The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 26, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Horning Astorian
EiUblUM 1873
en hy raail, per yhu.,.. ;.;.8 00
Bentbyraali, per month........... 6rt
Berved by crner, per month 60
Bent by mall, per year, in advance 21 00
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
wtiser the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
the matter of committee, retain the
chairmanship of count defense and la
a member of the Judiciary, postofflce
and pnntroada, Interoeeanlc canals, Fa
clllc Islands and Porto Rico, and re
lations with Cuba. ,
Senator Mitchell retained all the old
committee places and added thoee of
Judiciary and illations with Cuba this
As OreRonlans must note with pleas
ure the success of our delegation, they
must more than ever appreciate the
fact that the longer a man stays In
either house, provided he Is of aver
age ability, the more vaiuawe ne or
comes, as his Influence must Increase
with his experience. It Is a powerful
argument to return the nwmlwrs ajrain
and again.
It ia not out of place at tbia time to
My that recent modifications of land
. office rule made by Hitchcock are in
consistent with present land laws and
in direct opposition to decisions of the
supreme and other federal courts onthe
construction and application of same.
v This is evidenced by the fact that Mr.
Hitchcock has had to come off his high
pedestal, and proofs that ought to pass
are being accepted without forcing
thousands of useless appeals to the
courts on the construction of land laws
and particularly tbe timber and etone
. act.', " ,
Any person who would violate the
provisions o'f he present timber laws
nght to go to the Insane asylum. The
" penitentiary Is not the proper place
for him. It la a plain law without
eatches that permits any person of the
proper age, who has the money, or who
can borrow it, to purchase 160 acres of
timber. It is not necessary to contract
to sell before making proof. Besides,
Just now, it would prove the more ex
pensive plan to those who are acquir
ing timber and no .-ne with the least
degree of Judgment would use su;h a
method to secure timber, taking all the
rhances attendant thereon, when scrip
can be placed without limit and with
out risk.
Hitchcock was quite seriously taken
by the unitiated for a time and many
were of the opinion that vast steals
were going on in timber localities.
This presumption, so bitterly followed
up by Mr. Hitchcock, has had a re
tarding influence on all coast states
and many innocent persons have been
made to suffer, while tbe cases of
fraud, so far as heard from, in Oregon
specially, can be counted on the
" nhgers of one hand, and-not one of the!
offenses is of the character which Mr.
Hitchcock has curried Oregon so as
siduously to find.
The long and short of the whole mat
ter is that our president has permit-
ted an old granny to impose on him.
Hitchcock should have been fired for
incompetency In ihre months after he
was appointed. His treatment of mem
bers of both houses of congress is
characteristic of a vain, shallow ego
tist, a man without 'he instincts of a
Bentleinan or the breeding of a
Digger Indian. That Western states
are counted in line with republican pol
icies, is a fortunate condition existing
despite the affliction of too much
Hitchcock. '
.A political : party that can stand
Hitchcock and survive is in pretty good
sUndhtf ' Ml'l rfflTaToTigTgpubtl
can journal like The Asiorian to have
to admit that Hitchcock really claims
to be a republican, living in St. Louis
when at home, for even Missouri is de
serving of a better fate.
Suvrse. for Instance, that the Ore
iron delegation in congress is placed
In the position of being able to do
treat deal for the Levi and Clarke
fair, amons other thing, doe anyone
think that the people nt home are go'
lne to be so ungrateful as to tie t
hnn,i hv witting up a M on them
It Is not likely. Multnomah county
verv lnrtrolv Interested and likewise
-.,.fi,l factor. It is well for rabid
mirtlsans of the opposition not to al
low their spleen to gt away with their
heads, when calculating upon who will
succeed Senator Mitchell and Congress
man 'W illiamson.
The treatment of ex-Governor An
drew H. Burke, who was formerly an
Inspector of United States land offices,
is a sample of the packages handed
out by Mr. Hitchcock. Governor Burke
who was chosen North Dakota's first
executive, was forced to resign without
reason, and no explanation was ever
made. He was a splendid officer, and
those who have the pleasure of his ac
ouamtence, while deploring his treat
ment, congratulate him on being re
leased from a department that ts loaa
ed down with officialism and ignorance.
Senator Morgan should not spoil his
excellent senatorial career (going out of
his way to blame President Roosevelt
tr,r f-tion In the Panama matter. The
president acted promptly and, The As
torlan believes, with good Judgment.
There has been some talk of closer
times east, but it amounts to nothing,
Some watered enterprises uaic
the natural route and the Inilatera have
followed the Inflated. Business is good
all over the United States.
Astoria people are anxiously await
in the time when the harbor lines
will be extended.
"Who said alum baking powder," re
torts the Missourian.
Mr. Hanson, oue of the enterprising
farmers of Larsen Slough, called at the
Citizen office Saturday. Mr. Hanson
repoits things moving up hs way.
North Bend Citizen.
What matter that the heathen rage
And darksome shadows pall! ,
That men in spite of warnings sage.
Rush to their hopeless fall
If things up Mr. Hanson's way
Move unabated day by day?
v senator Pulton was very fortunate
In Vcuring committee places; more
euccemV say the dispatches, than
any western senator who Is Just enter
ing the upper house of congress.
Mr. Fulton is not only a bright
young man, but a man of strong
personality. He wins men to
him and doubtless these were argu
ments in his favor. But his friends
are not in the dark as to another in
fluence which was exerted in his be
half. ,Hls associate is serving his
fourth term in the senate, is one of the
' lest known men in that body and is a
strong man both in and out of the sen
ate. No doubt all these were used to
a good advantage to further the inter
est of Mr, Fulton and of our state.
He is chairman of the committee on
Canadian relations and is a member of
public, lands, irrigation,
and revision of the laws committees.
Senator Mitchell, always fortunate in
Let famine stalk about the lnd;
Let war's red minions vaunt!
We care not for the scourging brand,
We only care to want
To read about the things they do
How things move up at Larsen Slough.
Perhaps our memories grow dim
On some epoch event;
Our sto k of knowledge may be slim
Of deeds of grave portent.
P.ut this we know, and this we swear.
That things move up at Hanson's lair.
Thanks, Mr. Hanson, thanks again
Such lessons all but melt us!
You'U never more hear us complain
W hen other people belt us.
To know things up your way are right
And moving! 'tis sufficient, quite.
Dowie might get a good Zion City
site cheap out at Prospect Park.
Whatever may be said against Carrie
Nation, she Is certainly a boon to news
The members of the crew of the gas
oline schooner Delia, who were com
pelled to suck oranges to quench their
thirst, were certainly up against a de
lightful predicament.
marcus Busman, wno recently filed a
petition in bankruptcy, poked his head
into the door f a barber shop Saturday
night and said, as he sized up the wait
ing crowd: "I need a shave and would
like to buy one, but I haven't the time
The cigar that
beats them all at
Til I-ars-eet Helling Brand
of Cigar la the World.
31 W M Smtttr-j Mrt
to spare; a special election will take
place the 16th of next month and I
want to vote.1 So saying, he ambled
off up the street.
The girls of the Astoria high school
proved themselves true blue Friday
nfeht, when they gave an entertain
ment "for the benefit of the high
school." A week previously the high
school boys had played a game of foot
ball with a Portland team, and the
affair was a financial failure, the de
ficit being something like 130. There
upon the girls arranged the entertain
ment and realized the substantial sum
of 111, with which the debt was wiped
out. And now the boys are figuring on
another gam-?!
A man who has opinions of his own;
Opinions that are fearlessly expressed;
Who wears no crown, nor occupies a
Tet rules a nation greater than the rest
He is servile -o no trust nor million
His friends the common people, every
And you'll hear a mighty roar in 1904
When the shout goes up for "Roosevelt,
he's the man." J.C.S.
One in the darkness wept alone.
And one In the sunlight laughed the
The dark hid the tears, the night heard
the moan, ,
But the eyes of the world saw only
the smile.
The world heard the lau.zh, for the '
lough was loud; . !
But 'twas lost and forgot in the shift
ing crowd. i
It's shameful when youth falls to
show proper respect to old age, but Just
the contrary In the ease of Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They cut off maladies
no matter how severe and irrespective
of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever.
Constipation and all yield to this per
fect pill. I5c at Chas. Rogers' drug
Astoria Natonal Bank
at AstorU, In the Stale of Oregon, at
the ili'se of business November 17,IIK3:
Loans and discount ...$.';,'.) 48
vverurar's, secured and un
secured 12.1J1 78
U. S. Bonds to secure cir
culation 12.500 00
Premiums on V. S. llond... 1,250 00
Stocks, securities, etc ,92 77
'Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 3.S33 01
Other retl estate owned 10.330 00
Due from National Uanks(not
reserve agents) 638 09
Due from State Hanks and
Bankers 3.921 2
Due from approved reserve
agents 121.S19 63
3 C
While the tears that were shed by the
poor, sad eyes
Are treasured by God In paradise.
' M.L.B.
Checks and other cash items
Notes of other National Hanks
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents
Lawful money reserve in
Rank, viz:
Specif $ 01.799 33
I.eiral tender notes S.'." 00
Redemption fund with V. S.
Treasurer (5 1 of circulation)
2.S98 0
40 00
OS 65
12.624 30
620 00
The best known and most DonularWnrui
and tonic on the market to-dav is S. S s
There is hardly a man, woman or child i
has not heard of 'S. S. S. lor the blood." It is a standard remedy
a specific for all blood troubles and unequalled as a general tonic and
appetizer. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots
of which it is composed are selected for their alterative and tonic prop.
ertie9, making it the ideal remedy for
all blood and skin diseases, as it not ' from
only purifies, enriches and invigor- coitgbessmait LlvurasToir,
atea the blood, but at the same time op geoegia.
tones up the tired nerves and gives R i 5Ln?w f th successful use of
strength i! and vigor to the entire bioodem?
system. ;
For Chronic Sores and Ulcers,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Blood Poison,
Malaria, Anaemia, Scrofula, Eczema,
Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Aon e
and such other diseases as are due to a
polluted or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing acts so promptly
and; effectually as. . S., S. S... It .counteracts and eradicates the germs
rod 'poisons; cleanses theystem. of all. unheal thy accumulations and
soon restores the. patient to health.,,, .Write us and our physicians will
give yout1 case prompt attentlbn without charge." " '-; . r
Muls was the subject under discus
sion and various stories were told to
illustrate his obstinacy and general dia
position to kick at everything that
came withlrfg his kicking reach. "I
disagree with you fellows in your ap
parent belief that a mule has never
endured valuable service to the
world" said one member of the com
pany and as every one wanted to know
h'y, he told this story. '
rancher in California was taken ill
and his doctors gave him up. His son,
harum scarum youth, called on the
family physician and inquired about
his father's condition. "Tour father,"
said the physician, "will not live 24
hours. If you have anything to say to
him you should go to him at once." In
stead of going to the house, the young
man went to the barn and hitching up
the most spirited mules his father owtit
ed to a light driving rig, he tied a third
one on behind and drove into town.
There he sold the animals, and with
the money be received for them, pro
ceeded lo lead a riotous life. The old
man beard of the son's action at a time
when It was thought he was dying.
"What, those mules sold!" he gasped.
"I'UTget Jiem back If I have to sell the
place." He began to recover, and It
was not long before, he waa entirely
well. He is still alive.
If a new city hall ia in site.
ft the new city hall will be heated
by hot air. - ,
If the new bar dredge belongs to the
bar-tenders' union.
If the Justice of the peace Is really
a Goodman.
If Bill Chance Is one in a thousand.
If John Kopp was ever on the force.
If the sermons of Rev. Wm. Seymour
Short than other.
If Collector Kobb is a hold-up artist.
If Postmaster Reed can write ana
If J. F, Welch is a rare-bit.
If Herman is Wise because he was
born so.
Who to pay the water rent to this
month the weather man or the water
office. J.C.S.
Total MSO.S32 10
Oupitnl stock paid In ( 50,000 00
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 18,109 81
National Hank notes out
standing 11,400 00
Individual deposits subject
to check 1204,475 D9
Demand certill
of deposit 20S.120 20
Time certificates
of deposit $208,120 20 491,322 29
Seasonable Goods at . The Bee
Hive at bargain prices
A delayed shipment of Ladies Suits ar
rived here Saturday. We will sacrifice
the lot at cost. j& j& j& j& j& j& &
One wonderful bargain black cheviot
Louis XIV style, body and skirt of coat
all lined with silk. Coat trimmed with
black silk novelty braid
This great bargain is out of. one many
Latest novelties in the much desired
rain coats -All wool cravenette milia
tary or two or three capes N
Children's automobile mackintoshes, all
sizes. A full line of these again at hand
Children's worsted dresses Cheaper
really than making them and with more
style. The line we carry is the first in
the United States, In prices, workman
ship and style our customers have
found this out. This is the fourth sea
son we have handled these goods, prices
' range from
$3.50 to $4.25
Millinery Special black jet top ready-to-wear
hats reduced to
Fir slabwood, stove lengths, $1.00 per
cord. Boxwood 11. GO per large load.
Phone 2211 Black. Kelly,' the transfer
Total r)80,S32 10
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, s
I, J. E. HlgBins, Cashier t the
al'ove named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
J .E. HIOOINS, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 24th day of November, 1003.
E. Z. FErtGL'SON, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
Jen. H. George,
Oeorge W. Warren,
Wm. H. Barker, Directors.
S. S. 8. Is unquestionably a good
blood purifier, and the best tonio I
'I was taken severely sick with kidney
trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines,
none of which relieved me. One day I
saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and
determined to try that.' After taking
a few doses I felt relieved, and soon
thereafter was entirely cured, and have
not seen a tick day since. Neighbors
of mine ha7 been cured of Rhuema
lism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney
troubles and General Debility." This
is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N,C;
writes.;' Onlr'SOe ''at, Chas. Rogers'
L. K. 8ELIO,
Lew and AUnigcr
Monday. Nov. 30
Present, the Ptsy of th Period
Four Acts of Laughter
and Tears
Filled with Human
CCC The Great Explosion Scene
The Swing for Life
Reserved Seats 75c, Gallery 50c
Seat Sale Opens Saturday
Morning at Griffins Book
store, i i i i i i
Hours for Turkish and Russian bath!
S p. m. to t a. m.. except Sundays.
Best equipped barber shop in the city.
Five artists always on hand.
C, W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building,
57 Commercial street, Astoria, Ore.
Dr. T. L. Ball
D 15 N T T S T
524 Commercial street. Astoria Ore.
T;00 a mj Portland Union Dtlf ilTiOa m
7:00 p m pot for Astoria andi 1:40 p m
Way Points f
7:i5amTFor Portland andTl:am
6:10 p mf Way Points j 10:30 p m
Mansell Bldg. 67S Commercial St
Fhone Black 206S Astoria Ore
8:15 am
11:36 am
6:50 pm
Astoria for Waren- 7:40 am
ton, Flavel Fort 4:00 pm
Stevens, Hammond10:4tam
and Seaside
6:15 a ml
9:80 am
2:30 pm
Seaside for War
ren ton, Flavel,
Hammond. Fort
Stevens it Astoria)
12:60 pm
7:20 pm
Fulton Bros.
And Counjlor-tt-Law
Offices, Odd fellows Bldg., Tenth and Com
merciai u., awt, ure
Electrical Works
429 BOND ST.
We art thoroughly prepared (or
maklnj estlmaus and executing
order for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stock. We sell the
celebrated SHELBT LAMP. Call
up Phone 1161.
H. W. CYRUS, - Mr
New Grocery Store
Fine Groceries, Fruits, Flour and
Welch Block, 658 Commesclil St.
Courteous Service Prompt Delivery
Telephone t2L
All goods shipped to our ear
Will receive special attention.
No 538 Duane Bt W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Sunday only
All trains make close connection at
Ooble with all Northern Pacific trains
to and from the East and Sound point.
J. C. Mayo, ,
General Freight and Piss. Agent
The Waldorf
CHAS. F. VIK. ITopitoior.
The Best of I
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Concert Every Evening
Cor. Eighth sod Aator SU' Astoria, Or.
Show line
and union Pacific
70 hours from Portland
No Chang of car.
to Chicago,
When you are out for good
time don't overlook
THE "O. K."
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific
Express Companies. Custom
House Broker, .
Blulion Hicks of Park City, Utn
A I lii Lee Herring, Skipper
IMunnml. " Kit. Turner,
MglitCiork Hun. Manager
The National Saloon and Cafe
Finest Wines, Liquors ind Clgsrs
473 Commercial Bt Astoria, Or
colt's Santal-Pepsln Capsules
positive cuni
of lh liladdor nd DlieuaiJ
KldMji. Ho um bo pr.
Cora qnloklf sad Pens
nently lh wonil tun of
ttonerrhora, tn1 ilt,
no mat trof htm Jotiff itand.
Inc. AbioluUiljr humlm.
Bold br drutfLli. Prli
11.00, or by mall, postpaid,
., lMii.M.
m,dOf : lUSSOKMIna.QWO,
Sold by Chas. Rogers, 46 Commercial
TIME 8C11EU- I ,
Depart ULK3 Arrive.
From Portland.
Portland Bslt Lake, Denver, i.
Special Ft Worth, Oma 4:20 p.m.
1:20 a. ha. Kansas City,
vlaliunl Bt Louis, Chi
Ington. cage and East
Atlantlu Bait Lake, Denver, "
Kxpresi Ft Worth, Oma- I ' '
IS p.m. ha, Kansas City 10:20 a.m,
vlaHunt St Louis, Chicago
, Ington. and East
' "Ivaiia" WalTaT" . t
St Paul Lewliton, Bpo
Faat&Tai kan, Minneapolis. 7:2! p. m.
p. m. 8t Paul, Duluth,
via. Milwaukee, Chlcagt
apokanaj and East
, -From Aatorta "
AsaTlingdlktei '. .
subject to change.
For San Francis-
7 a. m. co every five days.
Daly ex oTubTahWer 4: a. m.,
cept But to Portland and Dally s
day Way Landlnirs. cept Moi
Steamer Nahcotta leave Astoria on
tide dally except Sunday for Dwaco,
connecting there with train for Long
Beach, Tlgia and North Beach point.
Returning arrives at Astoria same ev
ening. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent,
John Fuhrman, Wm. WerUies
Q. W.Morton.
Centra! Meat Market
Yotir orders for
meals, bolb
Will he promptly tnd
Mtlslartorlly attended to
Telephone No. Sifl.