The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 20, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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! f
. . Social and Personal . .
j "F..C Baker, chairman of the repub
; llcan state central committee came over
from his Seaside home and witnessed
i the coronation exercises.
I Mlsa Agnea Craft, queen of Albany's
! Btreet Fair and Carnival, will leave to
day tor Astoria to attend the Regatta,
All the queen of the Carnivals held In
the different valley towns this summer
have been invited to attend the regatta
as the tueet of the regatta queen and
Queen Agnes will represent this city.
.Albany Herald.,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hamilton of Salem
' arrived In the city yesterday and will
; remain during the regatta.
T. D. Wooley of Portland la taking in
the regatta.
Miss Georgia Giltner of Portland Is a
; guest of Mrs. O. West "
W. J. Homer, the rustling repreaenU-
tlve of the State Life Assurance Co..
' of Indianapolis, Ind., is In Astoria for a
i few days.
Messrs J. H. McKlbben, J. E. Brall
'. Her aadCapt.C. NieIson,promlnent in
Knights of Pythias tells the Astorl
an that It is more than likely that Sea
side will be the place of baling the
next year' Grand lodge. That If se
lected as the place for the next year's
meeting will prove quite an attraction.
We are also informed that the part
tlcular features for the season are bet
ter than ever.
- W. P. Sturgess of Pendleton, is taking
in the regatta. :
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bolton and dau
ghter, Miss Vesta, of The Dalles, are
enjoying the regatta.
Mias Myrtle Michell, of The Dalles,
is visiting the beach and Astoria, tak
ing a vacation and incidentally seeing
the regatta sights.
Mr and Mrs. I. E. Crowe, of The
Dalles, are attending the regatta.
J. H. McKibben, representing the
Pythian Journal, the Senator, Is In the
city. - .
J. E. Brallier, the "Nasby" of Seaside
was in the city yesterday.
Capt. C.Nielson, of Portland, is a
regatta visitor this week.
A purse was lost in the grandstand
yesterday. The owner can get same by
calling at the regatta committee head
quarters and giving description.
Mrs. I .Lowengarth, Mrs. M. Fleisch
ner and Mrs. Lee Lewis, of Portland,
1 ' 1
.'. Who Makes Astoria Famous ) Ji fel W
I S ; By Selling' Up-to-Date Cloth- " . KHS Wj
I -plfylgj ' ' in aid hy Continually ad- r - XffHM
but temporary residents of Seaside, at
tended the opening of the regatta yes
terday, Mrs. P. Washerman Is a guest of Mrs
I. Bergman.
Slg Slchcl , of Portland, is attending
Mr. Leonard Logan and wife, of
Boise, Idaho, were visitors in Astoria
yesterday. They have been spending
a few weeks at Seaside. Mr.Logan la
prominent banker in Boise and Mrs.
Logan ie one of the school directors of
Ma county, Idaho,
George Curtis Lee Snyder, (not
Schneider), who bears the proud dis
tinction of being the only printer with
a first premium baritone voice and who
can captivate more of the fair sex in
one minute than the average young
man can in a lifetime, is now num
bered among the denixens of .Astoria,
that city down by the bar and Jetties
at the mouth of the famous Columbia
George C. will be a valuable addition
from the Capital City last Wednesday
Since that time It Is noticed that there
are more tear-bedimmed feminine op
tics hereabout than ever was known.
Geo. C. L. WiU be a valuable addition
to the City-by-the-ea In more ways
than 50. That voice will be heard dur
ing the coming regatta, no doubt, and
the queen and her retinue and all the
visiting queens of the Willamette val
ley will have to acknowledge on bend
ed knees that he Is IT, and don't you
fail to remember what Is said here.
Geo. C L. isn't none of your summer
open - a,ir - board - fence - exhibit -soloists;
when he opens his mouth and
sets his vocal chords to vibrating ev
erybody stops and takes in what he
says; he can get more real genuine
good music out of that throat of his
than Madam Patti can from hers, if he
is a few years younger and don't wear
so many diamonds and take along so
many dogs when he travels. Salem
Israel Zangwiil has plucked up cour
age to face -the candor of an Ameri
can "audience again. He has written a
play that he hopes will not bring pro
tests from critics throughout (the coun
try and rouse the .indignation of his
own people. It is named "Merely Mary
Ann," and this is enough to indicate
that It has been built around one of
ZangwlU's short stories.
"Merely Mary Ann" Is one of those
studies of character that WiU tfve
Zangwiil a permanent place In English
literature. Mary Ann Is one among
tens of thousands of country girls work
Ing in London as servants, She l
modest In speech and manner. Her face
Is not beautiful, but there Is a quiet
dignity anil symmpathy about it that
attrucl" and holds the attention of men
Mary Ann Is the kind of a girl about
whom no man could Imagine an evil
thought She is the kind of a girl men
turn to when they are tired of flirts
and think of "settling down." She was
going happily about her duties one day
when a young composer came to live In
the house. He rented an apartment and
spent most of his time with his piano.
Mary Ann had to carry up his meals.
For a week she passed in and outwlth
her tray without a word. ' The compos
er, Lancelot had noticed her meanwhile,
and one morning good-naturedly asked
her name. "Mary Ann" she replied,
her face red with embarrasment- He
notices the poise of her head, the truth
In her eyes, the natural grace In ev
ery movement, the neatness with which
her servant's dress fits. He notices al
so that work has soiled the beauty of
her hands and he tells her about it.
The next time she carries in the break
fast tray her hands are covered with
gloves, and Launcelot hurries out of the
room and busies hingelf at his piano.
Ordinarily it would have been redlcu
lous, but no one could- laugh at the
girl's intent Impossible to, to tell her
to show her red hatds again, and so
the tray comes and goes supported on
white gloves.
It would be hard to find a more pleas
ing touch in the length of Dickens.
There is a charm about this simple
girl, with her red hands hidden from
gaxe, that appeals to tears In women
and to chivalry in men. It Is not known
what changes Zangwiil has made, but
among others he has changed the end.
In the story the couple were not mar
lted, but for stage purposes Zangwiil
has had everything come out as It
should. He was criticised when the
story first was published because he left
the outcome In doubt. So it will
delight the doubters to know that they
have been brought together, that love
has leveled station end given them hap
As Pictured
plness. If Zangwiil has written as alu
ly In the play as he did in the story he
may not fear to cross the Atlantic. If
he has done Mary Ann Justice nil
thnusht of "The Children of Ghetto"
and his attack on the drama will be
forgotten. But If he ha not retained
her simple self he had better stay In
New York. Aug. m-derry llleks. the
negro rider, under lease by southern
rlrm of horsemen who claims to hold
a contract, to Ferry Belmont and John
E. Madden, was arrested nt midnight,
according to special dispatches from
Saratoga, uHn an order of Judge Spen
cer of the Fulton county court.
He will be taken before the Judge
for trial of the suit by his father, a
resident of Louisiana, to annul the
boy's contract. Hick's father received
IIS per month under the pres
ent agreement which Is to run three
years. It Is said he wants more and for
that reason desires to breuk the con
New York, August 19. Persons Inter
ested In the case announce within a f-w
days, Dr. John D. Woods und his wife,
who are being sought In connection
with the death of Colonel William J.
Best at San Rafael, Cnl., last April,
will surrender to the prosecutor of Es
sex county. New Jersey, in Newark.
It Is declared that the lr. will make as
a condition, that the indictment for
larcey of Colonel Best's Jewelry against
Dr. Woods in San Rafael la not to be
used as a subterfuge to get lilm to Cali
fornia and then bring forth an Indict
ment for murder. Woods Is said to le
In hiding neur Asbury jmrk. He has
been reported seen dozens of times
since-the search begun. Only few
days ago a member of the Best family
who had been actively pursuing the
doctor stated thut he hud seen him oil
a train near Asbury park "but could
n.t learn where his destination was."
Interest in the case has gradually sub
sided. by Herman Wise, while buying goods
Fishers' Opera House
L. X. 8iua, Una and Manager
Sunday. August 16
Keturu of the Favorites
The Allen Stock
1'rorturlni a New I'lay Ivery Evening,
0rnlu lu the ureal Comedy Drama
Gnat Specialties
Band sol Orchestra
AitmliwlonReMred Heals, M Cut. (iallrry
. ft. Heat Mle opens ftUunUy morning
atUrimn 't BoukHtors
Don't you want to get a really good
piano It so, now's the time. See the
beauty w are now offering for M.
It's high grade and beautifully hand
curved. Uenulne mottled walnut case.
Pay J.'j down and $10 a month If you
like. Such an Instrument la worth H:5
In the regular retail way. Now Its on
ly I'.'W. We are. winding up our sals
this week. See us today without fall,
fillers Piano House, F. N. Smith, man
ager, corner Ninth and Commercial
streets, Musonlo building.
Oregon peaches, plums. apples prunes,
tomato. 's, cauliflower, cabbage, canta
loupes, wax and string beans, and all
other good fruit and vegetables In mar
Fulton Bros.
And Counxlon-it-Liw
Offices, Odd Fellow Hid., Tenth and Coin
mervial Hu atturla. Ore
Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As
torian, $1.00 a. year.
in the East-
The Waldorf
CHAS. F.WlSK.Vrt'l'f'ot'"'.
The Best of
Wines, Liquors and Clears
Concert Kvtry ttvtniliiir
Cor. Eighth and A .tor SU Astoria, Or
A good.llttln fancy upright plttno.fuii.
ey walnut etise, came to us in part pay
ment for n choice new upright during
the last week. Do you want It for $lf.O
$10 down and $3 ,i mouth? If ho, come
and see It quick. Just the thing for
the youngsters to leant on, then In n
year or so we'll liiko It back toward
payment of a new one.
Also a Sipmre piano, tine tone, and
In excellent condition. Takes only A lit
lie more room than an upright. $3
la the price, though Its worth $130. We
want It out of the way. Pay us $7 and
$4 a month If you like. See It before
Us tool tttu nt KlleiH Piano House In
hibition Sale, corner of Ninth and Com
mercial streets, In the Masonic build-
Vt jryJT-STt
Scrotal. i manifest itself in many ways. Swelling of the jlunds of the
neck uml thmat, v'atirt h, weak eyr. white nwcllinir, offensive sotcti and b
cc vst s, skin eruption!, lass of strength and weakness in muscles and joints.
It is a miserable disease ami traceable in almost every instance to some
family bloml taint.
Scrofula is trel in the
bone, U transmitted
from parent to child,
the seeds are planted in
infancy and tinlcss the
blood s purged and pu
rified and every atom of
the taint removed Scrof
ula is sure to develop at
aome period in your life.
100 South
No rctuedy equals S. S. S. as a cure for Scrofula. It cleanse and builds
op the blood, makes it rich and pure, and under the tonic effects of this
great Wood Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive organs are
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless; an ideal blood
purifier and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitu
tions. Our physicians will advise without charge, all who write us about
their case, liooli mailed free.
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon
Office phone Main Sill.
Residence Plums Main S4l.
Office Over Orlffla'a Boon Blore.
John Fuhrtnnn, Win. Wcrthwt,
U. W. Morton.
Central Meat Market
Voiir enlert air '
(Hcatit. txllll
Will Im irmittllf end
MiiMi'urlly ntiiiitil tu
Telpil4U No, Ail.
The newest and latest In clgarettea
l'all Mulls; cork Hps. at P. A. Trut
liiiger's. Two stores.
Dr. T. L. Ball
634 Commercial street, Astoria Ore,
RorofuU appeared on. the head of mt
little ersaitoh ild whoa only IS months
old, end spread rapidly over her body.
The dl.iiace nest mtcd the eyes and
we foared she would lose hr slant. Em
inent (ihyslelsna were consulted, bat
could do nothing, to relieve tlie little In
nooont. It wae then that we decided le
try 8. H. 8. Tast medlolne at onoe asede
a apdy end oompiole euro. She Is now
a yotine lady, and bos never bad a slB
or toe aioease io return.
fite Street. Saline, Kea.
Htrengihencii, and there is a cratluul put ante return
to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the
joints and glands is carried off as soon as the blood
ts restored to a normal condition, and the Bores, erup
tions, and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear.
me swtfT spectne co., Atlanta, ca.