ASTORIA, pKKGON, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER IS. 1903. WeMliar ds Lag'er Beer Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Xlanufacturers cf Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. ' General Found ryuien and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest.; Pbcne 2451 Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. Fancy arid Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, MWYISlOfifc. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLBM Tenth aad Commercial Stmts BUACKSMITHING. Cirriage end Wagon Bonding. First-Class Horse Sboeing Logging Camp Work. All kinds of wagon materials in stock for sale. We guarantee the best work done in the city. Prices right. ANDREW ASP. Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts. 'Phone 921. For the hesA SHOE, see Peterson Brown Agents for "DOUGLAS" and "WALK OVER" Shoes RYTHMICAL ROT. (The democratic member or the ways and means committee of the house of representative have held a causua ana decided to klok.-News Item.) I I wish I were a democrat with fourteen thousand legs, I And feet aa long as telegraphic poles; J I 'M my boots were made of lead, and ttlled with Iron pegs, i Protruding from the tides and from the soles. For If I had such leg aa these. I'd move down south post haste. ' Where democrats have thrived e'er since tho war, And have them send me up to congiv, where I'd stick like paste. And kick, and kick, and kick for evermore. S. NEW BARGAINS FOR TODAY JAPANKSB GOODS. New stock of fancy good Just arriv ed at Yokohama Baiaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. Upper Astoria has a place where you can get a line glass of beer, as good wines and liquors as you ran find any place In the city. HARRY J0NK3, tf Opposite Kopp's Brewery. Usten to these vereeleta, friends, Here'a a list 1 11 call Of conditions that exist In the town this fall. You'll oberve our civic pride. Solid aa a wall When we point with pleasure to " Our New City Hall. Sites are offered dally now Prices large and small Smith will argue wrathfully "Jones has got his gall Trying to hold the city up; Think I'll have to bawl Htm out 'cause he wants to own Our New City Hall." Accusations fly uround Like a rubber bull. Conversations dally breed From the theme a squall. " Heivens! e'en the babies will (Soon as they can crawl) Lisp to mothers all about Our New 'Thlty Hall. Country Reubens interject With bucolto drawl, "Seems to me them city folks Talk'n thet's 'baout all." Too much chewing of the rag Has begun to poll; Let's get busy and put up Our Nev City Hall. -H.W.D (With apologies to the author of Kelly and Burke and Shea.) NOTHING PLEASE so well as nicely laundried b'nen. We have the neatest and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best work. All White help. Cor. Tenth and Dnane St. Phone 1891 , The Troy Laundry r L. H. HENNINGSEN CO. Upholsterer and Furniture Dealer. Handlts Stovt, Tinware and Second Hand Goods. Paid Gratke to Patterson, Touching these matters on Which we're compelled to enthuse To Increase circulation. We must scheme like tarnation. Astorlan, Budget and News. Loquitur Bob Gibson: Say, wonder If Isben Could be secured at any ruse? Twould rattle the gapers If he'd write for our papers, Astorlan, Budget and News. ''The great Orefconlan No doubt's been poneyin" Up lots of dough to Infuse Life In Its list of "eubs" Let us no more be dubs, Astorlan, Budget and News." "Right!" quoth the other two, "Henceforth we'll strive to do Up our big rival or lose. This Is no Idle joke." Said they, "Just watch our smoke, Astorlan, 'Budget and News." Gratke thrw down the gauge lludget is now 6-page, Gibson and "rut" took their cues. Conies the Astorlan next. Although first in the text, Astorlan, Buljet and News. In a fractional part (Yes, I sp?ak a la cart)) , Of . month.more or less If you choose You will witness, I say. Just efeht pages per day Without any raise of your duos. As for Gibson, they say That as soon as his way Becomes clear he will at art on a cruise For a linotype yes And a self-feeding press. Like the Journal and Telegram use. Oh, the trio'll be great. Quite ths best In the state. Outside Portland, of course but then whose Got the nerve to compare The "rags" they have up there With Astorlan, Budget and News? Oh, fin du siecle authoress, of eptgram and platitude, " Beware displaying qualities which show your mental attitude; And If you really wish to earn our ev erlastlng gratitude, Don't bore us with selections which betray your mental latitude.. -H.W.D. PERSONAL . MENTION. 504 BONO STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. PHONE, RED 2305 J HOTEL PORTLAND The FinesttHotel in the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. a a a a a - a va a a a a Magnificent Display!! Judge for yourself when you examine the stock. SPLENDID LOT OF RINGS That cannot be duplicated in Astoria. attaaaaaaaaa a a a a a a a a 464 Comnuclal Strut a ASTORIA, OREGON aa a a a a a a a J. H. .SEYMOUR" Can give you Bargains. aaaaa aaaaaaaaan a a a a aa New Style Restaurant Everything First Clasj: The Best the Market Affords. Open Day and Night. Good Service. 120 llth Si. next door to Griffin Bros. and adjoining the Office Saloon ASTORIA, OREGON P. A. TRULLINGER ' Cigars and Tobaccos ' The Edison Graphaphone, Disc and Circular. Agent for the Portland Safe and Lock Comjany , Best on the market. Max Pohl returned last night from a trip to Portland:. Mrs. Charles Wlrkkala has returned from a Portland visit. George Oman visited in the city yes terday from Hammond. Dr. August Kinney returned yester day from a trip up the line. Mrs. Alber Hill was in the city yes terday from her home at Warren ton.. Andrew Young wa In the city yester terdpy rroin his place on Youngs river. Charl-'s Zlegler returned last night from Goble where he had gone on bus iness. C. R. Thomson returned last night from Hot Lake, Ore., where he had spent a month. Miss Nan RahlB-Teturned home yes terday from Portland where she has been visiting. Hon. J. 'W. MInto returned last night to Salem after several days spent In fhls section. Hon. John H. Smith, who has been in Portland for a few days this week, re turned home Friday. Will Bartoldus was in the tfty last evening from his home on the Wall uskl visiting friend. Clnude Simpson, son of the late Sam. L. Simpson, was In the city yesterday from Portland, where he Is engaged in the newspaper field. Thomas Christensen was a passenger out on the steamer Columbia yesterday morninjj for California where he goes on a trip that win be devoted to busi ness and pleasure. Dr. J. A. Regan has returned from Portland, where he successfully under, went the state dental examination. He intends to practice hie profession in this city. George McFaj-Iand was in the city yesterday from Youngs river, where he Is engaged in the cattle business with John Frye. Mr. McFariand brings his cattle from the south side of Green mountain where he owns a range and they are dressed into beef at his slaughter house near the city. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. tf Hundreds of electricians are at this moment striving to construct lamps in which nothing is consumed save the electrical energy applied to them lamps that have the radiance of the sun ! and the coldn?ts of th? inocn. DOSEN'T RESPECT OLD AGE. It's shameful when youth falls to show proper respect to old age, but Just tho contrary In the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and Irrespective of old age, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation and all yield to this per fect pill. !5c at Chaa. Rogers' drug Store. BOOKS! BOOKS!! Just received a big Shipment of Holi day and Gift Books SVENSONS BOOK STORE Ml I'Miitnwrclut St. Astoria, Oregon Mirror Baths art kept open on 8un d:iy for baths. For first-class work In the tentorial line, call at the Mirror Hatha, tit Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. s-17-tf sccrrcocHXcxooooooooc 0CC0CCOOOOOO BEST M-CENT MEAL. You will always find the best lie meal In the city at the Rising 8un res taurant. No. tit Commercial street ' STILL IN THE LEAD Dainty eaters, people with hearty appetite theater parties, and all other parties And what they desire and some- to appreciate at the Toke Point oyster house. To choicest viands In the mar. ktt art there served In most pleating style. Open all night Private rooms. A man will run as fait as he tan to cross a track n front of a train. Then he will vatch it till it goes out of sight. Then he will walk leisurely away. HJ seems to be all fight, and probably is. This is a man. DISASTROUS WRECKS. Carelessness is respnslble for many a railroad wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cured, aid hopeless resignation Is no longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of. Dorchester, Mass., is one of the many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy Is guaranteed for ail Throat and Lung diseases by Charles Rogers, Druggist Price 50 c, and $1. Trial bottles free. The Astorlan Job printing office Is now fully prepared to turn out first class printing at reasonable prices. No order too large or too small to receive prompt attention. Let us know when you want PRINTING. We are never too busy 10 attend to business. 'Phone Room 1, Colmon Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (EUTERITE Is Mineral Rubber) l MAT IWTEHD BUILDIMOI Of linO. It MCMUry to RKFJLACIS AWOItH4DT KOOJC ELATERITE ROOFING NOT A SICK DAY SINCE. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I ! rwv an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine haze been cured of Rhuema tism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility." This Is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes. Only '60c at Chas Rogers, druggist. Takes the place of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofing 1 or list snd steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay. Tempered for all climates. IWsonable in ooeU Bold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to ask for rsitts and information. , r ur VI ELATEK.TE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland 1 Can you figure out how long It will take Herman Wise to sell those suits at 18.90, having sold 18 of them the first day, when not one-tenth of the people knew anything about It? . 3t ABOUT AUSTRALIAN COAL. Coal Is the best fuel, Australian is the best coal. You don't have to hire It split, It burns without seasoning, No large space required for it, Australian coal excells all others, It makes less ashes and dirt. It keeps a hot even fire, It Is the cheapest fuel, Call up phone 1961' for coal, We deliver It for you. No charge for delivery, ELMORE & CO. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, doing business under the l'rm name of Malar Bros., have dis solved partnership by mutual consent, George Malar retiring, being succeeded by W. A. Johnson. All bills due will be payable 'o the new firm and all ob ligations will be assumed by John II. Malar. JOHN H. MALAR. GEORGE MALAR J. V. Hums told 10.000 La Imperials during the month of October, last, an Increase of 5,000 over sales for the cor responding month last year, tf PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work set your local tuner, Th. Frtderlckson, SO'tl Bond stree. Phone 2074 Red. Great Eastern Furniture Cc. AO? COM M KKC I A L ST. A8TOKIA, OltliGON OC)OOOO00OOOOOOO00CttCCX)00OCJOC)0O00OOOOO00O SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Opaque window shades 35c quality at 25 5C Brass Extension rods for 15c 5cCorrogated cottage poles in white, four feet long for... 15c Decorated cups and saucers in semi porcelain a for 25c Iron beds from $2.50 UP 6 Hole steel range the big. gest value ever offered worth IjJ, 00 this week 'or '.. $29.50 Wood seat high back, chair worth 65c this week . , 50c All linen warp matting nice patterns all this week at f cr yard Qc Heating stoves $2.25 11 P CIGARETTES. The newest and latest In cigarettes- rail Malls; cork tips, at P. A. Trul llnger's. Two storea We carry the largest line of Lounges, Courhes and Sofas In the city. n us figure with you on furnishing your home; we can do it in A food stvli- W'e sell the famous Ohio Steel Kiini?s.httt nn nrt!v Agents for the New Home Sewing Machine; price away down'. ooocxoooooooocx)ocooooocccccrccoo mKtwtxntnmttmmns:tmttmmmmmit:a::tu:::t:nnnui:m:stam::m:nt DENSMORB TYPEWRITER. We sell rent, and repair all makes of typewriters. Write for new catalogue of New Densmore. Huxley. Ryan A Co., S3 Fourth Street Portland, Or. A LIFE SAVER Many lives are annually destroyed by diseases resulting from faulty plumbing Be sure your plumbing Is done by an expert, and save annoyance and dan ker. Gat and steam fitting, heating, tinning, etc. Fixtures In stock. JOHN A. MONTOOMERT. 125 Bond street. 'Phone 101L CALL ON THEM. Electrical fixtures. Electrical wiring. Electrical supplies. 433 Commercial street. TRULLINGER A HARDESTY, Electrical Contractors. OCCIDENT SHOP Four chairs at tht Occident barber shop. No use to miss everything wait ing for a shave. First-class artists and by the way. this It tht olaca to cat a bath. Everything tht very boat. tf. COAU COAL! COAL! If you want your money's worth Ring 'Phone 1311. GEO. W. SANBORN, Agt. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE. For sale, cigar store on Commercial street. Apply to P. A. Trulllnger, 67S Commercial street. WANTED. Wanted an offlce girl. Trulllnger & Hardesty. tf I HATS TRIMMED FREE. Full line of Ladles and ?hlldrens Fall and Winter Hats. Skirts, WnJstH. Coats and Jackets. Complete Furnishing Goods, Hair Switches and Pompedours. MRS. R. INGLETON, , Welch Block. ' 1 1 ji)iw Tsilsrs PCkifiatea rwm 1 r -e.J)wnwi . 1 I Just One Moment d Please- Ready for That new Overcoat? J Better run in and sec ins? now models before buying one else- where. If you want li buy tlm most Htylisli, the Uwt lil ting uml thebt iiui'K' ovtruoat for tlio money in town, conio lit-n vc hnvo it. Our OviTcoiiN uru cuslom-tnilorid; tho fabrics, tho linings and tho trimmings nru tho mum; gnulo that are ueil by tho high piicotl to-order, tailors, and tho workmanship im the handiwork of export tailor-men. Coiiiu in ami coo thtin, whttlar yon nru ready to buy or not. Smart Overcoats $10 to $25 S. DANZIGER to COMPANY Cor. llth and Commercial Sts. :c:::::::naat::t.jj:::a::.,:u:::Jt::nj:mu:a:srj:::5:s:n:jtsa:in;Ku THE PALACE BATHS. Hourt for Turkish and Russian bathr I p. m. to t a. m except Sundays. Best equipped barber shop In tht city, Five artists always on hand. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS. Instructions on tht piano by exper ienced German teacher. Terms, ft Pr lesson. Address, Prof. K. H. Maud erer, cart Tht Astorlan. N3-1& l-jfP S I 11- 1 T-- iP-t ri tt--t -wf Ji t. rmttmintiWFi.tri-nniisiiii - mfMiikrwtLnimALm.:AaixmtmKMm. M llll it In " ;3 e? ft $ ,tmm. MiwMsra3iw.fla y TrrrartitoasjssigttwhiaHtt sj llull-inilf'tt' I Hi Tt 9 AH tU II - These Platters are a scientific and harmoiucut combination of healing and strengthening guma, together with the Suits of that moit wonderful of Nature's Lakes, Hedlcal Lake, Washington. No Plaster before devised, combines such- peculiar curative and lengthening qualities, and we confidently assert that this is the belt and moit highly curative Plaster ever conijjrynded. They give instant and soothing relief, will be found the moit excellent Flatter you have ever used, and will cure Throat, Chest and Lung; Difficulties, Kidney and Bladder Affections, Lumbago, Weak Back, Backache, Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Coughs, Qrlppe, Cramps, Strains, Sprain, Larnt ness, 5tlffnes and Inflammation of the Joints or Muscle. Medical Lake are not patent medicines. A fMlcal Lake Tablet dluolvtd In a gfaus of water, suJus s tfallghtfully delicious cooUn; beverage. Ptoplt of floaty or Rheumatic tendencies art benttlul quickly by drinking Medical Lake Water. MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFC CO., SoltMfri. ' MBW ifOUK AND 8POKANB, WASH. mmmmm mi m V. A'jttBg3 ' mM. Medical Lake Baits Mfg. Co.. 8 pokana. Wash. OenMemen I was ttrlclten to my bed with 'a violent attack of mu enter rheumatism. I suffered Intensely and for 10 days had to be carried to tht Madloat Lakt batht. Ia tbt Inartdibly short period of three days was up an d about nay attal work. There terta laly 1 m my tttlmatloa m tuual to tht water of Mmlloal lAkt for such oaset 8JJLVT KCLXT. For salt In Astoria by Frank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial, 1 tht Conn Drug Company Twelfth, ana commercial ana 17 nanes Rogers, Odd FeUowt building tsi. 2 X I i