The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 29, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Iho Scenic Line
Through Salt Lake City, Leadvllle, I
Pueblo, Colorado Springs and
tmers the Chore of Thre Routes
TIi i ouch th Famous Rocky Moun
tain scenery, and rive Distinct
Routes East and South of Denver.
Between Ogden and Denver. Carrying
Ail Climes of Modern Equipment.
Purfett Dlalng Car Servic and Per
sonally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to Al! Points East
On All Classes ot Tickets! "
Fcr Information or Illustrated litera
ture call on or address
1 m.uriue. - Genera Agent
izt Tuird st, Portland. Or.
HIectrical Works
-428 BOND ST.
Ws y thoroughly prepared for
maklnj estimates and executing
orders for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stork. We sen the
, telehrated SHELBY LAMP. Call
up Phone HO. . .
H. W. CYRUS; - Mgr
Telephone SSL
Ad goods shipped to our ears
; Will receive special attention.
No US Duane Bt W. J. COOK. Mgr.
The Waldorf
CHA8. F.WIE.P.-;p.xtor. .
The Best of
WiaesV liquors and Cigars
Concert Every Evening
Cor. Eighth and Astor 8U Astoria, Or.
..' "SX J SV TTT'll ' J ly ... j 1 -r-a i i a , i
w X. v vvm receive iour nrsi-ciass .Jtanroaa tiCKets i
"'v vi, If you have bought j
' n J: - X. ' ; SSsv 10 0 worth of goods since June 1, ? i
1903 have not received a 1 3
With every
you get a
middle of January we will give a ' masque
rade ball to
unmasking the drawing will take place; several
some presents to the best maskers will then be
:emm mm
New Grocery Store
Fine Groceries, Fruits, Flour and
7. ' V.. -,' '
Wdca Block, J CmmmkUI St
Courtttxa Strvkt Prompt DeBvtry
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fares and Pacific
Express . Companies. Customs
House Broker.
Bishop tllrk or Prkrity, rtB
I Bill JinnfoM. Ed. Turner.
MtlClrk But. Maurr
ITfce National Saloon acd Cafe
Finest Wind, liquors and Ggar
1 473 CouamarclMl St
Astoria, Or
John Fuhrman, Win. Wertbes
G. W. Morton.
Centra! Meat Market
Tonr orders (or
Will be promptly and
satisiactoruy stteaded Is
Telephone No. Sa.
When you are out for s good
time don't overlook
THE "O. K."
" iTopncton
Office constructing quartermaster.
Astoria, Ore, November, If, 1503.
Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be
received at this office until 10 o'clock a.
to, December 4 1903, and then opened.
for furnishing the necessary materials
and labor for slDftlng at Fort Stevens;
Ore., a group ot five six-inch wells to
a depth of, approximately, eighty feet
and testing same. United States re
serves the right to reject any or all
proposals. Information and speclfka,
tions can be obtained at this office.
Envelopes should be marked pro
posals (or sinking wells" and addressed
to Captain Goodale, Astoria, Oregon.
910.00 purchase
number. About
ysQ" ; t - - : i 1
the holders of these tickets. After
For the best in Gents Furnishings
; Call and vSee
If any lives are annually destroyed by
diseases resulting from faulty plumbing
Be sura your plumbing is dons by an
expert, and savs annoyance and dan
ger. Oas and steam fitting, ' heating,
tinning, tto, Fixtures In stock.
43 Bond street. 'Phone 1031.
Electrical fixtures. '
Electrical wiring.
Electrical supplies.
433 Commercial street.
. Electrical Contractors
Four chairs at the Occident barber
shop. No use to miss everything wait
ing for a shav. Ftrst-claaa artists and
by the way, this Is the place to get
bath. ETtrythlng the very nest. tf .
New stock "of fancy goods Just arriv
ed at Yokohama Bataar. Call and see
the latest novelties from' Japan.
Upper Astoria has a place where you
can get fine glass of beer, as good
wines and liquors as you can find any
place in the city.
Opposite Kopp'a Brewery.
Mirror Baths are kept open on Sun
day tor baths. For first-class work In
the tonsorlal Una, call at the Mirror
Hatha, 3t Commercial street, Astoria.
Oregon. s-17-tf
Ton will always find the best He
meal In the city at the Rising Sun res
taurant. No. til Commercial street -
Dainty eaters, people with hearty
appetites theater parties, and all other
parties find what they desire and some-
to appreciate at the To Ice Point oyster
house. The choicest viands In the mar
bet are there served In most pleasing
style. Open all night Private rooms.
J. V. Burns sold 10,000 La Imperials
during the month of October, last, an
increase of 3,000 over soles for the cor
responding month last year. r tf
For good, reliable piano
your local tuner, T". Frederic kson,
Jlffl Bond street Phone 3074 Red.
"We sell, rent and repair all makes of
typewriters. Writs for new catalogue
of New Densmore,
Huxley, Ryan tt Co.,
gl Fourth Street Portland. Or.
....... - .- ' . , . ,. ,- - .... ' I
New York Pastor Advocates
Easy Death For Incurables. I
The Rev. UprU St. C. Wrlffkt Wor.14
Divide Cltr ! Districts and Have
scleatlata aw tl-ryun Pas t'-
. ea Keenest' ta Ml Noted Phyat
tans Deer? Dr. Wright's Idee,
The address which attracted more at
tentlou than uy other delivered at the
recent annual tmutict of the New York
State Medical association held Mt the
Hotel Muulmttan In New York w
made by a clergy ma u. the Kcv. Dr.
Merle St C Wriht of llie Uuox Ave
nue L'ulturliiu church In New York,
Ue placed himself on record as favor
lng eulhaiiasia, wlikl) lu luedioal :r
lance Is the pulling of luvurablcs to
death. The sucesllou which causitl
much snrjiriso because of Us source,
was received none the less with hearty
applause, says the New York Times.
Mr. Wrlsbt hud previously suggeMtetl
that doctors ought really to teach tucli
paUents more than they do and tlmi
they might look uiku their profiskin
a little more rrom. the ethical stand
point perhaps. lUit when he touched
on the subject of euthanasia he admit
ted fraukly tt was simply a dream.
As a dream, however, he bad no bcsil
taney In advocating the doctrine. He
recalled an lustauoe In which a man'
life had becu savl after a disat r at
Spuyten Duvvll, and be said:
"They did save bis life, though for
what practical purpose I canuot tell.
unless possibly for dauuiKe suit. I
appreciate the pructieal difficulties In
the way of tbeappl!catlon of the dm
trine, but It seems to tue that It Is not
beyond the bounds of possibility. Ol
course It would be necessary to have
the advice and approval of men of tin
highest sclentlflc attainment The clt
might be divided luto districts, and or
ery application should bo considered
most carefully, not merely by pliysl
clans, but by some eminent clerycmnn
selected for the purpose. And. or
course, there should be the consent of
relatives aud the consent, even the re
quest, of the patieut himself. Hut
where all these conditions are fulfilM
and where the prolongation of life I
simply the prolongation of hopeless
agony tt seems to me that It would W
proper that such a patient should quiet
ly, deceit My, modestly, be allowed to
end the sufferings, tt seems to nie tli:;t
such a course would be a stop forward
In chillKition and a step further aw.ij
from barbarism."
Oue of the speakers after Mr. Wright
was John 8. Wise, a former congn'Sts
mnu of Yirginln. who said In part:
"I cnuuot agree with some of the ad
vice which some of your profession
has received tonight. For either a law
yer or a doctor to give too much In
formation to bis clients or patients
would be to give away the snap to the
men who pay him. That would be tie-
stroking the goose that ljJ4lllg.goy'n
eg with vengeance, StUPies do 1
favor th advice that when pailt-ut
become practically useless to kill 'em.
I know of a country where that custom
Is practiced, and If the gentleman Is
really serious In his adyocaey ot It I
will use all my Influence to secure him
the mission. , . ,
"t hsve heard ot a gentleman who
spent one summer op tn the arctic re
gions and got very well acquainted
with a rnrnily of natives, which Ip
eluded tbo father ot the household,
When he went there the next summer
he missed th old gentleman and was
luformed in a matter of fact way that
tbo head ot the family had killed hit
father. 'Yes,' he laid, he got so old
he couldn't work, and so I shot him
"Now. If say one likes that sort of
way I guess that's Just the way that
will suit him. But for some of us here
I'm afraid the question would arise.
Aren't ws getting along pretty close to
papa's agel"
Here are the views of several New
York physicians on ths Rev. Merle Bt
C Wright's theory:
Dr. George P. Shrady said that mod
era seleiies tended to an exactly op
poslte course.
"We are giving to ths weal the latest
developments of practice and re
search," said Dr. Shindy. "Persont
once considered iueurablt are now
amenable to successful treatment. It
Is absurd to discuss ths dream of the
clergyman with seriousness. lint hot
than a step farther away from the bar
barians, as be hits. It Is retrogressive
toward ths practice of elimination
which yet holds In some savage tribes
It Is to ths glory of the medical pro
fesslon that a case Is not considered
without hope unUI tbe last vital spark
Is extinguished."
Dr. B. C. Spltxka believed that It
would open the door to a criminal eon
dltlon. There would be opportunity to
do away with diseased persons for nl
tcrlor motives.
"Who shall say that a person should
be disposed of r bs asked.
Dr. Gill Wylle said that no doctor Is
so Infallible that be will say a disease
Is Incurable.
"Nature, by kind provision, dulls the
extreme sensibilities of many so culled
suffering patients. Their relatives and
friends suffer more than they do," was
the way he put It.
Dr. Andrew U. 8mlth recalled a car
Where a laborer, caught In a cleft In a
ledge by the rock dislodged by a blast,
was badly crushed. There was no way
to rescue bltn except by other blasts
and be wns relieved of bis Injuries
which were of themselves fatal, by
death administered as painlessly n
"Stub a remarkable condition as that
would be the only excuse," ho remark
Americas la Uaesle Dress Will Mvr
l Teasle.
The London Chronicle's Athens cor
respondent telegraphed that bs recent
ly bad au Interview with Mr. Duncan,
one of the Callfornlans who made such
a sensation lu tbe ancient Grecian
city by walking about tbe streets In
anclenIQreek dress.
m j& .
- Clothier'
"Mr.THHunn '.liiToU to build tml, t
anil a Uottw In tlte form of an mMi,;
temple on a till) not far from the Aoioi ,
oils on a alto presented to htm by th
goveruiuisit. He says his family h '
corns to Athens to study the old tlree" ;
spirit, which bt .believes to Iw lUeutlct' J
with tbo modern spirit of Itnecki'l.
To have healthy human feeling In
your body, he added, you 111111 '
rational. Simula dress. The simmm' 1
Which his family wear were tmnle I
Athens with the exception of the ti
dais, which are of Mexican urhjln.
Athens even the Macedonian itt,siie
palls before lite lutemw Interest show
In the three American. Tbe IIimimo
ths Athenian I'um-h, which I ontlr. ly
written In verse and Intense!' clever
devotes the whole of one day's tveeti
lue to the subject.
Itltlaei riare Vat Plunder reaxi t
Dee Heater.
Bee huuters have discovered m
uenry, ill,, an odd be tree. It wtt:
found that a bollow space was m
wliu sheet Iron, and Uwn further In
restlgatloh there was a slid
lnganel skillfully covered with brk
says the Chicago Cost.
It Is believed Mint this tree was omi
Used to accrete plunder. Thirty ywir
ago a strange character made litis licun
In the wood' near the tree, and a
times he made a considerable show 0:
valuables, lie disappeared as sudil.'n
ly ns be eaiue, hut he was careful t
take all bis property with lilin. as with
lng of any description was found It
the queer hiding place.
Marklna-a ef Alaska flan ads rjr l.tnr
The Alaxkan boundary Hue, an It I
figured out from tbe cabled award, U
approximately 830 miles long. sy 1.
Washington dispatch to the New Y rk
Tribune. It Is to be fixed for ll tlux
by tbe erection of monuments. Tb.-s
monnments will bo placed at dltnti"c-
varying from one mile to five mile
part, according to the nature of th
territory. These monument will !x
of Iron, tf tbo policy adopted with rf
renew to the Northwest TerrlloHw
boundary Is followed. The survey nm
erection of these uiouuments are to '
accomplished under the direction of p
Joint scientific commission, of v. tit-1,
ths American members will le selected
from tbs coast ind geodetic survey am'
undoubtedly headed by O. II. Tlttmnn.
chief of that service. This work Is to
begin, under ths terms of the treaty
"st once," bot Is likely to last srrcnil
Jtars. . -
The Kalskl Hejelees.
We believe Utst kissing Is an English
custom. Ws read In ancient history of
a knight who visited the Field of th
Clotb ot Oold and who on being luvlt
ed to a local castle was addressed by
tbs "kyndo ladyo" ot the establish
ment, who remarked:
"Forasmuch as In England yetisvs
such a customs as that s man ntsy
kysse a woman, therefore I will that
ye shall kysse me, and ye shall also
kysse these my mnldens."
"Which thing," adds the old blsto
rian, "ye knyghte straightway did and
rejoyced gres" thereat"
number, vou will nleaae call I
at once and t?et one, I
Lls tie leaked as Tkaasm J eat
Fished Pram the tea.
II was lull, thin, spare-indeed, Its
truck mt as almost fantastically
spare, I reiuemlter thinking that tbo
station dm ft caught hint Ilk ton
leaf Rowing it ths end ot breach.
Ills clothes hung about bltn as tbe
clothes of a convalescent wbs ha tost
bulk and weight after long
bad on a Jacket ot brown velveteen-I
cannot swear to the color, but that de
tail always coiues back In lbs recalled
P letu rea tin unci shirt, with loose
uecktl bundled Into sailor's knot,
somewhat fantastical trousers, thongs,
no doubt this tffect was due In part to
their limp amplitude about what
seemed rather the thin green poles fa
miliar lu dahlia pots than tbs legs of
human creature. Its wore t straw bat
that In Its rear rltu suggested forget
fulness on the part of Its wearer, woo
bad apimrently, In sleep or bsedlvas.
nesi, treated It a cloth cap. Tbe,
however, were detail In tbsmsslvas
trivial and , were not consciously noted
till Ister. th long, narrow far, the
almost sallow, with somewhat long,
loos hair, that draggled from beneath
th yellow straw hat well over tbs
are, along tlit dusky hollows ot ts
pk and cheek, was what Immediately
attracted attention. Hut th extra or-
dlnarlnes uf th Impression wss ot
man who had Just lco rescued from
the sea or a river, Except for th fact
that his clothes did not drip, that tb
Idng black lock hung limp, but not
moist, and that th short vtlvetewa
Jacket was disreputable, but not fismp.
this Impression of a man Just corns at
tnken from tlit water was orerwneusV
tng.-WUIlara Sharp tn rail Man Mar
a tine.
Thackeray' Mastaehe.
In a note on Samuel Laurence' por
trait of Thackeray-that representing
tb novelist's fac In full-tb Illus
trated London News of Oct 13, 1830,
It Is not, w must confess, alto
get her true to bis proaont sppesrsnca.
for It want a recent and becoming
addition to the upper Up In tb sbsp
of a black mustache that contrasts
most admirably with a bead of allvar
gray, but It I Ilk th man and will
be welcome to hi many admirers."
The referenc her to th rjiustscat
Is Interesting for th reason that erery
portrait of Thackeray, with on excep
tion, represents hint wttb a clean
shaven upper lip, th exception being
Mitellse's pencil drawing of th famous
"Tltuiarst!," which, however, belongs
to s much earlier date-vis, about
IS 10 -and In which there Is Just a
suspicion of a mustach. Presumably
the hirsute appendage ot 1HM was
merely a passing fancy, which tb ra-
or speedily disposed of.-Note sod
Queries, -t
Shortly before Napoleon III. appro
priated th vacant throne of Franc bo
one day asked a great lady to explain
tb dlffcrenc between "an acctdMtr
and "a mlsfortun."
If." she said, "von were to tall lobs
that Hit I tt ths- ft aaM,i.t simIA.
as a v wmiw ww a M , ntwsiia
If they pulled you out sgsto, that
wild he s misfortune."