,,ao, P'-oscQutlon. Where the Oregon Steps Rolling Read Our A3a Ee-1 foreDaylr j VOLUME.- LVJI. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVKUBEB 29, 1903. KUMDCR IS. ' - r ' HutSduflwri V Mm ttindTiikmd FOR CRITICAL MEN You know is well as we do that your men friends are your most exacting clothe critics; if the women thought you could do better they wouldn't ay so. But liienlWt hesi. tate; if you're not correctly dressed they'll let you know it; and in no case more promptly or more definitely than as to 1 your full dress clothes. You'll save yourself some embar rassment and considerable money by coming to us for a Hart Schaffner & Marx full dress or Tuxedo suit. Because they're right, at every point, in the eyes of the most critical. A. STOKES FRANCE AAY RENEW WORK UPON CANAL Colombia Trying to Prevail on the Pari Government to Co : Ahead With Construct. Ion of Waterway. - French" Canal Commission De clares That Oifer of United Slates Is Ridiculous.' MORE COLOMBIAN WAR TALK Kadlcala Want to Iteeaptnre the iMdiiiiiiK, but Conservatives Fear Attempt Would, 1- nd the Iteputillc. Purls. Nov. 28,-The republic of Co lombia Is endeavoring to Induct franc lo renew work upon the construction of the Panama canal. The Colombian financial agent, 8anir. who is aim the special delists to the administrative council, u now In Panama. The freneh canal committee has published a tut' ment In which It declares that the ot for of the l'nlt4 States la ridiculous, and places a blKh value upon th company'! property and concessions, Star Choice Cutlery and Carvers At 2 FISHER BROTHERS Cor. Bond and 12th SU. . . . Astoria, Oregon CHRISTMAS MAGAZINES 1 1 The Xmas numbers of SCRIBNERS, LADIES HOME JOURNAL, HARPERS, ANSL1ES, McCLURES and . numerous others are out, bigger and better in every way, full of timely topics and stories, profuse with illustration and color work and are certainly marvels of fine printing. ' COMB HAVE A LOOK. J.n GRIFFIN. MORS WAR TALK. Colon. Nov. St.-The Panama and Herald says: Wt learn from a reliable source that even passports to Port Llmon, Coat Rica, from Colombian porta on the At lantle ur now not allowed to txi Is sued to Colombians. Itlver boats ply ing on MsB'lboa hav ben arml and converted Into warships "Tha liberal renerala, Urlb-l'rlbt and Bnianiln Herrera, have Offered the covernment their aervlcei for the t ait In a of the Uthmus. Ths conserva tive, howsver, oppose tha acceptance of then ofTsr. fearlnf such action would result In the overthrow of the foverament." A LOST ANNIVElWAHt, Panama, Nov. Sa.Todey was the an ntversnry of the declaration of lnd pemlenca of Colombia from Bpsnlsh rule. The day was formerly enthusiaa tlcally celebrated, but the only indl cation today of the annlversair was the oRtelal declaration of the holiday. MAY REPEAT OPERATION Kataer William luatrtieted Take Abaolute Kst. to V You Need a Bath AT LB A ST ONCB A WEEK -' .' Toil mtffht as well bathe In ths river as In an old wooden tub, but there , la no occasion . for doing either ao long aa up-to-date tath tubs can be had reasonably. Talk, wltb ua about the matter,' . I 7. J. SCULLEY 470-471 Commercial.', Phone Black tt! tattcttatttfflnfntttt.wtttitMUiimtta ttttittttrttttttttttttttttt New Norwegian Stbclf Fisll The Fir: est we have - ever received, M 8 New York. Nov. 18. The Wiener Al- legemelne Zeltung baa a dispatch from Berlin, according to a Vienna cable gram, to the Time, which says: t , Though there can be no doubt 'that the recent operation on Emperor Wil liam concerned a benignant formation, tha proceaa of healing has not taken the favorable course hoped for, : "There Is absolutely no question of any danger, but from the whole course of the process of healing hitherto It seems as though unexpected compli cations had arlaenNvhloh rarely followa a simple operation for ao-called singers polypus. ' "In court circles there Is a certain uneaainera, which In the last few days found expression m talk of the poss ibility of another jperatlon. It Is Im possible to verify the latter rumor. " The emperor, whose blood remains good, has been ordered by his physl clana to take the greatest rest and spare his vocal organs as much aa possible," , v ' , . " VALDEZ ROAD TO BE BUILT Alaaka Copper Company Gets Title to It tch Mines. Eastern Sugar Cured PICNIC HAMS , very fine at 12 12 et, a, pound Old Fashion Home Made MINCE MEAT ..V two pounds for 25 cts. FOkRD a STOKES COMFNY amttmmmmtnmamttmmanmttTmmtatgmtmttmmmtmttut DELSANTO, SANCHEZ HAYA. LA VERDAD. EL CABINET Popular Brands of CIGARS t COMMFKriAt at, and lUKUsvJtKruei. . At WILL ! iAtI50N'S Valdes, Alneka, Nov, W. -Judge Wickersham today ave his opinion confirming the title of the Alaska Cop per Company to complete all Undisput ed ownership of the Bonansa mines back ef Valdes, the key to the Copper river railway situation. The decision undoubtedly means the building of the road, as the Havemeyers are the finan cial backers of the victorious company. The estimated value of the Bonania mines is 17,000,000. SenatorHeyburn, of Idaho, Congressman Cushman and Andrew F. Burleigh, formerly receiver of the Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany, represented the defeated plaln. tlffs in ths big suit. advliied the Chi owe government to juinj with Japan to ouet ItuMla from Man churls by force of arms,- The Ptkln correspondent of the Aaahl wire that I-rliice Huh has urged the Chlneae court to Inalst on HuhkU leaving Manchuria and It the northern power refuses to go China must resolve to out her by force of arms with the assistance of Japan, which country, in the opinion, of the Prince, would not remain an unmoved spectator of the ecene. t A Shanghai apeclal to the Toklo Asahl says that ths Chinese government has issued In struction to the viceroys and govern ors of the province '.hit owing to the Imminence of war between Japan and Russia, preparations should be Immed iately made for caiUnv out troop and for collecting a war fund. Tha Instruct ions to the viceroy of Liang Kian, Ltaq Kuang, Ha Kl&ng and Mia Che are added with special orders to strengthen the defense on the coasts and rivers. , . ? - (.:. : MARINES SAIL rOR PANAMA, New Turk, Nov. 21. Equipped for a long say In Panama, two companies of marines are ready to sail on the supply ship Cltlgo tomorrow morning. They have been Uted out with eloihtng ap propriate to the tropical climate. There are ISO men tn 'he two companies. The Culgoa t bound for Colon and will carry 330,000 pounds of meat and fowl for the Christmas dinners of the marines and sailors now doing duty at the Isthmus. A UNIQUE DEPARTURE. Washington, Nov. t$. The' officials of the naval observatory are arranging to send New Tear's greetings to all the countries of the civilized world having the necessary cable and telegraphic connectfona by the employment of a eerie of signal to alt points to mark the exact second of the beginning of the new year. ; Refuses to Meet The Committee Vice President of Utah Fuel Com pany Spurns Overtures of the Miners' Union. " ; gait Lake, Nov. 2S.-Vlce-President Kramer, of the Utah Fuel Company, bas replied Jo Governor Wells' tele gram asking If he would meet a com mittee from the miner'- union and en deavor to settle the coal miners' strike In Carbon county. In his reply. Kramer positively de clines to meet the representatives ct the United Mine Workers of America on the ground that tbe present con dition of affaire was brought about "for the sole purpose nf aiding their organ isers In Installing their union in Its su premacy to the law, order, dignity and peace of the state, and the absolute exclusion from work all employes of the Utah Fuel Company who would rot Join the union." MINERS WIN EVEHT POlST. Louisville, Col., Nov. 28. The min ers of the northern Colorado coal fields tonight voted to return to work on the terms granted by the operators, which embrace compliance with every de mand made by the unions. This la the third vote token on the proposition. The mines have all been kept In good condition and work will be started Monday.. It Is' estimated that 1300 men 111 go to work and that' the capacity of the mines will be "000 tons a day. ELOPEMENT STORY SAID TO BE FALSE Princess Alice Ran Away From tier Husband Because of His Brutal induct .To-. : wards Her. Indignantly Denies Ihe Reported elopement With Coachman, Who Is Very Ugly. . WILL TRY TO GET DIVORCE Allege That 8tory Was Given uiit by Frederick to Injure Her Staudiiif With the . Trial Court. taiia, ov. zs.-prlncess Alice, it Sctwriburg-Waldenburg, who was re ported to have eloped with her coach man. n an Interview with tbe Genoa correspondent of Le Journal, ha an- nounced that she will leave Genoa Mon day and go to Dreaden, where she will use every means possible to secure the speedy granting of a divorce from ber husband. , The action la based on the cruel treitlment received by the princess at tha hands of Prince Frederick. Ths princess Indignantly denies the report that she had eloped with the coach man, and in the Interview with the Le Journal correspondent said: "Tou can positively deny all the re ports which have appeared about me. They are monstrous infamies, Invented by my husband for the purpose of dis crediting me with the Judge before whom the divorce proceedings will be brought." Count Despa, who I with the prin cess, relates a number of Instances of Prince Frederick's brutality to the prln cess, and added: vV.-"- -.."' vf r "When one saw the coachman with whom Princess Alice Is said to have eloped he would understand that the report of the elopement could not poasl. Dlybelrue. He Is too ugly. w ' " The princess was very much con-' oerned because, of the reports which bad bxn circulated about her. she hopes to secure the divorce, although anticipating a contest on the part of the prince. . ton. fk;ho jl were the greatest mano factoring establishments In the. world for th;y dealt with priceles -raw ma terial and turned out a finUshd product above value. PATTI MUST REGARD SUMMONS. New York, Nov, W. Justice- Fits- gisitd, of ta supreme court, bas ii sued an order commanding Mme. Ade- Una Patfl, ' the singer; to t appear In court and show eaua why she should not be punished for contempt of court for having failed to obey a aabpoena vtth which she wa served about two weeks age ordering ber to appear in the supreme court and explain her con nection with the concert company In corporated for' her farewell" tour in America. Mme. Pattl left town and ber default was noted when the ease was called ind she did not respond. At that time she pleaded that she did not BndersUnd the subpoena. TO DiSCl'IS STRIKE SITUATION. DenverNov.28. The executive board of. the Westarn Federation of .Miners has been called by President Moyer to met In this city neat week. The var lous strike in which the Federation Is involved In the metallterou mines will be thoroughly discussed and plans out lined to. make them more formidable and bring them to a successful termln at ion. The meeting will probably last a number of dajs. . ' MICHIGAN TEAM TO COME WEST. Chicago. Nov. 2. It is learned here that the University of Michigan foot ball team will take another trip to the Pacific coast during the Christmas va cation. Coach Tost and Captain Bed den will return soon from the east and the tetoni will be kept In cond'tion for the games to be played with California and Stanford.' Tbe Michigan men do not regard these as season games but merely exhibition, games. BRYAN ADDRESSES CHILDREN. New York, Nov. 28. Hon. W.' J. Bryan visited Nottingham yesterday aa the guest of the mayor of that city, says the London correspondent of the Times. - Speakln(g to the school children, Mr. Bryan said a school was a manufactur ing establishment more important than any which turned out Iron or cot- Dreyfus Case To Be Revised Martyred Frenchman Secures Favorable Consideration at Hands of Minister of War. Pails. Nov. t8.-Th efforts of Al fred Dreyfus to secure judicial exami nation of his ease have at last been crowned with success. Minister of Jus tire Val has transmitted the petition of Dreyfus for revision of his sentence to M. Purand. president of the commis sion Instituted by the ministry of jus tice.. This commission w ill pronounce upon the admissibility of the request for revision of the sentence. 1 Dreyfus owes the favorable action fclven the case t Minister of War Andre, whose conclusions are regarded as in the highest degree favorable to Dreyfus, since they , determined the minister of justice to refer the ques tion of revision to the commission. murderous quartette toanswe: Youthful Chicago Cutihrocls I dieted by the Grand Jury for Their Long Series of Capital Offenses. Two Trials Will Be Necessary, u the Four Were Not Al ways Together. CONFESSES TO MORE Cr Seldernielr Admits Having IfeM Ip Baltimore and . Ohio ' - Train ear Miller, Indiana. Chicago, Nov. 28. Indictment wers votd by the grand Jury May aftulnst Harvey Van Detn, Peter Neldanneler, and Emit Itoeskt, ths three jounjc bandits who were arrested yest-n- lay. An Indictment was also voted swain Kt Gastav Marx, who murdered OfBeer . . i ... .. ... . . vuuin uiiu was wun ue outers ui a majority of their crimes. Cognisance cannot be taken In Illinois of the tntu dav nor of th hittntf nf TwtlvM Drlseoll and Zlmmer In Indiana. It la the Intention of State Attorney Dineen to bring the men to trial aa quickly as possible. . It may take tw trials, as all four of the men worked together, but It happened that when the greater crimes were committed , one of the murdeers was absent. Roeskl waa not at the robbery of tlie car bams and had no part i the mar- -ders committed at that time. Mara ' was alone when he killed Offlcrr Qalnsi and In jail yesterday when the murders were committed In Indiana. Either ors of these two, therefore, will probably have a separate trial, unless a general , plea nf guilty Is made by all 'our mm. Peter Netdermelr confessed A0t:i'Xy that be had been guilty of robbtna; trains In addition to bis ofter crimes. He admitted that he was leader at a gang that held up and robbed a Balti more ac Ohio passenger train sear Mil ler, lnd about two years afeo. Tfc robbery waa committed near the rt where the three men were d scovered yesterday by the police, and Nelder meir said tonight the dugout In whlcis he and his companions were found yes terday was the exact spot where he and his partners tn the train robbery had hid brier holding up the train. BASE BAU. SCORER At Sacramento Sacramento 2; Port land 1. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 1; attle . i Se- BHORTEB HOUBiJ GRANTED . Johnstown. Pa., Nov. 28. A general order Issued today by the Cambria Steel Company, taking effect Monday, frill place the single turn employes on nine-hour basis. The order affects 13,000 men. The Idea of curtailing working hour , rather ' than shut down Is to preserve the organisation so that when the busy season arrives the shops will be effectively manned. ; HUNTINGTON'S IMMENSE FORTUNE. New York, Nov. 28. The appraised value of the estate of the late Collis P. Huntington shows that he left prop erty in this state of the net value of f2S.3O0.0OO. The appraisal was' directed by the surrogate's court. The report of the appraiser waa filed many months ago, but was kept a profound secret until discovered today. CHINA PREPARES FOR VAR. . Victoria, B. C., Nov, 28. News waa brought by ths steamer Indravelll last night from the orient that Prince Ah Sub. prominent Chinese offlcla), fta WESTERN MONEY GOES EAST And These Metl Plan to Keep it , ..;. on the Coast. ' ' v Salt Lake, Nov, 28. The Continental Life Insurance Company was organised in this city today. The primary pur pose of this company 1 to keep In the west for the purposes of developing the resources of this section, a portion of the vast amount of money' that now goes to the east for life Insurance pol icies. . ... - , . The officers ae: Governor ll. M. Wells, president; H. Tyee, vloe-presl-dent and general manager; W. H. Cunnlnghtm, secretary, and W. 8. Mc Corlok, treasurer. PIERCE RESIGNS FROM U. P. New Tork, Nov. 28. Wlnslow Pleree has retired as feeneral counsel of the Union: Pacific, an office which he haa filled for many years. He will continue to be general counsel for ths Missouri Pacific. The report that the retirement of Mr. Pierce from the service of the Union Pacific Signifies that the Gould Interest In the system haa lessened, is denied. It I understood that Mr. Pierce wilt remain a member of the executive committee of the Union Pa- eltW, Bill i r .'T"i3rLC"!" ' If you want anything good go to Dunbar's The cheapest store in Astoria for fine goods THESE AKi DAYS OF EG0N0F.JY! Every lady desires to be well dressed but at the same time economic ally. To get boih results you must see Jur stock which we can say without hesitation is 'the largest and best ever shown in the city." Among the maiiy styles and patterns we are now showing are: MOHAIR ALPACAS, crisp and fresh, in plain and fancy. -weaves, pin dots, cords and open-work effects in all the leading street shades, , , ,v .. v ' CANVAS ETAMINES, openwork effects in all the popular : , shades. .;? - j ' VOILES, black, plain colored. " 'BASKET CLOTIIS both light and dark shades. TWINES, black and colors. PANNE CHEVIOTS, in very effective blacks. " CRASH SUITINGS, both light and dark shades. " ' ' , CRAVENTTES, in plain black and many other beautiful ' .- patterns.:. ; 1 .. . ' : Remember if you buy your dress from us its good Jt? & & 4? & & & V 'A A-