'., n$ tr, t IvtH .... I9Q3 mmmtmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmaamimBmmBMmamtBBammsmasaBmxxast-r-m-- -Jzyn rnrissnsswisaBL.sisuij.j-i Lj ,: ., ) VOLUME LVI. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, A I'GUST 28, 1003. , NUMBER 292, V A Figure P. A. STOKES Pure Sold Fisher Bros NEW HAMMOCKS Large assortment of unusuallr hand some goods just received. 75 cents to $500. J. N. GRIFFIN, I MJIIHIIII lllallillll llll llll IIJ 1M mm-- THE BEE HIVE Pleasesthe eye ; ..... . ., . , ' , .t WcwiUbchlshest grade of clothing tt figures which pkc everybody. Perfect style, tailoring, fit end quality here combine with honest prices. 7 A Trial Convinces! Agent for the famous Dunlap Hat Paint Only By Plumbing Troublesl Imperfect jilumbing make real ti nble. If you have an iinm rfcct job, tetter fix it. "We'll p nko it right for you. "Whether it's repair or new work we respond promptly, do it well nnd get your pprovt viu wuii onr onr pay. W.J.SCULLEY 470-472 Commercial. Phone Black 2243 Nothing Pleases to well aa nicely laundered linen. We have' the neatest and most- aanttary laundry In the state and do the best work. " i ' " ALL WHITE HELP, Corner Tenth and Duana streets. , , - 'Phone mi. The Troy Laundry lve Ladies' Fall Suits are now on Display. ; Ladies' Dress and , Walking Skirts,.' GOVERNMENT Assassins and All Others Involved In Crime Will Be Brounht to Immed iate Account Through Intervention FLEET GOES TO Porte Representative Disclaims All Knowledge of Assassination and Discredits Reports-Authorities Act Promptly- No Delay Will Be Permitted " Washington, "Aug. 27.-Prompt and cultural roachlrry manufacturers at vigorous acfton Is being taken by the prices below last year's. It l under VnHeA Statea govemmeiit to aecura atood that 20,000 torn of pig Iron for tht punlahnwnt of thona peraona tnipli- ! which tha Internationa Harveater Com eutfxl In tht ainaaiilnatlon o f United ' ranv came Into tha market last week Stitea Conaul W O. Jlaellaon at Ue - irut. Syria. Sunday. laai. Minister T.rlaa LeUhman at Conatamlfiuiie baa txran Inatructed by the atate depart ment to demand a. thoruuab InveatlKa tlon eoncernlng (he aaaumlnatlon of Ylc"Consul Magellaon at Beirut and (he punlahment of lh'n Involved in the rrline and the Hur:ean squadron conaltiing of three v.intlil)S hua been ordered to procaed Immediately to lie. Irut to aupport the demands of the United States minister should this be found necessary. The president felt that no time should be lost In dbpatch Ing Admiral Cotton's squadron to luraisn waters. Acting Secretary Loomls cabled to! Minister Leishnuin to make Immediate demands on the porte to take adequate measures for the protection of all Amer !( ana at Beirut and to prevent any at tack on the American college at Har poot, attempta to burn which have al ready been made. Admiral Cotton was directed today to proceed. Probably he will go ahead with the Brooklyn, leaving the Man chlaa and Ban Francisco to follow. It la Intimated that the Brooklyn going at i full speed can reach Beirut within six j days. j Acting Secretary Loomls received rather a remarkabla . cablegram from! Minister LeUham toriight in which the ! aiier eiaiea xnai ne nan canea a tne Turkish foreign office a Constantino ple thia afternoon to Inquire about the assasalnation and the minister of for eign office emphatically denied anV MW"me " i. ne m o ai- tempted to discredit It. Acting Secretary of the Navy Darl-j Ing sent this cablegram at 12:15 tonight . to Hear Admiral Cotton at Nice: I " Ice consul at Beirut reonrfd aa-1 sasslt.atlon. Proced ImmedlaiJy to the nearest post and report. j . . , DARLIVJ. 1 It la txpected the squadron wil get awny Immediately upon receipt of this, cablegram, the Brooklyn, San Fi mcls-j co and Ui hlus going together. INDIANS ON WAR PATH Old Chief Counsels Peace Hut In Held lit Contempt Chicago, August 27. A dispatch to the Chronicle from 8t. Taul says: Reliable advices from the Lqech Lake Reserve state that an outbreak of the Wingers and Bear Island tribes is im minent, and that agency ollirlals have begun to remove their household effects and families to Walker, the nearest rail road town.. War dunces are in prog ress - The tribal king of the Pillagers, who haa Just been released from Jail ia In citing the young bucks against the whites and is actively supported by the younger element among the tribal chiefs who are anxious for a fight. The Pillagers have been sullen and ugly for two months and the situation has Just been brought to a head by the tribal troubles. All the younger Indiana are well armed and are the most Ignorant , and the most warlike of all the reserve tribes.. Chief Flat Mouth and Bug, Ahaha Ke Shlsh, powerful' chiefs are arguing for peace. Flat Mouth's words : have little effect because he la old and regarded with contempt b ythe young-, er element. I sr-.. ...r. 1 IRON SUPPLY AND UCmAIMLr Feeling That Dominates Market ; During the Week rase t ' . . ,..., ThA t Cleveland. August 27,-The Iron Trade Review this week says: I The Iron market la still dominated' by the feeling that prices have not yet fully reflected the changing relation between supply and demand. Thus far j the buying by the leading harvesting machinery Interests has been the only conspiclous development in August. Its pig Iron purchases for its gray iron and malleable foundiias are in the neighborhood of 75,000 tons; and con tracts for 15i000 tons of sheets ana ,000 tons of pipes and tubes have been added. It Is now stated that the steel bar contract had not been closed, though It Is expected from 40,000 to 50, OOOtons will be needed above the output of the company's own mill. Recent purchases of malleable bessemer have Included a portion of the requirements of several large malleable foundries, the latter having taken contracts cov ering the wants of a number of agrt- AROUSED OVER CONSNL'S MURDER TURKISH .WATERS !h not Wn niaif nri. h. ! bida aa low" aa III ware made on thla account cannot be verified, $11,60, Blr nilii(fhturi, for No. foundry, being tha loweat authjentlcated price reported. There baa been a good deal of cutting below the association price and Ut75 is .well established.. Buying baa been better In central and western territory alnoe the $12 baala waa officially ' de cided on. but Plttabiurg and Eastern markets report foundry men still hold ing off. While some new and modem i furnaces are starting up, adding to t-e make of foundry iron, the curuuling movement la greater and may soon be come a factor of some moment. North' em furnaces bave been holding for $16 at furnace for No. t foundry, but in the peat week $15,75 haa been done and J15.50 baa been quoted on large bual nesa. Beaamer Iron la nominally $17 at Valey furnace, but there la no de mand and no Immediate expectation that fourth quarter bualness will be placed by the atee) corporation. A 50, 000 ton rail order from the Baltimore A Ohio road was placed last week with Pennsylvania mllla. BAR SILVER GOES UP v ,; Increased Demand For "Met! Causes Marked Itine in Price I New York, August 27. The sham ad- vanee in th nrir of hor allver In th Loon and New Tork markets dur- Ing the past few weeks haa carried it t0 tne hlghegt mark 8ince November, 1901-. For nearly glx montng tne mar. ket has Deen on the upward move. Re,Mrt8 here of the large gmeUing mtst, gay the rise la partly due to a heavy iem&ni from Tn(la. Large whole wle dealers In that country are dis- trlbutlng a good deal of the metal to tne wtttl, trade, j addit0ni it te lleved ,hat ,here . ron. j sldcrable short Interest In the metal, i Silver 'a a favorite article of specu I ulation among London bullion dealers.' It la believed by some that the Brit i Ish government is buying silver, al I though thla cannot be vontlrmed.France ; ts buying- ratlur freely to supply a de mand ror coinage in the French poa j session In Asia. The position of Chtna Is not c!ear at the moment beyond the fact that, whre China at the close of ' last year was unloading large surplus of the metal, thus coming In competi tion with shipments from the west. It haa mow ceased to be a seller. ' ! The mtrchases of the United States government for Philippine coinage also have beer, a fecior. ROCK ISLAND COMING WEST WILE USE SANTA FE TRACKS BETWEEN ALBUQUERQUE ANQ.FRISC0 San Francisco. August 27. Captain A. H. Payson and W. A. Bissell, two leading officials of the Santa Fe on this coast, admit that the Rock Island people are negotiating with the Santa Fe for the privilege of running Its onv)ii trains over the latter road into San Francisco from Albuquerque. Tho Impression prevails that before the end of the year the Rock Island will either have absorbed the Santa Fe or else obtained a contract to run Its trains Into this city, The basis.pt the present negotiations I is an exchange of trackage rights. For I tha nrlvlla- n m,nnl.,. It. 0Ver the Santa Fe from Albuquerque to this city the Rock Island Is "Said to be willing to give the Santa Fe trackage rlgnt8 over ,ta yem In Southwestern Kfln... No MttTinn th t,. r hamll(, and Oklahoma . . .. J0HN I. DAVENPORT DEAD Won Great Fame by Investigat ing; Election Frauds. New York, August 27. John I. Daven port, formerly United States Supervis or of Elections, whose death has Just occurred at Stanford, Conn., was once a power In republican politics, in this city. After serving through the Civil war he became a newspaper corres pondent In Washington. In 1868 when congress appointed a committee to investigate eleotion frauds In New Tork, Davenport was made the secretary of the Union League Club Committee, which had the matter In , charge. This , marked . hla start In "po!ltlcr C'pon the eflactment of law for tho Federal Supervlnlon of Elections, be was the first appointee aa supervisor In this city. He continued In this post until 1892 when the bill wa repealed. It waa Davenport's custom to make arifesta In the night before election and his prisoners, men of all aorta were thrown Into a cage which he bod built In a room of the general poetofflee. The use of the cage brought it builder much notoriety. Davenport who waa at one time accounted a wealthy man la said to bave died In comparative pov erty. . INCREASE SINCE COAL STRIKE I REPORTS OP OPERATING COWAfMES MAKE OOOOSHOwlNOf New Tork. August 27. A preliminary report of the- Erie railroad company for tbe fiscal year .ending June 20, which included Ave months of the an thracite strike, shows an Increase In stirplua of $2,000.(75. Tha total surplus la abown to be $S.4S,5S0. , Tht report Includes operation ofErie CanalOompanlej.The In com, aaide from that derived from operation of tbe rail road and Including coal companies, leu interest and sinking fund, was $1,430, 230. Thla represented chiefly the. into me f iwi the coal companies. r Growi earnings were shown to be $45,- $30,413, an lncraae of $4,S35,7, and net earnings $15.W436i an increase of XI,- 437.J19. During tbe year $S08,45 waa ex l-etided tor Improvements. This was an increase of We8,9M. - . REPUBLICANS HARMONIOUS Kff 5f Peter Mar PlaHJ Hlmnell nt Head of Wnrllku Move Providence, R. I., August 27. Senator Aldrich, of the senate, finance commit tee, says that advices tending to ehow gratifying progress toward a harmon ious understanding among republican leaders In both" houses of congress on the subject of financial legislation at the coming session have been received by him. However, no meeting of the sub-committees will be held for some time, v r:' i HUME MILL NEARLY READY Will Probably Begin Sawing Lumber ext Week For the first time the main engine at the new Hume mill waa started yester day. The mill Is being turned over to the owner section at a time, and in this manner the perfect working of all the parts la assured. No difficulty what ever has been experienced thus far.and the mill will soon be In readiness for actual operations. - It la thought that the first lumber will be sawed sometime during the coming week, but the exact date can not be stated: - not yet be stated. The progress of work at the mill haa been watched with interest, and many persons are anxious to be present when the start ia iiade. However, this will not be permitted, as Mr. Hume does not care to take the chances of an accident occurring1. Work on the minor buildings la pro- grossing satisfactorily, and it will not be long before the entire plant la com pleted Until such time as the mill is In perfect working order it will not be operated to Its fullest capacity. JUDGES ARE APPOINTED LABOR DAY COMMITTEE WILL ASK BUSI NESS MEN TO CLOSE AT NOON At a meeting of the Labor Day com mittee last evening Rev. W. S. Short, Mayor J. W. Suprenant and Hon. J. H. Smith were appointed to serve as Judges in deciding the best showing to be made In he proposed parade during the coming celebration. The union making the best appearance will be pre sented with a beautiful silk flag and the second prize will be a gavel. The parade will be held at 2 o'lfock In the afternoon and In order to give all an opportunity to participate the commit tee decreed last evening to request the merchants of the city to close their places of business at noon. A petition will be circulated today amongst the business men by representatives of the committee conveying to them this wish. The ball to be given at night in Foard & Stokes' hall promises to be the rlneet affair of the kind yet held In the city The Columbia orchestra has . been en gaged to furnish music which of Its seilf Is sufficient guarantee for its suc cess. OUTLOOK NOT BRIGHT The outlook for the sardine packing" venture recently launched In this dty la not very bright. The fish are unusu ally large, and unless a run of smaller sardines comes In the cannery will not be operated this fall. Some of the fish are about the right slse, and from these the owners of the cannery hope to pack samples A run of such big fish was never before known and Is regarded as phenomenal. The probabilities are the cannery will not be steadily operated this season. Nervous people should take light ex ercises, Increasing daily as strength la gained. There were 175,000 pianos manufac tured In America last year. Germany made 80,000. In southern India the school mas ters have 42 different kinds of punish ment for naughty boys. . RELIANCE LOSES IN HER RACE AGAINST TIME Fourth Contest of Series Officially Called Off Through Expiration of Time Limit SmamrocK Two Miles 'Astern DECISIVE DEFEAT, EXPERIEIICTD Defender of Cup Glides Through For Position Yankee Skipper Uutpoints . ' ' Opponent . , . New Trlc. Aug. 27. With the Re liance lesa than one third of a mile from tbe finish and Shamrock in bull down on the horizon fully two miles astern, tbe fourth race l; the present series was today called off because of the expiration of the time limit of 5 and one balf hours. , " ' . Although officially It was no race, the defeat administered to the challenger was so ignominious that whatever ling ering hope remained in the breasts of the friends of Shamrock III vanished The Reliance's victory waa in every i way more decisive than that of last Saturday. Jhe Shamrock waa out-sail-( an autonomous government In Mace ed, out-pointed and out-footed from i tnni nmvM .:i,.n..' i. Urt to flnlsb. j ine neuance neat tne namrocK III hopelessly in 15 miles of windward work, rounding the outer mark 12 min utes, 30 seconds ahead, of her, and on the down wind she steadily Increased her lead. The real race of tbe day waa not against the Shamrock but waa an exciting atruggle of the Reliance In the lust balf hour to reach the finish line before the expiration of the time limit. Had the wind freshened 20 minutes sooner than it did, the cup series would bave ended today with three straight wins for the defender.. , Fully as discouraglr.2 as the sail ing qualities displayed by the challen ger was the manner in which she was bandied. The yankee skipper not only out-maneuvered his rival In a pectacu lar fight on position at the start as be has done every time they have met. but worse still. Captain WHnge repeat ed bis blunder p Tuesday, . He crossed the line 1n the wake 'of the Reliance with a hondicap of 61 seconds. : " Both boats, it Is true, went out after the smoke of the handicap gun died away, but where both were handicap ped. It was only the sternmost craft which actually suffered. It was not a pleasant day on the water. There waa a chill in the atmosphere and the mist made every thing indistinct. The ocean waa as smooth as a floor and a alight breeze of about 4 knots blew out of the southwest. The course was laid li miles de.sd Into the wind and return. At the end of the first hour tbe Sham rock III was beaten and interest died. Even in light air it waa astonishing how the defei: !er slipped through the lucid seas, BALKAN SITUATiO.! DARK Kins Peter May- Place Himself At Head of Warlike More London, August -I?. The Sofia cor respondent of the Times, discussing the situation In the Balkans, says a war between Turkey and Bulgaria Is no longer regarded, as the only remedy. It seems probable that, in order to save appearances, Russia and Austria will support an amplified reform scheme. It is quite clear that a new departure must be made. The visit of the csar to Vienna Is expected to mark a new stage In the policy of the two powers. It is rumored from Adrianople that the troops are usln? petroleum to burn the forests shelter '.ig ihe insurgents. It J ampforsii Cots, Steels, Stoves, Chea eatresses and ...the Seaside See Our Hew led Eleiont Iron Beds Handsome Tables and Cfcfrs Prices guaranteed ths Iswest j 1 Robinson's furniture Sfcro Lucid Sea Without Eifort-In fr Is' aiso' stated that the Turkish officers have ' received orders to pursue the rebels Into Bulgaria. ' Telegrams from Burgas, Turkey, 79 miles northeast of Adralnople, state tbat a Russian cruiser has entered the port v" ',,: f.'':;.''A:r 1 Excitement ia Increasing- In Serrta, continues the correspondent" of '' tha Tlmes.'m account of the Macedonian rebellion. The radical leaders are In- ' clined to advocate the establishment of for Servian claims In the asrtb of Shar. .The l&rse Jnaurrent successes axe bailed with ent:.usia.siii. The Sixth regiment, notorious for Its share In the conspiracy against the late King Alexander, Is especially eager for war. and It seem not probable that King Peter," yielding to military die tation, may eventually place himself at the head of the warlike movement.. ;The Vienna correspondent of tho Times says the Balkan outlook Is dally lJ darkening and Turkey Is taking prepar- a.:oi mr we saieiy oi Constantinople. FIREMAN'S AWFUL DEATH Head Crushed to Jelly Wednes day n Northern Pacific A Norbern Pacific fireman whose i.ame was not. learned met a terrible death at Deer. Island, a station near St. Helens, Wednesday afternoon. Tha body was sent back to Portland for burial. . The train was bound for the Sound, and the fireman, who had been expert enclng trouble with the Injector, was looking out of the cab window and watching It, Passing Deer Island h's. bead came In contact with some car on a sidng and was crushed to a Jelly Death was instantaneuos. Superintendent McGutre, who was up the road, brought down the news of the accident. V, : ' ; BASE BALL SCORE3. PACIFIC NATIONAL. v .. At Salt Le-Salt Lake 5; Spokane j At Butte Butte 4; Seattle S. PACIFIC COAST. At San Francisco San FranclBco 2; Oakland 4. . AMERICAN. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2: ton 4. Bqs At New York New York 6; Wash ington 5. . NATIONAL. . At Cincinnati Cincinnati 8; Chicago At Brooklyn-Brooklyn 11; Philadel phia 10. At Boston First New York 1. game Boston 3; At Boston Second game Boston New York ?. l; Everything f III! line Cf I! m 1 B.