The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 17, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Horning Astorian
EtUMUhed 1873
To look well
your blood must be pure to give
your complexion that peculiar fresh
ness which can only be , obtained
when yonr system is in rood work-
ing order. Beecham'i Pills will put j
I J .JII.'MM8.f .,...
fteul by mail, per year $8 (i0
Bent by mail, per month..,.. 50c
Bervedby earner, per month.,., .. 60
Bent by mall, per year. In advance $1
. By . .
The Astorian guarantees' to Its ad.
vertlscrb the largest rlrculatlon of any
newspaper published oa the Columbia
River. '
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired Dy varying
tempera tifres. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not be equaled. m baotief
Th Paraffine Paint Co.
5 San Francisco, Seattle,
Portland. Los AnjtlU
and Denver, Colorado.
Lawyers of the Third judicial district
have a grudge against their judge.
The Oregon Law School Journal pub
lished at Salem, In Ita last issue. In dig
cussing the question .of Judicial dis
cretion, pictures a judge that Is gen
erally accepted to be the presiding
Judge In that district." It says: '
"On one bench you find ft Judge who
Is pleasant, lovable and kind and whose
whole life and nature embraces that
which U just and whose soul and
energy Is bent upon doing that which
Is right and renders to everyone his due
and so conducts his court as to accom
plish that end; this Is the Ideal Julge.
While on another Dench, you will find
a judge that ts the antipodes of the first
Judge in every respect, and who still
retains the Iron bedstead, the rack, and
the thumb screw. Each case brought
. before him must be tried upon his Indi
vuhiirf arbitrary ideas, and if fair trial j
is had it s usually accomplished by
a.-cldent. , In another Judicial depart
ment you will find a Judge whose tern'
peranwmt bring you back to the days
of the Middle Ages when might and
power prevailed over Justice and right;
where the judge seems to have no prop-
er conception of what constitutes dis
cretion In the court. This Is why it Is
difficult to have descretlonary matters
In different courts passed upon prop
erly, and as it was originally Intended.
"Because a certain Judge likes or dis
likes certain clients or certain attor
neys, or because he is favorable or
unfavorable to a certain contention be
fore his court, or because he will make
or lose votes or popularity, by his at
lowing or disallowing Judicial discre
ti'w in a certain case, should "never be
allowed to Influence the judge. But
such motives are considered by many
members of the bar to weigh quite
heavily with some Judges when the
frultjcct of granting or disallowing the
exercise of judicial discretion is before
such courts." - . ..,
from England and Australia there will
be any disposition on the part of the A.
P. A. to concede to any opposition.
; Pink salmon market Is hardening.
Most holders ask Wc. f. o. b. coast, for
pink, and It looks as if the market
would go higher, pink being the only
10c. can of salmon left to consumers.
Pishing Qatette.
The talk about working convicts on
the publlo roads has reduced itself
down to the Improvement of roads con
necting the different state Institutions
at Salem as authorized by the last leg
islature. This is no Innovation nor so
lution of the convict labor problem
further than it had already been solved
It Is working the convicts on the hish
way as they have been worked in tne
past and following out an authorized
rational plan of handling convicts. The
legislature of 189S passed an appropri
ation for road building between the pen
itentiary and asylum farm, the labor to
be performed by convicts. The work
was done with the loss of very few con
victs as they were scarcely out of gun
shot range of the prison. Tnere is
authority for continuance of the work
of building roads connecting the state
institutions. The roads are needed and
the work should be prosecuted but the
proposed experiment of a portable pen
itentiary io work convicts on the high
ways" generally will very sensibly be
you in conumon.
To feel well
you must be well Your digestive
organs must be doing their work
properly. Beecham's Pills act like
oil on machinery, and will rive you
the snap and vigor that only comes
with perfect health.
To keep well
every organ must be doing its duty
stomach, liver and kidneys must
each be in thorough working order.
If you are not as well as you ought
to be
Take a small dose of
They wiH set you right
Sold Everywhere)
10 Cent and 28 Cents
m . . si
trlct attorney to the effect that Cum
Iskey managed an alleged syndicate of
pool rooms. Cumiskey had been on sick
leave for a long period from the Con
troller's offlte' because of eye trouble,
lie denies that he is in any way Inter
ested In pool rooms.
Reports From AH Seel ions Are
More Encouraging,
Th: latest statement relative to the
new Alaskan pack Is that the same will
be further depleted on account of heavy
deficiencies from the Alikak and Pyra
mid Harbor districts. ; It Is generally
conceded, however, that the Pacific
Coast Journals have overreached them
selves in the endeavor to "bull" various
grade salmon in the general . market
The sale of the entire sockeye pack of
the T. P. & N. Co., at 11.50 for tails,
$1.60 for flats, and $1.00 for halves, was
a revelation to the trade.. The prices
named on other grade salmon of the
same pack indicate tre sharp advance.
The Columbia river chinook pack sold
this season at $1.33, J1.4, and 85 cents
per dozen. f The foregoing figures are
regarded by salmon dealers as remark
able, because heretofore sockeye sal
mon have sold from 25 to 33 cents per
dozen lesshan the salmon of the Co
lumbia. It is therefore absurd to sup
ine that with a rampant demand both
Yes, this is October by the calendar
but It seems to be doing the part usual
ly assigned tollay. The wise course to
pursue, however is not to become wide
ly separated from an umbrella until
sometime after Christmas.
, Last year the republicans carried 123
towns in Connecticut. Th!r si-ore tlii.s
year is 1:!4. The gain is not sensa
tional, but 'twill serve. A large gain
would mak? it nearly unanimous.
Marie Ware .stiys a dispati h, will not
"peach" when she comes to testify in
the alleged land fraud c?se in the I'nit
ed States court. But she is a "peach,"
"Sweet ilarie."
Amidst the rumors of war and
threats of ultimatums, it will not be
overlooked that L'ncie Sam has open
ports in China and they are open to
If the editor says anything you don't
like, ehoot him. Tellman's acquittal
assures immunity from punishment.
Still Uncle Sam expands. The Alas
kan boundary settlement gives us the
disputed territory.
New York, Oct. 15. Eugene J. Cum
iskey, an examiner of accounts at II,
W a year In Contralier Grout's office,
has b?en suspended pending investiga
tion of a complaint laid before the dis-
Young Milwaukee Society Woman.
KN thousand enred
women have written
to tell how Wine of
Cardui bestows the
blessing of health on every
woman who takes it, rich
and poor alike. Mrs.
Helens Blau, No. 123 Sev
enth Street, Milwaukee,
Wis., is one of the young
women whom Wine of Car
dui has rescued from a life
of suffering. She writes: ,
"Vine of Cardui is certainly Vorn
ouf women', best friend and I am pleased
to give my experience with it, A few
months ago I caught a' severe cold, hav
ing been out in inclement weather, which
settled all over me, particularly in the
abdomen. I was in almost constant pain.
I consulted a physician and took hit
medicine for a month and without any
relief. I then decided I would try your
medicine and it was a lucky day for me
when I did to, I noticed a change in a
few days and felt encouraged to continue
taking Vine of Cardui, and my patience
was rewarded, for in two week my pains
had left me and I felt like a new woman." I
Mn. BcImBLm.
The woman who has mif.
ered from female weakness
should do anything within
reason to secure health.
Wine of Cardui u the medi
cine that appeals to reasona
ble women women who
hold operations and cutting
in horror women whoknow
that Nature is the lest phy
sician. Wine of Cardni
gives women back tiieir
health bv civinir K.ifnro
chance to build up the wasted and dig
eased tissue. Wine of Canlui regulates
the menstrual flow and Nature, when
relieved of the drains or of the poisons
in the system, makes the functional
organs strong and healthy again.
Any woman who is silently suffering
untold pains because she is too sensitive
to undergo a physician's examination
and treatment can find no excuse for
not securing relief when Wine of Car
dui is offered to her. There is no pub
licity to deter her. She can take Wine
of Cardui in the privacy of her home,
with as much assurance of a final cure
as though a dozen doctors recommended
it. Many physician do recommend
Wine of Cardui to their patients.
Why not get a tl.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui from your druggist today?
VIWI? AD Villi A !L0ViUn,?
1 fl III 1 IJ I 14 IV II 1 iiave iounn re let in
Wine of Cardui.
New. York, Oct 18. Special telegrap
hic adviees to the inUrnatlnal Mercan
tile Agency from uorrespniidents thro'
out the t'nlied States and Canada
are summarised ia follows:"
Anxiety as to the money and crops
has nlmost disappeared and merchants
west a-id south look for a livelier d'
mand from the country distiiels now
that good corn and wheat yields are
assured. Mercantile collection are
better than expected In territory trl
butnry to Chicago, Jew "Orleans and
St. Louis, except from parts of Texas,
but the most significant trade feature
is found In a tendency to greater
ease for money for mercantile uses
at Boston, Philadelphia. Chicago and
Pittshurg. St. Louis bankers antloU
pate like conditions there soon. Slow
ness in marketing crops has made
funds relatively closer at St. Louis, but
hank an meeting business needs,
""aredil ea-nvass west, northwest and
south shows that a speculative indiges
tion In Wall Street has not affected the
financial situation: The recent revival
of request for gocd bonds at New York
has bejn followed by some Investment
lmiuiry at Philadelphia. While checks
m Industrial lines are regarded (ifl
likely to eact upon general trade, the
commercial situation is bclieed by
bankers and merchants to certain po
tential elements of strength In the crop
situation, slight decline in inuk'rts mid
prCf'-nt and prospective gains In ex
IHirts. While jobbing dry goods trade
has been slow, buyers are anxious for
terms for future delivery. The piece
silk industry is depressed. Restriction
of output of pig iron has stimulated
western consumers and a stronger tone
is observed. Cincinnati reports a very
active demand for whiskies and spirits.
St. Paul's wholesale trade this season
Ik ernmi to that in 1902 and St. Louis
wholesale merchant announce a re
markablv favorable year. In dry
goods and kindred lines, Chicago has
uutdone all records while at Baltimore
an average volume of business has been
transacted. Jobbing ban been good
in I'hllaielphia, is increasing at New
Orleans, excellent at Atlanta and was
never better at Pittsburg. The Balti
more canning season has been fairly
Winter wheat sowing has progressed
favorably. Prospects for a top crop
of cotton have decreased. Rice re
ceipts at southern markets have been'
miite free, Crude oil prices are up 12
cents within two weeks.
In the-Canadlan Dominion, there is a
good demand for heavy winter goods.
The wheat harvest there is exception
ally large and growers are receiving 75
cents a bushel for It. The. Increase of
$200,000,000 gain in loans and discounts
by national banks between September
15, 1&02, and September 9, 1903, is ex
plained from the office of the controller
of the currency to be largely due to the
fact that between those dates there
were chartered 529 national banks with
capital, surplus, undivided profits, cir
culation, government deposits and re
discounts of $230,600,000.
Would You Like To Know
How to Win All the Tricks?
Then; visit and examine the exhibiton in the window of the Astoria
Electric Company, Commercial Street near Twelfth, commenc
ing on October the 10th and ending on the 17th
Reliance Electric Works, Bonl strett
' - . ' Astoria, Oregon, Sop. 8, 1 903. ;
IXar Sir: I have completed the, con rue of electric power and lighting with
the International Correspondence Schools mul am well pleased with their form
of instruction and the unlimited patience and good nature of the instructors
iri furnishing minute explanation of every "knotty" joint. Can, ouly sny that
if ono desires to learn, tho International Corresjonilenco Schools are entirely
competent to teach. I never miss an opportunity to speak a good word for
the schools on every occasion.
Yours respectfully,
This Exhibit will explain lo you how the
1 i ' 'I '
International Correspondence Schools (each,
165 different courses of instruction by mail.
Here is your opportunity to acquire an ed
ucation in some particular line. A little
sand and an hour a day in the International
Correspondence School will raise your pay.
Astoria, Oregon, May B, 1901
Mr. F. X. Hull, Asst. Supt. Div.'j, I. ('. S
308 McKay Hldg., Portland, Oregon
Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of the 6th instant, will say, when 1 enrolled
in the Schools 1 a receiving a salary f oo j cr month, or 1080 per year, and
am now. advanced to 150 per month. ..r f i.Soo t year an increase of 6&$j
pet cent. Aside from the financial pain tlcie is the natihfu lion of KNQWINti
THAT YOU KNOW the theory and fundamental principle of the profession, and
no technical report or (iucussion U beyond .nr oinprchensiun.
There is absolutely no question concerning the ability of the School to teach, or
of a student to learn under the system employed by the International Correspond
enec schools of Scrantoid'a. . kespet tfully joun,
- Chief F.ngineer Tug Tatoosh, Astoria, Ore.
We are offering Specially low prices during the Period of this Display
"" '" " ' -' '' '
' " 1 ' San. iW '" " '' ' "'
Above the Rest
Because it's Best
1. 13 a via 1 rortTLAND 1 AnrtiviD
8 00 a m Portland Union I)e. 1110 a m
7:00 p ml pot for Astoria and) 8:40 p m
I Way ronits j
7:46 a ml
Kor Portland and) 11:30 am
Way 1'oints 10:M p rn
A 5c cigar with a ioc aroma.
A cigar of one price one quality.
The Largest Selling Brand of Cig&rs
in the World.
The "Band is the Smoker's Protection.
Office Chief Commlsary, Vancouver
Bnrrarks, Wash., October 10, 1903.
FIrat Lutheran No service tomorrow,
a the pastor spends Sunday in Chi
nook. ". ,
Baptist Usual services tomorrow. Ser
mon by the pastor, Rev. Trumbull.
Presbyterian Services as usual tomor
row, Sermons morning and evening
by the Pastor, IteV. Henry Maccotte.
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
bronchitis." writes Mrs. W. K. Havl-
land, of Armonk, N. T., "but,' when all
other remedies failed, we saved her life
with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our
niece, who had consumption in an ad
vanced stage,' also used this wonderful
medicine and today she Is perfectly
well." Desperate throat and lung dis
eases yield to Dr. King's New Discov
ery as to no other medicine on earth.
Infallible for coughs and colds. 60c and
U.00 bottles guaranteed by Chas. Rog
ers. Trial bottles free.
Scaled proposals for furnishing and
delivering potatoes nnd onions for si
months beginning November 1,1903, will
be received here and at offices of com
missaries at Fort Stevens, Oregon
Boise Barracks, Idaho, Fort Columbia,
Fort Casey, Fort Flagler, Fort Walla
Walla, Fort Worden and Fort Wright,
Washington, until 10:30 a. m. October
20, 1903, und then opened. Information
furnished on application. Knvelopes
containing proposals should be cnrlors
ed: "proposals for potatoes and onions,"
and addressed to Commissary of post to
be supplied or to Major George B
Davis, Chief Commissary. , ol019
Office of Chief Commlsary, Vancouver
Barricks, Wash., Sept 21, 1903.
Sealed proposals for furnishing and
delivering fresh beef and .mutton for
six months beginning January 1, 1904,
be received here and at office of com'
missaries at Fort Stevens, Oregon;
Boise Barracks, Idaho; Forts Casey,
Columbia, Flagler, Walla Walla,
Wright, Wordn, Lawton and Vancou
ver Barracks, Wash,, until 10:30 a. m.
October 21, 1903, and then opened. In
formation furnished on application
Envelopes containing proposals should
be endorsed "Proposals for fresh beef
and mutton," and addressed to commls
sary of post to be supplied, or to Major
George B, Davis, Chief Commissary.
, s-21-0-20
OrlK)nl and Only UnilM
'"IrNSAPF. .1!et Mk Itriirrliil
ff r CHK:nr:siKU'K knglinh 'i vi ri.-vihi ooiai, Malta
w(h hlui rJMKrt. 'I nfant other. K-fa
Itttncervn Kabatlluttona mn4 Imll.
Un. itur of niur runout, or send A. u
tump rV I'ttrlloiilnrN, TcMtlrnvnlsU
nd "Itrllef tnr i,(ll,',n Utttr, by rto
! Mull. ltr.OftO teslttnoulalt. Hold bs
ftM Tirilst. m
Hmtl tikitf 9im. AlftitlMB kuurt, KUiJLA A4
C, W. Barr Dentist
Manscil Building.
573 Commercial utreet, Astoria, Ore,
Dr. T. L. Ball
524 Commercial street, Astoria Ore
Mansell BIdg.
Phone Black 20t5
673 Commercial St
Astoria Ore
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific
Express Companies. Customs
House Broker.
Fulton Bros.
And Coumelort-at-Law
Olilppfl, Odri Kcllows Iildjr., Tonlh and Cora
im-ri mi nm., Auna, oro
Telephons tZL
Ail goods shipped to our 'carw
Will recelvs special attention. '
No 538 Duant St. W. J. COOK. Mgr.
John Fuhrmsri, Win, Werthos
-y O.W.Morton.
Central Meat market
Your riritcr for
B10SU. bulb '
Will be promptly snd
; ntl!actorlly attended to
Telepbuue tin, 821,
8. IE a ml Astoria for Warn- 7:40 a m
11:85 am) ton, Fluvel Fort 4:00pm
6:50 pmj 8teeni, Iammond'l0:4S a m
land Hcnslcle I
8:15 a ml
1:80 am
8:80 pmj
Hcusids for War'
renton, Flavel,
Hammond, Fort
Stevens Astoria!
18:50 pm
7:20 p m
9:25 am
Sunday only
All trains maka clous connections at
Ooblt with all Northern Pacific trains
to and from the East and Sound points.
S. C. Mayo, '
General Freight and Pass. Agent
Illaliop lllokx of Park Oily, titan
tm "wwiwrilili BHilIir ; ?
Illll Miioforct, K1, TurncK
Fuel! Fuel! Fuel!
Reduced lo $2.00 per Wagon Load
by the Kelly Transfer Company
Is Here to Stay
Fir Slabwood $2 ir cord
IJox wood $1.50 a loud
iliu, Msnitgnr
The National Saloon and Cafe
nnut Wlnei, Liquor and Clgn f
473 Commerolnl Ht. Antorln, O
Electrical Works
428 BOND ST. '
W ars thoroughly prt pared for
makln ; astlmatss and executing
orders for all kinds of slsctrlcal
Installing and Repairing
Supriiles In stock. We sell thf
celebrated BHELBT LAMP. Call
up rnone usL
Phone 2211, Black
KELLY the Tramferma
The Waldorf
CIIAS, ft WISE, Propriotor.
The Best cf
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
' Concert Every Kvcnlnjf
Cor. Eighth riud Asior Stu' Ailoria, Or
Scott's Santal-Fepsla Capsules
i posmvi cum
tnr Infliunm.tlOB er Oatarrh
nl lb. Hlmldrtr and UImm4
Ktilua. ho mir. no par.
Onra. qnloklf and Persia,
noullf th. worat oaaea ot
ouirrliwa nd Wliwi,
fiomattcrof how Ion aland. '
nr. Abaolnbilr LannlMHk
llola bv drmralfilj. frln.
Sold by Chaa. Rogers, 4D8 Commercial
ao8 tiny CaDr.ulos are suoorioi i
to of Copaiba f
Cubeiig or Injortionn sndA-rmi
the tamo diseases with. N )
out inconvenience, I