The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 19, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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of all description. New
Jut the Thing
x or Wild It H,i w.ry to HEl'lMglO A WOnW.OHT MOOy
Takes Ibe pltM of ablnglei, tin. Iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofing
For Hat ami steep snrfacea, gutters, valle) a, etc F-ay to lay. Tempered for all
climatea. Reasonable in coat. Hold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to aak fur
prices and Information.
THE ELATERHE ROONNG CO., Worcester Building, Portland.
Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works
-Manafactcrcrs of
Iron, Stool, Brass and Bronze Castings.
General Foundryuion, and rattorntnakera.
Absolutely firtclo88 work. Prices lowest
Phn 2431a
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at
Farmers and Loggers.
CirrUje;mJ Wtjon Bonding. First-CUss Horse Sbodnf.
Logging Camp Work,
Alt kinds of wagon material in stock for sale. '
We guarantee the bcit work done in the city. Prices right.
Corner Twelfth and Duane Su. 'Phone 921.
Large new line at 97.75 And up
Eleganfnew designs In Chiffoneiresind Hall Trees
. Come in and see some Nobby Furniture
H. H. ZAPF - The Housefurnisher
! The Boston
Best andjNeatest Eating House In Astoria
Try Our 2 5-Ccnt Dinners
I Prompt Attention
For good, reliable piano work see
your local tuner, Th. Frederlckson,
2071 Bond stree. Phone 2074 Red.
Still In The
Our Large Stock
thing that are good at Pop
Trice. 7
for Regatta Week, ,
Miatrd Rtktor)
Corner lUhtccntl. end Franklin,
lowest rates, for fishermen,
Testa nd Commercial Streets
High Class Chef 1
Fir slabwood, atove legtha, 12.50 per
cord. Boxwood II. SO per large load.
Phone 2211 Black. Kelly, the trans
fer men.
For twenty-seven
years we have been
Leaders in the
Furniture Trade
comprises the best
goods obtainable
All our furniture is
first class and yet
you can buy of us as
cheaply as else
where. Try it. :
Identifies Son
Body Found Near Clifton Taken
To Portland Last Night For
After being exhumed the second
time the body of the man floating In the
river nar Clifton lout Wednesday ha.
finally been Identified as that of Fred
Foster, son of William Foster, of Port
land. The remains were taken to Port
land on Inst night's boat and they will
be Interred there. Borne days ago the
father dame to the city and had the
body taken from the grave. However
at that time he felled to Identify the de
rompowd remains aa those of his son.
Not bln Btttlsfled.Mr. Foster returned
to the city Monday evening and yester
day he and Deputy Coroner Max Pohl
went to Greenwood cemetery and again
exhumed the body. The teeth, a leather
belt around the waist and the shoes
were closely examined with the result
that Mr. Foster was convinced. The
body was not returned to Its grave but
wa brought to the city and last night
waa shipped.
The drowning of FredFoeter occurred
near Hood River on June 21 last. He
waa employed as deck hand on the
steamer Dallea City. On the trip when
the fatal accident took place, the steam
er waa heavily loaded with eheep. The
deck waa allppery and In attempting to
get around the animals on the very edge
of the boat the young man lost his foot
ing and fell overboard. He waa 21
yeara of age and was unmarried. From
the point where '.he drowning occurred
to Clifton where the body was found
la a distance of 140 miles.
Thursday and Friday afternoons all
grocery stores and meat markets will
be closed. This Is an arrangement
reached by the employers and clerks
and will be strictly followed.
Th three great attractions for to
day are the parade, the crowning of
the f) iii-cn and the drill of various com
panics of the uniform rank of the Wood
men of the World.
The precision and accuracy which
mnrk tholr Intricate maneuvers are In-
tal ent lug and those w ho have i pen'
chant for things mint try la a delight.
This feature of the regatta festivities
Is scheduled for 2:30, p. m,, on the Van
Dunen grounds. Music will be furnish
ed by Ilrown's orchestra of Portland
No abmisslon charges will be made.
Nick George and Nick Gurges, two
during Greeka,started In fish boats yes
terday for the Sacramento river.
George and Gurges fished on the Col
umblft during the season. Saturday
they concluded to go to the Sacramento
river and purchased a fluh boat each
They hone to reach San " Francisco
within ten days. George And Gurges
are reckless of danger "on water. Last
June they were wrecked on. Peacock
Spit and were picked up by a life sav
ing crew.
The funeral of the lute Mrs. Thora
Sophia Pearson will be held from Pohl's
undertaking parlors at 1:30 this after
noon and the Interment will be In
Greenwood cemetery. . .
The funeral of the late Hlllls McCros-
key, the 15-yenr old son of Mr, and Mi
William McCroskey, was held fester
day from the Congregational church,
Rev. Bollinger officiating. The church
was crowded with sorrowing friends
an relatives. After the church servi
ces a procession followed the remains to
which carried them to Green wood cem
etery where the burial tookpUce. Hil-
Us wus a particularly bright boy, pos
sessing marked literary talent. At the
Inst teachers' institute held in Astoria
an essay writted by him was accepted
by the Judges as being especially fine.
He was loved by his teachers and
young friends and his sad death la a
sorrow to all.
W. C. taws will start on a trans
continental trip tomorrow as a delegate
to attend the grand aerie of Eagles that
will convene September 1. Mr. Laws
will wear on the lapel of his coat a
badge that will convince all he meets
that he hails from Oregon. His badge
Will be of white, 10X3 Inches, and paint
ed near the top two American flags and
near the bottom the picture of the en
trance to the Columbia river at sunset,
showing ahlps at aea and cap tisep
pcintment aa a relief. It will also have
Inscribed In large betters a suggestion
of Thanatopsls with a little variation.
MrLaw's poetic eipreasion of the Col
umbia mouth Is "Where the Columbia
stops rolling." After the grand lodge
Mr. Laws will visit his relatives In
Maryland whom he baa not seen for a
quarter of a century. f
Herman Wise, executive committee
man of the American Corked Hat As
sociation, yesterday arranged the ached
ule for the regatta bowling tournament
to be held here. All the game will be
bowled today and tonight, a the Port
land team will be unable to remain
longer than one day. The team will
arrive on the midday express. Only
Multnomah' and Portland Commercial
entered for the contest. The schedule
la as follows:
2.30, p. m. Portland Commercial va.
Astoria. Commercial. .
: 4 p. tn. Multnotnah vs, Portland
Commercial. . -
10:30 p. m. Multnomah va. Astoria
The regatta committee has bung up
a handsome cup for the contest, y At
the conclusion of the games the visitors
will be entertained at a banquet.
At a meeting of the Finish Brother
hood last evening 24 candidates were
Inlatlated into the order. Coffee and
cake were served.
Tbe colors adopted by the crewa of
the light house tenders that will be dls
races are as follows: Heather, red,
white and blue; Mansanlta, white and
blue; Columbine, red and white,
There was some great ky-yl Indulged
In by a bunch of wrath y Chinamen yes
terday afternoon on Tenth street when
a gay marine ran away with a laundry
wheelbarrow. An officer persuaded the
young fel'ow to return the vehicle
which satisfied the owners so that noth
Ing serious followed.
On Thursday and Friday our store
will close from 12 o'clock, noon, until
t p. m. Will be open from 6 until 8 In
the evening, no delivery In the evening.
Orders for morning delivery should be
placed early. JOHNSON BROS.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kendred have re
turned to McMinnville. Mrs. Kindred
Is the teacher of modern languages In
the college.
' The Misses Carnahan gave a lawn
party last Monday evening. Although
the evening was a little damp the young
people had a glorious time and grant
the Misses Carnahan delightful enter
tainers. On Sunday the Warrenton baseball
team played the Seaside team on the
Warrenton grounds. The result was 19
to 2 tn favor of Warrenton.
Harry McDermott was In Warrenton
Sunday having returned from Cathlam-
Miss Clara May has gone to San Fran
clsco with her father who is delegate
to the G. A. R. encampment
Mrs. E. L. Sherman of Portland was
In Warrenton last week looking after
property Interests and visiting old
friends, i T r 1
Mies Hauflein of Newport returned
home Wednesday after a Week's visit
with her sister, Mrs. Williams In War
renton r' . .i
Miss Morris of Hutchinson, Kansas
is visiting the Misses Townsend In War
renton. ;,.
Ten carpenters arrived on Thursday
to rebuild the machine shop of the A.
& C. recently destroyed by fire. I j
Work on the new mill Is going stead
ily on. Surveyors are laying out the
track for the switch to the mill.
A new blacksmith shop has been built
and at present Warrenton Is a busy
place. " ,, . - '
Mr, Pan Human and family of Port
land are visiting in Skipanon.
Miss Mabel Olsen. has returned from
Little Falls where Bhe has been for the
last month.
The Degree of Honor will give their
first party on Saturday evening. Mr.
Ardie Strom will furnish the music,
This Is to raise funds to purchase a
seal and regalias for the new lodge.
W. C. Round left Sunday morning
for Los Angeles to attend the bedside
of his father. -
Easy to start a d hard to
stop Schilling's Best at your
grocers; moneyback business.
Is Observed
Deputies Made Cruise on River
And Eind the Situation
Deputy Fish Warden Webster and
Water Ual I ffJurhs made a launch cruise
on the river yesterday between this city
and Cathlamet. There waa no fishing
being done on the Oregon side, but
there were two traps In operation near
Pillar Kock"on the Washington side.
All other traps were either dismantled
or vacated and the seines are removed.
This means that the closed season will
be observed by 'he Oregon people and
as soon as the authorities of the other
state get busy other violations will
There are reports that the traps aeSand
Island are being operated, but investi
gation, has failed to 'verify them. In
a few daya the deputy and water bailiff
are going to swoop down on the Island
and look Into the situation. Should any
violation of the law be discovered the
offenders will be summarily dealt with
The powers that be are determined that
the law shill be lived up to strictly to
the letter and woe betide those that de
termine otherwise. All fish found will be
seized and prosecutions will follow un
relentingly. r
The most prominent arrests made
since the season for fishing closed were
made by Deputy Warden Webster. Mon
day morning when F. Kennedy, man
ager of the Miller sands, and Ed. El
liott, an operator there, were taken Into
custody. The men were held before
Judge Goodman of the justice court
und each were fined 250.00 and com
pelled to pay the costs of .the trial. In
addition to this they promised to be
good hereafter and considering the les
son taught tbem on this occasion it Is
not unlikely that their future actions
will be more circumspect. -
While It is reported that a, firm on the
sound has offered to take all the fish
delivered to them from here, the re
port is generally dlscrelted. The story
is that the firm offers to take tbe fish
and will be responsible for the result,
the plan being to assume all blame
when it comes to a question of taw.
The proposition, If, It Is made, will
doubtless appeal to sensible men aa be
ing entirely too fairy like to be followed
. . Social and Personal . .
Mrs. E. O. Curran returned from
Ocean Park after a two month's vaca
tion. Colonel Robert A. Miller, a leading
land office attorney of Oregon City, is
attending the regatta.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Koxer are in the
city from Salem. Mr. Kozer, who for
merly resided here, Is auditor In Secre
tary of State Dunbar's office.
Miss Julia Freeman, of Portland, Is
spending the week with Mr. and Mrs.
S. O. TrulHnger.
J. A. Hogan, sporting editor of the
Portland Journal, Is among the visit
ing newspaper men.
Mrs. Edythe Toiler-Wetherred Is stop
ping at the residence of Mrs. James
Welch during the regatta.
L. S. Doble, representing Fleschner,
Mayer A Co., of Portland, was In the
city yesterday.
A. A. Reardon, a representative of
the Cudahy Packing Company, was in
Astorta yesterday. - ,
Miss Pearl Skiff, of Salem, is in the
city, a guest of Mrs. Koxer.
Miss Delle Goodhue, of Salem, is vis
iting with Mrs. Edgar Stahl.
Miss Alice Halferty arrived from
Markham last night to visit with
friends. ...
Alfred Schroder returned last night
from a short visit to Portland.
Senator and Mrs. C..W. Fulton, son
Fred and nephew Allen Fulton, re
turned last night from their Crater
l4ikc trip. They have been gone since
the 3id of August and report a delight
ful trip. - .
' Samuel Elmore returned last night
from a two days stay In Portland.
; Messrs George Waters, Ray Gilbert,
and Dr. T. C. Smith, Jr., comprise the
delegation of regatta commanders ar
riving from Salem yesterday.
Mrs, Ray Gilbert was among the Sa
lem visitors arriving yesterday,
Mrs. Charles W. Holmes will have as
guests during regatta Mrs. Mollie E.
Herren and daughter.Lela, of Independ
ence, and Mrs. J. : M. Freeman and
daughter, Daisy, of Portland.
Mrs. Herbert Hoyt is visiting in the
city from Portland. .
Miss Agnes Watt, of Portland, Is In
the city, a guest of her sister, Mrs. P.
A. Trulllnger. .
E. J. Schlegal and wife will arrive in
the city today from Portland to take in
the regatta, Mr. Schlegal at one time
resided In Astoria. ' 1 ;
The queens on the Potter and those
that are now domiciled in the city are:
Miss Agnes Gilbert, of Salem; Miss
Williams, Corvallis; Miss Craft, Al
oany; Miss Reed, Rose burg; ' Miss
Million, Ash'and: Miss ' Rothermel,
Medford;' Miss Dunn, Dallas, and Mrs.
Jackson, Portland. t?, ,. f
Mrs. W, H. Chapln Is here from Port
land the guest of Mrs, N. A. Marrs.
Mrs. Owen Hutton, of Salem, is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Oswald West.
Mrs. Lovell is here from Salem visit
ing Mrs. Oswald West,
Mrs. 8. H. Bommervllle.of BakerClty
Is In the city, the guest of Mrs. Tallant.
Mies Laura Jordan and Miss Marian
Jackson are down from Portland, being
entertained by Mis Calkins, daughter
of the light house Inspector.
Mrs. Horace Butterfleld Is down from
Portland, the guest of Mrs. Frank Tay
lor.. -' ! " ' . ..,
Mrs. H. O. Wortman, of Portland,
Is at theStevens. ;
Mrs. Lee H. Lewis, of Portland, Is in
the city a guest of her broJher, J. S."
la the County Court of the State of
Oregon for tbe County of Multno
mah. .
In the matter of the estate of Alkln
Copeland, deceased.
pursuant to an order and decree of the
above entitled court, made and entered
on the 23rd day of July, 1901, In the
above entitled matter, tbe undersigned
Dan J. Moore, aa administrator of said
estate, will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, all of lota
1, 2. S, , 12 and 14 of block 12, Mary
Ann Adair's South Addition to the Port
of Upper Astoria, and Lot one (1) of
Block X McCIure's Astoria, and all of
the frontage to Lot 1 of Block 7 Mc
CIure's Astoria properly appertaining,
and belonging thereto, all In Clatsop
County, Bute of Oregon, at the wharf
and dock situated upon said last men
tioned property In the City 'of Astoria,
at the hour of eleven o'clock In the fore
noon of the 29th day of August, 1901.
Terms of sale cash In hand on the ac
ceptance of bid. The right Is reserved
to reject any and all bids. The bidder j
shall deposit at the time of making I
81x90 Best MusUn Sheets at - 60c
3-4 size Best Muslin Sheets at 50c
42x36 Pillow Slips at - . . qc
1 45x36 Pillow Slips
These are made from the best
Lonsdale and Androsscoggin Muslin.
508-510 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon.
First Class in Every Respect
Bar and Billiard Room
H. B. PARKER, Proprietor
Good Sample Rooms on Ground
wuv4 cyu.i.ClC VI Oil
ucsrau.ngot an fluman diseases ia Contagious Blood Poison. The
Serpent sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes
through the entire body. Contagious Blood Poison, beginninjrwith a little
S:Scf conttminato every drop of blood and spreads throughout the
- y : 'WS1 5rlli,nSs aPPear " the groins, a red rash and
copper-colored splotches break out on the body, the mouth and throat
become ulcerated, and the hair and eye brows fall out ; but these symptoms
are mild compared to the wretchedness and suffering that come in the latter
stages of the disease when it attacks the bones and more vital parts of the
y' iV ContaSiou Blod Poison is seen in all its hideous
5?S3't. t P eating abscesses and sickening ulcers and tumors show
the whole system is corrupted and poisoned, and unless relief comes soon
this serpent disease tightens its coils and crushes out the life. The only
antidote for the awful virus is S. S. S. It is nature' romedv. com
-1 i : . .
dry up the sores and drive in the disease, bnt do not cure permanently.
Send for our home treatment book and write us if in seed of medical
advice or speciallnformation. This will cost you nothing. -?
his bid, certified check or caste for ten
per cent of the amount of his said bij
and M tn earnest for the performance;
thereof If said bid should be approved
by the administrator and by said,
County Court. All rejected bidden wtil
receive a return of deposit so made.
Dated 25th day of July, 1902
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Oregon, June 17, 101
Notice Is hereby given that la com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 187S, entitled "An ,
act for the sale of limber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act
of August 4, 1892,
of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state cf
Oregon, has this day filed In this of
fice her sworn statement No. 6183, for
the purchase of tbe northwest quarter
of section S2 In township S north, of
range S west, and will offer proof to
ehow that the land sought la more val
uable for Its timber or stone than for '
agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land before the coun
ty clerk of Clatsop county, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 8th day of September,
IMS. ''': ." "-..V"
She names aa witnesses:
John R. Wherry and Conrad Botner,
of Elsie, Clatsop county, Oregon; Chat.
C. Rosenberg, of Astoria, Clatsop coun
ty, Oregon; Peter O. Wage, of Jewell,
Clatsop county, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 8th day of Sep
tember, 1903.
(-22-S-2S. Register.
at - - - 10c
mn in nff
American and European Plan
Free Coach to the House
E.. P. PARKER, Manager.
Floor for Commercial Men
posed entirely of vegetable ingredients. S. S. S.
destroys every vestige of the poison, purifies the
blood and removes all danger of transmitting the
awful taint to others. Nothing else will do this.