Cooks JTTi . MA Where the Oregon Stops Rolling Read Oar Ads De fore Baying The Associated. Press News Service Fresh From the Wires. VOLUME LV1I, ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. NUMBER 10. QfMA frrt ,ike clothes in tho very helghth of WUmt faBhion. SOME DON'T. That'g bectuia tastes differ so. One man wants the moit extreme cut, CiiliM. my Cmm tnt-ifm, Vikt. K. YL Is a good way of getting whst you want, whether it's some thing very ultra or just plain everyday stylishness. P.A.ST0 FISHER BROTHERS Agents for the Famous Atkins Saws, Sharpie's Cream Separators, Hardware Dealers and Ship CHANDLERS . Cor. Bond and 12th Sk ; Astoria, Oregon LATEST SHEET MUSIC Received as soon as pub lished. Large Stock on Hand. ? & j& j& j&??j&& J. N. GRIFFIN 1-1 . f Fall Shirtwaists Fleeced Back Oxfofds r ; f TOe Oxfords ; : : : French Flannel Alpaca Shirt Waists ' '". - 4 ' ', , LADIES SWEATERS i .' . , .. i - Fancy Sleeve Blouse Sweaters - ... . f 2.75 , Fancy Weaves, white and colored, $2.75, 3.75, 4.00 THE BEE HIVE WHERE V0U CAN ALWAYS BB SATISFIED. S. A. GIMRE Opp. Fishor Bros. Store on Bond St., Astoria Bella at Cloe Figaro while another wants it thorough; conserva tive. Nothing Old-Fashlontd, mind you; just up-to-aate in every way, though rather subdued in style. We cater to both. One kind of m t . a taste ooesn i make a business, you know, so that's why we keep in stock enough variety to satisfy the dress desires of a good-sized your leaning may be, you can always find it where the garments bear tire label of Crouse & Brandegee, Utica, New York. Ask ing for that Bad Plumbing' will catch the man who put it in. Our Plumbing is hon est and we watch the details of each job and see that every piece of pipo is sound and -every joint perfect. Tinning and gas fitting. W.J. SCULLEY 470-471 Commercial. Phon Black I2U CARRIES A FINE STOCK OF EES Boota and Shoes FACTIONAL FIGHT IS TO CONTINUE McLaughlin's Followers and Tarn- many Will Be Unable to Oet Together for Election. Struggle for "Supremacy Will En sue at Forthcoming Com mittee Meeting. TAMMANY HOLDS BIG RALLY Senator Towne Inject Some In- trrextlnsr ArgruiuentM Into Cnmpttlfru Durlugr ah Address. New Vork, Oct. H. All other fea turpi uf i he political campaign wer oveifli1oed in Interest todajr by th almoin ponltlve assurance that the fac tional donvjcrailc fight In Brooklyn would bu continued, and that probable Id-arit between the McLaughlin faction and Tammany hall la a far distant aa t'ver. VcCtellat declined an Invitation to attend the Brooktyn ratification meet Ing unit- the full democratic ticket was endwed, and Senator McCarren culled at Tnmmany headquarter to ex free his approval of McClcllan' course. X bitter struggle for auprcmacy la predicted nt the apprcechlng .meeting of the Urooklyn county committee call ed at the Instance of McCarren. Tammany hall held an enthusiastic ratification meeting tonight.; at which the Urooklyn dlefatea wer not pres ent. ' .'" " - Appeals for campaign fundi were mnt out tKlay by the cttlsena union and republican organisations. TAMMANY'S BIO MEETINO. , "vw York: Oct . 14. Tammany ball was thronged tonight at the first great jnnss meeting of Che campaign, held to ratify th democratic platform and nomination. Ex-t'nlted Statea Senator Ohm Its A. Towne waa the ft rat apenker. Towne argued that the non-part Urn Itovernmont waa a failure. Whatever might be said of It In theory, he could not recall an instance where It had au ceeded In fact, William McAdee, formerly nselsta-it eecivtary of the navy, aald: "We are tonight fighting a battle for tl.e restoration of a democratic govern- Mc-nt In the United State." He ani l that Mr. Chamberlain wou'd succeed In converting theBrttlah empire to protection, and It waa only by hav ing the democratic party returned to power at Washington that the British pnvri nment could be thwarted In Ita effort to Injure American trade. DEMOCRATS ENDORSED. Kevv York. Oct. 14. The committee of 40 from the New Tork democracy In riursed the democratic candidates on the city, borough and county tlcketa to day. BOOKER T. ON NtGRO AND DAIRY. New York, October 14. Booker T. Washington, who la Just back from ft short vacation .in Europe, has been welcomed home by a meeting of 3000 negroes here. In responding to numerous addresses, he said the oppor tunities for education and labor for the naro here are much better than the poorer classes get on the other side. "The poorer classes there," he aald, 'save more money than the colored peo pie here, although they earn leas. On the other hand, In point of general morality, I think that our people com pare favorably with the lower claases of Europe." While abroad, Washington took up the studies of dairies and dairy products In Normandy. He believes the conditions there can bo adapted to T'iskegee with afroat success. SOLD WHISKY TO INDIANS. Butte, Mont., Oct. 14. (Speclal)-A special to the Miner from Browning, Mont, sayss " . The authorities on the Blackfoot res ervation believe they have located the man who sold the whiskey to the In dians ihat led to the terrible murders of Bunday morning, and Jake William son, of Cut Bank, has been arrested on a charge of having violated- the law In this respect. He was brought to Brown Ing by Deputy United States Marshal Wall. . V " A preliminary examination was held by the United State, commissioner. Williamson waived examination and waa bound over to the United States grand Jury In th sum of $1000 which he succeeding in securing, Nothing mat erially - has been further learned re k'.ii'dlng the suspected, murderers, HARVESTER COMPANY CHANGES. Chicago, Oct. 14. The tribune today says: Radical changes In the offices Of the International Harvester Company, by which the offices of the constituent companies will be consolidated, are be- Ing put Into effect by the directing of ficial of the big combine. It to stated that the plan will be In force by Jan. uary 1, though thui far It haa been kept a clly guarded secret, . By this consul idatton slip, which will extend '.hroug'nout the country, to all cities and towns where the McCormlck peering and other companies have offices, It Is expected to save the sal arles of several thousand employes, the total saving to the combine amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars an unally.. It" will be th policy of the company to- keep th best employes In all th office. For th Cincinnati district, W. D Adams, the present general agent of th Champion branch, will be the gen eral manager under th new system, and S. C. Klttr, th general agent of the Peering company, will be made the new general agent' Th saving there Is estimated at tSOO.OM a year. DIAMOND LUXURIES 00 UP. ' New Tork. Oct. 14,-teadlng diamond merchants In thla city hav received advices from their brokers In London, Amsterdam and Antwerp, that the dla- mond selling syndicate of the De Beer Company of South Africa, has advanc ed the price of all "rough" goods 5 per cent and th price of the larger rough diamonds 10 per cent. The syndicate handlM the output of the De Beers Company which produces. It Is said, about '95 per cenf of the total output of the world. The advance Is the third since Febru ary, and diamond were men tenwn higher than at any. time since the con solidation of the South African mince In Ui Mvmtles. Accompanlng the ca bles came advices from the diamond market center of. Europe, Indicating that conditions there ar unprecemi-a for yeirs. vjerman Buyers nave in vaded Antwerp and Amsterdam, me principal cutting centers of the conti nent, and purchased all the cut and polished goods In sight. Another fea ture of th new market conditions la that European dealers have refused to sell goods n time. The reasons given for th advance are manifold, but the ceneial opinion wseras la De tnat tne output of the Klmberly Ml Is decreas ing. Dtunond Importntiona to tins country show a decline recently. ESCAPED HURDF'ER TAKEN One of the Utan Prisoners Cap- tnriMl Sea Salt Lake. .Salt Lake,-Oct. 14.-Jamea Lynlh, the condemned prisoner, who, with Nick Hawprth, escaped from the state pris on her last Friday night, was captured this afternoon at Woods Crossing, li miles north of this city. The capture was mada by Fred Wilson, a telegraph operator, and two residents of the town. Lynch offered no resistance. He was in a deplorable ?ondltion from lack of food and loss of blood from a wound In his right arm which he had received during the battle with the prlwn 6uards at the time of the outbreak. At an Investigation today of the re cent outbreak at the penitentiary it was learned that guna were secured bv the prisoners from outside parties, who threw the weapons over the walls. NOT SO FIERCE AS PAINTED. New yrk, Oct, 14. Under the head ing "The Lion Not as Fierce as Paint ed," local newspapers have published un article referring to President Roose velt's policy regarding canal matters, t ables the Herald's Panama correspond ent. Evidently Nicaragua Is merely a scarecrow," says one paper. "Colum bia muat continue to maintain herself with dignity." The foregoing Is but a sample of many similar articles. The approaching .elections, which Shown tiih place within six weeks, will be a test ot the peace of the republic. An outbreak s feared, however, before the end of the month, aa the situation Is rnpldly approaching a critical stage. According to lat mall advices from Bouota. cenal matter are now com pletely ignored In the capital and pres idential aspiration ana xne varwun phase of the political struggle are the all-aborblng topic. : - FEAR ATTACK BY, INDIANS People of Cut Bank, Mont In Dread or violence. Butte. Oct. 14,-A special to theMiner from Harve says: Tha neonle of Cut Bank have oeen living In fear of an attack from Black foot Indians from th reservation since the tragedy enacted near Browning Sunday morning, when seven ot me tribe were killed In a drunken row. nirectlr after the killing the Indians were thrown Into a panic and it Is fear ed that they may yet do violence to Wake Williamson, who is charged wim having sold the Indians liquor. The Indian threatened to burn the town oi Cut Bank. Threat were aisu against Major Monteath, the Indian agent at Browning. ROBERT B0DER SUCIDE. San Francisco, Oct. 14-The man who committed suicide In a King street lumber yard on last Saturday ha been Identified as Robert Bader, late of Chi cago. He wrote to irienus in uiu --'w before he shot himself, stating that he Intended to take his own llfe' MISS WOOD SAYS IT IS ALL TRASH Young Woman Never Had the Re motest Idea of Suing Sen ator Piatt for Breach of Promise. " Emphatically Denounces the Per sons Who Started the Silly Yarn. : SENATOR MILDLY INDIGNANT (Jays He Has Known Mine Wood for a Long Time, but Tbat (lie Lawsuit Talk Is Kubblsb. New York, Oct. 14. Miss Mae Wood, to whom has been attributed the pur pose of instituting suit for breach of promise of marriage against Senator T. Piatt on the eve of bis marriage nilh Lillian T. Janeway of Washing- Ion, arrived this afternoon from On tario county, N. Y., where she has been at th be lslde of a sick relative. Miss Wood expressed herself In terms of In dignation concerning the published rumors, and said she was not Interest ed In any person's matrimonial affairs "The only persons who are apt to get Into trouble," she added, "are those who are at the bottom of these silly rumor. 'I have known Senator Piatt for several years. He has ' always been friendly to me and I esteem him highly. regret the publication of these redlc- ulous stories as very unfortunate and distressing." To a reporter Senator Piatt said: ' "I have seen the statement about Miss Wood In newspapers and regret that anything should have been pub lished to her discredit. Of courser all suggestions In regard to lawsuits are absurd. I have known Miss Wood for long time sjid regard her as a lady of line attainments." r MICHAEL DONNELLY BETTER, Chicago, Oct. 14. Michael Donnelly,' International president of the Amalga mated meat cutters and Butcher Workmen, lies at home recovering from a vicious assault that Is alleged to have been Instigated by labor leader who are opposing his attempts to purify the Chicago Federation of Labor, says the Chicago Tribune. Donnelly waa attacked on the night, of September 23 while returning from a meeting of the Packers" Trades Coun- 11. the central trades union body of the stock yards. For 10 days the doc- THE A. DUNBAR CO, T That good reasons xntsst exist for the popular ity of our store . and the large growth of our business. What are they? I I5c Fast black hose Lonsdale cambric 2 Spools of cotton thread Apron ginham -8c Towels THE A. THE A. DUNBAR CO, Fq THE A. tors exposed IHtle hope for hi recovery- and gave out a report that he wa suffering from a physical break down by over-work. - , , Private detective were set at wcrk and they hav Just announced that th guilty men are known and they wlil be arrested assoon as the Instigators of the assault are discovered, ' When Donnelly, on July I, charged the secretary of a targe employers as sociation for "fighting" labor leaders, he waa told to "keep bis bands off." He continued the fight, and as a result charge were mad against several of the most prominent officials of trade unions In the city. ' Then came the threats of personal violence, but these Donnely Ignored, declaring that be would clear op the case at any cost. Th attack came on Donnelly Just at the opening of a series of conferences between the Amalgamated Meat Cut ters and Butcher Workmen and the packing ntei Is of the rojntry. Don nelly waa to hav acted as spokesman for the men and all knew that his ab sence from the meeting would mean de moralisation. His close advisers and the union realized thla and gave out the report tbat he waa ' temporarily ill. Vlce-Prealdent C. B. Scmldt of the union, took bis place at the head of the committee which dealt with the pack ers and the men were pacified with the Information that he waa wftrkm? un der Donnslly'a orders. -. -.- F1TZ FAILS TO DO THE TRICK Joe Grim Stands Before Cor uighm Six Jtonndff. I hlladelphla. Oct. 1 14. Bob Fit- Blmmons tonight faueo to anoca oui Joe Grim in the scheduled six rounds. The plucy Italian, who has met many good fighters and ha never been knock ed out, waa given severe punishment and though knocked down probably a dozen times, was on his feet at the end of the bout. , - FOUGHT A DRAW. Detroit, Oct. , 14. Harry Forbes, of Chicago, and Tommy Feitz, or St. Louis, fought a 10-round draw at 11 pounds tonight before the Metropolitan Athletic Club. TORPEDO T1N0EY TESTED. Baltimore, Oct. 14.-rAfter successful ly undergoing a test for. speed and en durance under a trial board of officers ot the navy, the torpedo boat Tingey has returned to the DuilderB yams her& ' '"'. :' The boat was run over the Barren Island course under severe conditions .as to wind and sea, owmg to the recent storm. In the speed test she made 25 knots, being one knot in excess of con tract reauirements. In the endurance test she maintained steam pressure at 240 pounds throughout the run. The trial was conducted by a board compos Hi of Captain Charles L. Train, Ob tain I,. C. Logan, Commander W. C, Cowles,' Lieutenant-Commander W. S. Smith and Naval Constructcr J. B. Woodward. - . " ' ''''' THE A. A '' SURE-THING We know what smart Imyera want. We purchase the right goods at the right time. "We sell the best "goods at uniform low prices. We observe absolute fairness with all. LARGE BARGAINS IN SMALL 10c Pear's $oap,2 cakes , 10c Hooks and Eyes per card 5c Hairpins, per paper 6c . 75c corsets 5q 35c Towels 25c . DUNBAR COMPANY. Commercial Street BIG TRUST IS RUINED BY SCHWAB Steel Magnate Charged With Un doing of Defunct United States Shipbuilding Company. Profits of Bethlehem Company Were Withheld and the Crash Followed. ' . CHARGES MADE BY DRESSER Schawb ltefinted to See Mm When He Called to Offer Plans for Itehabitnl atlon of Combine. ' New Tork, Oct. 14. Inquiry before a , referee Into the affairs of tbe stranded United States Shipbuilding Company at th. Instance of the Bondholders Protective Association was resumed to day and waa productive of fresh de velopments that 'Aill claim th atten tion of the financial world. It developed that yesterday D. Leroy Dresser, bite president of the 1 rust Company of The Republic, who last week divulged much of the inner his . tory of the formation of the combina-. tion, made an effort to communicate, with Charles M. Schwab with a view to obtaining some consesslona as to tbe Bethlehem steel works that would ren der easier the scheme for- rehabilitating the partly wrecked concern. Schwab declined to see Dresser. W. D. Guthrie, counsel tor flebwab, tried to show that Dresser had threat-. ened to make certain disclosures, when ret ailed to the stand, that would re-. fleet upon Schwab. Dresser denied that -he had gone to plead with Schwab or1 to threaten him. ; - Dresser asserted that the shipbuild ing company had been wrecked because Schwab had withheld the profits of the Bethlehem company. There was offer- Ted trrtdence s memorandum which shows an allowance for "expense" of $100,000 as the cost of $300,000 in bonds, WflO.OOO In preferred stock and $300,000 in common stocK. . - c HAUNTED BY BAD DREAMS. New Tork. Oct. 14.-Pursued by a grewsome dream, Mrs. Rose Roberta, wldo of a detective once employed by ex-President Cleveland, has committed suicide at her home In Brooklyn. Tho woman had declared she saw her self. In the dream, hanging dead In a dark room. The dream haunted her night and day, and finally she destroy-, ed herself. ,. DUNBAR CO. ITEMS 25c Ic 1c 49c 25c 1 I; DUNBAH I J