The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 14, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Contractors Should Not Be Rush
? ed onJStreetWorli.Sayi
City Attorney Smith. '
Soft Shelled Crabs
Something very delicious. The
whole Eastern Crab put up in
cans ready for use They are
Good, Try Em
35c per can, 3 for 9l.OO
School Slua
Tooth Powdor
Used tf people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century
Delinquent Tax Roll for 1902
SmallcrJThan That of Any .
Previous Year.
ffttPARBD Y -
Monday , ,
Tunsday . ,
Thursday ,
Friday , ,
Saturday ,
OCTOBER, 1(01.
A. M.
OCTOBER, 1101.
"Daf. mT f t7fiun7j ft"
BUN DAT . . .Ill 1:11 l.i if: Mil
Monday ..... 1110:17 1.111:11 0.1
Tuesday .... 1111:16 1.4
Wednesday . ..14 0:19 O.t 1:00 l.t
Thuraday . . .15 1:40 1.1 1:12 1.1
Friday 1 1:61 1.4 1:10 l.
Saturday , . . 17 1:65 1.4 4:13 1.1
fiooD CumiES forYoungHcn
r Ak a
ma leva;
Only a little difference in the'
Price. But a big difference
in the make-up.
Sole Distributor for Astoria
I'c.ter Hcldt, a young man In the em
ploy of a Oraya river logging camp,
was brought over Co th city luat night
for surgical treatment. While at work
In the camp he cut hi. left foot with an
ax. Dr. Estes, who attended the (of
ferer, re porta that the little toe waa al
moat aevered and that the cut extend.
Into the foot. Toung Heldt loat much
blood, but he will be well In a few
Still In The Lead
For twenty-seven
years we have been
Leaders in the
Furniture Trade
Our Large Stock
comprises the best
goods obtainable
All our furniture is
first class and yet
you can buy of us as
cheaply as else
where. Try it.
v Charles
First Class in Every Respect
Bar and Billiard Room
American and European Plan
free. Coach to the House
H.BPARKER, Proprietor) E P. PARKER, Manager.
Good SampleJRoomi on Ground Floor for Commercial Men
(ELATERITE li Mineral RubberJ
or and It n.cmry to A ffOn W.QPT ROOF
Take the plaea of .hlnglef, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared rooting
For flat and atcep surfaces, gutter. Talleya, eto. Easy to lay. Tempered for all
climate. Reasonable in ooit. Bold on merit. Guaranteed,, It will pay to aak fur
prices and Information.
THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland
Amount of Ieli!iiiiicle Will
Not Iteuch .'KM)OKnt of
a Total of More Than a li
The delinquent tax roll for the year
1902 la the smallest In the Sitstory of
Clatsop county, being only slightly
more than f per rent of the original
roll. The showing nude tbla year la
highly gratifying to the officials of the
county and lo Sheriff Llnvllle and hit
hard-working deputlee, and reflect
remarkably healthy condition of affair.
In -i ho community. -'
Yeoterduy Deputy Sheriff Binder
figured up hi collection, all remittan
ce having cme In that were expected
by mail. The Inure, showed that the
total amount of the delinquent roll was
$2830.38. or about 1700 lea than for the
year 1901. Tbe total amount subject to
(ollectlon la shown by tbe following
statement: ,
Total original roll 1134.412 ?
Sheriff' assessments tf20
Over collections , 491
Penalties and Interest 611 9'
Total $138.364 75
The showing on the opposite lde of
the sheriff's books Is as follows:
Amount of collections $128,734 09
IVbales . 3,120 3
Ki roi ., etc. 579 92
Total $132.434 37
In the sUtommt of errors appears
one Item of $3M, an erroneous assess
ment on land still held by the govern,
ment, but asw-d to a timber com
pany by mistake. The amount was
thrown out by order of the county
He In Mnkluir an Effort to Got
Out of Public Life.
Genoiul C. P. Beebe, member of the
l ollre commlsslun of Portland, and un
til recently brigadier-general of the
Oregon national guard, was In Astoria
yesterday. "No, I'm not on business
of a public nature," the general said,
"I've been gradually getting out of
piblic life and lope soon to be entirely
out." "But you are yet public property
n long as you are a member of 'he
Portland police commission," was sug
Kested. This waa sultk'lent provocation
for the general to express himself con
cerning Portland newspaper reporters
and his remarks were not altogether
flattering to the news cormorants. In
fact. It Is plain that General Beebe dif
feis radically from the Portland re
port' rs in regard as to what should
unci should not be published. "Why.
its perfectly silly, sir, to publish every
little detail concerning the police when
one is making a sacrifice of his time
In doing the best he can." the general
stid. Ho referred to the published rra
sons of Patrolman Mallet, as contain'
tng absolutely nothing and admitted in
his polite, good-natured way, that he
could not maintain his usual serenity
In answering the silly question, of le-
porws any longer. "But you take life
too seriously," butted In "Jack" Mc-
Ouire In his just-for-fun way, and
whllo the superintendent of the A. &
C. railroad was picturing to the gen
cral In roseat colors, the happy lot of
olflclal life, a by-standcr suggested
Hint Mr, McQulre himself was said to
bo a reporter Jor the Portland Journal,
Flic geherul gave the superintendent
searching military look and suavely
sal'l he felt reasonably safe In his In-
ti viewer's hands.
the Lewi and Clark river and , on
Youngs river. There is the mill at
Seaside; Masten's camp at Bvensn and
the Westport mills, On the Washing
ton side re the mills and camp of
Gray, river, Deep liver and the Nasel.
Further up the river are the mills of
Cathlumet and Skamokawa In Wah
kiakum county. . .
In tha camps, mills and factories
within a reasonable radius of Astoria
there are 1n the neighborhood of 2500
men at work and the dally payroll Is
upward of $5000. The wheels of pros
perity seem to roll In the Lower Co-
Action or Street Committee la
EJAwardlnu Contracts Rat
ified Yesterday
lumbla country.
Aspirants for City Positions Not
Yet In the Open.
As yet there Is little talk of the ap
proaching city election, and candidate.
for office are scarce. Members of tbe
city council. Including the mayor, re
telve only tlM salary yearly, and there
la consequently -o financial inducement
to bring out aspirants for aldermanlc
position. The officials whoee terms
expire January 1 are as follows:
Mayor Suprenant.
Auditor Anderson.
Surveyor Tee.
Street Superintendent Kearney.
Police Commissioner Moen. ;
Councllmen Hanaen and Wilson,
the First ward.
Councilman Wright, of the Third
Councilman Wilson was appoint! 'o
fill the vacancy created by the death
of Councilman Jahlstrom. In such
cases the appointee, who la chosen by
(he council, bolds only until the next
general election. The election of a Sec
ond ward councilman was thrown into
an off year because of the resignation
of Councilman UUInger, and there
will he no councilman elected In that
ward this year. Next year two Second
ward councllmen will be chosen
Biff Increase In Forces In and
About Aatorltt.
The Bugby quarry la rapidly assum
ing the aspect of a new Klondike.
About 40 laborers arrived yesterday
and 60 came the night before. There
are now about 600 taking out rock at
Bugby and Maygers and the work is
going night and day.
The gasoline lights that burn- all
njlght at Bugby cost a brilliant Illumi
nation over the mountain aide, giving it
city-like appearance. It Is reported
that many passengers on the A. & C.
railroad, observing the lighted moun
tain at night and hearing the hum of
machinery; think they have rechepl
Portland Heights and prepare to get
off the train. .
The activity at the Bugby and May-
ger quarries Is repeated In a smaller
way aa to numbers In the many mills,
factories and . logging camps of the
Lower Columbia river country. In As
toria the Clatsop mlll.the Tongue Point
mill, and the Astoria box factory are
working from 300 to 400 men. There
are the Universal awh and door fac
tory and the Warrenton mill running a
considerable force, . Tributary to As
toria also are the mills and cam pa on
Are You Bilious?
It interferes with work, pleasure
and happiness everybody is so at
times ; in many cases it makes life a
burden the fault is with the stomach,
liver and kidneys. An occasional
dose of pills will remove the evil if
you take
Sold Eyerjrwhert, In boxet 10c. ind $Se,
When the Sixteenth street Improve
ment is finished that thoroughfare will
be Astoria's swellest street The con
tract calls for cement sidewalks and
heavy cement curbs, brick gutters and
crushed rock street bed. The cost will
be very heavy, and the cky will have
to stand part of the expense In those
cases where the cost of the work ex
ceeds 73 pec cent of the assessed valu
ation of the property taxed for the lm
provement. While it is Impossible U
determine the exact amount for which
the cltv will be "stuck," the amount
will probably be In the neighborhood
of J ion. There is a general regret that
the case was settled so soon, aa r"
ni-rtv owners were anxious to hear a
decision from Judge McBrlde on the
Import int points Involved in the in
junction suit. - As a fitcislon will not
be handed down, the mooted questions
invniv.wi will still be open tor dis
cusslon. . - )., i I
"I'm getting tired of framing ordin
ances for the extension of time tar the
completion of r.treet Improvements,"
aid City Attorney 8mlth at the special
session of the council held yesterday
after .ico.i.. ''Ai far as I am concerned,
I believe the contractors should be
given more time for the work which
they undertake. In this manner spec-
ELECTION I u"0'! meetings and much clerical
work would oe avowed."
At the special meeting called by
Mayor Suprenant the time for the com
pletion of several Improvements was
extended, ordinances governing the
matters having been passed under sus
pension of the rules. Mr. Smith's re
marks were prompted by the necessity
for this action on the part of tbe
council. He said he believed contrac
tors should be given six months In
which to make Improvements, adding
that It seldom happened that an Im
provement required in 60 days was
completed in the time specified.
We must Inaugrate a new system
for street work." said the city attorney
to a reporter after the meeting. "The
surveyor must post himself as to the
price of lumber, labor and other essen
tials in the improvement of streets,
make a reasonably low estimate tor
treet work, and the council must
never allow that estimate to be ex
ceeded. We must also see to It tnat
only good lumber Is put into streets.
There has been complaint on this score
in the past, and we shall arrange it so
jhat there will be np further cause for
objection." .
It has been Intimated for months
past that street contractors nave an
understanding whsreby street work
brings good prices, and the plan pro
posed by the city attorney is a safe
guard against combination bids. The
contractors deny they are in a pool,
but those who entertain the opposite
opinion say the contractors would not
admit It It they were, and that their
denial really amounts to nothing. Be
that as It may, members of the council
feel that more care must be excerclsed
in street work. The statement was
made yesterday by city officials that.
If contractor were given more time
In which to make contracts, a saving of
fully 15 per cent could be effected.
Astoria property owners spend a vast
sum yearly for new street and the
saving named would be a material one.
The special session yesterday was
brief. President Hansen occupied the
chair In the absence of Mayor Supre
nant. An ordinance confirming all
the action taken by the street commit
tee In the past was enacted under sus
pension of the rules, as a precautionary
measure. The street committee pre
sented a report In which was detailed
the manner in which the Sixteenth
street Improvement contract was
awarded, and asked the council to
ratify its action. The report was
adopted. ' '
Ordinances were passed extending
until February 13, 1904. the time lor
the completion of Sixteenth street, and
extending until December 22 the time
for the completion of the Improvement
of Franklin avenue between Ninth and
This Shoe is emphati
cally the best in the mar
Ret for children, and io
sold exclusively by
Successors to John Hahn
I The Boston Restaurant
Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria
Try Oar 5-Cent Dinners
Prompt Attention
High Class Cfccf
Benjamin Sweet, the tlmberland man,
waa In the city yesterday. Mr. Sweet
represents the Merill Lumber Company
of Wisconsin, which owns 15.000 acres
of timber In Clatsop county. The Mer
rill company's tract Is In the Nehalem) Twelfth, Franklin between Ninth and
omintrv. Mr. Sweet said yesterday I Fifth, and Exchange between Four-
that a railroad would have to be built I teenth and. Seventeenth
that miintrv tnret the timber out. I An ordinance accenting the bid of
The lumber will be brought out this I A. Goodin for the Improvement of
wav. Mr. Sweet says, and he thinks the sixteenth street was also passed under
practical way Is to build the road so suspension of the rules, thu relieving
as to connect with the A. & C
, road
in the1 vicinity of Seaside. Mr. Sweet
has extensive timber Interest In dif
ferent part of Oregon,
A stranger whose name Is believed to
have been Richard Walters died at St.
Mary's hospital at an early hour yes
terday morning. The man was an in
coming passenger on the steamship Co
lumbia, arriving Monday, and was
brought ashore In an unconscious con
dition and taken to the hospital. City
Physician PUklngton was called and
found that the stranger was suffering
from uranlo poisoning. His condition
wns hopeless. It Is believed the man
was a miner. The body will be burled
at the expense jf the county.
the street committee of responsibility
Dr. J. A. Fulton presented a com
munication in which he expressed the
opinion that It would not be practic
able to make a good street Improve
ment on Franklin' avenue between
Ninth and Twelfth during the winter
months, and recommending that the
work be deferred until summer. ' He
stated In his letter that a suitable
foundation could not be laid during the
ralnv season, but members of the
council believed a few dry days would
make It possible to put In the crush
ed rock In a satisfactory manner. The
letter of Dr. Fulton, which Tie took
care to exDlatn was not a "kick" was
The Best Restaurant
Refolar Metis, 25 Cents
Sunday Dinners Specialty
Ei erytsinr tne Market Affords
Palace Catering Company
514. Com'l St., and 114, nth St.,
Astoria, Oregon
North Pacific Brewing' Go's.
Best on the Coast
At a meeting of the board of police
commissioners held yesterday after-
neon Jesse T. Undley was appointed
to a position on the police force to fill
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Albeit Beyer, Mr. Beyer has accepted
the agency for H. Welnhard. The new
police officer was formerly employed at
local Iron works.
Call up phone 1961 and Inquire aibout
Australian lump coal. It costs no more
delivered at your door than poor fuels
It contains no dirt, and makes no clin
kers and but little ash. Finest and
cheapest fuel in the city. A perfect
steaming coal. Every customer is well
pleased. We deliver It free.
A place where you can buy One wines
and liquor for family and medicinal
use, at reasonable figures. The Cali
fornia Wine-A Liquor House, 42 Bond
street, 'phone 2174 black, are content
with small profit. No bar. Free city
delivery. " 2-026
The members of Court Astoria, For
esters of America, will turn out in a
body this evening to attend the per
formance at the Unique theater. This
Is In return for many favors extended
the lodge by Manager Hager.
The Dllot board held a meeting yes
terday, all the member being present.
The river branches of Captains L. A.
Bailey and Edward Sullivan were re
newed but no other business of interest
was transacted.
What is even your climate
without a good understanding
between yourself and your gro
cer, via the cook ?
Schilling's Best is the money-
back way.
Don't Go To Portland
. to buy your ready-to-wear ,
suit? Ladies spend your
money at home and save
from $5.00 to $10.00 on
every suit? 7 J& j&&?&
This suit is decidedly correct in style, mater,
ials are Broadcloth and fancy mixtures
Jackets are silk lined, and come in the swellest Blouse styles.
Portland stores ask $15.00 for same suit, our price. . .... $16.50
ff J O C 's a new sn'Pment f 'ong skirted
aCi W V Blouse coat suits cut in Militaire collar
and cape, full melon shape sleeves, with fancy cuffs and ornament
ed with metal buttons. Made of finest cheviot in blues and blacks
Portland stores would ask you $30.00 for theso suits.
0 P"ce, .' $22.50
The Place to Save Honey.
508-510 Commercial fired