ft 4 " ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUtiiJST 10, I90o. WHEN TO .BOW MmVrhrVm with regard to "when to bow'' and "when not to bow Is pain tullly common. It may be considered ot little moment whether bow in giv en or withheld, or whether a ahake ot the hand Is given in lieu of a bow, but in reality It carries a distinct signifi cance whether the right or wrong thing U don on the spur of the moment. Also It la a two-sided question, and affects equally the one who receives a bow and th. one who gives it, the one who is not bowed t and the oue who does not bow. . It should be understood that a bow is a ceremonious recognition between those but slightly acquainted, and who do not know each other intimately enough to speak or to shake hands with when they meet These conven tional bowa are quite outside of those constantly exchanged between friends who are unable at the moment to offer any other kind of greeting. Out of doors is naturally the Held for bowing, and where It comes most prom intently forward. When for Instance, two women meet who have been recent ly introduced, if bows are not exchang when passing each other, It would be next to impossible to do so on a sub sequent occasion, and thus the acquain tance comes subsequently to an end. Again, It is equally required that bowa should be exchanged between friends unable to speak to each other on the occasion" of meeting, more especially between men and women themselves. If a woman, does not bow to a man she knows when he looks expectantly at her, he considers himself cut by her, although she has no such intention, and was really postponing her greeting un tilsay, she had shaken hands wiih her host and hostess. This phase of bowing often repeats itself, ar.d goc to prove that the right thing should be done at the right moment a bow given when due. The same equally holds good between men and women as between women. An Introduction at a ball or a dinner, in deed, if made at any function or at any time, almost obliges a woman to recognize the acquaintance by a bow at any future meeting. If she does not take advantage of her privilege to ac knowledge it in this manner, It Is tak en to mean that she does not desire to continue It, and, once relinquished. It cannot be readily resumed. Oftener than not this Is not the reason why a woman doe snot bow to a ball room ac quaintance; the actual one is. In most Instances, in doubt whether she is ex " pected to bow to him. Thus, the bow should be forthcoming without hesita tion. A merely bowing acquaintance is ' somewhat monotonous when people meet frequently each day out of doors, more particularly at seaside places. To bow at each meeting would be out of the question, and the received socail law is to bow once only. A smile does DRESS GOODS. All are Black and Colored Dress Goods. 25c All Wool Dresn Goods now 21c. Sic All Wool Dress Goods now 29c. 50c All Wool Dress Goods now 43c. 60c All Wool Dress Goods now 54c. 75c All Wool" Dress Goods now E8c. 85c All Wool Dreas Goods now 69c. $1.00 All Wool Dress Goods now 85c. 11.25 All Wool Dress Goods now $1.05. $1.50 All Wool Dress Goods now $1.25. $1.75 All Wool Dress Goods now $1.43. $2.00 All Wool Dress Goods now $1.69. $2.25 All Wool Drees Goods now $1.78. 12.50 All Wool Dress Goods now $1.98. NOTION NUGGETS. One bottle good Ink, 5c. One dozen good Lead Pencils, 7c, One bottle Carter's Photo Library Paste, Sc. ' One package of wire Hairpins, lc. Ladies Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c each. Large Cube Black Toilet Pins, 8c each Shell Hair Pins, best grade, crimped or straight, special 8c package. Excelsior Toilet Paper, ( oz. rol's, special, 6 rolls for 25c. Finger Purses, ,jun metal, with or without chains at 59c each. Lace Pins in Amethyst Rhinestone, cameo, enamels and French gray - 15c each. Windsor" Spring Hooks and Eyes with 1 doz. extra Invisible eyes, all sizes, Ec card. duty on the second occasion, and during the remainder of the day no further nutlet is vouchsafed or expected. , Under ordinary circumstance a bow Is the received way of acknowledging an introduction. At after meetings within doors the bow Is often a prelude to a slight conversation, and also concludes H when the two separate." Again when long and pleasant conversation follows upon an introduction, although a bow acknowledges the same, yet In this case shaking hands takes the place of bow In on departure, but this is exception al a how Is the usual mode ot tak- ! ing leave between two newly-met ac quaintances. '. When slight acquaintances meet at homes, dinner parties, etc., to fcow Is all that is necessary, but the bow should be made as soon as may be. If a woman Is seated and another ar rives, as soon as the one attacks the notice of the other bows should be ex changed. There are incidental occasions when bows are given. At breakfast In a coun try house bows are the morning' salu tation. At dinner parties, when guests are seated far apart they can, If In clined to do so, bow and smile at one another. Out driving is a frequent op portunity for bowing. THE GREAT WOW WOW Hark! List to the tread! . There- an army of men Just from the forests Where the workers have been. The aim of these "choppers" Is good to endow. Ho! They're floating a banner; "Tis the great Wow Wow. There's the cream of the order Head Banker Cooper, "Billy" Reidt of Webfoot Woodcraft's great whopper There's an unbroken column That's taken the vow And they march In the phalanx Of the great Wow Wow v Like the hosts of the Caesars They're teeming today: All up with their axes And courting the fray. But Colonel is with us Tc settle the row, So we welcome with pleasun The note! Wow Wow They are with us today From Willamette'e plains From the wooded expanse Of the coast mountain chains; ' They've come from the workshops, The forests and plow, We welcome you craftsmen Of the great Wow Wow. OSTEOPATHY OR. RHODA CHICKS;: Mansell Bldg. 573 Commercial St Fhone Black 2065 Astoria Ore. Don't Wait For The Last Minute Procrastination is the Thief BCQCllQifl's Pills WO ALL Bilious and NervousDisorders Sick Headache, Constipation. Wind and Pains ta Stomach, Impaired Digestion. Disordered liver and Female Ailments. nxriMB oslt it tm raonuttom, Thomas Bccdum. St Helens, En J. M by al Dragflsts la UalM Stalst, la bans, 10c u4 2c EAGLES CONVENE AT NEW YORK New York, August 11 The annual convention of the fraternal order of Eagle will be held at Tammany ball th first five days of next month. It will be attended by representatives of lodge In every state In the Union. On the first day general business will lie transacted and officers elected; the grand parade will take place on the second day. On the third day there will be a banquet and on the fourth and fifth days visitors will be shown about town. President Roosevelt, who Is an honorary member of the Cowboy Lodge at Cheysnne, Wyo., will be Invited to attend the banquet. SALESMEN APPROPRIATE GOODS Chicago, August 18. William Kauf man and Harry Kaufman, his nephew, were arrested last night charged with embezzling $2000 and with taking goods valued at $1,700, from Isaac Leopold, a wholesale merchant at Houston, Texas Leopold, it Is said, engaged the men to travel aa salesmen, giving them a consignment of goods and money for expenses. The Kaufmans, it is alleged sold part of the goods, then slipped the remainder to Chicago where they dis posed of them to second hand dealers, using the proceeds to buy a saloon. SPECIAL NOTICE. You can buy here our $1.50 stiff bo som shirts for $1.00 in all sizes. S. DAXZIGER & CO. AT WHICH EVERY RESIDENT OF ASTORIA AND EVERY VISITOR CAN SAVE MONEY. IN FACT THE COST OF YOUR TRIP TO ASTORIA CAN BE RETURNED TO YOU BY BUYING AT THIS SALE Attend This vSale This Chance Gamp Furniture Cots, Stools, Stoves, Cheap Eatresses and Everything for ...the Seaside Sec Cur New Line G f Bed torn Suites Elegant Iron Beds Handsome Tables and Chairs Prices guaranteed the lowest Robinson's Furniture Store DO YOU WILL MADISON-? Keeps All Leading linmls of Cigars. 534, Com'l St., and 114, nth St., - Astoria, Oregon THE ? Cor. 7th ami Astor Streets. AUUrST EKICKSOX, YK TOK LINDIIIX K, Proprietor Maimjtt'r Carries the Best of Coctls. Nightly l'rogram for Amusement of Guests. : w HSr W ; : Is and Be Among' The Wise Ones May Never Gome Again it SMOKE ? LOUVRE Hill Military Academy Twenty-Fourth and Marshall Streets PORTLAND, ORE. A Private Boarding' and Day School For Boys New buildings,, modem and coini-lete ; manual training, military didjlin, character build ing. Boys successfully fitted for nil ccl logos. Principal of '.'It years' experience, in Portland. Hoys of any age admitted at any time. Write for Cutulogue, Kali Term. Opens Sentembet lfi. DR. ,J. W. HILL, Prlnclpol 34- EXPERT HORSESHOEING General lllnckainithinj?. Noat mid Cannery Wurk. See us for High CIm Work. Slum Corner of Fif teenth and Pii.iiu' Street, near St. Mnry'i Hospital. HOLM BS SBIBBRT I'fioiio swot. All Kinds of Miittresst's Made t Onlcr Adams $ Henningsen DeulcrN In Furniture. Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishings. Secondhand Goods Booght And Sold. Wi Bny Alt Klndi of Junk. ' 40S BOND STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. RELIANCE Electrical Works 428 BOND HT. Wa art thoroughly pit pared (or making tttlmatM and eiecuUng orders for all klndi of electrical Installing and Repairing 8upplte In Block. Wa fll tha celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phono 11CL H. W. CYRUB. - Mar PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. TtlephoM tn. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All ffooda shipped (0 our car v Will receive special mutation. No 53S Duaita St W. J, COOK. Mgr. of Time Furniture lUumlreil I'jilwlsterlng rrlONE, RED 1305 Ladies Attention A NIc Assortment ot Fancy Crockery Received. We ar pleased to announce to th ladle of Astoria and vicinity that w are able to show aa (In a lino ot plain and decorated erockry and glassware a la to be found la th city. Every ar ticle will command your keenest In spection and la sold at prices not to be equaled elsewhere. When you want to buy crockery of any kind for dinner, luncheon, fish seta, tea srfts, cutlery to match, be sure and so our line. It will plows you. FOARD A STOKE! CO. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping, Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Customa House Broker. WAIST HU.KH. 75' Silk for 6Sc. Vic Bilk fr 711.'. $1.00 811k fur Wte. $1.23 Hllk Cur $1.03. $l..-.0 Hllk for $1.28. of II SfIT DKPAHTMENT, Th! knife hus bwn long and sharp mid our prices have h?vn cut In half ti soni" garment a. Come and git our price. ' Valenciennes Lac, regular values 153 and 26c, now Gc and 10c per yard. Torchon' Lace, regular 10c Hnd lEo value, now 8c and Be per yard, noyul Worcester Corsets, elegant shaped, bins gored, straight front, In black satteen, sizes 19 to 28, now 49c. ' Ladles' 25c black hose," 2Gc values ut 19c pair. LitUles Vest and Punts, long and short sleeves, 25c value, 19c each. ' Standard 16c Percale, 6c yard. 10c Plmllles, 7c yard. VI 1- Dimities, 9c yard. 15c Dimities, 11c yard. 1 , Sc O Ingham, ( l-2c yard. 10c, Ginghams, 8c yard, 12 l-2c Cambric, 9c. ' Double width sheeting, 20c yard. Turkish Bath Towels, regular 85c val ues, now 25c, Q