I I , f .iff i "'' r 1 1 1 Writ jf f 1 i . i ASTORIA, OHKGON, TUESDAY. IS'OVLMBEh 3, 1KM. ff0l6 r, 1 1 1 ! i h it ;;' a 1 1 If t " IT Scow Day Iron 8 Brass Works UlanafactBrcrs cf v Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundrymen and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest . mmmA 2431. Center Eighteenth and Franklin. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. . A V ALLBN Tenth aod Commercial Streets BLACKSMITHING. Carriage aaj Wifoa imiaz. First-Class Horse Sboeinj Logging Camp Work. All kinds of wagon materials in stock for sale. We guarantee the best work done in the city. Prices right. ANDREW ASP. Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts. 'Phone 911. EXPERT HORSESHOEING General Blacksmithing, Boat and Cannery Work. See us for High Class Work. Shop Corner of Fif teenth and Duane Streets, near St. Mary's Hospital. HOLMES & SBIBB RT Phone 2501. Dredge Chinook Is in the Offing She Arrived Yesterday and Will Be Brought Inside Today By Captain Cann. The tong-looked-fir ocean dred- ar rived oft the mouth of the rlvor tt I o'clock yesterday afternoon. Captain ("aim, the bar pilot, wan placed on board. Captain Gunderson, who was outride when Captain Cann was placed aboard the Chinook, came In last even ing and reported that the dredge was drawing St feet. Captain Qunderoon says she will be brought In to the har bor this morning. While little is known of the plans of the engineer, it is probable the Chi nook will commence work at once. The weather promises to be stormy for some time to come and the Indications are that she will be able to do but lit tie work at this season of the year. Local Brevities. The city park commkmton will meet tonight and !U a levy for park purposes to take effect the ensuing year. There ta an extra good run of fish on the north short for this time of the year and the cannery at Ilwaco Is putting ur a large pack, - BROUGHT COAL CARGO. The tug Samson, towing the barge t'ashtucna, arrived tn port yesterday from L&dysmith, B. C. The barge has cargo of 1435 tons of coal. On the trip around from British Columbia the tug experienced the full force of Sun day's gate and some of the coal was washed from the deck of the barge. The loss of coal was about 100 tons. Captain Tatton stated last evening that the Samson would leave up the river for Portland at 6 this morning. The coal is for the Holmes Fuel & Ice Com pany. iwfore County clerk Clinton yester day Theotosloa Falnngoa, a native 0: Ureeoo, declared his Intention of becon ln a clitien of the Vnlted States. There la a move on foot to dredge out the channel at Ilwaco so that land ings ran be effected at all tides by the I, R, & N. aframer and other vewu'l of similar drawing capacity. No plans are given out but It la generally un derstood that the proHal la to make a tlx foot channel and that work will be begun a. soon as the government Kranta the proper permit. rranaron, Wash., supplies Astoria with cra.vnsh. Last weed Edwin I'lfer shipped 1500 to this city. Cr.iwtlah are also fou'ul In large numbers above'the Tongue. I.. H. Mills, who nn returned from trip to Willapa bay, reports that th towns in that section are enjoying great prosperity. The oyster business Is boom Ing and a large sum of money Is sent In to the community every week. V It is reported that a new cold-storage Plant Is to be built at Ilwaco. The name of the ndlvlduaU who will fur nish th capital are not given out The story goes that the cannery will occupy the site of old Seaborg can nery. 1 J NOTHING PLEASES so well as nicely laundried linen. We have the neatest and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best work. All White help. ttr1"81 The Troy Laundry HENNINGiSEN Q Cp. Dealers In Furniture. Stoves. Tinware. Honse Fnrnishinis. Second-band Goods Bought And Sold. 504 BOND STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. PHONE. RED 2305 HOTEL. PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest MARINE NOTES. The schooner Arus left up the river Sunday to load lumber. The schooner U. V. Bartlett arrived yesterday from San Pedro. She will load lumber at Astoria. The steamer Homsr departed yester day for the sound, where she will finish a cargo of lighthouse supplies for Alaska. The steamer Charles Nelson arrived down the river. Sunday and cleared for San Pedro. She takes 726,000 feet of lumber from Westport. The British bark County of Inver ness arrived down the river Sunday and cleared for Algoa bay. South Africa. She has C9.584 bushels of wheat, worth S5-l.275.52; 4709 bushels of barley, valued at $2:60.50; 5000 barrels of flour valued at 117,000. The total value of the cargo is $73,536.02. A severe storm raged Sunday and there was no movements in or out of the harbor, excepting the arrival of the steamship Columbia. The ColumbiJ ran Into some heavy weather on her trip up. She brought a large quantity of freight for Astoria. The schoner Marconi and the barken tine Echo are expected In soon to load with lumber from the SImson Mills, of Knappton, Wash. The Marconi will take her cargo to Cape Town, South Africa, while the Echo's destination is San Francisco. All Souls day was observed at St. Mary's Catholic church yesterday. hlKh requiem mass being rendered by a full choir. The service was held at o clock In the forenoon and there was a good attendance of the members. The San Francisco Examiner makes a peculiar mistake In Its Issue of Friday r:Hrttng the statement of Captain Mclntyre. of the lost South Portland, the Fxnmlner says the vessel struck on the rolumblan river bar and sanlf The disaster happened off Coos bay. ine worn or construct, ntf the new loysflng road nt Clatskanle Is being i mhed by Mr. Benson, whose engines have bcn brought out from the east. the road is built to reach a tract of t'loo acres of timber land owned by Mr. Benson a short distance south of Clut- skunle. i PORTLAND. PERSONAL MENTION. Diamonds, 466 ComiRfdal Strut ASTORIA, ORE. New I The Tin I Style v. :t. EverythinFirst;Cfass,-: j.Thv Open Day and Nlgfjti CO Bth St. next door to Griffin Bros. and sdjoininj the Office Saloon Saves. Half the Fuel iiiDenor Hot Stoves A. Brit, of Portland, came down on last night's train. Ardie Strom was In the city from Svensen yesterday. A. O. Sherman, representing the Con tlnentaJ Tobacco Co., is In the city. Carl Atwood, at one time an Astoria merchant, is In the city from Baker. Mrs. Mary Kinney and son Robert came over from Gearhart yesterday. J. F. Bartoldus was in the city yes terday from his place on Youngs river. Mrs. J. H. Turner, mother of Mrs D. G. Malarkey, arrived yesterday from South Bend. - Richard K. Krotl passed through the city yesterday en route for Portland, where he lately resided. He lives now at North Beach. A. S. Tea has returned from Hot Lake where he went to benefit his health. He comes back greatly lm proved. Ma jor Langfltt will be In the city to morrow to Investigate further the sub morrow to Investigate further the har bor lines to be established. M.N. Btrawn, cashier and bookkeeper of the Simpson Mills, of Knappton, Wash., came down from Portland last night and will leave this morning for ASTORIA; OREGON Knappton. j. N. laws nas oeen appointed dis trict deputy for Astoria aerie of Eagles by State President Joseph Gribler. Mr. Grlbler holds his position by virtue of appointment by T. D. Sullivan, nation al president. ss at Ibices no .er.tb.aa Months Ago staurant the Market Affords. jervice. IBIast W. C. LAWS CO. 527 BOND STREET BROKE INTO HIS HOUSE. S. Le ulnn of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary, health by ln vaslo nof chronic constipation. When Dr. King's NewLife Pills proke into his house, bis trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. Theyr're guar anteed to cure. 25c at Chaa. Rogers' drug store. P. A. TRULLINGER CIGARS AND TOBACCO Two Stores Commercial St. H. S, McGowan has a force of men employed In constructing a breakwater In front of his holdinga on the north side. The action of the sea in shifting sand proves a terlous handicap to the conduct of Mr. McGowan's business and the only remedy Is the building of a Jetty such as Is now being put In. ac me meeting or the water com mbissltion next Friday evening steps will be takn to remove surplus pipe now lying on Sixteenth street to some lot yet to be selected. The removal of the pipe Is necessitated by the Improve ments nov being prosecuted on the street named. The line-up of the Ilwaco football team, w hich plays at Astoria next Sun day, li a sfollows- Colbert, fullback; Staborg, and Gold, halfbacks; Grable. quarterback; Graham and Hedrick, ends: Embree and Wilson, tackles: ftawkirs and Schwartg, guards; Mark hnm, center. Tho line-up is hubject to change. John and Pat Kenney and Charles Wise returned Sunday from their hunt ing grounds on Clatsop plains with. A string of ducks that must have serious. ly depopulated the duck kingdom In that neck of the woods, for the tiio of nlmrods secured no less than MS can vaabacks, besides three geese. Ami, as one of them remarked, "It wasn't a very good day for ducks, either." SALE OP fANCY ARTICLES. Holy Innocents Oulld of East Astoria will give a sale of fancy articles, on Saturday. November !t, both afternoon and evening. In the first building east of Schol field A Ilauke's store. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS. Instructions on the piano by eiper--lenced German teacher. Terms, tl per lesson. Address, Prof, K. H. Maud erer, care The Astorlan. NS-15 A LOVE LETTER. Would not Interest you If you were looking for a guaranteed aalvt for sores, bums or piles, otto coda, or UPondr, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklln's Arnica Salve cured me. Its the best talve on earth." 25c at Chas Rogers drug store. ABOUT AUSTRALIAN COAL Coal Is the best fuel, Australian in the best coal. You don't have to hire It split, It burns without seasoning, No large space required for it, Australian coal excells nil others, It makes less ashes and dirt, It keeps a hot even lire. It Is the cheapest fuel, Call up phone 191 for coal. We deliver it for you. No charge for delivery. ELMORE & CO. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havl land, of Armonk, N. T., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption In an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she Is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dts eases yield to Dr1. King's New Discov ery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. 80c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Chas. Rog ers. Trial bottles free. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the regis tration books of the City of Astoria, for the election to be held In this city on ednesday, December 9th, 1903, will be opened at the Auditor's office on Wednesday, November 2nd, and will close on Saturday, December 6th, 1903, at 4 p. m., and all persons must register in order to be entitled to vote. OLAF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge iot-029-ng REGISTRATION BOOKS TO BE OPENED. Aumtor Anderson yesterday Issued notice that the registration books for the city election would be opened next Wednesday, November 2, and will re main opon until the evening of Decern ber 5. All persons desiring to vote at tne forthcoming city election must reg- lster. As there Is a complete city ticket 10 oe elected this fall, It Is expected the registration will be heavy. REDUCTION SALE. iwiucuon sale on ladles' and child ren's fall and winter hats until Novem ber 1, also a nice line of shirt waists smrts, ladles' and children's furnishing h'jouk, nair switches and nomnoln,. MRS. R. INGLETON, Welch Block. ubscribe for The Morning Astorian. No Dessert More Attractive why use gelatine and spend hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring and coloring when Jall-O produces better remil'J In two inlntit Ererytbiug In the mckiige. Hlmply 4d hut water and set to cool. It's perfection, A sun irim to the hutnwwife, V trouble, U-m ex. potm. Try It tuky. In Four Fruit Kl. yum Xiuim, drug, HlrawUrrr, IUnu. Urry. Atgrocr. NXi, I VWW.I THE PALACE BATHS. Hours for Turkish and Russian bathf v in. w e a. m.. errant a,,,i,.,. Best equipped barber shop in the city. ..viaiB uwni on nana. WANTED. A il a . . Bir. , work m dining room. Call or auaresa Astoria Hotel, 217 17th st, 029-tf WANTED. muei-rouon as bookkeeper by married man. Good references furnlsh- ea. mirulro at Oils office. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE, For sale, cigar store on Commercial ?'ret' APP'y t P. A, Trulllnger, J78 Commercial street. WANTED. Office boy; nut write Rcienr.rUn hand. Apply at A. A n n .,.it,.. - - we mwi stwifiwi .. a. office, FISHERS' OPERA HOUSE L E. SELIG, Lumc end Manager ONE NIGHT ONLY riday, Nov. 603 Nothing but Hunk Notes, (Jokl and Laughter. Elmer Walter's Latest Scenic Sensation A Millionaire Tramp The Great Chnrch Scene Tbe Old Hotel The Country Opera House The Village Dtwt Tbe Choir of the Church of the IIolv Cross Tbe Song of tbe Christ, mas Revelers. A New Stock of Novelties Wo want you to inspect our lino of shell novelties, shell work boxK eholl tunes. We are leaders in purses, chain hugs, pocket books Svenson's Book Store, Ml Commercial 8t. Hp Weinhanfs Lag'er Beer (ELATERITB It Mineral Rublwr) YOint'MAT IKTXIONU UV11.INU or tln It nvMrytalln:iLA(.'IO AVWOIIW-OUT IlOOr ELATERITE ROOFING Takes the plaM of shlugles, tin. Iron, tar and gravel, ind all prepared lootlnga tor flat and ateanMiracM. enttnea. n.t i.. r.,nn.-t i.,. .n ollmauw. Reaeooable in eoeU Sol j on merit, boaranteed. It will pay to ask for pnoea and information. THE tUItRItt ROOreiG CO., Worcester Bunding, Portland SIG. SICHEL (Q CO. For Sale Everywhere. SEE HEAR Nothing Like It Ever Preeonted. Something So Very Different. PRICKS Reserved Setts 75 ccnti ... Gallery 50 centi Seat tale opens Thundiy morning tt Orlffim book store. The Pioneer Limited There is no train in service on any railway in the world that equal in equipment The Pioneer Limited train from St. Paul to Chi cago via the Chicago, Milwaukee St, & Railway The railway company owns and operates the sleeping and dining cars on its trains, and gives to its patrons an excellence of tervicc not obtainable elsewhere. The buffet cars, compartment cars, standard sleeping cars and dining cars of The Pioneer are the handsomest ever built. Paul n. s. ROWE, General Agent. 134 Third Street, Portland rHmWtl !tvr bythnyraployiMnt of rtmtdltt which truly ASti , II fer alftVll ,19- lier ll"iv. ill w WW by th omploynunt of mntdltt which sr truly nlur't own MEOICAl, LA KB pMHit, r Nature's Own ItaoMdlaa direct fraa th hind of th Crtit CrMtor. Comparrl '". mn-nd nottrun utu!ly Ml. Th,ttr of Mtdkal Ltkt hiv h.,k.4 thdr vlrtws through iuMrrnn spring from th bt In nitur. 1h lndln-rcoenla Jh! ,1 ?. 4 nnd dn.d th.m m.Kle, W. know Ixttwnd re.KMl tht In rmtur.'. IsborTtory ' th. tW'Knw, Lf Sh '? wtm. wh iMtisct.tasd.rdrf Kr..t m.rlt. h.v.b..n nblly compound tt?J?& phiniucopultfI hr ll no milidv of th. buid which will not narinnnii .h . i.! T?U"M m,n - ii uiiiiiBirauoni. It is imall wonder then that MEDICAL LAKE OINTMENT (Of cream) poiietue, healine power whll. seems marvelou. This preparation it an Ideal Skin Food and besutifier snd is the quicker snd mnit JrZ.M. remedy for Sunburn, Ectema, Burna, Bruises, Chapped Hand and Face, and all kouehne. . IrriUtloO of the Skin is the most beneficial in its effects of all emollients and is an article which cannot iflw be diipenied with in any homehold. Medical Lake Ointment if applied (etpecially Immediately after wuhinl will allay all soreoeis snd auurs a toft, velvety surface to the skin. 25c. a box at druggists. MEDICAL LAKE SOAP for toilet and nursery, make bathing a luxury. 25c. a cake, NOT PATENT MKDICINBS, MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFG. CO., Sole Manufacturer NEW YORK AND SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. Medical Lake Salts Mfg. Co., Spokane, Wash. Dear Blrs-Catarrh has no afliluted mo for years that the sense of smell was destroyed, i instituted a vlgorou treatment with Mll'al Lake water made from the salts, The treatment helped mo from the first, and aftsr a few weeks tba sense of small returned. Treatment wa continued for a time and result ed In permanent cure ' 0, TIKIVV, 1006 Klrst avenua, Hpofcune, Wash. For asJe In Astoria by Frank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial, tbe Conn Drug Company Twelfth and CommtrtlaJ and Charles Rogers, Odd Fellow's building i S: i