The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 12, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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iir iinmir an iQiiBiniiMi
Commencing' Tuesday, September 8th, 1903
Our Store will be in the hands of the Carpenters and Painters on
the 25th inst. and for the next two weeks we are going to make
in all Departments to save moving
The Leading Dry Goods and
Clothing House of
- - - : : , -JB
ft I
Light Trembler
Shakes Astoria
Earthquake Shock Rattled Doors
and Windows at 3:45 Yes
terday Afternoon.
At J:45 yesteriay afternoon Astoria
Avas shaken by an earthquake shock.
This - ill perhaps be news to many peo
ple, but it will also have a tendency to
confirm a lingering suspicion of many
others and to verify the pronounced
belief of not a few. From the time of
the shock until late last night The As
torian was besieged with inquiries from
those who believed that a tremblor had
been experienced, and an excellent de
scription of the shock was obtained.
The earthquake came unexpectedly.
A dri-iling rain was falling but weath
er conditions were not at all unusual.
At J: 45 frame structures began to rattle
windows and doors were shaken, and
n even some of the. most substantial
buildings In the city the shock was felt.
Wade Hampton Smith, who was sitting
In the parlor of the Holden house with
a party of friends, states that there
were three distinct shocks. The first
wnwl to come from the southwest.
and the second a sort of twister, from
the south. After a brief lull, the third
shock was felt. The chandeliers at the
Holden house swayed violently, and the
gentlemen in the parlor all exclaimed
"earthquake" at the same moment.
The most substantial structure In the
city Is the public building. Deputy Col
lector of Customs Parker was at his
office in the public building at the time
of the earthquake. He says that he
distinctly felt the shock, the building
trembling and doors and windows rat
' tling. He looked at his watch and not
ed the hour 3:45. When a reporter
called Mr. Parker's first question was,
"Did you feel the earthquake T' and the
reporter admitted that he had.
Several other persons informed The
Astorian that they had noticed the
tremblor, but Mr. Smith, gave the only
good description of it.
This is the first earthquake that has
' been felt in Astoia for nearly 10 years.
The most severe shock was experienced
In 1884, when ' buildings were badly
shaken, plaster being knocked from
walls all over the city. Yesterday's
shock was a light one and no damage
was done.
. . .V- ... Cam TTVq 11 P -
wnicn Tiu ww we im w - - (
Co, has a full lumber cargo, in all I.- ,
050.000 feet. )
Th- manifest of the schooner Alvena,
which, sailed several days ago for San
Pedro, was filed at the customs house
yesterday. She took 1,055,108 feet of
lumber and 600 bundles of laths. The
cargo was loaded at Wesiport. (
The schooner Susie M. Plummer de
parted yesterday for San Francisco,
taking 850.000 feet of lumber. !
The steamer Alliance departed yes- i
t rday fr San Francisco and way
pwrts, with a full cargo of freight.
Thai ahln Rerlin and bark Harry
Morse have finished discharging their
salmon cargoes.
The British ship County of Inverness
is at the can factory dock, where she
will discharge 551 tons of coal for S.
Elmore & Co. The work of unloading
this coal will be commenced today.
Of the cargo of the British ship Port
Patrick, 2.550 barrels of cement will be
discharged here, permission having
been granted yesterday by the local
customs officials. The cement will be
used at the Jetty,
.By direction or the light-house board
Inspector Calkins has given notice
that, on September 5. 1903, Columbia
river outside whistling buoy, nun-shap-
.rmnimtod bv a whfstle, was mov
ed Into 84 feet of water and about 3
miles 8. E. 3-4 of its former position.
North Head light-house. N. 7-8 E.
Cape Dissappointment light-house, N.
N. E. 3-4 E. (easterly) Point Adams
(discontinued) light-house, E. 1-4 N.
This notice affects the list of beacons
and buoys, Pacific cast, 1903, pages 43
and 51.
Present Conflicting Proposals to
Mining Congress.
Dan J. Moore is down from Portland
on business.
Captain and Mrs. Oeorge C. Flavel
are visiting in Portland.
Opt. C. B, Winn and Mrs. Winn of
Albany are visiting In Astoria.
William Harder, a Portland railroad
man. was in Astoria yesterday.
J. Walter Seaborg. the well-known
Ilwaco poet, was In the city yesterday.
' Mrs. C. i. Curtis has gone to Forest
Grove to remain for afew weeks with
friends. .
Miss Gertrude Rllnn left yesterday
for Albany where she will enter a bus
iness college.
Major Dan J. Moore Is In the city.
Major Moore has a contract for furn
ishing a quantity of ties for the A. &
C. R. U. at Flavel.
District Attorney Harrison Allen.Mrs.
Allen and Mrs. Newman returned yes
terday from Canyon beach, after an out
ing for five weeks.
Lieutenant Curtis and Privates Gor
don Stewart. "Ringling" Robert John
ion. A. C. Welch and C. E. Williams,
of .he Oregon National Guard, were In
the city last night.
Fred W. Palmer, for a long time an
accountant at the North Pacific Brew
ery, will leave shortly for Montana,
where he will accept a position with
John Kopp. Mr. Palmer was a popular
employe of the brewery company and
his coming departure Is regretted by
his friends.
At St. Louis St. Louis 5; Chicago 1.
At Cleveland First game Cleveland
0, IK'troit 3.
At Cleveland Second game Cleve
land C; Detroit 0.
At Boston Boston 2: Washington t.
At New Ycrk New York 4; Philadel
phia 7.
Hard Blow Comes Up Late Yes
terday Afternoon.
A northwest gale is raging along the
North Pacific coast and shipping will
probably be tied up for a day or two.
The storm came up about t last even
ing, and an hour later the wind had at
tained a velocity of fully 60 miles an
, Fortunately the big log raft was not
taken to sea yesterday. The great mass
of piling was towed down to the lower
harbor and there moored until weather
conditions are favorable for Its depart
ure. The length of the raft was er
roneously stated yesterday to be 500
feet. Instead it measures almost 750
feet and contains 675,000 logger's feet
of piling, the f-qulvalent of almost 8,
000.000 board feet.
The steamer Francis II . Leggett,
Lead. S.D.,Sept. 11. The adoption of
a constitution and by-laws, and the ad
option of a resolution asking the United
c, .mnarvRs to lase a law for the
establishment of a department of mines j
!,, a .nrosontative in the president's
cabinet, and the reading of a letter
from Senator Morgan, of Alabama, in
response to a letter from Secretary
Mahon to attend iind address the cong
ress, -were the principal features of to
day's session of the American Mining
Congress. -.
It developed today hat the Oregon
delegation Is not quite a unit on the
matter of holding the next year's ses
sion of the mlntnj congress at Portland
This became r.pparent when Frank V.
Drake, of Portland asked congress in
view of the Lewis and Clark expo
sition to be held In Portland In 1905, to
r-ndorse In every ay the exposition
and that congress resol e to meet in
Portland for its annual session in 1905.
The resolution was iefrrcd to a com-
, ,.' ntnA in favnr nf its
iniitee wpkh --
! adoption with a clause referring to
1M5 meeting stricken out ana n
Peck at first meant a basket or re
rcntnrip for erain or other substances
The expression at first had no refer
ence to size
The word miscreant signified only an
unheUcver. an Infidel. Joan of Arc. In
the literature of her time, was called a
Acre once meant any field. It is still
used with this significance by the Ger
mans, who speak of God's acre, allud
ing to the cemetery.
At Sacramento Sacramento 6
land 8.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles 9;
Francisco 11.
At San Francisco Seattle 1; Oak
land 6.
At Chicago Chicago 2; Brooklyn 3.
At Pittsburg Pittsburg 2; Philadel
phia 7.
At Spokane Spokane 5; Salt Lake 4.
At Seattle Seattle 4; Butte 9.
Wanted By a young lady, a place In
a family of two, to work mornings and
evenings for board. sun-tf
HAWES' $3.00 HATS.
The hats of latest vogue and for ev
ery face, figure and fancy; fully guar
anteed. S. Danziger & Co., sole agents.
Organ for sale cheap,
Inquire at thli
Have you Indigestion?
Have you Sick Headaches?
eecham's Pills
To mvold Indigestion
That dlntreoed feeling If (Imply a poorly-wotting atomach-it need! a little belp-so natter
bo bad It may be, doae of Beecham's Pills will ipeedily glre relief. Take
echam's Pills for a few daft and the trouble wtlldUappear.
To owe Sick Headache
Sick headaebea mean to overtaxed stomaeb and a derangement of the dtgettlre orrana.
Cham's Pills ban preyed tbemaelTei a boon for remortog that dlitmaed feeling and
dlaomnfoit. A torn will remore tbe Immediate cauM and it repeated for a few daj will enable
yomayetem to work normally. '
Sold Everywhere in Boxes, 10c. and 25c.
Just received a fine line of ladies and
children's fall and winter hats. Call
and see them before buying elsewhere.
Will also sell shirt waists, skirts, child
ren's clothing and summer hats at cost.
Welch Block, opposite Budget.
Meat once meant any kind of food.
In one old edition of the Lord's prayer
the well known petition is rendered,
"Give us this day our dally meat."
Town originally signified a farm or
farmhouse. It is used byWycllfTe in
this sense: "and they went their ways
one to his town, another to his mer
chandise." Tariff was the name of a Moorish
chieftan, Abou al Tariffa, who had a
fortress near the Strait of Gibraltar
and levied toll on ships and merchan
dise passing through.
Libel once meant any little book, but
as many small tracts in the early day
of printing were personal and offensive
In character the word acquired Its pres
ent significance.
Imp once meant a child. Shakes
peare, speaking of the children in the
tower, calls them imps. Jeremy Tay
lor, in one of his sermons, speaks of
"the beautiful Imps that sang hosannas
to the saviour In the temple." The
Travelers' Record.
The Overland
is tlit? most famous of tran-continciital
trains via Omaha. Iktwcvn Oinului
' ami Chicago it runs via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Double daily service Portland to Chi
cago via this route. All meals Bervetl
in dining cars.
H. S. R0WE.
General Agent
134 Third Street, Portland
17ai Ik A 9q Lag'er
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of oil kimlrt At lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
A V ALLBM Tenth ind Commercial Mrttts
Large new line at $7.75 and up
We will have our Stock of
toves L Ranges
On about September 1st
It will pay you to wait
Plumbers and Steamfitters
Elegant new designs in Chiffoneires&nd Hall Trees
Come in and see some Nobby Furniture
H. H. ZAPF - The Housefurnisher
sao-m commercial ntueet
Diamonds Are Going' Up!!
'I he lime to liny a l ine (icui
! iu r-,., ..i.i c.i. Has lli'.-iiitifH ut Pri-i nn
(I renter thuii Months Aj;o
466 Comiiwvltl Strut
Boarding and Day School for girls
Kindergarten, Intermediate, Grammar,
Academic and Commercial Coarse
Thorough Mimical Courses. Private
lessons in Elocution. Classes of Physical
Next session opens September 8tb.
For Circular address,
Sister Superior.
If Looking For Nice Dainty
Things For Lunch
We have them.
X'nder wood's deviled ham.
Libby's deviled ham.
Libby's deviled chicken.
Libby's deviled turkey,
Libby's Melrose Pate, '
Libby's Veal Loaf.
Libby's Potted Delicacies,
Hammond's Lunch Tongue.
French boneless Pickled Sardines.
Underwood's Lobster,
High Life Crab.
Cooper's pure Olive OH has no equal.
. i , n rnr mriMi iiMimnn ,nMim wiwiii tl
aiaaMM- .mnryiNVmtirirnTii m-TO WlllllgMillHMIIII'WffiWIMitil iillM,llliini1lltfM,ffi'IFriiniili'li'l lll'lli' Iir I -nil I
A shipment of damson plums just In.
Parties dealrlng to can this fruit should
do so now as the season for same will
soon be over. JOHNSON BROS.
Thcie Plaiteri are a scientific and harmonious combination of
healing and f trengthening gums, together with the Kaiti of that molt
wonderful of Nature's Lakct, iledlcal Lake, Washington. No
Platter before deviaed, combines such peculiar curative and
Strengthening qualities, and we confidently anert that this it the beat
and most highly curative Plaater ever commanded. They givs
instant and soothing relief, will be found the most excellent Plaster
you have ever used, and will curt Throat,
Chest and Lung Difficulties, Kidney and
Bladder Affections, Lumbago, Weak Back,
Backache, Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Cough,
Orlppe, Cramp, Strain, Sprain, Lame
ne, 5tiffne and Inflammation of the
Joint or Muscle.
Medical Lake preparations art tot patent
A fMlcal Lake Tablet dlaolv,a In a glau sf water,
aalua a dallfhtfully dallckxit cooling btvarag. Ptopla
of Oouty or Rheumatic tandracles art banaflul
quickly by drinking Medical Laka Water.
m tiiriv mrr;
Palace baths Include a first-class bar
ber shop andTurklsh andRusslan baths
Best of service In every department, T.
K. Davles, proprietor, S39 Commercial
stret. Hours for Turkish and Russian
baths, t p. m. to I a. m.
Medical Lake Salts Mfff. C, Spokane, Wash,
Gentlemen I came to Medical Lake seven weeks ago almost helpless from Inflamatory rheumatism
and generally In a run down co ndltlon. At this time I am almost entirely recovered and have an ap
petite which Is the dlspalr of the hotel proprietor. Inflamatlon and sw eillna; Is nearly jone from my
hands and feet, and I feel splen did. Medical Lake has certainly done much for me.
- .- O. Q. WEBSTER.
For sale In Astoria by Frank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial ; the Conn Drug Company
Twelfth and Commercial and Charles Rogers,' Odd Fellow's building