The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 21, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Horning Astorian
EiUbllshtd 1873
RATBBn :''''.!.
ent fey mail, per yew.. . ....... ,..$G 00
Went by mail, pet mouth. ...... . .. . 60
Berved by carrier, per month 60
Bnt by mall, per year. In advance $1 00
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Ice, suggests an exchange. There are
stilt adventures aplenty In the world.
Carrie Nation made a visit ' to the
white house this week, but did not get
to see the president, m she was eject
ed by torce. She Is even too strenuous
tar our strcnutms president, I
President Msrroquia is reported as
having flei frwn Colombia In his
modest desire to escape the ovations
of hi people, inspired by their wild
enthusiasm over the rejection ot the
tanal treaty, says the ..-!. '
Colombia Is letting sassy. Unless
the United States recedes at once, she
will attack Panama, her representa
tive say. One can easily Imagine the
. r
If more people read newspapers, the
fakes would be too common to attract
any attention an gold bricks would
have poor sale.
ter Kooplng. When I did any work
requiring bending I could hardly get
up and I had headaches, ditty spells
and at times everyqthlng before me
looked blurred. I waa Just about to
start to tfee store for a plaster to put
on my back when I read about Doant
Kidney Pills and they were. so highly
recommended tor kidney trouble I
made nip my mind to try them and pro
cured a box at Charles Rogeds" drug
store on Commercial street. They
went right to the root of the disease
and helped me from the start nnd be
fore I had finished the box I was cured.
Every thing Is changed with me now
and I have no symptoms of kidney
trouble whatever,"
For sale by all dealers; price 60 cents
Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
Hon. .Moieoim A. Moody, ex-congressman
from the Second congres
sional district of Oregon, is out red
hot after the scalp of Congressman
Newt Williamson, says the Baker City
Herald. Many of Moody's ardent ad
mirers are trying to Impute his recent
Indictment by the federal grand Jury
to political enemies, of whom William
son, says Moody. Is one. These people
forget that Moody was simply engulfed
In the moral wave which seems to
have swept over Oregon and which
found Us expression in fifteen indict
ments returned by the aforementioned
federal grand Jury. If Moody U not
guilty it will be shown. The public
does not believe that he Is guilty and
he says that he is not. Therefore, let
. him square away an 1 hurl facta at the
people and cease from crying "O, My
Enemy." Moody has had more boost
ing since his retiremsnt from congress
, than" he ever had while a member of
the house, and more than any other
, congressman since Oregon was a state.
His record in congress is small com
pared with the wonderful things his
friends claim of him since his return
to private life and no reason exists for
the continual tooting of the Moody
horn. ' No amount of political boost
ing will help him, as he is very much
out of the public eye. There Is, of
course, reason to regret the fact that
he has been indicted, as It is popularly
believed that e is Innocent of the
charge preferred against him. How-
, ever, the people want facts, not billingsgate.
Roosevelt will speak for the rortiamw
evnnnitlnn. in his messasre. but sonff j
ot the leaders are not encouraging him
in this action. ,
Idaho is having some trouble over al
leged land frauds. It will give Oregon
a much needed and desired rest, at
It is to be hoped that the Chinook
can do some work this fall, before win
ter sett In In dead earnest.
Use home products and buy. from
those who form an Integral part of
the community.
Cleveland has broken the game laws
of Virginia and a rural constable is
after him.
Better read the ads In the Astorlan
and profit thereby.
The people who do the business are
those who use printer's ink.
Is Proverbial. Astoria Women
no Exception.
; towle, Elijah the fiecond, baa com
manded his followers to take up
(2,000,000 in ZKm's securities. This he
asks as "God's messenger." Bowie's
graft Is a good one, but how long he
can keep it up Is uncertain. "'
Those are thrilling tales that are
coming dowa from Alaska of the final
river trips amid th'e fast solidifying
. How much we owe to the sympathe
tic side ot womankind; when others
suffer they cheerfully lend a helping
hand.4 They tell you the meanswhlch
brought relief to them that you may
profit by their experience. Read the
testimony given here by an Astoria
woman. ,
Mrs. Close, wife ot John Close, night
engineer at Lindenberger's Cold Stor
age House, foot of Efghth street, re
siding at 230 Commercial street, says:
"About a year ago we moved here from
Portland and as I had a great deal to
look after I overdid myself and the re
sult t was, , brought.,on kidney trouble,
back began to ache and as time rolled
My back began to ache and as time roll
ed by It kept getting worse instead of
better; It finally grew so bad that I
could scarcely stoop or straighten aft-
A fifteen per cent dividend will be
jmiii. th stockholders of the Building
& Loan Land Company upon presen
tation of their certificates of stock to
the undersigned.
;i-S W. L. ROBB, Secretary.
C,W. Barr--Dentist
V Mknsell Building.
573 Commercial street, Astoria, Ore,
Dr.; T. L. Ball
524 CommtrcUl street, Astoria IV.
Mansell Bldg. 5TS Commercial St.
Phone Black 80t . Astoria Ore
Fulton Bros.
"And Counjlor-t-Uw ;
Offices, ldd Felliiws Tltil., Tenth ;ml Corn
' tuerrlHl Sis., Airl. oro
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund the money
If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 2Sc. tt
Telephone EH.
All goods shipped to our oar
Will receive special attention.
No US Duane 8t W. X COOK. Mgr.
A Sclty Belle of London, Canada.
toe w k wr , r-rT T
I ico .11.1 1 aiannjuai
f I of London, Ontario,
I Canada, is a beauti
ful girl who knows what
suffering ia and Wine of
Cardui has brought her back
to health. She is one of the
social favorites of her home
and her recovery to health
has permitted her to enjoy
the company of her many
friends instead of lying on
a bed of sickness and suffering. For
the health she now enjoys she gives
credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes:
"I have found Vine of Cudul an xctl
lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered
for thiee years with terrible bearing-down
pains at tt: menstrual period. I could
hardly stand on my feet and was never,
real well, Vine of Cardui was the only
medicine that I could depend on to do me
any good, at I tried several with no suc
cess, Vine of Cardui cured me and I
have now enjoyed perfect health, for two
yean, an J givt you all the credit for I
know yo deserve it," '
For a young girl Wine of Cardni is
the best remedy to guide her through
womanhood by starting the menstrual
Urn Haf MjrluU.
flow in a healthy and nat
ural manner. Menstruation
started right is very ess; to
keep regular through the
years of mature wonuuihood.
Then the "change of lifo"
need not be f oared. Thus
Wine of Cardui is woman's
best relief from youth to
old age. A million women
have secured blessed relief
from their sufferings by tak
ing this treatment. It relieves men
strual troubles in an incredibly short
time. In a simple case of deranged
menses Wine of Cardui never fails. To
relieve disordered menses is to remove
the cause of other female troubles. Any
physician will tell you that to remove;
the cause of a disease renders the cure
easy, in fact seldom fails to complete
the cure. If you would have the same
relief which Miss Markell secured try
Wine of Cardui. You can take it with
out an examination and without any
publicity whatever. You can take it in
the privacy of your home and secure
just as much benefit as if a doctor had
prescribed it for you. Thousands of wo
men are feeling the vigor of returning
health by taking Wine of Cardui.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
Always. Remember the Tuil i$me
7 ftllU&ia
Cures a Cold in One Day,
2 Days
on every
h h
Seasonable Goods at The Bee
Hive at bargain prices
A delayed shipment of Ladies Suits ar
rived here Saturday. We will sacrifice
the lot at cost, jz? j& j& j& j& j& j&
One wonderful bargain black cheviot.
Louis XIV style, body and skirt of coat
all lined with silk. Coat trimmed with
black silk novelty braid
This great bargain is out of one many
Latest novelties in the much desired
rain coats All wool cravenette milia
tary or two or three capes
Children's automobile mackintoshes, all
sizes. A full line of these again at hand
Children's worsted dresses Cheaper
really than making them and with more
style. The line we carry is the first in
the United States, in prices, workman
ship and style our customers have
found this out. This is the fourth sea
son we have handled these goods, prices
range from
$3.50 to $4.25
Millinery Special black jet top ready
towear hats reduced to
C. C. O'Neill & Company of Chicago will close out the SHAN AH AN stock at Astoria.
The well known store will be closed until Tuesday, November 24th when the Grand
Disposal sale will be commenced lasting thirty days. This stock must be converted
into cash at once In order that it may be done the entire stock of 320,000,00 worth
of merchandise is to be sold for 25, .50 and 75 cents on the dollar.
Doors will be opened and goods thrown on the market
Take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to obtain reliable
merchandise at a fraction of its real value and supply yourself now.
On account of insufficient time we cannot quote prices this week.
. ; r
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