ASTORIA, OKKGOX. WKDNI SDAY, SliPTMMBEK 2 10M. EAT ALTERATION SAL Commencing' Tuesday, September 8th, 1903 Our Store will be in the hands of the Carpenters and Painters on the 25th inst. and for the next two weeks we are going to make GREAT REDUCTIONS in all Departments to save moving C. H. COOPER The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of ASTORIA, OREGON FISH LADDER NOT DELAYED Will Bt Built as Soon as Right-of-Way Is Secured. An Oregon City dispatch to the Port land Journal is devoted to criticism of Fish Warden Van Dusen tor hit alleg ed failure to hasten construction of the Jish ladder at Willamette falls. It is claimed that Mr, van Dusen has not been showing the proper Interest in the matter and that the delay in the work will cause its postponement for another year. . Mr, .V Dusen was asked yesterday aoout the matter. He said that the fisheries department was getting things in s'uttpe as rapidly as possible, and that the delay in commencing work was due to the inability to sooner se cure the necessary right- of-way. The Island on which the flshway is to be built belongs to the General Electric Company, which has signified its inten tion of granting the right to the state. Of course, the right could be secured through condemnation proceedings, but this would be an expensive and unsatis factory method to pursue. At the present time the attorney for the company is In San Francisco, ana until he returns it will not be possible to secure the right. However, Mr. Van Dusen expects to award the contract during the coming weak. The lowest bidder for the work was Ernest P. Rands of Oregon City whose price is J2S00. H writes that he will able to complete the work in SO days if weath er conditions are favorable. There has been no unnecessary delay In this mat' ter, and the statement from Oregon City to the contrary is an incorrect one. BUCKLEYS ARNICA SALVE. Has world- wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve.lo tlon, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, felons, ulcers, tet ter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions; infallible for piles. Curs guaranteed. Only 25c at Chas. Rogers', druggist. WANTED. Boys' school suits at Danzigers. Organ for sale cheap. Inquire at thlt office. sun-tf BASEBALL SCORES. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Ella Scott of Portland was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Healey of Grays river was In Astoria yesterday. Judge A. E. Bennett of The Dalles Is attending circuit court. . Mrs. Marion and Mrs. A. TabJli of Ray Center are !n the city. Miss Ruth Menaker and Mrs. George A. Casbel came over from Knappa yesterday. si!? Frances Estes, accompanied by her mother, ie?i yesterday for McMinn vllle to enter college. - Fred Warren left yesterday for Princeton where h wiii yontinue hU course in the University. Miss Elsie Elmore was b!dJen a fond good-bye by the ladles of the Afternoon Club yesterday as she departed for Mt. Vernon, Wash,, to enter school. Irt Aller returned last night from a trip to Portland, Silverton, Mount Angel, Salem :nd other Willamette valley towns. Senator and Mrs. J. O. Megler of Brookfield were in the city yesterday. Mr. G. T. Moore had two of his Ang ers crushed in the mill. While the In Jury is painful it is not very serious. NEW BARGAINS FOR TODAY. JAPANESE GOODS. New stock of fancy goods Just arriv ed at Yokohama Baxaar. Ca'.l and see the latest novelties from Japan. BEST 15-CEXT MEAL. Tou will always find the best lie meal in the city at the Rising Sun res taurant, No. 61S Commercial street Lifebuoy soap cleans and disinfects at the same time. Try it. We refund your money If you find cause for com plaint. JOHNSON BROS. LOST. Between the A. & C. railroad station and the Parker House, a suit case. Finder please report at the Parker BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED. The American Can Company needs a number of boys and girls to work in its local factory. Persons wishing situations should call at the office of the company. Front street, between Third and Fourth, wher infromation will be funished as to wagesi ELECTRICAL WORK. Interview Trutlinger 4 Hardesty, 33 Commercial street, about your etec tricai wcrk. A LIFE SAVETt Many live? are annually destroyed by diseases resulting from faulty plumbing Be sure your plumbing is done by an expert, and save annoyance and dan ger. Gas and steam fitting, heating tinning, etc Fixtures in stock. JOHN A. MONTGOMERY 5 Bond street, 'Phone 1031. STILL IN THE LEAD Dainty eaters,, people with hearty appetites theater parties, and all other parties find what they desire and some to appreciate at the Toke Point oyster house. The choicest viands in the mar ket are there served In most pleasing style. Open all night Private rooms. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD. LEAVE PORTLAND I ARRIVE 8:00 a mj Portland Union De-j 11:10 a m 7:00 p m! pot for Astoria and; 9:40 p m Way Points HATS TRIMMED FREE Just received a fine line of ladles and children's fall and winter hats. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. Will also sell shirt waists, skirts, child ren's clothing and summer hats at cost. MRS. R. INGLETON, Welch Block, opposite Budget. OCCIDENT SHOP Four chairs at the Occident barber shop. No use to miss everything wait ing for a shave. .First-class artists and by the way, this is the place to get a bath. Everything the very best. tf. GRAND BALL THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24th, '03 AT THE COMMERCIAL CLUB GYMNASIUM Proceeds will be used in fitting' up the new gymnasium. TicKets can be secured from, club members. Admission, 50 cents Ladles free WW HIM Boys want Good ! l Shoes. We have i "SCHOOL SHOES" PETERSON EX BROWN ASTORIA NATIONAL. At Chicago Chicago 6; New Tork i. At Cincinnati First game Cincin nati 7; Philadelphia 12. At Cincinnati Second game Cincin nati 8; Philadelphia 1. At St. Louis St. Louis 1; Boston 10. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 4; Brooklyn 5. AMERICAN. At New Tork New Tork 4; Cleve leveland 5. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 4; De troit 7. At Boston Boston 0; Chicago 7. At Washington Washington 2; St. Louis 8. ":45 am; For Portland and! 11:30 am 6.10 p mj Way Points j 10:30 p m SEASIDE DIVISION 8:15 a m! Astoria for Waren-! 7:40 a m 11:33 a mi ton, Flavel Fort! 4:00 pm 5:50 p m Stevens, Hammond 10:45 a m and Astoria 6:15 am: Seaside for War-j 12:50pm 9:30 amj renton, Flayel.j 7:20 pm 2:30 p ml Hammond, Fort! 9:25am j Stevens & Astorta PACIFIC NATINAL. Spokane Spokane, 8; Seattle 11. PACIFIC COAST. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 7; land 9. At Sacramento Sacramento 5; Francisco 0. Sunday only All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East and Bound points. J. C. Mayo, General Freight and Pass. Agent. ak i state medical board, left last night for San the east. He will put In about two i months in special study and practice In New York before returning. ffa mrs. ida Mcdonald Supreme Deputy of the Maccabees of the World. as no. MCUXJiiALU, Pf No.477I)eaubien L5J Street, Detroit, Mich., is a prom inent woman who was greatly benefited by the great woman 's medicine, wine of Cardui. Mrs. McDonald is the supreme deputy of the Maccabeei of the World, and one of the most widely known women in the United States. Thousands of women gather to Shear her lecture everywhere the goes, le great work she has done for the accabees is appreciated by every member of the order. Sho was so ab sorbed in her work that she neglected to give her health proper care-failed to take f Vng that the symptoms of approach .idney trouble gave her, n V$-'?,JWflMl torpid liver. But WinVVdui cured her the eame as It has curethousands of others and Mrs. McDonald has written this letter in order that other suffering women may secure from Wine of Cardui the same relief she got from it. Tor four yean I lufftrtd with torpid liver until nw skin looked yellow and dill. I then found my kidneys were affected and had severe paint croi my back, and I felt Mrt. Ua McDonald. . that I must do something to regain my health. A friend advocated your Wine of Cardui treatment so strongly that I decided to try it, although I had little faith In patent medicines. am now very thankful that I did so, for within ten days blessed relief came to me, and In less than three months I was cured, and have en loved fine health ever since. I know there is nothing better for a sick woman who wishes to enjoy per. ftct health and am very pleased to give my hearty endorsement" No suffering woman can afford to ignore such a letter as Mrs. McDonald writes. Her plans and advice have proved valuable in building np one of the greatest women's organizations in the United States and she takes time to give advice which she knows will help yon. Do not delay in securing this medi cine. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose by delay. The choice is before you. Will or will yon not secure relief now by taking Wine of Cardui? All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui as well as 25c pack ages of Tbedford s Black-Draught. WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. - DENSMORE TYPEWRITER. We sell, rent, and repair all makes of typewriters. Write for new catalogue of New Densmore. Huxley, Ryan & Co., 82 Fourth Street. Portland, Or. CHEAP FUEL. Fir slabwood, stove lengths, 32.50 per cord. Boxwood 11.50 per large load. Phone 1211 Black. Kelly, the trans fer man. PIANO Tt'NER. For good, reliable piano work see your local tuner, Th. Frederickson, 2071 Bond stree. Phone 2074 Red. CIGARETTES. ' The newest and latest in cigarettes- Pall Malls; cork tips, at P. A. Trul linger's. Two stores. ' ICE CREAM NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW GOOD. 15 CENTS A PINT AT TAGG'S. FOR RENT. Three furnished rooms for housekeeD- ing. No shildren. Enquire 470 Com mercial street. s-14-tf : ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber) VOir MAY lJiTHSl) llt'It.I?tO orllud It iirrpMnry tollEPLACB A WOBSUT 1MH1F ELATERITE ROOFING Takes the place of shinies, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings tor Hat Bmi steep surfaces, gutter, valleys, etc. fcasy to lay. lemperea lor an climates, lieasonable in cost. Sold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to ask for prices and information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland. J& J& J& TlHfF LOUVRE Is Open to the Public CHARLES WIRKKALA, Proprietor jg? JZ? j& jZ? jg? Diamonds Are Going Upll RIGHT NOW The Time to Buy a Fine Gem 466 Corw.i-cUI Strut ASTORIA, ORE. J. H. SEYMOUR V V Has Beauties at Prices no Greater than Months Aj The Waldorf CIIA8. F. WI8E, Proprietor. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Concert Every Evening: Cor. Eighth and Astor Sts Astoria Or John Fubrman, Wm. Wertlies G. W. Morton. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your order, for meats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to Telephone No. 821. Strictly First Class The Office , 1 Joan P, Manciet, Prop. 116 Eleventh Street The Pioneer Limited in excellence of equipment, is in a class by itself. From Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago it is The Train of Trains. It runs via the Chicago, MUwauKee St.Paul Railway the route selected by the United States Government for The Fast Mail, Three other daily trains to Chicago via this route. H. S. ROWE, General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland BLACKSMITHING. Carriage and Wagon Bonding. First-Class Horse Shoeing L088lng Camp Work. All kinds of wagon materials in stock for sale. We guarantee the best work done in the city. 1'riccs right. ANDREW AS P. Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts. Thonc oai. The Boston Restaurant ! KK).COMMEKCIAL HTUKKT Best and Neatest Eating Hocse In Astoria Try Oar 25-Cent Dinners f Prompt Attention High Class Chef i MARINOVICH A. CO Subscribe for The Morning Astorian. All Kinds of Mattreeies Made to Order Furniture llepalrcd Upholstering Adams Q Henning'sen Dealers lit Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishings. Second-band Goods Boogbt And Sold. W Btty All Kindt ol Junk. 403 BOND STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. PHONE, RED 2305 HOTEL, PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. Weinha Lager Beer