The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Homing Astorian
EiUbliihri IS73
Sent by mm'l, per year ...... .$G 00
Bent by mail, net month 50
Served by carrier, per month 60
Bent by mail, per year. In advance 11 00
The Astorian guarantees to lt ad
vertiser the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
River.' ;
There can be no question on this side
of the ocean as to the Impression that
Jlr. Joseph Chamberlain's "campaign
of education" against the British free
trade policy baa already made on the
masses over there. They are beginning
to think, to reason and that is half the
battle when the traditional conservat
ism, the prejudices and the stubborn
ness of the average Britton are consid
ered. That is all that the former secre
taries for the colonies bad hoped for, an
earlier result than he expected. It Is
significant of the steady progress of
his political crusade that on Tuesday of
last week, at Liverpool, over Ave thous
and workingmen applauded him to the
echo and passed stirring resolutions In
indorsement of his protective proposals,
although the British Tradesmen's Con
gress at a recent session had vigorously
condemned the entire Chamberlain pro
gramme. Hundreds of earnest men had
stood in line outside of the hall for five
heirs in a drenching rain storm In or
der to be sure of places inside, and nun
. flreds more stood outside during the en
tire meeting hoping to gain admittance
some time before its close, is the way
the New Tork Commercial sums up the
I appeal against the unions and tor
you,"declared Mr.Chamberlain,"against
the officials to the men who appointed
them and thus gave them votes In the
congress. It 1s absolutely Impossible
to reconcile free trade and trade union
ism. You can have one or the other,
but you can not have both. That con
gress made cheapness its god. But to
buy in the cheapest market is not to the
best interests of the workingmen. The
producer is of greater importance than
the consumer , Of what use is it to pro
hibit 'sweating" in Great Britain if
sweatsd goods from foreign countries
are admitted? If the cheapest goods are
bought that is, those produced where
labor Is cheaper than it is in Great
Britain why not import cheap labor
Tbe Commercial then concludes that
this doctrine of fostering and protect
ing the home market, of keeping the
home population always at work on
good wages, of ignoring the cheapness
of foreign goods if only we can keep
our, own factories running and the op'?r
atives' dinner-pails full Is not a new
one here in the states. It has been rank
Industrial and political heresy to
preach it in the United Kingdom. But
7 A 2rf Jmm nnkvtf
For all climatei; heat, cold.
rain, gases, fumei and fire do
not affect it. Comet in
rolls ready for laying. Low
freight charge. Incx pen
live to apply, cheap in the
first place and lain for
turi Mr hatha,
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San FrandKe, Seattle
Portland, Us An jtlts
county his home, and he has made no
home anywhere else. Both the fact
and the intention being in favor of
this, these certainly establish the place
of residence, says the Salem Statesman.
Mr. Davey well represented his con
stituents at the last session of the leg
islature and The Astorian is pleased
that he has not changed his residence
and will hold a seat in the lower bouse
in the event that a special session la
Mayor Carter Harrison, of Chicago,
would run for president if the honor
were thrust upon him. It appears to
most people that vhe mayor's Job is
about his calibre.
The tax muddle is not of sufficient
importance to call for a special ses.
sion of the legislature. Most counties
are in a fair financial condition and all
have good credit.
The governor of Oregon is pretty
nearly right when he hesitates about
calling a special session of the legisla
Business men. who feet business, do
business in a practlcal.progresslve way
Spasmodic effort does not win.
The new mayor of San Francisco will
have a small improvement fund of $18,
900,000 to look after.
The reputed father of Dowie repud
iates the story of the latter concerning
his parentage.
Election prophesies are not worth
half so much this morning as they were
24 hours ago.
The Opportunity to Io So Is In
Toung men and women who are am
bitious to rise and unable to attend col
lege or a technical school ehould Inves
tigate the advantages offered by the
International Correspondence schools
of Scranton, Pennsylvania. These
schools which were organised in 1S91
now have over S0O.O0O students; and
during the brief period of twelve
.wars have helped thousands of people
to better paying positions. Their cur
riculum embraces one, hundred and sixty-five
different courses of study, an
immense variety to select from, and all
of them are of the practical salary
raising clss of1 Instruction. The schools
do not aim to deal .with the sort
of education which merely adorns.
They say to a young man: where does
your greatest practical aptitude He?
Tell us what you crave and If you are
willing to study we can gratify your
They have unlimited endorsements
from all classes of successful men and
from prominent ofllclals of the U.
Government. The Secretary of the
Navy, the labor commissioner, military
Instructors at West Point and members
of congress have endorsed and warmly
praised their system of education. To
come nearer home they have 225 stud
ents in Astoria. See some of those and
get their opinions on the subject. Then
write to the schools for some literature.
J. C. Sanner their local agent Is gener
ally in town at room E Oriel house, (00
Commercial et from the 10th to the 17th
of each month and can always be seen
there from 8 to 10 P. M.
Lessons are sent to students in pam
phlet form and these schools furnish
additionally a reference library of
bound volumes with most of their
courses. They teach French, German
and Spanish with the aid of the Phono
graph. Scholarships can be paid for,
little cash down or in monthly Install
ments. tf
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab'
lets. All druggists refund the money
If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c. tf
New York. Nov. 4. Thorn Cleary,
said to have been at one time middle'
weight champion of the west, has been
found dead from the effects of gas, '.n
a hotel here. A tube connected with a
small heater had become loosened and
his death evidently was accidental.
Cleary, who vas 35 years old, had retir
ed from the ring to become proprietor
of a hotel at Newburg, N. T. He was
here on a visit -.vhen he met his death.
Mourners Tlirowu Into Panic by
Supposed Ghost.
New Tork, Nov. 4. While a wake
was in progress during the night in a
West Fifty-fifth street boarding bouse
over the supposed remains of John Sie
bert, who was believed to have been
drowned, the mourners were thrown in
to a panic by the sudden entrance of
what they took to be the ghost of their
the leaven of protection is working over friend- Some f tne womn fainted Bn
there Just as sure as the Briton has
sound common sense and is thoroughly
practical at the bottom.
The summary of the election results
of yesterday are not at all surprising,
though straw votes and predictions of
a week ago were shattered in some
cases. For Instance, the Herald pre.
dieted the re-election of Low, when in
fact he was beaten by McClellan by a
plurality of 01,414 votes. Instead of
Franklin K. Lane leading in the grand
finale, Schmitz was re-elected mayor
of San Francisco, with Crocker a very
close second.
Kentucky and Maryland are both
democratic and Rhode island also re
elects a democratic governor. Ohio and
Pennsylvania were known to be safely
republican before the votes were cast.
The expected has happened all along
the line. Had it not been for the sharp
contest In New York and San Francisco
the public would hardly have been
aroused to more than ordinary Interest;
An Oregonlan reporter persists In fig
uring a vacancy In the place of Rep
resentative Frank Davey, of Marion
county, in the legislature. The only
home Mr. Davey has is in Salem, and
should there be a special session called
he would serve as one of the members
iron) this county of the lower branch
without a doubt. He calls Marlon
there was the" wildest excitement until
I the supposed apparation convinced the
I mourners that he was Sefbert In the
flesh. A call was then sent to the
morgue for the removal of the body
and the wake became a revel. The
corpse had a striking resemblance to
Rev. John S. Cox. of Wake, Ark.,
writes: "For 12 years I suffered from
yellow Jaundice. I consulted & number
of physicians and tried all sorts of med
lcines, but got no relief. Then I began
the use of Electric Bitters and feel that
I am now cured of a disease that had
me In its grasp for 12 years." If you
want a reliable medicine for liver and
kidney trouble, stomach disorder or
general debility, get Electric Bitters.
It's guaranteed by Charles Rogers.
Only 50 cents.
jjf The Smoke of the M
i ((BDDD '
Mi Covers the Country W
The popularity of tlie fP
Crenio Cigar has spread from 0y
, man to man; from town to town; ijy? .
from state to state until it is
known and favored MW
J0mP Brand of Clffart
In the World.
ti)f The Band it tbe Smoker's Protection.
1.00 ami
7:00 p ml
l.J... I U, . U4JJJU it-iUS
Portland Union De-I
pot for Astoria ana
Way Point!
1:40 pro
C. W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building.
573 Commercial street, Astoria, Ore,
Dr. T, L. Ball
624 Commercial street, Astoria Ore.
Mansell Bldg. 573 Commercial St
Phone Black 2065 Astoria Ore.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission
Agent Wells, Fargo
Express Companies.
House Broker.
and Shipping,
and Pacific
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 4. The board
of conciliation tppolnted by the anthra
cite strike commission has rebuked
three companies which have not been
obeying awards of the commission
Coxe Bros. & Co., the Lehigh Coal
Navigation Company and the Bedell
Bros., were asked by the secretary to
explain the matter by letter. The col
lieries of the Lehigh Valley, Lehigh &
Wilkesbarre, the Deleware, Lackawan
mi & western and the Philadelphia &
Reading Coal Companies, which have
all been idle for a week, will resume
work today.
Honolulu, Nov, 4. The county elec
tlons were held throughout the terri
tory yesterday and returns are coming
In slowly. So far as the returns have
been received Oahu will go slightly re
publican. Complete returns from Kaul
show that nearly all tbe republican can
didates have been elected.
Scrofula manifests itself in many ways. Swelling of the glands of the
teck and throat, catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling, offensive sores and ab
scesses, skin eruptions, lossof strength and weakness in muscles and joints.
It is a miserable disease and traceable in almost every instance to some
family blood taint.
Scrofula is bred in the r .Scrofula on the bead of my
bone, is transmitted 7-S JtP ?J"d. .d.?e5. "J11 x? months
from parent to child,
the seeds are planted in
infancy and unless the
blood is purged and pu
rified and every atom of
the taint removed Scrof
ula is sure to develop at
some period in your life.
Ao remedy equals S
t. - i r
old. and soread ranidlv over har hnriv
The diaeaae next attacked the eyss and
inent phy.icim. were consulted, bat
" - HJ.ii-l.u. WS VOJIIUIIQU. due
could do nothing to relieve the little in-
' iuQu in i&i. wo usciaoa no
try S. S. S. That medicine at ones made
a speedy and complete cur. She Is now
younif lady, and has never had a siirn
or tne disease to return.
150 South 6th Street. S&lina, Kan.
w. vuiv. iui miuiuia. iicieanses ana nuuas
no the nlonH. malrpa it rich and mir anA niAn t : -or ... - r ai-.
' ' - - wuik cuciis vi tula
great Blood Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive organs are
etrpnrtriififr1 arA fVi-A in i 1 t..v . a
, , ' la a fciuuucti uui sure reiurn
to health. Trip rlpnrwit-i,iUrmln -uA
t . v vuiA,n.uiQi uianu ill
joints and glands is carried off as soon as the blood
I is restored to a normal condition, and the sores, ernp-
1 1 1 1 ti c qh1 it'll n. ci.mntAMn - c fi a:
55 R ft Is minraMtnMl TMirvilir -iivcit'iVil n nA V - l . ' , . i .. ..
purifier and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitu
tions. Our physicians will advise without charge, all who write us about
their case. Book mailed free.
Annapolis, "Md., Nov. 4. A verdict
has been reached by the court martial
sitting at the naval academy In one of
the three cases of the midshipmen who
are charged with hazing. It is that of
John H. Lofland, of Oskaloosa, la.
The finding will not be made public un
til It has received the approval of the
secretary of the navy. The case of
Midshipman Chaffee, of Rineland.Wls.
is now being tried.
Fulton Bros.
And Courutlon-al-Liw
Offices, Odd Kcllown UM Tenth 'and Com
men ial Ht Astoria, ore
Electrical Works
428 BOND fT.
Ws are thoroughly prepared for
maklnj cstlmatea and executing
ordsfs for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stock. We sell the
celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call
up Phone ML
H. W. CYRUS. - Mtjr
Fuel! Fuel! Fuel!
Telephone tU.
All goods shipped to oar ears
Will receive special cation.
No S38 Duane St. W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Hours for Turkish and Russian baths
t p. m. to I a. m., except Sundays,
Best equipped barber shop In the city.
Five artists always on hand.
Reduced to $2.00 per Wagon Load
, by the Kelly Transfer Company
Is Here to Stay
Scott's Sanlal-Pepslfl Capsules
vnriBnunm.iiM or Ct.rrt
f ft Hladlr ud DlwwW
T:4Stm ror Portland and U:Mam
:10 pm Way Points 10:10 pm
M:U a m Astoria for Waren- T;40 a m
11:11 am ton, Flavsl Fort 4:00pm
1:00 p ni Stevens, Hammond MO; 40 a m
land Seasldt
1:15 a ml Seaside for War- U:M p m
1:30 am rsnton, Flavsl, T:l0pra
1:30 pni Hammond, Fort t:tfam
Stsvsna A Astoria
Sunday only
All trains maks elost connections at
debit with all Northern Faclflo trains
to and from U Bast and Sound points.
J. C. Mayo,
General Fralght and Pan, Aftnt
Short line
Alto union Pacific'
TO hours from Portland to Chicago.
No chants of car.
lpart ULE8 Arrlva.
From Portland.
"cUlcagd ' '
Portland Salt Lake. Denver, t.
Special Ft Worth, Oma 4; JO p.m.
I:S0 a. ha, Kanaaa City,
vlaHunt- St. Louis, Chi- '
Ins-ton, caito and East
Atlantic Halt Lake, rjnvsr7 "
Expresi Ft, Worth, Oma
I IS p.m. ha, Kansas City 10:30 a.m.
vlallunt-j St. tula, Chicago
InKton. and East
St Paul Lswlston, Spo
FastMal kane, Minneapolis, 7:JS p. m,
p. m. St Paul, Duluth,
via. Milwaukee, Chlcait .
Spokane and Knit
From Astoria-
Fir Slulnvood $j kt conl
Ho.wo(nl l.fio a load
BMMfh HO turt BO M
Can untaklr an4 Wtaw
atlr lb. wonl sw
Uvnsrrbora and UlMt,
M bui tor of ho Ion. ilu4,
Ins. AtwolsiolT SwinWtc
hf dranW fHoi
l OS, or by mi. podulX
1.00, 1 lM.,
TNI tATAl-?l!l to.
vBuarvwiwiiriiOriig. I
Phone Bljck22ll, KELLY (he Tratuftrman Sold by Chaa. Rogsr, 460 Commercial
7 a. m.
Daly sx
cept 8ur
All ailing dates
ubjtict to chang.
For San Francis
co every flva daya
Columbia Rlvsr
to Portland and
Way Landings.
4: a. m.,
Dally n
cept Mot
Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on
tlds dally except Sunday for Ihraco,
connecting there with trains for Long
Heath, TigM and North Beach point.
Returning arrive at Astoria asms
0. W. ROBERTS, Agent,
""MMMMMMMMlll t""M'M''''"''''M'JLJm-
Would not Interest you If you were
looking for a guaranteed salve for
sores, burns or plies. Otto Dodd, of
UPondr, Mo., writes: "1 suffered with
an ugly sore for a year, but a box of
Bucklin's Arnica Salve cured me. Its
the best aalve on earth." 25c at Chas.
Rogers drug store.
33000 to loan. Address Sidney Dell, tf
Berlin, Nov. 4. The prince regent oi
B.ivarla has confirmed the appointment I
of Felix Mottl as conductor of the royal I
opera at Munice in succession to Her
mann Zumpe, the composer nnd eon- j
ductor who died last -summer, Herri
Mottl Is now in New Tork for the pur
pose of condultlng "Parsifal" at the
Metropolitan opera house.
At San Francisco San Francisco 4;
Portland 3. '
Special sale of Ladies suits for this week. A very attractive
assortment of perfect fitting garments, the swellest styles of the
seaso Come at once while assortment is complete and make
ooicuuuud, JZf JZS j& jg
Black boucle zebeline coat; Style, pleated back, loose
front, silk lined,
$16.00 now $14.00
Black cheviot corset coat, silk lined
$25.00 now $22.00
Between no mind and an unused
mind there Is not enough difference to
scrap about.
Don't advertise in your local paper
"to help the editor," but advertise to
help yourself.
There Is at present an immense de
mand for portable buildings all over
South Africa.
An unusual number of weddlnjrs are
set for this fall considering the price f
coal and potatoes.
To show our character more clearly
in what we consider laughable or am
using than in any other way.
The Black Hills of SouthDakota cover
about 100 miles square, and It Is said to
be the richest area in the world.
Standing, kneeling, sitting and jying
down are the four positions prescribed
for firing by the army regulations.
Half a ton of sawdust contains 1C0
pounds of charcoal, 180 pounds of acids,
248 pounds of water and 162 pounds of
An automobile was driven from Chi
cago to New York, on tbe common
roads, a distance of 1177 miles in 76
Navy blue covert coat, satin lined
$19.00 now $17.00
Orey mixtures, Louis XIV, lined with grey silk ?
$30.00 now $25.00
Brown zebeline satin lined, pleated back, coat style
$30.00 now $25.00
Black zebeline Louis XIV with shoulder capes, grey a
fetta silk lined . ' . ,
$30.00 now $25.00
8wSWMW, L. j. J ! . J ! Mil y..i
Black zebeline, Louis XIV, silk lined, Persian trimming
$30.00 now $25.00,
Fancy greyish green mixtures, coat, satin lined
$20.00 now $18.00