ASTORIA, OR1X30N, nirRSDAY,, NOVEMDKR 19, 1903. TRIAL TEST TO BE LATER Conditions of the Bar Prevent Dredge Chinook Taking a ' ' Try at Things. MATTER UP TO COUNCIL Special Committee Favors Six teenth Street Site or That at Fifteenth and Exchange. . eBi , COPELAND OFFER ACCEPTED THEOLD RELIABLE Snyders Oyster Cocktail Sauce A VERY DELICIOUS SAUCE FOR OYSTERS, STEAKS, COLD MEATS, CHICKEN, TURKEY , 30 Per Bottle Wc are exclusive agents for MACHINERY NOW IN ORDER ROSS, HIGGIN5 a CO. THE : TIDES NOVEMBER. 1J0I. NOVEMDEIt, 10I. Hhirt wtii j ji iL'Tyru. 3 wt,r. r aTm. "r. or Daf. h m. ft Imbu'I tC Lt h.m'l ft7 fctwu ft bONDAT . . .116 0:40 7. 10:14 M BUNfiAT ."" 'Jltf It M 1.0 "4:10 '".Tl Monday . . , . tfl 10: SH 1.3 11:20 7.0 Monday . . . . 16 4:18 1. 2 8:16 0.1 TuMdaf . , ,.l? 11:11 I. ft Tuesday . . . . 17 6:11 1.1 0:04 0.1 Wtdnwday , 18 11:63 l. Wednenday , ..IS 1:03 1.5 1:43-0.1 Thursday . . . 19 0:11 7.113:13 I.I Thursday . . . 1 1:40 1.7 7:33-0.4 Friday 20 1:40 7.1 1:01 1.4 Friday .. ', .. 20 7:3 1.3 1:01-0.4 Baturday . . ..pi 1:10 7.o 1:42 1.1 Hatuiday . , . 21 1:06 1.2 1:40 -0.1 111 Alteration Sale In order to make room (or the changes in my store I am obliged to start my clearance sale earlier than usual. I have token about 300 mem suite which I had prior to tho arrival of my Full stock and placed thorn on it separate counts These euitet are worth from $12.50 to SlS.JSO each, but they will go quick at $8.90 They coiimihI of good Ctwsinicres, Tweeds and Wor steds. $8,90 will nmko them go quickly. Then I have set aside 81 i pairs of mens' pants in pretty mixtures and assorted coloring, ranging in size from 31 to 10 waist and from 30 to 36 length. These trousers are worth from $3.00 to $4.00 mostly $ 1.00 hut they must go at, per pair $2.65 HERMAN WISE THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER Logging rani! on the Young river continue to operate tmd there la no talk of an Immediate shut down In that quarter. The Bremner Logging Comjw-ny of Caey li doing particular ly heavy worlcHnd the logging rail road la being extendod further aouth. The camp ha tendency to build up the revlon which Its Influence affect, and, assisted by the pulp mill, la mak ing Casey one of the moit enterprising himlcts In the county. The commun ity will he greatly benefited by the completion of the road from Casey to Olney, vl.-wem for which have already been iipontd, The old road hua ful- ten Into dlauee and In consequense ir very much out of roiwir. Owing to the Increase of business tn that aec lion It li In great demand at present. SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT To keep in touch with the domands of the trade we have placed in stock & complete lino of the celobrated Jewell Stoves, Ranges, Heaters and Cooking Utensils Which we can reccommend to the trade as suporior in quality, reasonable in price and genuine money - savers. We are bettor prepared to supply your wante inthe home than ever before , CHARLES HEILBORN & SON ASTORIA'S LEADING HOUSEFURNISHERS Oat of Town Orders Given Prompt Attention BUACKSMITHING. Carriage and Wagon Bnilding. First-Class Horse Shoeing LOQ;aIS CAtnp Work. t All kinds of wagon materials in slock for sale. We guarantee the best work done in the city. Prices right. ANDREW ASP. ' Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts. 'Phone 921. Heverul of the Men Are Quitting . and Tlielr IMuces MiiMtlle Filled at Once, f Thoae interested In' the dredge Chinook and It future operation were dlfappolnted when it wai learned that the trial teat that wui to have taken place yesterday wui not gone through with. The plan wa to have the trial rn the bar and the dredge moved down there from Ita position off Flavel yea- terday motnlng, but during the night the bar had become very rough and It waa found Imprartlcabl to attempt to do anything. 80 the purposed trial wa abandoned for the present and the Mhlp returned to the lower harbor, fihe li now lylntr between Flavel and Fort Steven. Major Langfltt waa on the dredm during Ita maneuvering! and returned tn 1'ortlund last night. While In the city he told a repreaentatlve of The Astorlan that everything aboard ahlp wa In good order and aa aoon wenther permitted the dredge would b tried. The pumpe, the major aald, ap peared to be In good working order and everything connected with the machin ery waa In apple pie condition. Tha damage resulting from the accident to tin machinery ha been repaired, so no delay from that quarter will be exper ienced. It wa reported yesterday morning, and confirmed later, that several of the men hai left the Chinook, their Inten tion belnfe to remain away. Before any effective work la done It will be necessary to euutp the dredge with a full crew and It Is thought thl can be done without difficulty, hough at pres cnt no one eem to be ahowlng any great eagerw to enlist In the work Local Brevities. Look for the wonder of the world. 13000 to loan. Address" Sidney Dell, tf For rent Furnlehed room. Good lo cation. Emiulre at thl office. tf Wanted-To borrow JSbOO on Improved real estate. AddreM X, care Astorlan. Christmas noveltlea now coming in. Full Una of thing to burn. Visitor alway welcome. Frank Woodfleld Art Riore. Bond atreet. tf All the warrant for claim ordered paid at the !at meeting of the council have been lgned by Mayor Suprennnt. and the person In whose favor they were drawn may receive them by call ing at the city hall. The city republican committee met lout evening and discussed plana for the campaign. Everything 1 quiet In political ?lrolea and ao there waa little doing at lajtt nfahfa meeting. Anton Sorenson, a native of Den mark; Johan SaXkrins Hnuasen, a un live of Norway, and Edward Lund h ilm, a native of Russia, yesterdny de clared tholr Intention of becoming clt Uens before County Clerk Clinton. Five hundred and fourteen voter had registered up to the cloee of bual neM yesterday afternoon. The total number of registration a year aigo waa 1023. The regwtratlon Dy warue are. First ward, 183; Third ward, 73. Second ward, 158; The regular meeting of the Woman" luh. which wa postponed laet Sat urday, will be held next Baiuraay ernoon, at the uuai nour. a mwi of Importance are to be brought before the meeting for action, a full attend ance, of member ! requested. At the regular hour of meeting of the W. C. T. U. thl afternoon ana ai the usual place a membership social will be given by the ladle. These socials are occasion when the mem ber may combine business with a social good time. A pile driver I being built at the east end of the O. R. & N. dock that will be used to drive the pile for the Im provements going on. The rest of the dock Is undergoing a change that win result In marked convenience over the present arrangement). The chariot race la rien-Hur is the most convincing bit of realism ever presented on the stage. The difflcjtUy of practically developing this wonder ful feature wa one of the reasons which caused Gen. Lew Wallace, the author of tho story, to decline for years to permit the book to be dramatized. After Klaw & Erlanger had submitted to him a complete working model of C3XS Is there any soap but Pears' which has been sold in two centuries and is selling in the third? Sold all over the world. The Wigwam. Eighth : and Aator street, presents a very attractive ap pearance alnce It recent renovation. The decorations are work of art and show that a master artist waa employ- I ed. The bar fixtures, polished wood and metal work and handom scenic effect on wall and celling combine to make the place one of the most fasci nating reuort in the city. Absolute! Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE rhe mechanism of this cene and had demonstrated to him It thorough prac ticability, h began to consider the dra matization of the book. He saw that a marvelous achievement ft real chariot race on the stag would be, and that It could be accomplished with the appara tus Klawt Erlanger had had Invented and constructed. Then he became very enthuslaatlc over It;. Thl and other,-difficult problems, having been uccessfully solved, be consented to the translation of the story Into a drama. The Beo-Hur company ,,wlll present thl wonderful drama at the Marquam, Portland, December 1 to 5. Inclusive. The heavy rain have delayed the construction work on the new coal thcd at Fort Columbia, but Contract or Gustaffson, who haa been awarded the contract to erect the building, now ha a force of men at work on the structure. The building wll be 159 fH?t In length, s Prof, Dennle haa decided to change the Columbia Club' night from every other Thursday to every Saturday, so the members may assemble next Satur" day night for the second dance'. Those who held Invitation and were not able to attend the Drat dance, will of course. consider the Invitations good on Satur day night. , c The Imperial oyster and chop house haa been opened on Commercial street oppose Peteraon A Brown' tore by M. Gallagher, a well knawn caterer. Mr. Gallagher ha a very neat place of business and will keep constantly on hind all the delicacies of the season, ncludlng the famous Toke Poirit oys ter, The public la invited to gl-e the Imperial a trial. 4 The carpenter who were put to work repairing the damage wrought at the Olney school building by the fire of Monday, finished their business yester day and, hereafter the school will at tend to business the same aa in the past. In order to hasten matters and not permit the pupils to mis their studies longer than absolutely neces sary the workmen put In nfght and day with the result that the school term will not be broken up. A. J. Meagler. an employe . of the American Can Company, wrto has been here for the post three months, receiv ed a telephone message from hie eousln est pi day asking if he knew that his (Meaglar) son, Thomas, had been klll- ' The cousin is superintendent of the Holme cannery at Portland. In, reply, Mr. Meagler etated that he knew nothing of the event, and natur ally asked hi cousin for detail of the lulomity. According to his statement to an Astorian reporter, he was unable to secure any details or a verification of thA message, so he wired for further particulars. Aa he had not received In answer to his message at 7 o'clock last night, he left by boat for Portland, wing missed the train. The son In question I agad 15, and attend one of the Portland schools. The All Star football team held a h.ird practice last evening and good ork waa accomplished,. .A few changes are contemplated i by he coaches In the line-up as published' In The Astorian, but the final shaking up Is yet U take place. The gate receipts of the game to be played next Sunday 111 aislst to defray the expenses of the Commercial Club team on the trip to Vancouver, Thanksgiving day, when the contest with te soldiers Is to take place. ; The next big game by the local team -will be played either Christmas of New Year', when they will meet Proposal for the Payment of $15, VIH tot 8lt and Hall I Favorably Jteeoin ', ' mended. The special committee appointed by Mayor Buprenant to - Investigate the City hall proposition and report to the counefl last nfght declared In favor of one of two site. The committee' first choice Is the property owned by E. A Taylor, at the corner of Sixteenth, Du ane and Exchange street. The tract I 100x125 and Mr. Taylor ask 14000 for it. As there will be a street assess ment of about $500 against the prop erty, the committee recommend pur chase of It providing Mr, Taylor will accept 13500 In payment. The second choice of the committee I the Adler property at Fifteenth and Exchange atreet. Thi property. 100x100. ha been offered for 14750. The committee la willing that the city should pay 14500 for It, provided It I Impossible to arrange for the purchase of the Taylor property. At last nfght' meeting Mayor Supre nant. City Attorney 8mlth, Council men Bum, Lelnenweber, Nordstrom and Wright were present. Mr. Smith reported that be had called on M. S. ConeUnl who had offered 115,125 for the present city hall site, and that Mr. Copeland said he waa willing to pay thl sum if he could secure possession of the property by May 1. He demand rental In the sum of per cent of the amount which he will pay, or 175 monthly, between the time of c!osl:;g the deal and May 1. Mr. Smith went on to explain that it would be Impossible for the city to make the sale except for cash, under the provision of the charter. A guar anty bond would be equivalent cash payment in tin caae. Mayor Suprenant favored accept a nee of an offler made to him by Frank Patton for the property at the north west corner of Eleventh and Exchange Ktreel. Mr. Patton offered to accept 20-year 5 per cent bonds In payment City Attorney Smith said he thought the AdVr offer waa the bwVand that the Taylor offer was second best. Mr. Burns and the other councilman favor ed purchase of the Taylor property for 13500. orpurchase of the Adler prop- ertrf"' I500- Tne "dvautage offered k .h. iaw nroDertv Is that it 18 on wild ground, whereas we ssixieemn street location will require more street building, said member of the commit' tee. On the other hand the Taylor property face on three streets and Is 100x125, or one-fourtn larger man u.e Adler uroperty. The Adler property was Mayor Suprenant' nrtn cnoice and the Taylor property n choice. When the matter of sale of the pres ent alt wa taken up. the oner oi r. Copeland, ths only one presented, waa considered. Mr. wrtgnt move the committee recommend iw accept ance, and the motion .prevailed b? nminlmous vote. Mr. Copeland offer $15,125 for the property and building. There was a unanimity of senUment among the four councUmen on u u.c ptoi-osals voted upon. The report of the committee will be presented to the council at Us next meeting, when nnai disposition of the matter will be made. NOTICE. All Odd Fellow are requested to meet at Odd Fellows' hall at 7:30 to night. Business or imporwu come before the meeting. JOHN HANSON, OLOF ANDERSON. Noble Grano GOOD MONEY. For a rustling, industrious man or woman to work for a well estabiumea fraternal insurance order, paying sick, accident, funeral and death benefits at low rates. Already doing business in Astoria. The right party can make big money. Addres Order of Lions, 607 Chamber of commerce, r-uma.m, Oregon. n921 wtth This the famous Chemawa Indians. BBSregatlon conquered the Van couver team last Sunday, the score being 21 to 0t so after the Thanksgiving game some Idea of the respe? tlve strength of the Redirien and the Asto rian can be formed. PROF. WILLIAM A. ALLEN The Renowned Astrologer, Palm ist and Clairvoyant Without knowing who you are, what you are or whence' you came, thl re markable man tells your name, your uge, your occupation,, who you will marry and when, without asking you a Ingle word. Call and be convinced and don't wait until he I gone and then regret It. The Qrlel house, 660 Commercial street. Readings 11.00 and 12.00. Hours, 9a, A particularly unfortunate case waa called in the police court before Judge Anderson yesterday onemoon. mo culDrit was C. Stewart, who lost one of hi legs In some accident and who is deprived of the use of the other. The man waa arrested for begging. He manages to et aboat by the use of his hands nd the predicament of the un fortunate arouses sympathy for him wherever he goes. However, he is not deserving of It, for the man Is a con firmed drunkard. Instead of trying to help himself, he begs a few bits and spendb'lt for liquor. When arrested he was drunk, and at the police Btatlon he heaped upon Chief Hallock & variety, of abuse that is seldom heard in ths Jail. "Can't a respectable American citizen gt a doctor in this God-forsaken country?" exclaimed the roedlcant, and followed his demands for medical at tendance with the vilest language im aginable. Judge Anderson agreed to withhold sentence on condition that the fellow leave the city on the night train. It is much to be able to get Schilling's Best at your gro cer'sj your money goes twice u far, and comes back if you want it ... '. ' Li WHERITY, RALSTON Successors to John H&hn THE LOUVRE CHAS. WIRKKALA, Proprietor JAMES GARDNER, Mmtw ' , WCt CUNNINGHAM, Pianist -T Program Week Commencing November 16 In old Irish Songs , MAYME SCAN1AN Utest Com Sonet of the day BIRDIE PiAMOND Ovtrturt "Love's Conft&ioii WaHu" Fifth and Last We'i of the Novelty . and Music- Artists A. W. STANLEY and MAYME SCANLON In little of everything Ovtrturi..."Weddinj of the Winds" One more is buutiful biltads BIRDIE DIAMOND ,Ov(trtirr-"D!xleCirr IDustrsUd Sent by MAMIE CRAIG V "She Sleeps by the Silvery Rie Grande" Overture-,-Adfya Waltx" Last week of ARCHIE W. STANLEY the Hebrew Glm-Pirt-ln-M Overhirt "Matinee GirT Twe Step Beiutiful and Ftsdiuiirnf BIRDIE DIAMOND Overture-.."Miivte Idol WaJU" Program is subject to chanije without notita. 1 A. KILJUNEN-The Union Tailor 1 , .... Suits to order and Fit Guaranteed. 522 COMMERCIAL STREET ASTORIA, OREGON The Boston Restaurant 530 commercial;street J Best and Neatest Eating House la Astoria Try Our 25-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention IliQii Class Chef MARINOVICH & CO Scow Bay Iron & Brass Worlcs !K!ssaf2Ctsrers of - Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Fanndrymen and Patternmakers. 4 Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest. Phcce 2451 . Comer Eighteenth esd Frssklis. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLBN Tenth and Commercial Streets (ELATERITE Is Miner! Rubber) YOU MAY INTEMD BUILDIKQI or find It neoeurr to MICPIAOE A WOB-OUT ROOF ELATERITE ROOFING Take the plaoa of shingles, tin-, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofiDu For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, -ftdleys, eto. Easy to lay. Tempered for all olimate. Reasonable in oosU Sold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to ask (or prices and infomation.,r , ij v; l THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland uttttttttttttautfaattaaaaa 8aua88nn8an The Best Bcsteoront a a The Palace Cafe 888888888888 Regular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty . Everything tee Market Affords a 8 8 n 8 U 8 8 n Palace Catering Company S 888888888888888888888 C to 10 p. m. nl9-20