2 i Horning Astorian EtUblithcd 1873. RATES) (tent by mail, per year...... ...... .SO 00 Bent by mail, pet month. 50c (Served by carrier, per month 60c SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per year. In advance U 00 .' , By LVOX & PATTERSON The Astorian guarantees to Ita ad verttsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. UNITED EFFORT Congressman Williamson in an Inter view published in Friday's Astorian, puts himself to record as favoring an open Columbia river, particularly the mouth of the river. The Second dis trict representative speaks out plainly In opposition to further forest reserves, in fact states that the Interior depart ment has already gone too far In reser vation business. The last withdraw-als-the one in Northern Wallowa, the one In Southwestern Oregon and the one includig Southern Crook and North ern Lake and Klamath. Sir. William son thinks would better remain subject to settlement The Eastern Oregon Congressman also speaks unequiv ocally concerning the duty of congress and the Oregon delegation in the mat ter of securing for the state some of the first money to be expended In irrigation projects, since under the law Oregon has contributed the greatest propor tional amount to the Irrigation fund. There no doubt .re those who will dif fer from the Second district representa tive on his forest reserve policy, even among the delegation. Mr. Williamson admits that we have use for the Cas cade reserve, while it la understood one or two members are opposed to the re serve policy altogether. In the mat ter of securing for Oregon a liberal appropriation for the reclamation of arid land in Eastern Oregon, the dele gation will no doubt act as a unit and the people with the possible exception of a few individuals who may be in terested In getting control of the pub lic domain under the Carey law, will back them. What is of great import ance to the Northwest is contained in Mr. Williamson's statement to theeffect that here is a tendency toward getting together of the delegations of Oregon, Washingon and Idaho, on matters per taining to the northwest corner of the Union. There is no good reason why 'the delegations from these three states should not stand together as a unit up on measures looking to the development , of the Northwest, and especially any measure having for its object the util ization of the Columbia river and its ributaries as means of commerce. C'on- vcerted action on the part of delegations i of different states is the strongest hope, tparsely settled regions of the country have. As againBt the immense inter ests back "Of congressional delegations from Pennsylvania, New York or Illi nois, as represented by corporations and trusts as well as individual wealth, a western delegation representing a constituency of only a half million to .. two million people is fearfully handi capped. The interests of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho are in a general way identical and their relations naturally friendly. Instead of the delegation from Oregon, the delegation from Wash ington, and the delegation from Idaho, they should come to be known in con gress as "he Northwest delegation. "A reasonable amount of fleas is good for a dog. It reminds him that he is a dog," says a modern author. "Let the baby cry," says a modern doctor, "It is good for the baby." But every flea scratched from a dog must be en tertained by a human victim and every squawl from the baby must be endured by suffering neighbors. Everybody may not have seen the trained bear shown in Herman Wise's regatta advertisement, but no one left Astoria without a knowledge of Mr. Wise's enterprise which they learend through his original and business-like method of advertising. 1 A Portland paper is seeking to find the oldest man in Oregon. That's eas- ler than to find the oldest woman. PUTS AN END TO IT ALL. A grevlous wall sometimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, liver complaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gen tie but thorough. Try them. Only 25 tents. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers' drug store. JVTALTMOIO Never corrode, never wests nor expands t in fact never gives any trouble of any kind and is used for all classes of work. A very superior covering for barns, factories, depots, canneries, tanneries, sheds and minks, property. Scb4 ft VrnklM. ' " i The Paraffine Paint Co., Sin Francisco, Seattle, ' Portland, Los Anties and Denver, Colorado. Li) Sf-mw - PROSPERITY Every once in a while old settlers will recite to us the difficulties they had in disposing of their product and the ridic ulously low prices they received for it and for cattle, especially during Cleve land's administration. Times and con ditions have changed, so much so that the dairymen In Tillamook never enjoy ed auch an era of prosperity aa they are today, and with the prospects that it will continue. Is there a dairyman In Tillamook county who is desirous of an other dose of democratic hard timet? so wonaer tnat Tillamook is over whelmingly republican, for here is an object lesson. Headlight. A VERY NEAT PAPER V The Pacific Journal, published in ttfe enterprising town of Ilwaco, across the river win be old enough to vote in an other year. It passed the twentieth milestone of its serene existence last week and in a heart to heart talk with Its readers says: And now as we again set sal for an other milestone a little ways ahead, we bend to the oar wishing you all pros perity in the future, and the Journal hopes to remain the organ of the peo ple and in return wishes the friendship of Its hundreds'of readers." BASE BALL SCORES. PACIFIC Coast. At San Francisco San Francisco 2; Portland I. Fifteen Innings. At Sacramento Sacramento 3; Seat tle 2. . At Los Angeles Los Angeles 12; Oak land S. , AMERICAN. At St. Louis-St. Louis 2; Boston 1. At Detroit Detroit 3; Washington 0. At Chicago Chicago 6; New York '9. At Cleveland-Cleveland 11; Phila delphia 1. NATIONAL. At Philadeiphia-First game Phila delphia 4; Pittsburg 6. At Philadelphia Second game Phil adelphia 4; Pittsburg?. At Brooklyn First game Brooklyn 7 Cincinnati 4. At Brooklyn Second game Brooklyn j I; Cincinnati 4. At Boston Boston 6; St. Louis 1. At New York New York 3; Chicago 8. v rs I. E. Seug, lessee and Manager Saturday, Aug. 29 The Greatest Success in Dramatic History Hall Caine's Powerful Play THE CHRISTIAN By Perraieeion of Liebler & Co., N. Y. Direction of GEO. L. BAKER Cathrine Countiss as - Glory Quayle Asa J.ee n ijlard as - - John Storm And a Specially Selected New York Company .The play that has broken records everwhere. No other modern play has had such a whirlwind of success PRODUCTION CARRIED COMPLETE Admission Reserved Seats, Gallery, 50c. Seat sale opens Fri day morning at Griffin's Book Store SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATES Between June 4th and August 26th, the Illinois Central will sell round trip tickets from Oregon and Washington points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and New Orleans at Greatly reduced rates. Tickets good for three months. Going limit 10 days. Returning limit 10 days after starting west. Stop over prlvl llges either way, west of the Missouri river. Sale dates are arranged to be convenient for delegates to conventions I of National Educational association at Boston; Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen it Indianapolis; Eagles at New York; Shrlners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav elers at Indianapolis. You can' take your choice of 16 different routes. Write us. We will cheerfully give you I any detailed Information you want. B. I ri.TKu jIEIjLL, Commercial agent, 142 Third street. Portland n, FlSflB Opera House A MAN'S IDEAL (By Ell Wheeler Wilcox.) A lovely little keeper of the home, Absorbed In menu books, yet erudite when i need council; quick at repartee And alow to anger. Modest as a flower, Tet sclntillant and radiant aa a star. I'nmerrenary in her mould of mind, White opulent and dainty in her tastes A nature generous and free, albeit The incarnation of economy. she must be chaste as proud Plana was Tet warm as Venus. To all others cold As some white glacier glittering in the Sun; to me aa ardent aa the sensuous Rose that yields its sweetness to the Burrowing bee. AH Ignorant of evil In the world, and Innocent as any Cloistered nun, yet wise as Phryne In The arts of love when I come thirsting To her nectared lips. Good as the best, And tempting aa the worst, a saint, a Siren, and a paradox. L&dies Attention A Nic Assortment of Fancv Crockery Received. we art pleated to announce to the ladies of Astoria and vicinity that we are able to ahow aa fine a line of plain and decorated crockery and glassware as is t be found In the city. Bvery ar ticle will command your keenest la' spectlon and la aold at prices not to be equaled elsewhere. When you want to buy crockery of any kind for dinner, lunoheon. fish sets, tea sett, cutlery to match, be sure and see pur line. It will please you. FOARD STOKES CO, THE PALACE BATHS Palace baths include a first-class bar ber shop andTurkish andRusslan baths Best of service in every department. T. It. Davies, proprietor, 539 Commercial street. Hours for Turkish and Russian baths, S p. rri. to 3 a. m. DUE TODAY. Oregon peaches, plums,apples prunes, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, canta loupes, wax and string beans, and all other good fruit and vegetables In mar ket. JOHNSON BROS. 75C-ENT GOLF SHIRTS For 60 cents; men's striped and fig ured golf shirts, sizes 14 1-2 to 17, at Danxlger's. CIGARETTES. The newest and latest in cigarettes Pall Mails; cork tips, at P. A. Trul. linger's. Two stores. We sell, rent, and repair all makes of typewriters. Write for new catalogue of New Densmore. Huxley, Ryan A Co., 82 Fourth Street Portland, Or. WANTED-Young man for store work Call on P. Miller & Son. S2.P0 straw hats for 75 cents at DAN- ZICKR'S. Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As- torlan, J 1.00 a year. $1.50 straw hats for 50 cents at DAN' ZIGER'S. Good goods and good service at John son Bros. 75c wash suits for 35c at Danzlger's. - Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racksSWash., August 5, 1903. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., September 4, 1903, ana then opened for repairs to Hospital at Fort Stevens, Oregon. U. S. reserv es the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part tnereot En veio containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for repairs to Hos pital at Fort Stevens, Oregon," and ad dressed to undersigned. F. H. HATHA WAT, C. Q. M. Some Inter esting Facts When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they 'naturally want the beat serv'.'e obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated w as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman j-aiace Bleeping ana mail' Care on through trains Dining car service unexcelled, Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, aailc th ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central line and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and a1' Plnt EaJ- ,M . Ucke .nt .or correspond wlti JAS. C. POND, Gen. Paas. Agt. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. OREGON'S BLUE. RIBBON STATE .FAIR. SALEM September 14-19. 1903 The Greatest Exposition and Live Stock Show on the Pacific Coast. Hish Class Racing every afternoon. $12,000 t'afth IMoinlums on live stock and farm , products. All exhibits hauled free over the South ern raclllc. Reduced transportation rates on all lined. Live SttH'k Atu'tlou Sato held In connection with the fair. Fine camping ground free and reduced rates on campers' tickets Come and bring your families. For further Infor mation write W. I. WISDOM, Secretary Portland, Oregon. Live Well You Can do It if You Trade With Foard A Stoke Co. Everybody enjoys good living but few like to see the bills come In, especially when tiny are larger than you believe they should be. Look Into your buy ing and not only try to save on your expenses but get the best food for your table at the same time. We pride our selves on keeping only the highest grade of delicacies for the table. Our preserves, dried fruit, sauces, canned specialties In meat, fish and vegetables cannot be excelled anywhere. We want you to look at our display In this line and we can ease your troubled mind as what to eat either for breakfast, din ner or lunch. FOARD & STOKES CO ST Alt NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OK KG ON Training school for teachers' course arranged especially for training teach ers for all branches of the profession. Most approved methods for graded and ungraded work taught in actual dis trict school. The demands for grad uates of this school as teachers far ex ceeds the supply. The training depart ment, which conslBts of a nine grade public school of about 250 pupils. Is well equipped in all its branches Including sloyd, music, drawing and physical training. The normal course the best and quickest way to state certificate. Fall term opens Sept. 22. For cata logue or information address, E. D. RESSLER, President. Or J. B. V. BUTLER, Secretary. THE DEATH PENALTY. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insigni ficant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It Is wise to' have Buck len's Arnica Sabre ever handy. It's the best salve on earth and will prevent HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. IngieUn will continue her re. ductlon sale of hats skirts, waists and ladies' and children's furnlnhlng goods until October 1. Call and see the lino. Also carry a complete line of hair switches and pompadours. Prices will suit you. MRS. R INGLETON, Welch Block. EEST lo-CENT MEAL. Tou will always find the best lJc meal In the city at the Rising Sun res taurant, No. 612 Commercial street. SPECIAL NOTICE. You can buy here our 11.50 stiff bo som shirts for $1.00 in all sizes. S. DANZIGER & CO. Itchines of the skin, horrible plague Most everybody afflicted In one way or another. Only one safe, never falling cure. Doan.s Ointment. At any drug store, 50 sents. Builds up the system, puts pure rich blood Into the veins; makes men and women strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters. 'A PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone SSL , DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our oara Will receive special attention. No US Puane BU W. J, COOK. Mgr. Fulton Bros. ATTORNEYS And Counslvrs l Uw OIMih, Odd KHIows Bid., Tenth and Cuui men-mi wM aKria, or C. J. Trencliard Insurance, Commission Agent Wells, Fargo Express Companies, House Broker, and Shipping, and Pacific Customs OSTEO PATHY DR. RH0DA CHICKS Mansell Bldg. . t?S Commercial Bt Fhone Black S06S Astoria Ore. Dr. T. L. Ball DENT ST S24 Commercial street, Astoria Ore, Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office phone Main Ml. Residence phone Main MS. Office Over Orlffln't Book Store. John Fubrman, Win. Wertlies G. W. Morton. Central Meat Market 643 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders lot nsais. bold FRESH AKD SALT Will ba promptly and sailsfMWrily attended to TolepBnue N. TO. The Waldorf CM AS. K.WISE, Proprietor. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Concert Every Evening Cor. Eighth and Astor Sts Astoria, Or RELIANCE Electrical Works 428 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate! and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sH the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. CaU up Phone 11L H. W. CYRUS, Mgr Htrictly First Cleat The Office Jon 1). Mancikt, Prop. 116 Eleventh Street C, W. BarrDentist Mansell Building. 573 Commercial street, Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 2061. ELECTRICAL WORK. Interview TrulIInger Hardesty, 4.13 Commercial street, about your elec trical work. JAPANESE GOODS. New stock of fancy goods Just arrly- ed at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and vn the latest novelties from Japan. Hill Military Academy Twenty-Fourth and Marshall Streets PORTLAND, ORE. A Private Boarding' and Day School "I For Boys ' ' New buildings, modern and complete; manual training, military discipline, clmrnctcr build ing. Boys successfully fitted for all collegos. Principal of 25 years' experience in Portland. Boys of any age admitted at any time. Write for Catalogue. Fall Term Opens Septembei 16, .. , . t t. ...,......,..,.,.',.'. . ... DR. J. W. HILL, Principal . We will have our Stock of Stoves' Sangies In about September 1st 1 It will nay you to wait w. c. laws a CO. Plumbers and Steamfitten 527 BOND All Kmli of Mattressca Had to Order Adams Henning'sen , Dealers In ; f ; , Furniture, Stoves. Tinware, House Furnishings. aciuutt'iiauui uuuu W Bay All Kindt el Junk. 405 BOND STREET, ASTORIA. OREGON. EXPERT HORSESHOEING General Blncksmithing, Hour and Cannery Work. See us for High Claw Work. Slion Oornw of Fif teenth iinJ Duuno Strcutu, near St. ilary' Hospital. HOLMES 6k SBIBBRT Phone 2M1. Cor. 7th and AlfOCST KR1CKSON, Proprietor Carries the Best of Goods. Nightly Program for Amusement of Guests. hronic Sores Eating Ulcers, Wyss Nothing is a souree of no mueh trouble as an old sore or ulcer, particu larly when located upon the lower extremities where the circulation is weak and alugrgiah. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the leg is a frightful sight, and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper iuto the tissue beneath and the aore continues to spread, one can Almost ace the flesh melting away and feel the strength going out with the sickening discharges. Great running sore and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boil, swollen giant bruise or puuple, and ore a threatening danger always, because, while a auch sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and thia should make yo auspicious of all chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if cm cer runs in your family. Face sores are common and cause the great annoyance because they ore so ner- slstent and unsightly and detract so mucn train one s personal appearance. Middle aged and old people and those whose blood is contaminated and tainted with the germs and poison of malaria or some previous sickness, are the chid sufferers from chronic sores and ulcers. While the blood remains rn an unhealthy, polluted condition heal ing is impossible, and the sore will continue to grow and spread in spite of washes and salves or any superficial or surface treatment, for the sore is but the outward sign of some constitu tional disorder, a bad condition of the blood ,and system which local remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier and tonic is what you need. Some thing to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the circula tion and invigorate the constitution, and 8. S. S. is just snch a remedy. S. S. S. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to the very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all the impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and strengthens the sluggish circulation, ana when the blood has been purified purifier and tonic combined and a safe - - - . - - wm.. ....... i. -.touting - - " - - -1 " " ww .'l.llli(J UMIIBV HlbUWU, illHlg UUVh 09," The Blood and Its Diseases " free.. x THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA STREET 4 Furniture Itopalrol Upholstering ouugsi auu ouih.1 PHONE, RED 1305 LOUVRE Astor Street. - VICTOR LINimECK, Manager SORES ON BOTH ANKLES. Oantlaman i Aboat tan year aao small (or eama on aaeh of nr ankli of in rankle Daw tot Into tha alaoaa and thar b came laraa, eating uloara, and I itt farad Internal? for nrlr ta yaar I bad apaot more than $000.00 Ir lot to ft well whan I cbanoad aaa S. B. B. advartlaad la a Mtmph paper. I baun to taka It and w cured. Kr Br umba cava Barer ba or or riven me any pain at alnoa. I bare reoommeaded B. I, to a rrt many people, and into giving It to mr nlne-yeer-old on f Boaama. Darin my long aiokneet wee living near Vempbie, Tenn.. hi bare alaoe romored to Sense Oit and am now residing at Ho. el Bast Sixteenth Street. Mr. B. JL. EAUII, Kansas Oit, Ho, ana the system purged ol all morbid, unhealthy matter the healing process begins, and the ulcer or sore is soon entirely gone. " ' S. S, &. contains no mineral or poison ous drugs of any description, but is guar nnteed n rmrclv vegetable remedy, a blood and permanent cure for chronic sores n v " j khiu) vaiviuui iii it, mum,