz" JohaT. HiQ
The Grest Manipulator SKOEOWERK
In Feats of UjerdeintI
Overture "Sunny Sum' . Frankenstein
Overture . . . "Poet and Peasant"
"Just to Please " CARROLL
The Impersonator
change without aotk. '
and Fit Guaranteed, ' .
Restaurant 1
Miwral Rsbber)
The Dest Rcstcrsnt s
'' .., a
Regular Meals. 25 CenU
Sunday Dinners Specialty
Everythlnz tne Market Affords
Palace Catering Company :
aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaitt: .
t -
attaaaa a