ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBKR 31, 1903. Horning Astorian MALTHQED DEATH OFMRS. BOOTH TUCKER !f EiUbllihtd U?3; RATES) Hentby mail, per yesr... tfl 00 fcUwt by mail, per montn Kerved'bv earner, per month 60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mail, -per year. In advance II 00 LTON A PATTERSON i ' Th Astorian guarantees to IU ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. v -'',.",. The death of Mrs..jBootrt Tucker Is on of the saddest incidents of the year. Mrs. Tucker was known from one end of the country to the other for her good deeds, and her loss Is, as her father said. Irreparable." Her life was given up entirely to goodness, and What time she could spare from her seven child ren was gladly given to the deserving poor. That her useful life should have been brought to a close just at a time when she was of greatest aid to the world is indeed lamentable, and her loss win be felt. Paw-wuaf f Made of felt, thor oughly saturated with P&Bcom pound. Not impaired by varying temperatures. Does not evaporate, crack, ejepand or contract. A low priced" roofing that cn oot be equaled. it k fcwif The Psraffinc Paint Co. 5 Saa Francisco, Stall!, Portland, lot Angela ana uenvtr, Lotortd. mm 17" The Influence of the .coming 1906 fair on this state Is already . noticeable. A great deal of the prosperity attend ant to this event will be lasting. Really today the state Is being forced to the front by the natural trend of business. It is not ahead of the times arid there fore good results will follow our expo sition, so soon to be held. Marcus A. Hanna will doubtless lead The captain of the wrecked ship, fouth Portland, Mclntyre, has failed ' thus far to convince the public that he did not leave his ship before the passen- the republican hosts next campaign. Despite 'he attacks of the partisan democratic press, he ' stands as the greatest leader of the day, Noah was the first man to advertise. He advertised the flood and It came all right. The fellows who laughed at the advertisement got drowned, and it served them right. Ever since Noah's time the aavertiser has oeen prospering, while the other fellow is Heing swallow ed up in the flood of disaster. Mayor Leeds, of Stamford.Conn., used to operate In Wall street, but came to the conclusion that it was no place for au honest man. Perhaps he is right, Pat and John Kenney and Charles Wise went down to their shooting grounds yesterday. President Roosevelt has confidence In Malcolm A. Moody, and eo announces. ' , The Utah state pavallon at the world's fair will cost 15,750, Put' the best home town. foot forward for the THE OLD LIME KILN. If Manager Sellg had possessed an "S. R. O." sn, he could have used it to advantage last night, for the house that greeted "The Old Lime Kiln" was packed to the doors. The audience ap peared to thoroughly enjoy the play. Mr. Allen, as Corporal Stumps, ably as slated by Miss Emlson, In the roll of Biddy Flynn. enacted the comedy parts of the production, and by the liberal applause which greeted them through out the evening, amply demonstrated that they were caoable of that quality of humor demanded by an Astoria audience: Miss Wiedemann, as usual, came in for her share of merit as the star in the drama, Nita Morris. She was well supported by Mr. WIedmann and Mr King as Jack Ridled and Capt. Norton respectively. The rest of the company fully equaled the high stand ard already set. The farce comedy "Razxle Dazzle" will be produced at the matinee today and "The Live Wire" at this evening's performance. Tomorrow night, by special request, a concluding perfor mance will be given which will be at tended by the Eagles In a body. The play has not been decided upon as yet, but will be announced in tomorrow's Astorian. Local Corps Will AUnd orlal nt Portland. Mom- Captain and Mrs. Holton, In ehnrge of the looal work of the Salvation Army have as yet received no official notice of the death of their consul, Mrs. Booth Tucker, but expect that a memorial meeting will be held In Portland that will be attended from over the entire ' state. Captain Holton spoke feelingly ! of Mrs. Booth Tucker and her life work, j "The dissension In the ranks caused by the deflection of Malllngton Rooth," j said the captain, "wns in a great mens- j u;e healed by the tact and eloquence of ; the wife of the new commander. Mrs, ! Rooth Tucker was a great orator and organiser and to her is due In no smalt degree the rapid growth of the Amer-1 lean branch of the work. The colontxa- tion scheme, that has been mi success, j fulljj carried out In Colorado, Califor- , hi and other parts of the country, 1 originated with Mr. and Mrs Booth ; Tucker. Her death will prove a distinct ; loss to the Army and her place will be : difficult to Ml." 1 Special sale of Ladies suits for this week. A very attractive assortment of perfect fitting garments, the swellest styles of the season. Como at once while assortment is complete and make selections. .. . - j&, j& j& j& j& j& Black boucle zebeline coat; Style, pleated back, loose front, silk lined, $16.00 now $14.00 Black cheviot corset coat, silk lined $25.00 now $22.00 Peterson & Brown have completed the new front to their store and are better prepared than ever to show you their good. Look at their new lines and then see them for a fine fit In the shoe line. tf SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W, K. Havl land, of Armonk, N. T, "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption In an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr. King's New Discov ery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. 50c and 11.00 bottles guaranteed by Chas. Rog ers. Trial bottles free. LURLINE ON A SANDBAR. The steamer Lurline did not reach her dock until after midnight yesterday morning, having grounded on a sand bur at Mayger. The stranding delayed the steamer seven hours. She left up on the return trip at 3 a. n. and was met half way by the Undine, to which passengers and freight were transfer red. By this transfer the Lurline was enabled to leave 'for Portland on schedule time last night. Navy blue covert coat, satin lined $10.00 now $17.00 Grey mixtures, Louis XIV, lined with grey silk $30.00 now $25.00 THESE STYLES EMBRACE COAT, THE POMPADOUR STYLE. THE ' NORFOLK EFFECT AND THE SHORT JACKET. 1 r 1 "' 1 . Brown zebeline satin lined, pleated back, coat style . $30.00, now $25.00 Black zebeline Louis XIV with shoulder capes, grey a fetta silk lined $30.00 now $25.00 mrs. IDA McDonald, Supreme Deputy of 'the Maccabees of the World. prj No.477 I)eanbien I' l Street, Detroit, Mich., is a prom' inent voman who was greatly benefited by the preat woman 's medicine, Wine of Cardui. Mrs. is the supreme deputy of the McsiueM of the World, and one of the most widely known women in the United States. Thousands of women gather to bear her lecture everywhere sue goes. STae great work she has done for the laccabees is appreciated by every member of the order. She was so ab sorbed in her work that she neglected to give her health proper cre failed to take warning that the symptoms of approaching kidney trouble gave her, the sallow complexion and torpid liver. But Wine of Cardui cured her the same as it has cured thousands of others and Sirs. McDonald has written this letter in order that otner suffering women may secure from Wine of Cardui the same relief she got from it. "For four years I suffered with torpid liver until my skin looked yellow and dull, I then found my kidneys were affected and had severe pains scroti my back, and I felt f JTm Ida McDonald. that I must do something to regain my. health. A (rlcnf advocated your Wine of Cardui treatment so strongly that I decided to try It, although I had little kith In patent medicines. 1 am now very thankful that I did so, for within ten days blessed relief came to me, and in less than three months I was cured, and have enloved fine health ever since. I know there is nothing better for a sick woman who wishes to enjoy per. feet health and am very pleased to give my hearty endorsement No suffering woman can afford to ignore such a letter as Mrs. McDonald writes. Her plans and advice have proved valuable in building up one of the greatest women's organizations in the United States and she takes time to give advice which she knows will help yon. Do not delay in securing this medi cine. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose by delay. The choice is before you. Will or will you not secure relief now by taking wine of Cardui? All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui as well as 25c pack ages of Thedford's Black-Draught. WINEofCAHDVI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. AAAA4UaUAAa.i The . ' Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant Regular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty Palace Catering Company CALL FOR AN ASSEMBLY. All electors of the City of Astoria, regardless of party affiliations, who be live in a non-partisan, business-like administration of municipal govern ment, are hereby requested to meet in the Circuit Court room In the Court House in the City of Astoria on Satur day the 31st day of October, 1903, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for the pur pose of nominating a non-partisan Citizens" ticket for the coming muni cipal election for the City of Astoria to be held December the 9th. 1903. All electors who are In harmony with the movement are invited to be present. By order of the CITIZENS COMMITTEE 3t-29-31 Black zebeline, Louis XIV, silk lined, Persian trimming $30.00 now $25.00 Fancy greyish green mixtures, coat, satin lined $20.00 now $18.00 THE BEE HIVE STORE WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS BE SATISFIED. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the regis tration books of the City of Astoria, for the election to be held In this city on Wednesday, December 9th, 1903, will be opened at the Auditor's office on Wednesday, November 2nd, and will close on Saturday, December Dth, 1903, at 4 p. m., and all persons must register in order to he entitled to vote. OLAP ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge. 10t-o29-n8 DELIVERY FREE. Call up phone 1961 and Inquire about Australian lump coal. It costs no more delivered at your door than poor fuels. It contains no dirt, and makes no clin kers and but little ash. Finest and cheapest fuel in the city. A perfect steaming coal. Every customer Is well pleased. We deliver it free. ELMORE & CO. REDUCTION SALE Reduction sale on ladles' and child ren's fall and winter hats until Novem ber 1, also a nice line of shirt waists, skirts, ladles' and children's furnishing goods, hair switches and pompodores. MRS. R. INGLETON, , Welch Block. .A 6 AW Cigar Smoker's Protection The band on Cremo cigars is to protect the smoker. It stands for reputation; for quality ; uniformity and cleanliness, v. It stands for a cigar not ashamed of Its identity. (DM V 3 Sc Cigars The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World. THC BAND l THC BMOKCN'S PROTECTION. WOMAN'S CLUB LECTURE Rev. W. S. Gilbert will lecture before the Woman's Club Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows' hall. Non-members wishing to take advent age of this opportunity may do so on payment of 25 cents. tf PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY North Pacific Brewing' Co's. PALE BOHEMIAN Best on the Coast (ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber) orUnd It mc(..ry to IfEPLACE A WOKPr-OTJX HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takts the plao of similes, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings 1 (r Hat and stoep surfaces, gutters, valleys, eto. Easy to lay. Tempered for si! climates, lieasonable in cost. Sold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to ask for prices and information. . 1 TIX ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland CIGAR STORE FOR SALE For sale, cigar store on Commercial street. Apply to P. A. Trullinger, 675 Commercial street. WANTED. Office boy; must write Spenserian hand. Apply at A. Sc. C. R. audltor'i office. See Zapf, the house furnisher, for your carpets and linoleums. He carries the largest stock In the city. o2tf Chilly mornings call for heating stoves. Zapf has them. 630-4 Commer clal street. , What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre- Eared in two minutes. No boiling I no aking I add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp, berry and Strawberry, Get a package at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. C, W. ,BarrDentist Mansell Building. 57S Commercial street, Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 2081. Dr. T. L. Ball DENTCBT 524 Commercial street, Astoria Ore. OSTE O P ATH Y DR. RHODA CHICKS Mansell Bldg. Phone Black 2066 673 Commercial St Astoria Ore, C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Customs House Broker. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LEAVE I PORTLAND ARIUVB :00 a m Portland Union 0e- U:10 a m 7:00 p m pot for Astoria and 1:40 p m I Way Points I ASTORIA 7:45 a ml For Portland and 11 :30 am 10p m way Points j io:30p m SEASIDE! DIVISION 8:18 a tn Astoria for Waren-I 7:40 a m 11:35 a iti ton, Flavel Fort) 4:00 pm 6:50 p nt Stevens, HammondjMO a m land Seaside , I :ia a in :0am 2:30 p m Seaside for War-i 12:60 pm renton, Flavel. 7:20 pm Hammond, Fortj :26 a m Stevens ft Astorla FISHERS' OPERA HOUSE L E SELIG, Lesset and Manager ffififluM's Bis Slow In a repertoire of the latest Successes A Company of 25 People Superb Band and Orchestra U gh Class Vaudeville be tween the Acts. 'Something Doing All the Time" Fulton Bros. ATTORNEYS And Counielori-at-Law Offices, Odd Fellows HMk., Tenth and Com merciui But., Auiona, ore Bishop Hicks of Park City, titan Alliut IifiH Hitrririf. Rimtr Bill Munfoni, Ed. Turner, Mght Clerk Bus. Manager The National Saloon and Cafe Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars 473 Commercial St Atorlri, Or THE PALACE BATHS. Hours for Turkish and Russian bathr t p. m. to 3 a. m except Sundays. Best equipped barber shop In the city. Five artists always on hand. Saturday Matinee "RAZZLE DAZZLE" RELIANCE Electrical Works 42H B ON D ST. We are thoroughly prtpared for maklnj estimates and executing , orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing . Supplies In stock. We Sfll the celebrated 8HELBT LAMP. Call up Phone UsX , H. W. CYRUS. - Mar 'Sunday only All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East and Sound points. J. C. Mayo, General Ffelfht and Pass. Aent. TV 2 STVW rrnvm are tfi .V t ; u OREGON Show line and umon Pacific 70 hours from Portland to Chlcaro. No change of cars. Depart Chlcagd Portland' Special 9:20 a. vlaHunt lnffton. Saturday Night "LIVE WIRE" Change of bill each night PRICES Reserved Seats 35 cents ... Gallery 25J cents Seat salt opens Saturday morning at Griffins book store. Fuel ! Fuel 2 Fuel ! Reduced to $2.00 per Wagon Load by the Kelly Transfer Company KELLY THE WOOD MAN Is Here to Stay Fir Slabwood $2 per cord Boxwood $1.50 a load Phone 2211, Black KELLY the Transferman Atlantic Express 8:1R p.m. vlallunt' ttiKton. St. Paul FastMall 8 p. m, via. ULES From Portland. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chi- , cnito and East Salt Lake, Oanver, Ft Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City St Louis, Chicago and East ' Arrive. 4:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Walla Walla, Lewlston, Spo kane, Minneapolis. St Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chlcagd flpokanej and East ..4 7:38 p. m. cell's Santal-Pepsln Capsules POSITIVE CURS For Infl munition or Ontarrh cr t he Bladder anil Dlneuwd KldiM?.. No oure do par. Can qateUr and Penna nntlr t tie wont eu of Oonorrhnra .d Ulrnt. Bo matter of how lone atand. in. Absolutely harmleaa. 11.00, or br mull, postpaid. THE 8AKTAI-PIP8IB rjOU U.SPONTAINS. OHICJt Sold by Chas. Rogers, 9 Commercial OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. ' From Astoria- All sailing; dates subject to change. For San Francis co every Ave day a 1 a. m. Daly ex cept Sur Columbia River to Portland and Way Landings. : a, m., Dally ex cept Mor Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally except Sunday for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tlgoa and North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same ev ening. O. W, ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria,