ASTORIA, OKEGON, WJ-DXEMMY, SEPTEMBER 16, 103. a r - IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME .it - ,f Prepare for Winter 250 Boies Fancy Peaches Now is the time to can them. We want to move them quick so have puM the irico down to jh business Hp. Extra (Special Values Today. ROSS, HIGGINS (SL CO THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPOINT1 THE TIDES BKPTEMDEIl, 190J. Jlh Wtl A. M. P. M. Dal, h.m. ft. h.m. ft." RltKDAT . .'St OiOD 7.U; 1.1 Monday . . ... 7 0:40 7.7 1:1D 7.1 Tuomlay . , ., g IMS 7,7 l: 41 .o Wtuneiidttjr . .. 9 7.7 1:10 1.1 Thtirila)r . -. .10 1:10 7.6 1:41 1.1 Friday , , , .. II S: 13 7.S 1:17 I.S Saturday . . . 12 4:00 ,l l:t l.t BEPTEMDEIl, 10S. Imw Water. Dt Hl'NDAY . . Monday , , , Tuesday . , , Wednoday Thursday . , Friday . . . Maturday . . J A. M. P. M. h.m7 ti. h.m. ft " :14 1.0 6:4 .! 7 7:01 J.l 7:1 l.i t 7:21 1.2 7:50 1. 7:65 1.4 1:25 1. 10 1:26 1.6 f:M 0. 11 9:00 1.0 1:47 0.1 12 1:40 1.4 10:40 0.1 3-0f A ffind-3 That Beat Them All SUITS $10.00 To $30.00 OVER COATS $10.00 To $30.00 KUPPENHIMER .S Famous Clothes STROUSE BROS. High Art Insured Clothing CHAS. KAUFMAN'S Union Made Clothes Wise Herman The Reliable Clothier and Hatter Opposite Palace Restaurant Astoria, Oregon ATTENTION. FORESTERS. All member of Court Astoria, Foiy ster of America, ara requested to as aeuibte at Pohl'a undertaking parlor t 12:15, sharp, today, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Feter John son, which takes place at 13:30, sharp. The ateamer Vanguard will leave the Lurllne wharf and conver the remains to Greenwood cemetery. By order A. C. CALLAN, Chief Ranger, C. E. FOSTER, Financial Secretary. Still In The Lead For twenty-seven years we have been Leaders in the Furniture Trade . Our Large Stock comprises the best goods obtainable All our furniture is first class and yet you can buy of us as cheaply as else- , where. Try it. Charles Heilborn Son; No Love For Larry Sullivan Captain Pritchard of the BIyths wood Scores the Portland . Boarding-house Man. The Itlythswood. with a cargo of lumtwr for Cape Town, Bouth Africa, 1 put to sea ifter lying In Astoria harbor for two days. The Itlythswood Is a lirltlnh ship and her skipper, Cap tain I'rltt hurd has had trouble with the sailor bordliir-hou tN-ople In Port land. He Is particularly bitter agiilnMt lrry Kulllvan, who, he says, certainly hnve had hi own way. "liul," he added, '"1 am leaned to see that thing are changing for the bet ter. The opposition bourdliig-house Is going ti brv.ik the monopoly at lust. I swuml a part of my crew the other day from Mcrs. White and Smith and 1 must say they treuted me with more civility than I have ever received at the hands of boarding-house men hi any Kirt. Tln-y did not try to hold me up, but dalt with me In a buslneas-llke manner, whl h was quite a fhariK. in ded, to the unuiil treatment that a (Brit ish captain has been accustomed to re ceive In this port. Bo well satisfied wa I with their manner of doing busi ness that 1 gve them a letter of Intro duction to other skippers of my ac quaintance who are en route to the Co lumbia. "I prophesy that Larry Sullivan's reign of terror Is about at an end. Why. the other day when be head that the opposition house was going to fur nlsh me with men he called on me and made alt kinds of threats to Induce me j to change my plans. When he saw that this was not productive of the de aired results he got down on bended knees and Implored me to patronize him. That was certainly a new depart ure for Hulllvan. When he had every thing his own way he wus In the habit f assuming a haughty attitude and Informing us that If we did not tike his style we could go to Halifax or some other w-aport. Hut the opposition has had the effect of bringing him to his knees, and that Is a good position In which to keep him," The warring factions In Portland nre keeping up their light and the end la not in sliiht. The parties ho con ducted the Astoria boardlng-housc dropped out whn the newstate law went Into eltwt. This low levied a li cense on runner. Recently effort hnve been made to Involve the Astor lana in the Portland war, but the ef fort has failed. The Astoria runners nay they will have nothing to do with the fight, and :hat they will not en gage In the bunlnesa while the scrap la on. After it is settled they can reopen their house, an I then uguln they may not. Th-v auy that there la some nney in the bUHlnesj and that the volume of trouble Incident 10 conduct of It Is al-" together too great to suit. Dj. Icon's , PE ToofSi PERFECT ovnor Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century r- FefARED ev. MANY CIVIL SUITS. The circuit court d'x-ket for the Sep tember term, which commences next Monday, Is now In 'he hands of the printer, and will be ready for ue on Saturday. Clerk Clinton states that there are 84 civil cases on the docket to date. The number of criminal caaes will not be known until District Attor ney Alien flics his Informations. Sev eral cases will be Interesting, and the term promises to be a busy one. All housekeepers who can fruit, should, by all imana, have a triumph fruit can wrench. Ask us to show them to you. JOHNSON BROS. JAN, THE CHINESE .BOOTBLACK. Astoria Is entitled to the distinction of having the only known Chinese boot black In Oregon. If not In-Amerka. His nam I Sit Jan and his place of bus iness Is at the Occident barber shop. Hit Jan has piled his trade at the Oc cident for eleven years and the way he rxats a tattoo on rfi customer's back would excite the envy of an Italian. Jan has a modern "shiner" stand and th moment you start to mount hi !rrh that pig-tall queue begin to swish from side to side and by the time nu g.-t settled In hi chair his elbow are shooting back and forth alternately with the velocity of the piston rod of a 40-horse power engine a he bring out the shine that defies competition. Out side the ahop awing Jan'a sign, and it I nothing more nor less than an old boot polished as only Jan can polish. To prevent dog a they paw along the street from seeing their reflection in the boot and engaging In a fight with themselves, It 1 wung high out of their reach. In hi humble calling Jan Is accumulating ome means and only a few days ago aent to hi native land a check for $1100. Like most Chinamen. Jan I a cousin of field Sack of Port land. Another Mongolian rarity to thrill the out of Astorlan Is a Chinese grapho phone. On Bond treet opposite the postofflce I a place where - genuine Chinese song are turned loose through a graphophone at all hour of the day Vou are flrnt apprised of It location by , noise that suggest an army of rata slurrying to cover over pile of tin pans. Those of sensitive nerves that would avoid "bug-houae" roads, are unsafe within range of the nerve rack dig discords. For Chinese only It is a lullaby and while they are dosing off into delirious dreams of the pipe and graphophone music, the circumambi ent air 1 suffering a disturbance that sounds as much like this a anything else Sing ah soong me ah na poo Chung him layee pa chu lee I'nifh hung ola urn ah que ring gle yung ah sabe see SliiKeohata ah fu chin Hlmalamelo pala ung Lottlee ah chlng jla quln '' Coma samcolo unj chu lung. FOR RENT. Three furnished rooms for housekeep ing. No rhlldren. Enquire 470 Com mercial street. -14-tf LOST. Brown carved stone from large brooch. Finder please return to Mr Sam'l Maddock, "t4 Seventeenth street. and receive reward. CREW NOTICE. British ship "Port Patrick" from Hamburg. Neither the master nur th undersigned agents will be responsible for any debt contracted by the crew. GIRVEN & EYRE, Consignee. No mul In t d hu such an effect en on' mood u brMktut A well- prepared breaklut loon meat Economy Brand Evaporated Cream It addt a richness to your food that nothing (In can, it is the Mtt put of cows mux. Kit your irooer you want to sma your nutoano 10 cosiness wiui a good brtakfut and you nMd Economy Brand, Be sum you th abov sap itbtl De fers you buy. , HELVETIA UUt CONDSRSIKO CO. aSfbUDd, minoi yt CROP. REPORTS. The V. S. climate and crop bulletin suit out from the Oregon section of the weather bureau at Portland say for the week ending Monday. 14: Wek wet and cool. Little wheat remains to cut, and threshing well advanced. Soil has been softened by rain and fall plowing la being done In many places. Grass ha made a good stuft and stock on the ranges is in good condltnon. Hop-pick Ing will be over by the, end of the week. Lice and mould more common than us ual but damage not as great as has been expected. Grower are generally pleased as to the quantity and quality. Potato blight Is spreading In coast counties. Elsewhere the crop is good. Prune drying la general and with good weather a big crop will be saved dur ing the next two weeks. Pear are ripe and are being marketed. Late apples look well and about two-thirds of an average crop will be harvested. W. H. Radollffe's report for Clatsop county ay: First Part of week dry and pleasant, last part very wet. with heavy winds; gome fruit blown off; prune are racking badly; vegltables of all kinds are doing well; sweet corn 1 maturing slowly; pasture are still good; stock is looking well; beans, leas, cucumber, etc., plentiful. SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY. The public schools of Astoria will open on next Monday morning. The probabilities are that the schools will be ctowded, aa no provision has been made during the summer months to ac comodate more pupils. When the school term dosed In June great dlffi culty was being experienced to And room for all the children, on account of the grading of classes. City Superintendnt Clark announced yesterday that he would be at the Mc- dure school today at 1 o'clock for the purpose of holding' examinations for the convenience of those pupils who wish U take "extras" before the open lng of school. Oregon Boxes For The East New Market Openintt for - the . Fine Spruce Lumber of the - Northwestern States. A new field I developing for Oregon hox lumber, and give promise of be coming the greatest of all market for the local product. Of late there ha been a very pronounced scarcity of box lum'wr In the eastern states, and in quiries are coming to Pacific coast point from many of the industrial cen ter of the eastern portion of the coun try. In. speaking of the matter yester day B. J. Pye, superintendent of the Clatsop Milt Company' box establish ment, said: "The demand for Oregon box lumber that I beginning to come from the east I evidence of the opening of a new field for our spruce. The odorless classes of lumber, such a used for packing butter sugar and cereal foods, that absorb a taint from pitchy wood, are fast giving out, and Oregon spruce must take their place. . "There la also a growing scarcity of cheap cottonwood lumber In the South ern Vtt, and the prica ha recently riven. This class of lumber la used ex tensively in the manufacture of boxes. and It rapid failure mean that oraer for boxes will come to the coast, where the spruce supply Is good. We are now turning out some Eastern orders, and I look to see a big increase in the trade before long. . The start is only nsw being made, and-prices are neces sarily low; but, as the Eastern timber supply "is almost exhausted, the market must soon look to the coast for it box es. The outlook for the box bulnes via never so bright as now, and we are rushed with work. Indeed, It Is Impos sible for the Inoal mills to handle the order that come in. The bulk of our present trade Is with California, but the scope of our field l widening." ADMIRE OCR LOGS. V Three prominent mlllmen were in the city yesterday. They were C. H. Davis and C. H. lvis.Jr., of Saginaw, Mich., and G. M. Clark, of Madera, Cal. The Messrs. Davis were formerly connected with the Saginaw Manufac turing Company and are still In the lumber business In the East. Mr. Stark I manager for the Madera Flume & Lumber Company. . ; The vlsltora expressed much admira tion for the quality of Astoria logs ion hoi rin to the different mills, ine log are white .md clear, and they ex pressed the belier wai iuc. i" would soon become a formidable com petitor of pine. No particular significance attaches to the visit of these mlllmen, who were here merely to sis up the lumber sltu fhev were very much pleased with the local outlook and said Astoria was destined to become a great lumue. manufacturing point. . THE REGATTA DEFICIT. FRIDAY'S ENTERTAINMENT. Much Intrest la being manifested In the entertainment to be given Friday night at the M. E. church. Forty children are rehearsing dally for' the event, which will probably eclipse any thing of the kind ever before under taken In this city. COUNTY COUKT DID NOT MEET. There was no session of the county the court w-ould open bids for clear- lug of the Elk creek toll road, but no offers for the work were tendered. Kansas City. Sept. 15. Martin Duffy knocked out Philadelphia Tommy Ryan in the eighth round tonight. i ' Mirror Baths are kept open on Sun day for baths. For first-class work In the tonsorlal line, call at the Mirror Baths, 636 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. THOMAS CHAMBERS. s-16. Proprietor. . Sweeping reduction at the Little Book Store during the anniversary sale To date W&5 has been subscribed for the regatta deflelt. Yesterday Chief Hallock turned over to The Astorlan $30 of which 2d was contributed by R. J. Owens and J10 by Frank Mays. The subscriptions to date follow: W . E. Sehlmpff $150 00 Henry Welnhard (.Portland) 60.00 Charles F. Wise 25-00 S. E. Harris 20.00 H. R. HoeOer 20.00 Dr. J. Tuttle 20.00 It. J. Owens 20.00 Mayor Suprenant 10.00 A. M. Smith 10.00 Harry Hamblet N w P. F. Peterson 10.00 Cash W W Frank Mays 10-M Dr. A. A. Finch B W E. C. Holden 6 00 H. Laxell 5 00 Charles Wesche 6.00 Total ...1.. $3S5.00 ENGINES NEARLY READ The Astoria Iron Vork Is trai"y. en gaged In building the engine tot th boat now under course of construction for the Tongue Point Lumber Company. The boiler has been almost completed and the engines will be read; in a short time. The machinery Is of fine de sign, and the tug will be the most powerful boat of her slxe on the river. PETER JOHNSON'S FUNERAL The funeral of the late Peter Johnson takes place this afternoon at 12:30.from Vohl s undertaking parlors, not at 1:30. a has been stated. The members of the Foresters of America will attend the funeral in a 1ody. . The interment will be In 'Greenwood and the steamer Vanguard will leave the Lurllne dock for tha cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were Issued yester day by County Qlerk Clinton to the fol lowing persons: F. If. Laightoh and Nellie C. Stanley August Kanto and Erllka Poikila. Werner Herman Fellman and Helene Sofia Kostell. . , BAVf pus book pusiq uoiJMjjad jno coffee Is guaranteed to please you. .. JOHNSON BROS. Such best Schilling's Best as the poor would be richet for using. Your grocer's; money back. GISiAMMlip See Us, It Will Pay You FOARD $ STOKES CO. ASTORIA, - - . OREGON SOLID OAK ROUND TOP EXTENSION TABLE Large new line at 97.75 and up Elegant new designs in ChilToneiresand Hall Trees Come in and see some Nobby Furniture ' H. H. ZAPF - The Hotisefurnishcr 030-4334 COMMERCIAL STREET S. A. GIMRE CABBIES A FINE STOCK OF oASa,"6 Boots and Shoes Sells at Close Figure , The i t r uiuuu i Cafe The Best Restaurant Rejular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty Eierytnlnf tbe Market Affords ! Palace Catering Company WILL MADISON CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 534, Com'l St., and 114, tith St., Astoria, Oregon Pale Bohemian Lag'er Deer Best On The Coast ...North Pacific Brewing Co... mm -1 THE BEST MADE, Vr MU4 4 ft None Better Than Topsy A A A A A A ftft&A A A icfrick Best (Hadei I Hosiery. None Better Than Topsy Topsy Hosiery is absolutely without a parallel. The quality is better, the prices are cheaj.ei than -any other Hose 6n the market. If you wear them once you will never wear any other make. ' HPT. The Place To Save llzzzy 508-510 Commercial Street ' - . , rl a-14-15