ASTORIA OUKGON, TtTSDAY. NOVLMBEh 24. 1903. sMfijSWJP'MKlIE I "A CENTLEMAN OF FRANCE" NOT THE BEST IN THE WORLD BUT THE BEST ON THE COAST Clearness is an index of . Furit ;cO?. ' For Pare, Clean and Pal atable Beverage, drink V r:th PACIFIC BEER If you do drink Whbiibt drink the Best you can get? P NORTH PACIEIC BREWING CO., ASTORIA, OREGON. i James Nell Plays to Large and I Appreciative Audience. The romantlo drama, "A Gntlman of France," was certainly appreciated by the house full of people that greet ed James Ketlt and his excellent com pany at Fishers." last night. There It no long, drawn-out plot about the play but from start to finish "A gentleman of France4' is full of life and action, winning the applause and praise of the targ The action of the play centers around Mr. NeilU who, as Gaston de Marsae, a poverty stricken genth man, conveys Mile, de !a Vlre, niece of the Vieomte de Turenne to a certain place that she may Impart certain information: to the king of France. Around this thread of plot is woven an endless chain of ac cidents and Incidents in connection with attempts of emissaries of M. de Bruhl to secure possession of the girl. Not the least of these is the striking finale of the second act, when de Mar ac. standing at the head of a stair esse, slays, one at a time, six men who seek to overpower him and capture the fair prisoner. The applause at the ter mination of ih act evoked a double curtain call. ! Mr. Nelll won the hearts of his aud ience by his manly bearing and speech His wife, Edythe Chapman, also estab lished herself In popular favor. The support was very good, but limited space forbids further personal mention. The company leaves today by steamer for San Francisco, thence to Honolulu, where the next staid occurs. VERY ANNOYING This Hardly Kxprww What .At J torla People Say of It , For the best SHO E, see Peterson Q Brown Agents for "DOUGLAS" nd "WALK I OVErShoes CALL FOR CONVENTION. " Notice is hereby riven that there will be held at the Court house In the City of Astoria. Clatsop county, Ore gon, on Friday. December the n, a. n 1903. at the hour of two o'clock, p. m., a republican county convention for the purpose of nominating one can didate for the following office, namely, one State Senator to nil the unexpired term caused by the vacancy of Hon. C. W. Fulton, resigned. The apportionment of delegates Is based on the vote cast for J. N. Wil liamson in 1902, allowing one delegate for ach so votes cast in each precinct, one for a fraction over 20 and one del egate at large, as follows: Astoria Precinct-First ward, 2S del egates; Second ward, IS delegates; Third ward, 10 delegates. Olney s John Pay Svensen Walluski New Astoria Warrenton 3 Clatsop Seaslla "5 . ' 9 . Any Itchiness of the skin Is annoying. J.lttle danger In tlchtng skin dis eases but they make you miserable. Itoan'a Ointment Is a never-falling cure For piles, ecsema and all Itching troubles. Astoria clt lions endorse It. Mrs. Helen Lewis, who lives at !J Astnr street, say; "I consider Dunn's Ointment the best remedy of Us kind I ever usd. Every winter for the pat 10 or 12 years I was troubled with breaking out around my mouth and lips. Sometimes the cracks at either corners of my lips were so sore I could hardly speak. 1 could look for this an noyance a soon as cold weather com menced, and It annoyed me until warm weather set In. Nothing ! could do had any effect on It. t Anally read about Doan's ointment and got a box at Charles Rojrfra" drugstore on Com mercial street. A few applications of this wonderful remedy cured It up com pletely and I have not had any trouble since. It Is now "over three months since I used lt.H ' '. . . ,,1 For sale by all dealers. Price SO cent per box. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agent, for the TJ. 8. Remember the name Poan's and take no substitute. NEW BARGAINS FOR TODAY a urn saves Many Uvea art annually destroyed by diseases resulting from faulty plumbing Be surt your plumbing ! don, by an expert, and tavt annoyanca and dan ger. Gas and steam fitting, heating, tinning, eto. Fixture, In stock. JOHN A. MONTGOMERY, C5 Bond street. ' " 'Phon, 1031. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS A fifteen per cent dividend will be paid the stockholders of the Building Loan Land Company upon presen- tatlou of their certificates of stock to (he undersigned. 21-28 W. L. ROBB. Secretary, Peter Grant, of Portland, spent Sun day in Astoria. 0 ( L. H. HENNINGSEN S CO. ) , Upholsterer and Furniture Dealer. Handltt Stoves, Tinware and Second Hand Good. : 504 BOND STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. PHONE, RED 2305 ....I HOTEL. PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaa a I Magnificent Display!! u n a a Judge for yourself when you examine the stock. SPLENDID LOT OF RINGS : Tnal cannot be duplicated in Astoria. J. H. SEYMOUR? 4M Csmmt'eisl Street i . r. . a Astoria, orecon wan ?vc you Bargains. aaaoaaaatiaaaaaaaaaaattaaaaana New Style Restaurant Everything First Class. ' r The Best the Market Affords, i Open Day and Night. Good Service. (20 Bth St. next door to Griffin Bros. : , and sdjoitwnj the Office Salooa ASTORIA, OREGON P. A. TRULLINGER T" - Cigars and Tobaccos The Edison Graphaphone, Disc and Circular. Ajent for the Portland Safe and Lock Company. .. . Best on the market. NOT. I-NCr PLE ASES ' so well as nicely laundried linen. We have the neatest and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best work. All White help. ' The Troy Laundry Westport Knapps, ...... Melville Chad well Elslfl Push Youngs River Mlshawaka .. Vesper ....... Je-ell The committee ' ecommends that pri maries for the election of delegates be held on Tuesday, December 1, 190JT ; Hy order of the Republican County Central Committee. G. C. FULTON. C. J. CURTIS, Chairman. Secretary. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, November 23, 1903. . . V PERSONAL MENTION. George Hlbbert was over from Chi nook yesterday. , R. M. Wooden is In the city from the Nehalem valley. - Wesley Hanthorn Is In the city from bis home in Portland. , Hon. J. G, Megler was in the city yesterday from Brookfield. ( Hon. C. P. Lester, mayor of War renton, was In the city yesterday. District Attorney Harrison Allen is at HUlsboro attending to lefeal busi ness. Harry Hamblet returned to th, city yesterday after a brief interval in Port land. . I,. IP. Amundson, Ughtkeeper at Till amook rock, is in the city enjoying a vacation. Dr. J. W. Welch, a prominent 811- verton, Ore., dentist, is a guest or friend la this olty. ; A. Olsen was In the city yesterday from Deep River inspecting the new locomotive for the company. Miss Bessie Sabo was In the city yes terday from Chinook, 'where she is sticking" type for the Observer. C. T. Smith returned yesterday from a trip to Chicago, wnere ne wem iu visit hU mother, who Is quite ill. ABOUT AUSTRALIAN COAI. Coal Is the best fuel, Australian Is the best coal. Tou don't have to hire It split, It burns without seasoning, No large space required for It, Australian coal exeells all others. It makes less ashes and dirt. It keeps a hot even fire. It Is the cheapest fuel, Call up phone 1961 for coal, We deliver It for you. No charge for delivery. ELMORE A CO. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Has Just received a ' Full line of Military Raglans for ladles. Come and soe before purchasing elsewhere. Comi-lete Furnishing Goods, Hair Swltchoa ami Pompedmirs. MRS. R. INGLETON. Welch Block. CHEAP FUEL , Fir slabwocd, stove lengths. S2.00 per cord. Boxwood ll.M per large load. Phone 2211 Black. Kelly, the transfer man. THE PALACE BATHS. Hour for Turkish and Russian bathr t p. m. to 1 a. m., except Sundays. Best equipped barber shop In the city. Five artist, always on hand. C0AU C0AU COAL! If you want your money's worth Ring 'Phone 1311. GEO. W. SANBORN. Agt. Office constructing quartermaster, Astoria, Ore., November, 19, 1903. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., December 4, 1903, and then opened, for furnishing '.he necessary materials and labor for sinking at Fort Stevens, Ore , a group of five six-Inch wells to a depth of, approximately, eighty feet and testing same. United States re. serves the right to reject any or all proposals. Information and specifica tions can be obtained at this office Envelopes should be marked "Pro posals for sinking wells" and addressed to Captain Goodale, Astoria, Oregon. d-nl9-d2 CALL ON THEM. Electrical fit teres. Flwirloal wiring. Electrical sunnllo. 433 Commercial itrtet. TRULUNQER A HARDEST!', Electrical . Contractors. OCCIDENT SHOP Four chain at th, Occident barber hop. No use to miss everything wait ing for a shave. First-class artists and by the way, this Is th plaoe to get a bath. Everything the rsry beat. . tf. JAPANKSB GOODS. ' New stock of fancy goods Just arrlv. ed at Yokohama Basaar. Call and see th, latest novelties from Japan., , Upper Astoria has a placo wher, you can got a fine glass of beer, as good wines and liquors as you can And any place In the city. . HARRT JONES, tf Opposite Kopp's 'Brewery, Minor Baths ar, kept open on Sun day for baths. For flrst-claM work In the tonsorlal line, call at th, Mlrrur Baths, m Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. s-17-tf BEST U-CENT MEAL,' Tou will always find the best lie meal In the city at the Rising Sun res taurant. No. (11 Commercial street , STILL IN THE LEAD Dainty eaters, people with hearty appetites theater parties, and all other parties find what they deslro and some. to appreciate at th, Tok, Point oyster bouse. The choicest viands In the mar ket are there served in most pleasing style. Open all night Private rooms. J. V. Burns sold 10,000 La Imperials during th, month of October, last, nn Increase of 3,000 over sales for the cor responding month last year. tf PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work see your local tuner, Th. Frederlckson, JOT! Boud stree. Phon, 2074 Red. DENSMORH TYPEWRITER. W, sell, rent and repair all makes of typewriters. Writ for new catalogue of New Densmore. Huxley, Ryan A Co., S3 Fourth Street Portland, Or. BOOKS! BOOKS!! I m Just received a big Shipment or 'Holi day and Gift Books SVENSON'S BOOK STORE A.7 Oiniiwrtlnl Ht. Astoria, Oregon 30CC4CC00CO00000000QQCC i.: t u i , ) t Eastern Furniture G?. rt07 COMMiUtCIAL HT. AMTOIUA, OltKOON SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK , Opaque win 35c quality at ........... 25 15c Brass Extension roils - ;.fr t5c i5cCorrogatcd cottage poles in wnue, lour icci long or. v ' Decorated cups and saucers , : in serai porcelain 1 for 25c Iron beds from $2.50 UP 6 Hole steel range the big. gest value cm offered . worth I35.00' this " week " : for............ $29.50 Wood seat high back chair ' worth 65c this week.. 50c All linen warp malting lice patterns all this week at P"y"l" 19c Heating stoves $2.25 UP We carry the largest line of Lounges, Couches and Sofas in the city. Let us figure with you on furnishing your home; we can do It in good style. We sell the famous Ohio Steel Range- bent on earth. Agents for the New Home Sewing Machine; prices away down. OOOOOOOOOOCttOOOOCOTCOCCCCCCCttO Men's Suits vsr, It! mNMM mm, TOUCH the men who wears SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR ., BRAND Slickers S1WTKB-S EfMhlw nraae vim t l.tklna. t in tin world. Will not ermck, pel or $H U'r. Look (or trad Brtirk. If m,t ( doUer'i Mid tor OLtSlOKIM. . U . ttmjn k Dm, W. tin. M Cor. Tenth ana Sa&cs St, I'lioue IBM .. 1 - Lag'er Beer Germ Infected Air. Malaria is not .confined exclusively to the swamps and marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty air of damp cellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease, which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the blood and transmitted to every part of the body. Then you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the cause. No energy or appetite, dull headaches, 6leepy and tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer tion, are bme oithe deplorable effects of this enfeebling " malady. AS me aisease progresses anu wc uiuou uecomes r, mnrf rWnlv nnisoned. boils and abscesses and dark or yellow spots appear upon the skin. When the poison is left to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply in , the blood, Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications oftea arise. As Malaria begins and develops in the blood, the treatment to be enecuve musi Degm mere too. s. S. S. destroys the germs and poisons and purifies the polluted blood, and under its tonic effect the debilitated constitution rapidly recuperates and the soon clear of all signs of this depressing A S. S. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and harmless. Write us if you want medical advice or any special informa Uoa about your case. This will cost yott nothing. WE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, GA. j I'M John Fahrman, Win. Werthes It Q. W. Morton. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Tonr orlrt for mesla. both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly sod atlsfaeWflljr slundod to TelepDone Nn. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express . Companies. Customs House Broker. PRAEL & COOK ITIAN5FER COMPANY. .... Tsltpbons UL" DRAYING AND. EXPRESSING : All goods sihlppsd to our eat Will nostra apsolal tmtton. No. S3 Dnaa0fv . W. J. COOK. Mgr. and Overcoats That Fit Up. S. DANZIGER $ COMPANY Cor. 11th and Commercial Sts. Sole Agents for Stein-Bloch Clothing Hawes $3 Hats Dutchess Warranted Trousers. New Grocery Store S. L. NANTHilUP. CASH GROCER Fine Groceries, Fruits, Flour and Provisions. Welch Block, 658 Commeaclsl St Courteout Strvics . . Prompt Delivery ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA FIVER RAILROAD kzs yzs LEAVE PORTLAND 8:00 a ml 7:00 pmj Portland Union De pot tot Astoria and! Way Points arrive 11:10 am (:40 pm ASTORIA 7:45 am 8:10 pm For Portland and! Way Points 11:80 am 10:80 pm SEASIDE DIVISION 8:16 a 11:85 a 8:50 p 6:15 a 9:80 a 2:30 p Astoria for Waren ton, Flavel Fort Stevens, Hammond, and Seaside - Seasld, for War renton, ' Flavel, Hammond. Fort Stevens ft Astoria) 7:40 am 4:00 pm 10:45 am 12:50 pm 7:20 pm :25am Sunday only f j . ' . - All trains make close connection, at Ooble with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from the East and Sound points. - 1 JVC. Mayo, General Freight and Pass. Agent , itnnuttt hi tutnttti SIG. SICHEL CO. For Sale Everywhere. f i i i'l ('': ! i : " Mt Mi-hpln dpi posmvi cuai orInflnimtln erdtanrh of th Bldder ul IllMMal Xldwfa, Ho our pa pb Can antokl? sod rns BnUf lbs wont eutt ot .mriM sua uimi, bo mttro how Ions Hm&t ( AbMlnMIr hwalru. Sold B lnW Vrlns 11.00, or bf mall, pastpkld. THI CANTAl-PEFilM CO, Sold by Chtu. Rogers 4G9 Commercial Bishop Hicks of Park Cltjr.Ctoli; , BlllMunford, ' Kd.Tufner, ( isigdtuiorn Bus. Uanaget The National Saloon and Cafe Finest Wind, liquors and Xlgari 473 Comrn,roltt t Asttorla, Or The Waldorf " CnAS.F.wpr4PRWle4or. A The Best of V ' Wines, Llquon and Clears. - Concert Every Evening " ' Cor. Eighth and Astor fits' Astoria, Or. When you are out lor a good t- : time don't overlook THE VO. IL" ,.BICR DOHEKTY and 0U$ PETERSON Proprietor! ASTOR ST. ASTOltIA, OB.