iai ifcn iMwr -.- uiiA4!t 6. ASTORIA, OREGON, ''TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, lOOcy ' . J HIE QUO RELIABLE IB Absolute! PurcT 7HEKE IS W SUBSTITUTE CAUTION IS DESIRABLE Mr. J. P. Morgan believes that there Is no foundation tor the talk of an Im uinf hustnes depression. He admits that large amounts of "undigested se- twittes" may be on the market, but he holds that they represent sound val ..m Thr la no better Judge of a financial situation than Mr, Morgan He has every right to an opinion on mcut-ltie. for he still has a number of them to sell. And no doubt he is cor rect in his belief that the permanent nrosoerity is .wired. But there are certain facts upon which he has seen fit to dwell which seem to Indicate that we ' are fating a period, not of disaster, but of relaxed activity. ' Hitherto we have had a great panic folios-Mi hv a" lone stretch of hard times, about every W years with mild er depressions about half way between We had our last panic in 1893, and an other will not be due until 1913, but one Of the gentler reactions, correspond' tag to that of 1884, would be scheduled for this year or ttoe next if conditions were the same as formerly. But the conditions are not the same. The unre stricted competition that used to be the agent in bringing on panics has dis appeared, and Instead we have combi nations that regulate the whole machin ery of production. The financial situation is certainly one that calls for caution. The enor tnous foreign credits that we piled up in a series of unheard of annual export v balances have disappeared, and in their place we have immense debts contract ed abroad form lenders who are show. Ing signs of 'measles ad calling in their loans. The resources of our banks are strained to the utmost limit. Six years ago, at the bottom of the hard times, the reserves of all the National Banks of the United States were more than 7 per cent above the legal limit. Today they are down to that limit and In many cases below it. In less than four years, between Feb. 4, 1899, and Sept 15, 1902, the deposits in these banks in creased by $1,300,000,000 and their hold ings of specie and legal tenders actually declined. , Counting other banks and trust companies the Increase in depos its was over four billions, with no in crease in ready cash. We have been converting floating into fixed capital at a rate that has rakd our available resources clean. The volume of new bonds and stocks listed on the New Tork StockExchange swelled from H.047,000,000 In 1893-94 to $3,882,000,000 In 1901-02. In large part these represent the cost of necessary facilities for car rying on our growing business. Mean while they strain our present means, Including out credit abroad, and we may have to forswear speculation, abandon extravagance and live careful ly until we net them paid for. Phil. Commercial List. insane IS ; COMING EVENTS Ninth annual regatta and street fair, Astoria, Aug ust 19-21. Knights of Pythias, district conven tion, Astoria, during regatta week. Elk's clam bake, at Seaside, August 22. Labor Day celebration, Astoria.Sept. 7. Clatsop County teachers' examina tion for state and county papers, As toria, August 12-15. State fair, Salem, September 14-19. Second Southern District falr.Eugene September 29-October 3. Summer association of the North ' west Indian agencies, Newport, Aug ust 17-27. Lane county Teachers' Institute, Eu geneAugust 4-5. Klamath county fair, Klamath Falls, Oct. -9. Good roads convention, Jacksonville, Aug. 15. Fruitgrowers' convention, Jackson vllle, Aug. 15. Builds up the system, puts pure rich blood Into the veins; makes men and women strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters. . & PLAYS TO LARGE AUDIENCES ALLEN STOCK COMPANY WITH UTTIE VERNA FELTON. MAKES MANY NEW FRIENDS ' Little Verna Fe'ton, the child actress, won new friends at the opera house both on Sunday and last night. She sustained one of the leading roles In the eiw tlonal drama "The Fatal Wedding" and her work was at all times careful and finished. She does not mar it with precocious affectation, such as renders defective the work of many children featured in the stellar firmament. 1..-S3 than two months ago the Allen Stock Company played a successful en ptiwniiMit in Astoria, and on Sunday tiiftht a Urge audience greeted the mem hers on their return. Every member of the company has ability, and in the "Fatal Wedding" and "Van the Vir ginian," the play produced last night. each achieved a personal mark of dis tinction. Miss Ethel Roberts is a fin ished player. She was seen to especial advantage in the role of the adventur ous . Reginald Barker Is a quiet, pains taking actor, with which he combines a fine stage presence. Haydn Steven son, EUiy Bond, wmiam Bradford, Charles E. Royal and Russell Reed are well cast and of the ladles Miss Willa Feour and Georgia Francis contribute pleasing efforts. Little Verna Felt on sings as well as she acts. One of her songs, "HofDey Do," was wrjtten tor hr by Charles E. ltoyal and Arden Allen, the latter lead er of the orchestra, and makes a decid ed hit. The song will be published by them.' By special request "A Black Heifer" will be produced tonight. Visitors attending the regatta,- and others desiring photo work,, should call at the "Up-to-date" studio before going elsewh?re. Prices reasonable and all Tenth, near Duane street. DUE TODAY. Oregon peaches, plums.apples prunes, tomatois, cauliflower, cabbage, canta loupes, wax and string beans, and all other good fruit and vegetables In mar ket. JOHNSON BROS. DO YOU WILL M Keeps All Leading 534, Cora'I t)t., and 114, nth St., S. A. GIMRE Opp. Fisher Bros. Store on Bond St, Astoria Sells at Close Figures THE j& Cor. 7th and AUGUST ERICKSOX, Proprietor Carries the Eest of Gccds. . Nightly Program for Amusement of Guests. Gamp Furiiiture Cots, Stools, Stoves, Cheap Hatresses and Everything for .the Seaside See Oar New ed loom Suites Elegant Iron Beds Handsome Tables and Chairs Prices guaranteed the lowest Robinson's Furniture Store The Palace YllA II Thn Dnef liAcraiittaiif I Cafe Palace MARINE NOTES .The schooner Virginia and the steam coaster "Despatch, both lumber laden, left out Sunday for California. The steam schooner Aurella arrived In yesterday from California and proceed ed up the river almost Immediatly. Her outgoing vargo will be lumber. The co.tsting steamer George R, Vos burg came In yesterday from Tlllu mook with an unusually large passen ger list and a great amount of freight Today she leaves out again on her reg ular run. Tie gasoline schooner Qeraid C. re turned yesterday from Sllets where she went on a cannery supply trip The O. R. & N. steamer Columbia, left for San Francisco SumUy morning The four masted schooner Ethel Zane went to sea Sunday with lumber for California. . THE START AND FINISH She spent a fortnight sewing Every morning, noon and night; She had to vave the dresses And they must be all right. Stia trimmed her new hats over, And made a bathing suit; Twas fetching as a picture, And Just about as cute. She got a yachting costume, And a toilet for the beach; A gown for gay receptions. With which she meant to teach The belles of Eastern cities The way that they should dress; And In her mind she saw, right off, Their Jealous, deep distress! She spent a lot of money On things like that to wear. Arid mother couldn't stop her But there were tears to spare When she found her purse was empty Gone were her dreams of Joys Fur she Is rusticating out In Hoopole, Illinois. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune SMOKE 7 AD I SON Brands of Cigars. Astoria, Oregon CABBIES A FLVE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes LOUVRE Astor Streets. VICTOR LINDBEl'K, Manager I Line Of Regular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty Everything toe Market Affords Catering Company I fears The skin ought to be clear; there is nothing strange in a beauti(ul face. If we wash with propc soap, the skin will be open and clear, unless the health is bad. A good skin is better than a doctor. , The Pears'; Pears', soap to use is no free alkali in it. the soap that clears but not excoriates.. Sold all over the world. Four chairs t the tx-cldent barber shop. No use to mlfs everything wait ing for a shave. Flrt- class artists und by the way, this is the place to get a bath. Everything the very best. BEST 15-CENT MEAL. You will always And the best He meal In the city at ;he Rising Sun res taurant. No. (11 Commercial street FOR RENT. Furnished rooms, with or without board. 1414 Grand avenue. MRS. G. SCHMELING. ' A Model Kitchen Every Home Can Have One at a Very . Small Cost. Tou would be astonished If told the prices that Foard & Stokes Co., Is sel ling its famous cooking stoves and utensils at A better assortment can not be found In any store In the state. We supply everything from a dust pan to a range at prices that will fit any pocketbook. It Is economy to have your kitchen modern. Saves labor, ex penses and your health. Let us show you what we can do to remodel your home. We want at least a chance to quote you our prices. FOARD 4ST0KES CO. ' Watermelons direct from the grower, JOHNSON BROS. DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS. We sell, rent, and repair all makes of typewriters. Write for new catalogue of New Densmore. Huxley, Ryan & Co., 82 Fourth Street Portland, Or. Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As torlan, 11.00 a year. SPECIAL NOTICE. You can buy here our $1.50 stiff bo som shirts for 11.00 In all sizes. S. DANZIGER & CO. To Look Well . your blood . must be pure to give you complexion that peculiar freshness which can only be obtained when your system is in good working order. Beecham's Pills will put you in condition. Beech am s Pills Seld Everywhere. In boxes 10a ind 25c. L00KAT THIS If Looking For Nice Dainty Things For Lunch We have them. , I'nderwood's deviled ham. Llbby's deviled ham. Llbby's deviled chicken. Llbby's deviled turkey. Llbby's Melrose Pate. Llbby's Veal Loaf. Libby's Potted Delicacies. Hammond's Lunoh Tongue. French boneless Pickled Sardines. Underwood's Lobster. High Life Crab. . v Cooper's pure Olive Oil has no equal. FOARD & STOKES CO. ICE CREAM NOT HOW MUCH BUT HOW GOOD. 15 CENTS A PINT . AT TAGG'S. STILL IN THE LEAD Dainty eaters, people with hearty appetites theater parties, and all other parties find what they desire and some to appreciate at the Toke Point oyster house. The choicest viands In the mar ket are there served In most pleasing style. Open all nlgftt private room. New Today tit A silver mouutel walking cane with Initial "C" on top. Dropped into the river through a hole at Griffin's comer on Commercial and Eleventh. Kinder will be well rewarded for bring ing cane .o Astorlan office. PIANO FOR RENT. For rent-A first-class piano. Address C . care Astorlan office. WANTED-Youn man for store work Call on 1 Miller A Hon. We have received our last shipment of aprluot for this season. 1'nrtles de siring to can this fruit should do so at once, as the season Is about over. JOHNSON BROS., Ji.Co straw hats for Tl cents at DAN- Kim:!!'. PALMS. 5- leaf tec 6- leaf 5c, T-'eaf ii.oo. Large $s,00. Extra large I1J.0O. &-)cRf fern 13.00. For decorating purposes for regatta. They must be seen to be appreciated at these prices. FOARD Y STOKES CO. Good goods and good service at John son Bros. 75c wash, suits for e at Danilger's. ELECTRICAL WORK. Interview Trulllnger & Hardesty, 433 Commercial street, about your elec trical work. JAPANESB GOODS. New stock of fancy goods Just arriv ed at Yokohama Bninar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. Jl.M straw hats for 50 cents at DAN- NIGER'S. T5C-ENT GOLF SHIRTS 1'or 50 cents; men's striped aid fig ured Rolf shirts, sixes 14 1-2 to 17, at Diiitxigcr's. Office of C. Q. M.( Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., August 5, 1903. 8ealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., September 4, 1903, and then opened for repairs to Hospital at Fort Stevens, Oregon. U. S. reserv es the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for repairs to Hos pital at Fort Stevens, Oregon," and ad dressed- to undersigned. F. H. HATHAWAY, C. Q. M. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card ul Trafus PORTLAND. ' Leaves Arrives Puget Sound Limited. 7;tt a m 1:46 p m Kansas Clty-St Loula Special U:10 am 1:48 p m North Coast Limited 1:10 p m 7:00 a n Tacoma and Seattle Night Express 11:46 pm 1:06 n Take Pucet Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points iaxe ruget Sound Limited for Olym- pia direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan- sas City-at. Loula Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. Good goods at the right price, son Bros. John- Subscribe for the torian, tl a year. Semi-Weekly As- 71 Says this up-to-date traveler to the bell-boy who am wen his imperative ifimmons: "I know of no imall-tizcd hotel accemory that means more for the tatiifactioa of its guests than, the Soap provided for them. You always provide Hedlcal Lake Soap. That' just s it ihould be." The refined smoothneii and exquisite fragrance of Medical Lake 5oap, added to iti incomparable freahening, cleaniing, smoothening qualities are . the reason why all comfort-desiring travelers, fine club houses, first-class hotel and home-like home are giving it the unmistakable endorsement of exclusive toilette use. Of delicate, purely natural composition with a generous prepon derance of Hedlcal Lake Crystals the evaporation formed concentration of Hedlcal Lake, Washing ton, with It wealth ol hygenic power, Hedlcal Lake Soap Is the Soap par ex cellence for travel by rail or water. It il admirable for the complexion and is a strong and pleasant antiseptic, and will be found of great value In all cases of Eczema, , Sunburn, Prickly Heat, and all Skin Irritation. All first-class druggist sell Medical Lake Soap. 25c. a cake. MEDICAL LAKE OINTMENT THE IDEAL SKIN POOD 25c. a box at druggist. Medical Lake Said Mfg. New York and 5poka L For sale In Astoria by Frank Hart, Corner Fourteenth and Commercial t Twelfth and Commercial, and Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' BuHdlng. Remember the Regatta Is doe this month! It will be a great success bat not greater than the success of the CARABANA, SYMPHONIE AND MANRARA B0QUET Carried at TRULLINGERS the only two cigar stores in the city Agenti for the Portland Safe & Lock Co. Call And see suinjilos. Agent for Portland Sail & 'Awning Co. Fails, Touts, Awning, and Cofors. Two stores, Commercial St f. R. J. OWENS, Proprietor. ThoneSji THE WIGWAM (itu IlrookM. Mitnnjrcr, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Host in the Market. Concert Every Evening. Patrons Cordially Received and Well Treated. Eighth and Astor" Streets, . Astoria, Oregon. ASK THE AOENT FOR TICKETS VII ..TO.. SPOKANE. BT. PAl'L, DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. 2 TRAIINB DAILY PAST TIME New Equipment Throughout Palavi and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet, Smoking Library Cars, Daylight Trip Through the Cascade and Itorky Mountains, For Full Particulars, Kates, Folders Etc., Call on or Address J. W. PIIALON, H. DICKSON'. Trav. Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, Portland. (12 First Avenue, - Seattle, Wash A. B. C. DENNi8TON, O. W. P. A. NORTH COAST LIMITED Is only run by the Northern Pacific between Portland and Mlnneanolla and St. Paul, through Tacoma, S-attle, Spokane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston. Billings. Blsmark and Fargo. Eight of these trains are on the run dally, four east and four west. Each Is a solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining car, day coaches, mall, express and baggage car and the elegant observa tion car. Each train Is brilliantly lighted with over too lights and the beautr of It all la you can travel just cnespiy on uiis train as on any other. All representatives will be glad to give you additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton, Assistant Oen eral Passenger Agent 26S Morrison 8t Co., Sole Mfri. is, WsJh. CiW til yonr order for Latent and Best Phono, grojili and grnpliophono records. A. Trulling'er. OREGON Short line Union Pacific AND TIME SCHED ULES From Portland. Depart Arrive. Chicago! Portland Special :20 a, vlaHunt- Ington. i Salt Lake. Denver, rt Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City St. Iuls. Chicago and East 10: JO a. m, Atlantlu Salt Lake, Denver, Express Ft. Worth, Oma- 1.15 p.m. vlullunt Ington. ha, Kansas City, St Uuls, Chi cago and East M p. m. I Walla Walla, Pt. PmiiI t.enlnon, Spo FastMair kane, Minneapolis, p. m. Si. Paul, Duluth, vla Milwaukee,, Chi Rpokan ago and East. 4:30 p.m. 70 hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of care. OCEAN AND RIVER 6CHBDULB. From Astoria , j All sailing dates I ' subject to "hung. J Tor Sun Francis- co every five days, i TaTTh. ! Columbia" River , 4: a7m.k I.'iily ex to Portland and Dully ei cept Bur! Way Landings. : rent Mor Steamer Kahcotla leaves Astoria on idle dally extept Sunday for Ilwaco,. connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tlgia and North Beach points, Returning arrives at Astoria same ev ening. O. W, LOI.'NSnEnRT.Agent Astoria. i - x J mm lT"liflIIIIirTfi!'JlfM!llfJiifnHl. he .Conn Drug Company, Comer "f - -