The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 29, 1903, Image 1

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rOJT mt ut about this
ttar'i ovtrcoat to tot If It li
law, art lorry bow thty didn't Spend a NlcKol for moth ball, tad
t ftw hapten oqh may bar tufftrtd from prosperity and fiod theraMlvti a iht
or two Mf gw (baa thty bargained for. Howtvtr that may b, tba fact remain
Vn.4, . .rt.
It IS pleated, ha it WELL pleated, and that'a good advertUement for the
oat that tlcklat) hit Fancy. Of course, the abort ttylet art Juat
few auggtttloaa. Thara art othtn hart aaxloua to ba looked at.
Agents for the Famous Atkins Saws, Sharpie's
Cream Separators, Hardware Dealers and Ship
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts. ' Astoria, Oregon
Received as soon as pub
lished. Large Stock on
Hand. s& & &
Children's Fall and Winter Dresses
Four Excellent Numbers
1 Navy Blue and Garnet serge sailor suits,
braid trimmed ....$4.00
2 Navy Blue and Garnet serge Russian' dress trimmed
with stiching, Dresden buttons. .". .... . .'. 2.85
3 Greon, Navy, Red and Royal Prussian style, collar
trimmed with metallic velveteen.. ............... 2.75
4 All colors Cashmere tucked yoke, trimmed with
soutache braid.., .M..;.........;.V.....i. ...... 2.00
General Blacksmithing, Boat and Cannery Work.
See ns for High Class "Work. Shop Corner of Fif
teenth and Duane Streets, near St. Mary's Hospital.
. . . phone 2501. :- ' -
Urn ar hunting tip our latt
fit .for taotbtr Mttoa. Somt, doubt-
that thara will ba quit a aumbtr of
man naadlng ortr
eoata Juitnow.and
pottibly you art,
yourself, among
tham. If to, wa
iovlta you to
girt ui a call
thott faawoa
Winter ,
mada by
Crouit it
York. You
can turn
much at you
I want to until
you get tba
thing you
want. Wa
like to tea
man, any
bows when
Nothing Pleases
to well aa nicely laundered linen. We
have the neateet and mott tanltary
laundry In tbt tttta and do the bett
Corner Tenth and tune atrteta.
'Phone 1991.
The Troy Laundry
Porte's Recent Assurances Have
Tended to Lessen Tension
Heretofore Prevail
ing at Sofia.
However, Committee That Calls
on Premier Petroff Fails to
Get Satisfaction.
Dnevnik Ha j a QtilcttifM la Not a
True Barometer, but That
It Precede Coin
iatfc Election.
Son. Sept. 28 The situation here l
niu-li brighter today and the war
rlotfle apwar to have lifted. The
portn'e nturanc that the S3 battatlont
recently ordered to proceed from Mon
astir to Atrlnnople will not be moved
ha lesiwied the apprehensions of the
IlulKsrlan government.
The comroltt'-e appointed for the pur
lo, at the time -t yesterdny't demon
ttratlon of 15,000 Macedonian! In thle
city, wt.4td on Premier Petroff today
nnt uked Mm If the government In
tended doing anything to help the Mac
M. Petroff replied that the mlnletry
wa noting In what It conceived to be
the bcj Intereit of Bulgaria, and
would continue the tame potior.
The committee told the premier hla
roply would not ue satisfactory to the
people, and the committee thereupon
The Dnevnik. commenting on the alt
uatlon, ray: "Although the Bulgwlant
r.-nn In quiet, It Is not a true Indication
of national fe.lln. but le owing to
the approaching electloni,"
London, Sept. 18. The Time learnt
from a :rut worthy source that the pal'
nee committee at Tlldla Kiosk has rec
ommended that all IiuIkuvIiiiis captur
ed. In future shall he shot. It la stated
that the sultan hoida the eame view
Hinl.thiit the nec;!ary order have
bn iKiuif-d
Judge M'Hrld SepArntea Mia
muted Couples.
At yeeUrday't eefisUm of the circuit
court Judge McBilde handed down
decreet of divorce In three cane. De
fault wan tutored In the' case of W. J.
John v. I.ududa M. John. The couple
wre mnrrl.1 nt Lyon, Kan., In M3,
and In the complaint It t charged
that th dofeiidiiiit deserted the plain
tiff In 'ISM.
Andrew Hanen wa granted a di
vorce from Mary Hansen, The parties
were married at Tillamook, In Decem
ber, 187$. From 1S93 to 1901, according
to th'j complaint, defendant treated
plaintiff In a cruel and Inhuman man
ner. She Is said to be a fault-finder of
ungovernable temper, which eventually
culminated In Insanity, the wonuin
having been committed to the 1nane
aaylum in February, 1901,
Sadie CUmmlngt wa granted a di
vorce from H. C. Cummlng. The
couple were married here in April, 1894.
It la charge! that Cummlnge deserted
hla wife In 1S9R. and that she has since
been compelled to provide for her two
children by working as cook In a log
ging camp. The .nan works for the
4. ft C. and plaintiff asked for 125
monthly alimony. The children are
Lloyd, aged , and May, aged 7. ; !
Denver lJejmblioniis May Not
Get Into Convention.
Denver, Sept. IS. The republican
state convention to select a member of
the supreme oourt to siieceed Presiding
Justice John Campbell, whose term tx
plr.. will meet hero tomorrow.
Today two conventions of the re
publicans of the city end county of
Denver were held and the contesting
delegation will ask for recognition by
the state convention. There t suld to
he a stronsf likelihood that neither will
be tsated and that Denver will be un
represented. It wns predicted that the split would
result In two conventions.
San Juan, Sept. 2S. -Twelve hundred
schools In Porto Ulco were opened to
day and )(0"fl pupils wre received.
Three times that number of children
were enrolled and the struggle for pref
erence, waa great.
Chicago, Sept. 28.-"If T could find a
designer whom I was certain couldbeat
Herreshoff, I would build Shamrock
IV and challenge for the cup tomorrow.
I am retaining Hliamrock III to you
can s that I arri In hopa ot finding
nih a designer, I Intend to k'ep af
ter the cup until I get It."
These were the vutementa mada by
Sir Thormi Llpton at hi apartmentt
at tlio Auditorium Annex lost night In
the ilrt Intrvtw ho baa given tine
coming to Chicago, two weeka ago.
"f want to repal," ho tald, "that I
have no fault to find with anyont (or
my defeat. ' I have tecn-a auggettkm
that tha only way to revive British In
terest in cup racing would be to dangle
lb cup In front of their eye by walv
Ing the rulm and let tha challenged
American yacht race In Engllah water.
I want to tay that, while I appreciate
the klndne of tha auggettkm, w
want to win the cup and win It fairly
according to tba present ruIe 1
hvlleve that If wo did win It, It would
nut stay on our aide mora than a year.!
Sir Thomat wat able to recelva vl
Itor last night, lie ihowed no effect
of tb recent lllneat, HI cheek were
red, hi step Arm and his bearing en
It 1 probable that Sir Thoma will
leavo Chicago about the middle of the
week. Prctldent Underwood of the
Erie railroad hat placed hit private
car for the disposal of the yachtsman
for tha trip to Now York,
Han Franelaco Loe Four by
the tik'lde Route.
Ban Francisco, gept. 28. (Special) -
The coroner onVe wat busy today.
Three suicides were reported. Em
bittered by socialistic teachings and
despondent over family troubles. Hen
ry Jamea Masaon, a stenographer 22
year old, shot himself In Golden Gate
Park and died at tha emergency hos
Mathew ET. Oherke, a German brew
er, .drowned blmself by jumping off
Land End Into the ocean. He bad
just returned from Germany, where be
bad received a legacy. He claimed to
have been buncoed sine his return out
of $3300, He left an account of $1700 in
a local bank.
William Chamber, a hop-grower of
AstL shot and killed himself after an
Interview with hla wife, who refused to
live longer with htm. Chamber was
a son of a wealthy hop-grower of Kent
Sussex, England' 3
A German baker whose name was
not reported to the police or the life
saving crews, waa drowned while
swimming In the ocean two mile be
low the Cliff House.
JoIinHoit Collection Goes to the
St. Luuls Fair.
Edmund C. GUtner, secretary of the
state board of Lewis and Clark fair
commissioners, waa in the city yester
day and closed a deal with Judge F. J.
Taylor, administrator, for the purchase
of the A. J. Johnson wood exhibit
The price paid by the board waa 1700.
Edmund Sheldon accompanied Secre
tary GUtner and will remain here to
superintend the boxing and shipping
of the exhibit..' The collection con
tains 1400 or 1500 specimens of Oregon
woods, and will make about a car
load. Aftor re-varnlshlng and comple
ting the labeling, the collection will be
shipped to St. Louis aa an Oregon ex
hibit at the Loulsana Purchase Ex
position, Sfter which it will be return
ed to Portland and used aa the nu
clous of a collection for the Lewis and
Clark exposition In 1905.
Steamship Vermont Comes to
Load for Cape Town.
The; British steamship Vermont ar
rived in port yesterday from San Fran
Cisco. She comes In ballast and is un
der charter to take a general cargo
for Cape Town, South Africa. The
Vermont la a new vessel, having been
built In 1901. at Glasgow. She registers
2722 ton and her master is Caftain
Haynes. This is her first' trip to this
port. , : - "'"',,'
Tho British bark St. Raphdon arriv
ed In port last night from Victoria and
went in to quarantine. It is under
stood she la to load grain.
The' steamer Elmore arrived yester
day from Tillamook, bringing a quan
tity of farm produce and bark and 41
tierces of pickled salmon.
The steamer Robert Dollar arrived
yesterday from San Francisco, She
will load lumber at Rainier. -
The schooner Novelty arrived . yes
terday from San Francisco. She will
load lumber at Knappton.
Fort Columbia, Sept. 28. (Special)
A trial shoot at target practice here this
afternoon blew the target out of the
water. Owing to early darkness there
waa not time to run out another target.
The four record shots will be fired to
morrow. The target practice is under
tho direction of Lieutenant Bpurr
The distance Is 7G00 yards, 8-inch gun
being used, The score is mada up of
five rounds, one trial and four record
Tag ha lea cream at IS cent a pint;
sweet cream, 10 oent a pint.
Unending Stream of Liquidation
in Wall Street Tending to
Puzzle Those Who
' Buy Stock.
Speculators Probably Preparing to
Taw Over Securities at
; Present Prices.
Heavy Liquidation Attributed ta
Need ot Americana and
Many Failures Are
, Looked For.
New York, sept. 28,-Wall street
FjUI a gloomy day. which was devoted
mostly to trying to puzzle out where
the unending stream of liquidation
came from and what caused it. In for
motion on the subject or authoritative
opinions were extremely bard to get
It was pointed out that the great bank
ert and capitalist were not. heard In
wjvrmng last year during the high
range of price, while th?y were seek
ing a profitable market for their bond
ing at this level. From this it wa In
ferred that buyer of the class which
decide tha market movement would
not be beard Inciting others to buy If
they were themselves seeking securities
on cheap terms In the present market.
London. Sept. 28. Renewed heavy
realizations, chiefly in the list of invest
ment securities, caused a demonstra
tion on the stock market today, almost
amounting to a panic. Consols once
touched 87 1-2. being a full point be
ncath the . lowest reached during the
Franco-German war.
The heavy liquidation la said to be
due to the need of American finan
cier and apeculator.' - -
Apprehension is felt regarding the
position in Wail Street and anxiety Is
entertained concerning the stock ex-
ilmnga settlement here '-Wednesday.
There are rumors of probable failures.
Singular Chinese Cae Is On at
' an Francisco.
San Francisco, Sept. 28. Resplen
dent in gorgeous robes of gold and
green the presidents of the Chinese
six companies app?ared In the police
court today to answer to alleged con
tempt of court. Nearly the whole tt
the upper set of the Chinese quarter of
the eity was present.
The alleged contempt is based i)In
the utterance of a circular and. the
contention of the legal representatives
of a Chinaman charged with robbery.
The six companies had placarded the
dead walls of Chlnntown, threatening
any man, Chinese or white, who raised
hand or voice sn defense of the recused
Purchased by Sew Jersy Peop'e
for $600,000.
Baker City, Sept. 2S. The Cornucopia
mines, formerly owned by John E.
Soarlea, of Chicago, have been sold to
a $5,000,000 New Jersey corporation.
The consideration was $600,000.
This la the largest mining deal ever
consummated in Oregon.
Bernard McDonald, for many years
with the Lerol mine at Rossland. left
Buker City this morning with about 80
miners to take charge of the property
for the new company.
Portland. Sept. 28. The Springwater
branch of the Oregon Water & Rail
way Company was completed today.
This road la S3 miles long and is the
longest electrical railroad. on the Pa
cific coast. It opens ft rich farming
country, and passes through 20 towns.
At Washington-First game Wash
lnirton5; Chicago t.
At Washington Second game Wash
tnutcn 8: Chicago 10.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia 4;
Cleveland 8.
At New York New York 7; Detroit
At Boston First game Boston 8;
St. Louis 7.
At Boston Second game Boston 6;
St. Louie 0,
At Salt Lake-Salt Lake 4; Butte 3.
Paris. RM,t. 28. The feature of the
closing session of the. International
Peace Conference was a speech by M
Troulllot, minister of commerce, who
declared that France was proud to be
at the head of the peace movement.
He expressed the hopo that tha -time
was coming when tho huge sums de
voted to keeping up arm!" would be
utilized for the benefit ot humanity.
Tht minister spoke in th tamo (train
at banqu?t given last night in the
honor of th congr.
Kew York, Sept. 28. A Colombian
senator who seems to have reliable In
formation says, according to a Herald
dispatch from Bogota, that tho com
mission appointed to draft a new prop
osition for a Panama canal will report
the same to bo nseleai.
The senate will examine, tho legality
of the canal company' extension of
time on the contract of Manclnl Cal
dron before taking any new action on
the canal proposition again. "
Brooklyn Republicans Employ
Pronounced 8treniioltjv
New York, Sept. 28. After one of the
most riotous scene ever enacted in
Brooklyn, the republican county slate
was smashed tonight and Henry Bel
den Ket :hum was nominated for dis
trict attorney of Kings county. Wblle
thn convention waa In on uproar Ketch
urn attempted to withdraw his name
and had his clothing literally torn from
his body by his partisans, who attempt
ed to drag him from the room.' In the
street Ketchum fainted.
The noise of the Hot drew the police
to the hall and they charged down the
center aisle, clubbing right and left,
forcing the delegate into their seats
and separating the fighter. . '
Nelson Case I Settled I y Judge
Stanford at Sent tie.
buttle, Sept. 2S. Fedfial Judge Ht-o
ford today awarded th-s Pacific "Coast
Steamship Company and the Oregon
Railway & Navigation Company $15,
00 Eii l $2500, respectively, for the fcer
vlccs of the steamer Wallt' Walla and
tugs T?itoo3h and Wallula in rescuing
the British ship Nelson, , which , was
wiveked at the mouth cf the Columbia
ia Kovimber.!.,,.. .
Portland, Sept. 28. Charges were
flW with the Oregon Sae Bar Associa
tion tcday against State Attorney-General
A. M. Crawford, alleging perjury.,
by Judge William R. Willis, hit former
law imrtiUT and one of the bent known
lawyers in the state. General Crawford
says the charges are for political effect.
He adds they were tried out In court
three times and that he won every time.
Scow Boy Iron & Brass Vcrhs
Manufacturers cf
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings.
General Foundrymen and Patternmakers!.
Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest 1
Phone 2451.
Two Stores
We have them, None Better.
MaRe the Housewives Happy.
W. C. LAWS a,.co.
527 BOND
Employes of Defunct Consolii-
Lake Superior Company Ter
rorize the Community
With Rioting.
Two Thousand Idle Men Are Be
' yond Control and Nunv 1 .
ber Increases.
Special Police ArniedJWth lie
volvers and Instructed to
. Use Theni in Driv
ing Back Mob.
Saiult Ste. Marie, Mich.. Sept. 28.
Tonight" the' situation In tho Canadlai
Soo,' which ha been the teen of riot
ing by the discharged employ es of tha
Consolidated Lako Superior Company
ali day, la very grave, No reinforce
menta f militia hava arrived from tho
outside and tho only defense against
the mob, which grow hourly, ia tho
more or less demoralized police depart
ment and a smalt company of mUltanr-
men. -. . "' : ' -. ; : f-- ,
The assault upon the office bultdUi;
by the mob this afternoon, before the
arrival of the troop, waa uccesaful
and the mass of frlenried rioter se
cured possession of the ground floor of
the building, destroying everything
movable that came m their path.- The.
office staff., with drawn revolver, pre
vented their gaining access to the upper
floors of the building, - Every window
and door in the building waa smash
ed In. ." ' '
It ia estimated there are 2009 men in
theSoo tonight and these are reinforced
by the idle rabble In town, A train
carrying 400 woodsmen 1 expected to
arrive on the Alsomai central tonight.
Tbe local police force is being strength
ened by all the deputies who can bo
found, each man being given a badge
and revolver and ordered to use the lat
ter whenever necesary.: ",- n;1 ' .
A battalion of regulars from Toronto,
the King's Grenadier, sire eptpected
to arrive in the morning and their com
ing 1 awaited with feverish Impatience,
Another company of militia from Sud
bury ia txpected by midnight.
Bad Plumbing
will catch the man who put
it in. Oar Plumbing is hon
est and we watch the details
of each job and see that every
piece of pipe is sound and -every
joint perfect. Tinning
and gas fitting.
470-472 Commercial. Phone Black 224S
Corner E!htee2thi:r.3 Tn:.V:
Commercial St.