ASTORIA, OKKGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 23. MM. BANQUET OF HOSE TEAM Captain Brown b Prtttnttd with nanetomt Gold Medal The Astoria hose team treated them selves to banquet last night at the Toke Point oyster house. The feature of the festivities u the presentation of a gold medal to Fred Brown, cap tain, aa a token of appreciation on the part of the men In consideration of valuable sen-ices rendered to which was due to a large extent the recent Per lea of victories. Chief Stockton present e4 the medal which has on one side the engraving of a hose cart, and on the other the words "To Fred Brown by a . w tv . laos A neat speech was delivered by W. J. Barry -and Chief Stockton. Toasts were responded to by -V. Or Curtis. John Corno, Al Mmard William Painter. W. Johnsort, Otto Peterson. J. Phillips, C. " Stellwrlght. It was the Intention of the team to have prfsent-the Judges and the regatta com mlttee, but as some of the gentlemen mn Bhaont from the city, and the nthom were otherwise engaged, the boys went it alone. v V FESTIVAL AND AUCTION The ladies aid society of the Norweg ian Danish Methodist church, will hold a festival and auction in the basement of the church Tuesday evening. Many beautiful articles of fancy work, etc, will be sold. -'TAKE FIRST CITIZENSHIP PAPERS f" Kristlan Olaf Sunderling, native of Norwayr Hans Peder Viuhkola, native of Norway and John Westersutn. John Emil Hendrickson and Otto Akola aU of Russia; George Papa Ganika, native of Greece and John Aspen, native of Norway. -. ' ...,,: STORES aOSE EARLIER PERSONAL Duncan McLean, of Portlnad Is visit ing in the city. Robert Morrow, reporter tor the stats, supreme court, is in the city. . Judjte Edward N. Deady, of Portland Is In the city on legal business. Mrs. Margaret Von Glann, of Port land, is visiting friends n Astoria. Charles Meilborn and bride returned during the week from Oakland, Cal. Guy P. Halferty, of Markham, la vis iting in this city and at Warreuton. H. G. Van Dusen Is at Gresham on official business. He is expected to re turn today Mrs. T. N. Thornburg, of The Dulles, Is visiting Mr. J. N. Griffin and family for a few days. V. Hampton Smith, who has been nejirCathlamet for the past two months is in the city again. Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Brodle will leave this morning for their home In Albany. E. Brodle will return to Ore gon City. General C. F. Beebe, late brigadier general of the Oregon National Guard, now skipper on the yacht Muriel, is remaining over a few days after re gatta. T. Bron-nhill, of the real estate firm of Hudson A Brownhlll, of The Dalies, passed through the city yesterday on bis way to Seaside. He was accom panied by Mrs. Brownhlll. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Koser and Miss Pearl Skiff, who have been taking In the regatta, returned to Salem last night. Mrs.. At Herron and Miss Herron re turned yesterday to their home In ln dependence. They have been the guests of Mrs. Charlie Holmes. Mrs. Serina Morton will leave this morning for her home In Wilmington, N. C. after a delightful visit with her s.m, S. Morton, of this city. Mlsa Carlo Jeffers hasreturned from Washington state where she has bien taking a short course in normal train' Ing. Since her return Miss Jeffers has been the guest of Mrs. Jennie Busey. BURTON. WHERE ART THOL'T Editor of the Astorian: Where are nil of the great fish com mlssioners? Coming up on the boat this morning I saw at Eagle Cliff the cannery operated by B. A. Seabrook running in full blast with from 700 to 1000 fish on the trbek and being unload ed. Is this right, one man running contrary to the law, perhaps there are others. Where is the protection for our fish? If this is a'lowed Is It not put ting a premium on dishonesty and i direct Injury to those law abiding can ncrs who uphold our laws and endeavor to protect this great Industry. FRANK GORMAN Beginning tomorrow the stores' will resume the old time schedule of closing, C o'clock, . . . ,s THE LAST NIGHT Tonight the popular Allen Company will complete its aery successful week i engagement with the old favorite play "Davy Crockett." Most every one has read "Daw Crockett" and the old mot to "Be sure you're right then go ahead will be used for many generations to come, Th piece ia brimfvl of good, wholesome comedy and its quaintnees of characters and exactness of frontier life endears it to the heart of every lis tener. The entire company will appear in the cast and all who Wish to xee this splen did company in v any of their blays, should be present at the opera house to night. "The Burglar" last night drew a lull house and the people appreciated the performance. The company are all right and when they go will be sadly mssed. HATS OFF TO OREGON THE CHRISTIAN" GREAT PLAY Hall Clint's Muterpkct Show Here Saturday August 29 It is stated that California now ships a tout 350,000 boxes of apples a year to Great Britain, and that with more care ,. In packing the sale would increase very largely, a number of Oregon packers who engage ln-the business with the determination to perfect pack ing, regularly outsell any California apples by about $1 a box. This Is not because the apples are better, but be cause the packing is better; but the re sult Is that since but a fw Oregon packers are in the business, all of whom do good packing, Oregon apples have come to be regarded In the British markets as "better" than California apples. Prestige earned In this way Is we'l deserved, and we respectfully take off our hats to Oregon; but it is dis graceful that our California shippers should compel us to do o. San Fran Cisco Chronicle. "The Christian," the literary and dra matic triumph of the day, will be, the attraction, at the Fisher Opera house Saturday night, August 29. The question has been repeatedly asked: "What is the moral of the play?" To answer that question it la only necessary to revert to Hall Oalne's own explanation: Glory Quayle and John Storm, the two principal characters in the drama, represent types which have been brought tnto existance in the latter half of the nineteenth century: the educated girl who has to fight the battle of life In professions which are usually con trolled by men. and the sincere young clergyman who makes an effort to reaU Ize in a liberal sense the Sermon on the Mount. But the social and religious problems which surround, the steps of these characters in the hovel are not dwelt upon In the play, which Is simply a romantic story of love. In the play Glory Quayle is imbued with a love of the stage she desires to become a great actress she loves John Storm, but refuses to surrender her ambition to her love, but In the end she learns that the love of a good and true man to better than the honors of the world, and becomes the wife of the self-sacrificing young clergyman. Oth erwlse. she chooses what to her Is the "crown of thorns" when the chaplet of (lowers look fairest Although Mr. Calne's intention. In the construction of this p'ay, was to teach a moral les son. he has not forced It on the atten tion of the audience; It Is presented but incidentally to one of the most fascinating dramatic love stories that has ever been related upon the stage The part of Glory Quayle will be In the hands of the beautiful Cathrine Countiss, while Aza Lee Wlllard will appear as John Storm. Among the members of the company may be mentioned Frederick Esmeleton Winqna Bridges, Chas. Edwin Onslee, J. Kadow, Nicholas Cogley, Hedy von Ettner, Charlotte C. Hamner. Thomas Delaney, Efllena Blair, W. B. Freder icks, Paula Herbert, Hazel Kilduy, Chas. B. Milieu Herbert Bradley, L. Rankin, Joseph Carden, Louis Christ. Chas. Ryan. 11 it' We t w" ii , Jm i regon E3anufacture "PENDLETON" INDIAN ROBES AND SHAWLS HAKE EXCELLENT Couch Covers, Lounge Covers Driving' Robes Bathing Robes, Veranda Wraps TrunK Throws For Fancy Corners and For the Bed . ., A Large Assortment of the Above Goods at C. H. Cooper's The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Still In The tead For twenty-seven years we have been Leaders In the Furniture Trade Our Large Stock comprises the best goods obtainable AU our furniture is first class and yet you can buy of us as cheaply as else- Charles Heilborn Son. where. ' Try it. ASTORIA HOTEL P O RT L AN D The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. BLACKSMITHING. Carrlaee and Wifoa BoIUIof. Flrst-Class Horse SisocSnf. Logatrts Camp Work. AH kinds of wngon materials in Mock for late. , ' We guarantee the brfl work done in the city. Prices tight. ANDREW ASf. ' . Comer Twelfth ami Duanc Sts. 'I'hoiiejii. LOOK AT THIS f Looking For Nice Dainty Things For Lunch We have them. I'nderwood's deviled ham. I.lbly's deviled ham. Libby's deviled chicken. Ubby's deviled turkey. Llbby's Melrose Pate. Ubby'a Veal Loaf. Ubby's Potted Delicacies. Hammond's Lunch foncue. French boneless Pickled Sardines. Underwood's Lobster. High Ufa Crab. Cooper's pure Olive Oil has no equal FOARD & STOKES CO. A Model Kitchen Very Th Great Mob Scene In "The Christian," act second. Mr. and Mrs. Charles CaHendar, of Knappton, Wash., entertained a party oi Astoria friends last night. The steamers Melville and Electro took them out and they report a most enjoy, able time. PROSPERITY ENJOYED St Helens, too, is satisfied, of course, with tho result of the county seat vote of Columbia county, and the Mist pa trotlcally turns to the development of the county s resources. Its last Issue eays: "it is settled, and we are all res idents of what Is destined to become the wealthiest county In Oregon, tak ing the size Into consideration. What ever benefits any part of the Nehalem country Insures to the benefit of all alike A aew saw mill, shingle mill or door factory at Clatskanie or Rainier, adds to the taxable property, gives employ ment to more people lightens the bur dens and increases the prosperity of the entire county. Columbia county not only needs moi-e people at Clatskanie, Rainier and St Helens, but in every other section of the county, This sec tion needs more mills, wood working plains, more farmers and dairymen, and the coal and iron mines should b feveloped." AMONG THE CHURCHES GRACE CHURCH. Sunday services as usual at 11:00 and 7:30. The rector has returned from his outing and will conduct both services. Evening prayer at Holy Innocents, upper town 3.330. Sunday school will resume Au gust 30. The choir boys will please assemble at 10:30 Sunday morning. V NORWEGIAN DANISH METHODIST. Sunday school, 10, a. m. The Pastor will preach both morning and evening at the lsijal hours. Morning subject, "The Plains of Sodom." Evening sub ject, "Bound of. For, And To Christ." M ETHODIST Re v. Harold Oberg wiU preach today. Morning theme "Grow ing Older What God Thinks About it." In the evening another Interest ing subject will be presented. Excel lent music. CONGREGATIONAL. Rev. Mr. Boll inger, of Oregon City, will preach both morning and evening. After the morning service there will be com munion and the new members will be received. BAPTIST. The subject of sermons to day will be "Patience" and David and Jonathan.'" All other services as us ual. GERMAN LUTH ERAN Regular ser vice will be held by the pastor, Rev. C. Bueciiler of Portland. . . " FIRST LUTHERAN. No services or Sunday school today. The pastor will 'spend Sunday in Chinook. New Today A LIFE SAVER Many lives are annually destroyed by diseases resulting from faulty plumbing Be sure your plumbing is done by an expert, and save annoyance and dan ger. Gas and steam fitting, heating, tinning, etc. Fixtures in stock. JOHN A. MONTGOMERY, 425 Bond street, Phoen 1031. Every Home can Have one at a Small Cost. You would be astonished If told the prices that Foard & Stokes Co., Is sel ling Its famous cooking stoves and utensils at. A better assortment can not be found In any store in the state We suiiply everything from a dust pan a range at prices that will lit on pocketbook. It Is economy to have our kitchen modern. Saves labor, ex penses and your health. Let us show you what we can do to remodel you home. We want at least a chance to quote you our prices. FOARD &STOKE3 CO, CHEAP FUEL. Fir slabwood, stove legths, 12.50 per cord. Boxwood $1.60 per large load Phone 2211 Black. Kelly, the trans fer man. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work see your local tuiler, Tn. Frederlckson, 2071 Bond stree. Phone 2074 Bed. THE ASTORIAN - JOB DEPARTMENT -f or- JOB PRINTING FREAK WALL PAPER SOLD New York, August 2i-Wllllam Am ory, former secretary of the Third Av enue Railroad Company has sold his house in East Sixty Second - street. Along with the house he disposed of wall paper which is probably like no other in this country, because it was originally intended to sell for several million dollars. Amory's wonderful wall paper was made upon intrinsically worthless bonds of a coal and Iron com pany in Kentucky. Their owner was before the public last March and April when he made nubile charges of fraud against the Metropolitan Street ..Rail way Company and sued H. H. Vreeland for libel. ,:, ; . , y . , , Pennyroyal pills for ( II K IIKVI Kit's KNtiUMH In 11KI arxl (iold n.:'-Jlla toie.. MM libUmlUra. Imkmrntlhtt. Srlm l'nceraM KubntltatloM mm4 Imlte Umbm. Itu of your Druggi,,, or tw4 4, la oil "Itrllerrnr .idln.'laUMrin, ftim. Jio'lM , VUlLA. 4.7 Try them. Only SO cents at Charles Roger's drug store. END OF BITTER FIGHT. "Two physicians had a long and stul born fight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPont, Ga., "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption. The benefit I re. ceived was striking and I was on mi feet in a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It conquers all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed by Charles Rog. ers' drug store. Price 60c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. SUICIDE PREVENTED. ITk. m ... 1 1 j iic iwuuii announcement mat a preventive of suicide had been discov ered will Interest many. A run down system, or despondency Invariably pre- sede suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great stomach, liver and kidney regula tor, only joe at Charles Rogers' drue store. , Scott's Mal-Pepsio Capsules A POSITIVE CURB For Inflammation or OaUrrk erf the Blwlder ud DiMmj a.uuwjk. s eur do pT, Sold by Cbas. Can. aotckljr ud Peraa neatly lb. wont cwmi at l0nrrba and lnt, nomaiu-rofhowlorif auixj. Inc. AbMlntcl? barmleah Bold br drnrrjat. Prfa 100, or Vf Ball. MttMid. TBI lANTALftPSII CO, hhwvm wflta yiinai Rogers, 459 Commercial ICE CREAM , NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW GOOD. 15 CENTS A PINT AT TAGG'S. Found-Pair of gold spectacles, quire at Astorian office. In- Subscrlbe for the Semi-Weekly As torian, ti.oo a year, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LEAVE PORTLAND ARR1VI 10 a.m.;PortlandHuulon De-liTTo a.m 7:00p.m.lpot for Astoria and! :40 p.m. l2:S0p.m.wajr points. I ASTORIA ":43a.m.!For Portland and,ll;30a.m. 6.10p.m. way points. 10:30p.m. I 1:60 pm, SEASIDE DIVISION 8:lSa.m.Astorla for War- 7:40 a.m. 11:30 a.m.renton, Flavel, Ft.10:30a.m. ll:3Ja.m.iStvens, Hammond 4:00 p.m. G:B0p.m.Seaslde. v 16:50 p.m. 6:H5p.m. 6:15 p.m.Seasia for War- :26 a.m, 9:40 a.m.renton, Flavel, 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. iHammond, Ft. 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.Stevens and As- 7:20 p.m. torla T6:60 p.m. Dally except Saturday. Saturday only. AU train make close connections at Goblo with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East and Sound points J. C. Mayo, Qen'l Freight slnd Pass. Agent. SOLID OAK ROUND TOP EXTENSION TABLES Large new line at 7.75 and up Elegant'new designs In Chiffoneiresand Hall Trees Come in and sec some Nobby Furniture H. H. ZAPF - The Housefurnisher (WUMKU COMMKItCIAL HTKKKT 444) 44444)4444 The -Boston Restaurant WW) CO. MM KltCI AL MTKKKT Best and Neatest Eating House In Astoria Try Our 2 S-Cent Dinners f Prompt Attention . llioli Class Chef STILL IN THE LEAD Dainty eaters, people with hearty appetites theater parties, and all other parties find what they desire and some to appreciate at the Toke Point oyster house. The'cholce.t viands In the mar ket are there served In most pleasing style." Open all night. Private rooms. ' PIANO FOR RENT, For rent A first-class piano. Address C, care Astorian office. MARINOVICH &. CO R. J. OWENS, Proprietor. Thoiic S51 THE WIGWAM iiu ItrookH. .Man n -!, Wines, I.i(or and Cigars, Kent in the Market. Concert Every Evening, Patron Cordially Received and Well Treated. Eighth and Astor Streets, - .... . - - Antoria(. Oregon. S. A. GIMRE Boots and , Shoes CAKRIK8 A FINE ' KTOCK OF Opp. Fisher !ros. Store on IJond St., Astoria t - ' ' Bells st Close Fiunrcs tw,am.9P!j-vi :jtsmrui't0a MMtwMtv.-. These Pluteri are a scientific and hsrmoniom combination of bealinj; and strengthening gums, together with the Salts of that most wonderful of Nature's Lakes, fledlcal Lake, Washington. No Plaater before devised, combines such peculiar curative and strengthening qualities, and we confidently assert that this is the best and most highly curative Plaster ever commanded. They give Instant and soothing relief, will be found the most excellent Plaster vou have ever used, and will cura Throat. - Chest and Lung Difficulties. Kidney and Bladder Affections, Lumbago, Weak Back, - Backache, Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Coughs, Grippe, Cramps, Strains, Sprains, Lame ness, 5tlffness and Inflammation of the Joint or Muscles. Medical Lake preparations medicines, are not patsnt A fUdlcal Lake Tablrt dissolved In a class of water, SMka s Mffbtfullydailclous coollnf btvaraga, Ptopls of Oouty or Rhsumatlc tandaticlM are txntfiud qukkly by drlnklnf Mtdkal Lake Water. MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFC CO., SoltMfri. MEW YORK AND SP0KAN8, WASH. " ... - - - -- " '"' j 1 .. . For sale In Astoria by Frank Har t, Corner Fourteenth and Commercial t he Conn Drug Conany, Corner Twelfth and commercial, ana ja aries nogers, vaa reiiows' Building, f "" ""'a" -1 . v.