The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 19, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Horning Astorian
EtttMlihtd W73.
teot by mail, per year $ 00
Bent by mall, per month. 50c
Served by carrier, per month ...... 60c
Sent by mail, per year. In advance tt 00
The Astorian guarantees to U ad
wtlsers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Astoria's annual regatta opens at
o'clock this morning. No previous re
gatta -ever opened under more auspic
ious circumstance. The weather prom
ises perfection. The best racing crews
ever assembled to the Northwest are
here. Visiting carnival queens in trl
umphial robes, are here from the inte
rior. Dignitaries from civil anr mili
tary life are present. A part of the
North Pacific naval squadron, under
Commander Perkins, lies in the-harbor
and officers and men will participate
in the festivities. The committee has
provided an excellent program. A large
crowd is already on the ground and
every train and every boat brings more
people. The queen. In a'l her lovllness,
and the richest robes ever dlsplayd in
the Northwest, is in readiness for cor
onation and will do honor to the oc
casion. The remainder of the week
should be a gala season in the city
founded by John Jacob Astor. Its a
time to put away care and breathe the
spirit of the occasion. Its a season to
revel In the atmosphere of recreation
and sociability. .Its time to look
pleasant and be pleasant letting the
contagion of good cheer take hold of
others. Everybody will be better for
a week of relaxation spent in whole
some amusement. ' It will put red cor
puscles in the blood, elasticity in the
gait and buoyancy In the soul. It will
banish gloom, drive away despondency
and sweeten the disposition. The re
gatta opens today and here's to a good
time for everybody.
The Tillamook Independent deals
with Representative Ed-iy's ambitions
in this wise:
The fa says that Hm,
B. L- Eddy wi:3 b( to a Rtr-JZ-ii to
succeed feiut3 t Jaim Rejiresetrtsttre
for! iuiS TQlammtk rnuste.tai
that be flr a tiajawrfng ur t j
eat ' he Sufliciii! :lm;li. SS v. tn- '!
lxiiig nuin, and hue tin- tiuuph. -w
--m d wupw ijf niU'.'ti ue t. .hutidreg thw. '
Si:. Ed6y twvw told tlie li-Uno! ul tlie
"aTigt an?- mi'.'i, tuK; unO tbn
'3u;a T.-Erar smrtrrer huutir-tl tnttt Sir. j
BdSy not tub -to .Ik- 4 .carruit
Jaipe f;r floe be vutn to ;1 rtfted
Stl lst.ritt junuiwri these '
tkw ate not in 1 Sne. Mr. EJdy is
a pnEitiiiaa. asi he has i: bart fixed
upen a Sri; is lie Xi' Congress,
either a maxim r representative, and
neither tJj District Attorney's office
nor a peat ujk-q th-i bench leads in that
If Uie farts were known concerning
Mr. tdJy's poUtkat intentions, they
would ipjar s-iron-ihi.ig like this: If
I get into a srap ovr the office of
Jiint R-iT,:.:.iT!e anl fail in the
nominaton r the election my name
forevenror? is just "Pant!!:" and
th-rr's alt irnre is v, U, but if I ' lie
lour" and there .s much of a light on
Hermann nxt year I may make it, as
thi other fellows had their try this year
and fail!. And barring this ( ham e,
there's going to be an awful mixtip in
the next legislature over Senator Mit
chell's seat J'je Simon is training his
"Jogs f war" and Senator Mitchell
la reorganizing his fort es and entrench
ing himsflf behind the federal offlee
boMer anl it nay resolve Itself intn
a "Kil'kfny" affair, and where would
they gj to look for a more "compromis
ing' jin-i accommodating candidate
than R L EddyT Xo, I djn't want any
att'-rn-?y.-h:v, no udgeship and no Joint
r-rejJtitiv this time.
The 'Ka-i::ht is very close to Mr.
Kddy, atA the article referred to may
have b-n dictated by .am, an if so our
diagnosis of his case w juid need to be
Speaking of the Ute Cassius M. Clay
an eastern newspaper says that "for
more than tweny years he was the only
man south of the Ohio river who en
Joyed absolute freedom of speech." The
reason of this, however, was that there
was no othr man south of the Ohio,
during those twenty years, who was
able to abridge Gen. Clay's 'iberty of
speech, no matter-how muci he de
aired to do so. Several were u fortun
ate enough to attempt It
Malthoid Roofing
Fire resisting. Will
thoroughly protect all
buildings covered with
it. A better roof
ing for less cost than
any other roofing
made. Quickly laid
and lasts for years.
Uhi fct Vookln.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
Sin Francisco, Sutllt,
PertUnd, Las Anjttu
and Denver, Colonda.
The Trans-Mississippi Commercial
Congress in session at Seattle have a
big question to deal with In the timber
interests of the country. There Is sure
to be a clash of opinion between del
egates from the deforested states of
the east and those of the coast, living
In forests of virgin timber. Govern
ment surveys show Oregon has 231,000,
000,000 feet of standing- timber and
Washington 118,000,000,000. Other esti
mates gives Oregon SI $.000, 000,000 and
Washington 150,000,000,000 making a to
tal of 49S,0OO,0O0,0O0. The total accord
ing to government estimate Is S49.000,
000,000. Allowing one half of the larg
er estimate as capable of being convert
ed Into lumber, and Oregon' share Is
159,000,000,000; Washington's 90,000,000,
(00; total :49.O0O,0OO,0O0. How long It
will last at the rate it Is now being
cut Is a fruitful topic. There will
be delegates In the convention to con
tend that the northwest's wealth of tim
ber Is practically Inexhaustible, and
that speculation on probable exhaus
tion is useless. There will be others
-aith figures to show in Just how many
years hence the western forests will
be a denuded waste. It is estimated that
Washington now saws annually 2,000,
000,000 and Oregon 1,000,000,000 feet. At
that rate It will be just S3 years until
the present supply of timber is exhaust
ed, not reckoning the young growth
that will come Into marked nor the In
creasing rate of consumption of lum
ber. The lovers of the fragrant weed as
well as the users of tobacco In other
forms will find satisfaction In the con
clusions drawn by the Edinburgh Scots
man. which has been investigating the
"tobacco habit" from a medical and
scientific point of view.
Aftfr reviewing the evidence pro and
on it concludes that the temperate
w of the fragrant weed in th form
rf a good cigar or pipe is not injuri
ua to the average man. Intemperance
iii ihe use of tobacco is undoubtedly
tirmful. The reason why cigarette
':king is worse than either the cigar
or the pipe is that "th smoker almost
universally inhales the tobacco fumes,
ar.d, becoming habituated to this quick
toxic action,' be will not smoke with
out inhaling, for th safrws reason that
the morphine habitq-, accustomed to
thj hypodermic rr.r?hvl, will not be
satisfied with th 'ln'4 through the
mouth. iVnh vktirrs waunt quick
Retween June- 4!h and August 26th,
the Illinois Central will sell round trip
tickets from Oregon and Washington
points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and
New Orltans at Greatly reduced rates.
Tickets good for three months. Going
limit 10 days. Returning limit 10 days
after starting weft. Stop over prlvl
liges either way, west of the Missouri
river. Sale dates are arranged to be
convenient for delegates to conventions
of National Educational association at
Boston; Ellcs at Baltimore; Woodmen
it Indianapolis; Kaglcs at New Tork;
Jhrlners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth
ias at Loulnvlllc and Commercial Trav
elers at Iii llnnai'ills, You can take
your choice of 16 different routes.
Wrlle us. Wt will cheerfully give you
any detailed information you want. B.
il.TniWirM J.I Cormier, lal agent, 142
Third street, I'oitland Ore.
Full particulars w-r; recently receiv
ed from the Xamoan blinds In regard
to the terrible huni'aii'; v,)lch visited
those inlands md Ui whl h ovr 600
lives wi-re lot, Aw h a los Is appall
ing, but after all in not to be compar
ed with ihi- n'iiibtr of iwrsons who
have lOKt their llv-s trr-n Indigestion,
dyspepsia and 'onxUpntjon and other
stomach troubles. The number liM,
however, ! cnKldrably reduced
sliue the lutro'lu' ,r( of Jlostctter's
Stomach Hitters, M y-srs ago, because
it positively cures all su. h ailments.
Your life and health or too preclow
to expciim.rtit v.lih, therefore try this
famous remedy ilm of ull and be cured
at once, Jt won't disaiplnt you, Tho
Henuine has our privtite stamp over the
1 eck of -he bottle.
The Irish land bill If Bnnlly enactevl,
Is promising of better times for the
RnK'rald Isle.
John B. Redmond, one of the fore
most of the Irish nationalists, says of
the bill: "If It works, and It Is confi
dently hoped It will, there Is no ques
tion but that it will effect a revolution j
In the condition of Ireland." j
The Buffalo Courier, In commenting
ypon the measure, rightly declares that j
the ract that "tha bill has expeditiously
gone through the traditionally conser
vative House of Lords, In which many
large Irish land holders have seats. Is
an enlivening demonstration that the
world moves. The same body strenu
ously antagonised and defeated Mr.
Gladstone's efforts in aid of the un
happy Island. Now the spectacle has i
been witnessed of a measure more lib
eral than any proposed, introduced by
a government composed of Conserva
tive and Liberal Unionists, and passed
with tha prompt assistance of peers
formerly irreconcilable to any advanced
policy of Irish administration. But the
lords have learned the value of dis
cretion, and no longer dare hold public
opinion in contempt."
Verily the world doea move most po
tently, as Is evidenced by the revolution
of feeling manifested in the House of
Lords regarding the plain duty of the
British government towards Ireland.
Mm. R. Ingletsn win continue her re
duction sale of hats skirts, waists and
ladles' and children's furnishing goods
until October 1. Call and see the line.
Also carry a complete line of hair
witches and pompadours. Prices will
lilt you. MRS. R. INGLETON,
Welch Block.
Bottled Or In Keg
Free City delivery
I North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
9 ltttltiilliiisi44aaiAia
The Lowest Priced Store
Neckwear and Gloves
Special Announcement of Choice Barg'ains in
Seasonable Goods j& j& ?
They must be seen to be understood and appreciated.
In Lace, Embroidery, Linen and
Silk. Prices will astonish: : : : :
Lisle and Silk Gloves
1; 2 and 3 cla?p, in Grays, Tan?, lilaek and White
Very desirable and cheap.
We will have our Stock of
Stoves Manges
v In about (September 1st
I It will pay you to wait
Plumbers and Steamfitters
uaJbscribe !
The newest and latest In clgarettea
Pall Malls; cork tlpa. at P. A. TruL
linger'. Two stores.
The A. & C. U. R. wll sell speclut
regatta excursion tickets from Seaside
Clatsop and Intermediate points to As
toria and return at rate of $1.00 for
th round trip. Tickets on sale for
evening trains of August IS, all tmlns
Aug, 19, JO, and 21, good to return Aug.
Fancy, ripe Bartlett pears 10 cents
per doten at Johnson Rros.
John Fuhrman, Win, Wertlie.
ti. V. Morton. ,
Central Meat Market
Tour orders for
menu, both
Will be promptly and
Mtisfae'o'Hy sltended to
Telepttaos No. Sit.
The Waldorf
CHAS. F. WISE, Proprietor.
The Best of .
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Concert Kvery Kveiiins
Cor. Eighth and Astor SU Astoria, Or
In Astoria For Fine Goods
Tritliiltii school for tachr' course
ansngrJ sMH'lally for training toai-h
rt fr all branch ot ths profession.
Miwt BHi'iiivisl mrthodi for (raV) an4
unxial'l work taught In aual dis
trict s hHil. Tht demands for irid
ium' of this n hool as tsachsra far x
n-.nU tlu supply. Th trnlnlni depart
uu'iit, which consists ot a nln gmd
public school of about !D0 pupils. Is wll
fiiulpiJ In all Its branches Including
sloyd. nniU, drawing and physical
training. Th nomval cours th bt
iiitd uiiickcst way to stat crtl(U-t.
Pull term oen Spt. SJ. For cata.
lciiiio or Information addt. ,
E. D. HESSLKR, Prldnt.
Or J. H. V. nUTLER. Scrtary.
September 14-19. 1903
Th areatrst EUpoltlon and Llv Stork
Show on th racing Coast.
Huh Class Racing every aftsrnoon.
ifltf.OOOCnMl. IVemlums
on llv stock and farm
Ail sihlhit hauled free ovr tht South
ern Pacific.
It.-a jccJ transportation rates on alt
Live stock Auction Hale
he'd In connection with th fair.
Fine camping round frea and reduced
rntcs on campers tickets Com
find bring your families.
For further Infor
mation writ
W. I. WISDOM, Secretary
Portland, Oregon.
1 . K., Imn and Manager
Sunday. August 16
fc Iletnro of tbe Favoritet
The Allen Stock
producing a NVw Ply Every Bveulng.
()nhiK In thrfcireat Comedy Drumn
Great Specialties
Bind tad Orchestra
Atmlilii-Rer''d Hmts. 33 Ct. (is llfiy
i I'm. Kint Mile iiMim Saturday morning
in (.rillln lk Htiire
Opera House
The Largest Selling Brand of Cirs
in the World
Tht ftand la ih 8moketa Protection
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
K llttl thing gometlniM resulia In
death. Thus a met scratch. Insigni
ficant cuts or puny bolls hav paid th
death penalty. It Is wise to hnv lluck
len'a Arnica 8alv ever handy. It's th
best talv on earth and will prvitt
Th startling announcement that a
preventive of sutcld hd been discov
ered will Interest many. A run down
system, or despondency Invsrlably pre
yed sulcld ond something hs ben
found that will prevent that condition
which make aulcld likely. At the
flrt thought of self destruction take
Electric Hitters. Jt being a greitt tonic
and nervine will strengthen the nerve
and build up th system. It's also a
great stomach, liver and kidney rcgult.
tor. Only 50o at Charle Rogers' drug
A grevlou wall sometimes come a
a result of unbearable pnln from over
taxed organ. Dlsslness, backache,
liver complaint and constipation. Dut
thank to Dr. King's New Life Pills
they put an end to it oil. They are gen
tie but thorough. Try them. Only ti
cent. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers'
drug stor.
Pennyroyal pills
la MrU u.4 tiU KCtllM MM
ilk htm IMm.. Tft M tl MrM
SBkUlaUM mmi tl.
So t fM l"m4iM. m Ml 4. Hi
kx PHtbra. T 4liwtM)
M anr Sr uIIVwmw. kf r.
-Mall. IMwMMai MM
Mbijiw. 1 tktllM.M ( k C.
mm. mmiim raiLa. "
Try thwii. Only 80 cents at Charles
Roger's drug stor.
Uve Well
You Can do It if You Trad With
Foard A Stoke Co.
Everybody enjoy good living but few
Ilk to ae th bill come In, especially
when tiny are larger than you belle v
they should be. Look Into your buy
ing and not only try to av on your
expanses but get th best food for your
table at th tarn time. W pride our
selves on keeping only th highest
grade of delicacies for th table. Our
preserves, dried fruit, sauce, canned
specialties In meat, Ash and vegetables
cannot be excelled anywhere. W wunt
you to look at our display In this line
and w can ease your troubled mind as
what to eat cither for breakfast, din
ner or lunch. FOARD & STOKES CO
Scott's SaMepsIo Capsules
9ot red wimtllea r Oslsnfe
tt lh Hlldr u4 UImm4
Bianji. inMMS
Csra qahUf 4 Wnu
Msllf U tml eM J
UMarrhos mA Uleet,
so ultrrof bo Ions iUii4
tnc. Abtolatolr knnl'i
olit br dnirl(ii. irl, or kr mji, poetMig.
IJ, JOIM,l.k
THI SAITal Knil 60,
Sold by Chas.
Rogers, tit Commercial
IL 9
1 p
Mnttfj) SaVs)
,0y The Smooth Smoke
of he Islands
Dr. T. L. Ball
IU Commsrctal trt, Astoria Or.
I'tilcago and return, t'l.lA
St. Louis and return, ITT.C0.
Peoria and return t (59,15
HI. Paul and return M.
MlnnxjrHilla and return $M.
Dulutlt and return ISO.
l)ate of sal Jun 4 and S and St to
July IS and II and Aug'tst 14 to II.
Tick! ifood to lay.
For full Information call on or ad
dress, H. DHkst.n, city ticket agent, 121
Third slrt Portland. Or.
Qcneral Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon,
Kotrln ot tht lain, horrlbl piagu
Moat vrybody afflicted la on war or
another. Only on aaf. never falling
cur. Doan.a Ointment. At any drug
tort, 10 ents.
"Two physicians had a long and tufc
born fight with an abcee on my right
lung" write J. F. Iluglt, of DuPont,
(la , "and gavt m up. Everybody
thought my time had com. A a last
resort I tried Dr. King's Nw Discov
ery for Consumption. The benefit I r.
reived waa striking and I was on m
fet In a few day. Now I've entirely
regained my health.' It conquer all
cough, colds and throat and lung
trouble, Quarantixid by Charles Rog.
rs" drug ior. Prlc 60c, and $1.00.
Trial bottle fr.
I 00 aTm'PolMdl?
7;00p.m.'pot for Astoria and! 1:40 p in.
tt:Wp.m.way points.
!; Portland and. n. Warn.
10 p.m.j way points. llO SOpm.
H Mp.m.
(:lla.m.Astoria for War- 7
ll:0a.m.renton. navl, Ft.'lO
ll;J5a.m.;Stevens, Hammond 4:
5:60p.m.8esslde. t;
tS:SS p.m.j
40 a.m.
00 p.m.
CO p.m.
:tJp.m.!Bes!d for War-;a.m.
1:40 a-m.lrenton, Fla'vel.lJ:$0 p.m.
!:SOp.m.HammonL Ft. 1:30 p.m.
t;M p-m.JBteven and A-7:!0p.m.
I toria t(:S0p.m,
Dally except Saturday.
(Saturday only.
All trains make close connections at
Qoble with all Northern Paclflo trains
to and from the East and Sound points
J. C. Mayo,
Oen't Freight and Pas. Agent.
JL 1