S : ' p. -v;.a7 Pure ( Prepared Paint Sold Only By Fisher Bros NEW HAMMOCKS Large Assortment of unusually hand some goods just received. 75 cents to $5.00. J . N . GRIFFIN. The Bee THE BEE HIVE S. A. GIMRE Tt8A? KX." -Boots and Shoes J Bells at Close Figures Pleases the eye We sell (be highest grade of clothing at figures which please everybody. Perfect style, tailoring, fit and quality here combine with honest prices. A Trial Convinces STOKES Plumbing Troubles Imperfect plumbing make real, t rouble. If you have an imperfect job, letter lixit. )VY1I tiinlco it right for yon. Whether it's repair or new work wo respond promptly, do it well and get your approval with our pay. W.J. SCULLEY 470-473 Commercial. Phone Black !2 ,j Nothing Pleases no well as nicety laundered linen, We have the neatest and moat sanitary Inumtry In the Rtate and do the best work. ALL WHITE HELP. Corner Tenth and Duane streets. 'Phone 1991. The Troy Laundry Hive Ladies' Fall Suits are now on Display. Ladies', Dress and ' Walking Skirts. FINE AM: lurt of Ncwty lUmi to Inttrcit I S the rlr Sot 3 Anummla mlxM with stove blacking will iirivnt It burning off. WV.tr linens nt-xt to the skin, as It mt remllly absorbs moisture, and war wi1n for outer giirinem. FlUnlimnons la learning to trip the light f.inlimtlr. Mr. Fits 111. has ta ken him In hand and la teaching him to nt.-tt nMiind. Mia. Miirlln NVIson. of Cumberland, MJ., at .)xiy-fnur la the mother of twenty. .fight i hll.I1n. twenty-five boya and thre glr's. n.t of the duties of life la to make with whom you awwlate happy, and In airlving to do thin you will elao make yourself happy. The mother who hit acquired the hfb It of molding her children thereby ahowa tht ah la not competent to train them to olwdlenee. When you -top to think about all the tioiiliie you don't Krrfim to have you ojhl m tie very happy even though yin are quite miserable. ' Hclem-e miy ihut tx-anuta will cauae drowsiness. Yet there muat be other urn w have never aeen a church fiiwr littered up with peanut shells. Om.Merliig the vttrlegntd troubh-a through which everybody has lived ul one time or another, It la surprising Ihut anybody ever worrits about any thing. Miinl4 between 'white American (0(11 and Filipino women ure regarded with niut-h honor a marrkige be tin whMa find b'acka In Tennessee. A Phawm girl named rtllnk has lut marrM an Oklahoma 'man mimed Kj'unk Well u o,ws h-.-at all how some propl Jo twiat ih'nua anyhow Pant len nplnk, present ftpunk; future epnnk. , 'Aw many Job waiting attention? Do one at a time. Keep on doing one nt a Hive till all are done. The man who lo to congratulate himself ev ery time he one Job wl'l get along no flutter than the man who tiiea to do all at one. All the ungeU aren't In heaven. Some sr.? right here among human folk. 8ome tlmea It'a a woman with scraggy hair and a heart that'll true while again It may be a man whose collars are out of styl. but whose aoul Is true. Can't ever tell , To nil rracka In floors, thoroughly oak newpai-r in a nte trade- of one pound of flour, three quarts of wa ter and a teHioonful .of alum, thoroughly nilxfd and boiled. Add paper until about as thick as putty, and It will harden like papier-mache. We f!'l so son y for the man or the woman of this great, busy, whlr'lng life of ours who does not now nnd thi n have a grow In if hungvrlng, haiikerlnn for a wildlrh wildervs some place where there's it IHtle ratch of land, a little j )0 of water and some trees Tiid air and othei tjjlnga. By the time the lu.y girl is SO yeora old she will look her age, wl.'le the athcletle girl at SO looks a mere din of ii girl. One Is nVuvy nnd awkwe. d; the other In giateful and light, while her figure retains its elenderneas of youth and- sometimes the almost spindling qualities of childl.ood. One of the sum lgesi centers of trade unionism among women la Denmark. The number of women organised in trade unions In that country Is 7,143 of whom live in Copenhagen. Their organU.it Ion embraces fourteen-trudef" and Includes about a quarter of the Tetswari -1' i ll If X 1 1 WITH THE women wk9 tamers. Ultu Wheeler Wllwix any she hu n' t bett ttble to find the I leal man. This Ii certainly a startling discovery and entitles Klia to dlstlnc-tl'n., We Judge, from, what we have seen of El'as aentlmental stuff In the papers when fhe finds lilin he will lie wearing the sweetest kind of underwear aM trimmed In lace Inactions. America leads In the matter of wo men practicing medicine. The flrat was F;llisiib-th Ulackwell, who graduated as physician In 1849. Three yeara later there were six In Philadelphia, In Vt'J there were 3,000 women doctors in the United Htatea, In IMS there were 4,555, anil now there are probably (,000 some of whom have a very lucrative prac tice. This Is what King Leopold thinks of ui: "American women" said the king, "are beautiful even more they are statuesque. AU writers who visit the L'nlted Slates are unanimous In prais ing the beauty of Americans, and when the women of a nation are beautiful It means a great dearTor the race. Then, too, they are Intelligent, and head and heart ar.- well balanced." "While all the world and her sister Is talking ut child labor," said Mrs. Flor ence Kelly, who uaed to be factory In sictor of Illinois, "It might be wed to whisper to women that they are too fond of lingerie, and that the beauti ful (Mugs they crave are made by the rame little worn, tired bodies they are clamoring to save." Mrs. Kelly always did know how to make a point. It Is, or should be, every girl's desire even ambition, to be as useful as she can be to her mother In the household affairs.' Ileal usefulness does not con sist In doing only what one Is asked to do, but In anticipating things to the nrer pulty of asking for help. But the moat Important part of the service Is willingness and cheerfulnes.One would much rather do a thing one's self than beg or make some one else do It or even ask ai:oM who Is not cheerful. .lie real helpful and try to make your molh er wonder what she would do without your asslatunce. . " Confessions of Cigarette Fiend What the Inhaling of Smoke Does To The Humau System A writer In an exchange relates the confessions of a cigarette smoker as fol lows: It Is no exaggeration to say that this new htbit of Inhaling the smoke of cigarettes a habit which has only come Into vogue during the last few year. nd which in the next few will lnelt:ibly tell a great tale upon the menial and tidily capacity of the na tionmore quickly obtains a- strong hold upon those who give way to it than any other habit which has fop-its object the gratification of the senses In one way or another. ' -. Of some hundreds of men whom I have known to have contracted the hab it of cigarette smoke Inhaling, I have only ?.ird of two who have been suc cessful In shaking it off. Inha'lng consists simply in drawing a volmro of smoke from the clgaivtte in to the mouth, and then taking a deep breath,-in :he act of which the smoke la ciuiied frtvn the mouth down Into tho lunjs. The nicotine fui.-es in their passage co-no Intolntlniate toiuu-t with the ler vous system, and the result is an tn- Japanese Troupe ARNOLD'S SHOWS 'stantaneous communication to the brain, which takes the form, of mo fnentary cmt-paralysls w hen a man Is new to the habit, that is. I remember very well the experience of a youngafrr of eighteen on his be Ing taught to Inhale the smoke of a cigarette for the first time. One after noon some friends persuaded him to make the attempt, and he did so. Al most upon the Instant he fell full length upon the floor In a dead faint; his fea tures became pallid, his pulse faint and Irregular; and those about him were for a time In a great f'lght. He came round, of course, A day or two later he tried to Inhale again, with a result not quite so bad; and he went on trying till now he Is a'verltable slave to the habit. Thle over-powering feel ing of falntness is experienced on al most every occasion a first attempt at Inhaling Is made, showing how strong Is the effect upon the nerves which have never been put to such a trial be fore. From this the deduction Is In evitable that there must be serious per mpnent Injury, When the fever for Inhaling Is upon a man the ordinary enjoymet of life Is ruined. ' Every meal is an Irritation after the first few moments, because smoking is prevented thereby. The Parisians lat ely Introduced A DINNER NOVELTY which to a considerable extent "caught on." Right in '.he middle of the dinner they serve a Russian cigarette, Just big enough to afford halfta dozen deep Inhaling breaths and satisfy the long ing which at this stage la becoming acute. This curious custom waa in vented entirely in the interests of the victims of whom I am speaking. In the majority of cases tr results of such excess are pliable In the ex treme, metally and physically. In the first place, a constani and severe ner vousness hangs over the victim. He is In a continual state of lethargy which he cannot overcome. His mental pow ers are very coni,iderably dulled, and his capacity for wark is greatly re uuced. The puli's becomes Irregular, the heart Is weakened, the appetite is greatly diminished, and the hollow cheek and sunken eye are palpable in dications that something la seriously wrong. This description of the physi cal effect is not mine: It Is given by one of the most eminent physicians of the day. The victim, moreover, becomes very susceptible to lung trouble of all sorts. The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt Lake City, LeadvUle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. in III uKAnUL HiS-- Offers the Chotoe of Three Routes 'Thiough the Famous Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five Distinct Routes East and South of Denver. 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Between Ogden and Denver, Carrying All Clisses of Modern Equipment. P-.-rfett Dl.ilng Car Service and Per sonally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to All Points East STOP OVERS AU OWED On All Classes of Tickets. For Information or Illustrated litera ture call on or address W. C. M-jBRIDS. - General Agent 121 Third St. Portland. Or. - ; n n "PENDLETON" INDIAN ROBES AND SHAWLS HAKE EXCELLENT Couch Covers, Lounge Covers Driving' Robes Bathing Robes, Veranda Wraps Trunk Throws For Fancy Corners and For the Bed A Lartfe Assort ment'ftf t he Ahnve Cctni. af -- - - - - C. H. Cooper's The LeadinglDry Goods and Clothing House of ASTORIA Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., 5an Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two year ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore. POUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Casta Asset . . Six.socKOooi Casb AsMtt In Valtea Bute, a.oi.3s C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents 215 Sansome Street v Saa Pranclsco, Cal , ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Or. Baltimore ROYAL BLUE TRAINS R -BETWEEN ' ! 'CHICAGO i NEW YORK Via WASHINGTON, D. C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatia coaches, Pullman Buffet Prrlor and Drawing Room Cars. The Finest Dining CarService in the World Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. g B. M. AUSTIN, General Pass. Steamer SUE The Largest, Btauncheat, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessJ ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round -trips every Ave days between. Astoria and PARE Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad fc'avljatlon Co. and the Astoria ft Columbia R. R tor Portland, Ban Franciso and all points East For ftwlght and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co. General JAgent8, Astoria, Or. ' or to IA. C. R. R. Co. a C. LAMB, Tillamoolt, Or. Portland, Or. ' a ' A. 0. 1TIO 66 Ohio R. R. 1 Art. - - Chicago. Ill il. EOiORE Tillamook $3.BO O. R. N. Co. Portland. Or.