LUNCH of nil dcf rij)tiot'. New thing that are good at Pop. ular Prices, 'v.; JtiNt the Thing for Regatta Week. ROSS, HIGGINS . CO. GROCERIES AND MEAT?. v lELATERITE li Mifltril Rubber) Vir MAY J NTl'lN I lllfll.DIMU ELATERITE ROOFING Take the plao of hIiIiikIm, tin, iron, tar ami gravel, and all prewired roofing For lint mid te aurlaort, uiitli-m, vlleyfc eto. Ky to lay. Tempered tor all climate. IWaeonable in coil. Hold on uu-rit. Guaranteed. It will pay to ak for prl4'f mill tiiforiiiiilHin. ' ' THE CLATCKlIt ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland, Scow Boy Iron "Ov Brass Works r uu manufacturers cf Iron, Sulci, Hras aiii Broiizo Castings. , General Fotindryuion and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstdnss work. Trices lowest. Phone 2451 Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS . " Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A V ALLEN TtPth sad Commercial Streets BL.ACKSMITHING. Cirrlafe'tnl Wifon Bolldlof. Flrst-Class Horse Shocln?, Lagging Cottip Work, All kinds of wagon materials in stock for sale. U'e guarantee the best work done in the city. Prices right. ANDREW ASP. Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts. 'Phone 911. SOLID OAR ROUND TOP EXTENSION TABLES Large new line at $7.75 and up Elegant' new designs in Chiffoneiresand Hall Trees Come In and see some Nobby Furniture H. H. ZAPF - The Housefurnisher (KMMm COMMKltCIAL 8THEKT ! The Boston MO COMMERCIAL STUl'KT Best andjNeatest Eating: House In Astoria Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention tvfl a lj 1 ri ri 1 PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable nlnno work aee your local tuner, 1. Frederlckiion, 2071 noiiJ atrcc. Phone 2074 Red. Still In The 5? Our Large Stock Charles Heilborn Son. GOODS Restaurant I High Class Chef rz ui k rn CHEAP FUEL. : - Fir elabwood, atova legtha, 2.60 per cord. Boxwood 11.60 per large load. Phone S211 Black. Kelly, the trane for man. - N Lead For .twenty-seven years we have been Leaders in the ' Furniture Trade comprises the best goods obtainable -All our furniture is first class and yet you can buy of us as cheaply as else where. Try it. SNAKE EATER MUSTSTARVE City Council Declines to Allow the Freak to Exhibit During Regatta NO HANDLING OF SERPENTS ContfKlon Will to Clem Awty Dcbrfo From SlrttU nert.fltr Bel art Work It Accepted by City Tim clly council lunt night went on record unnnlmouiily ngalrmt vnttkoa; they ill'Jn't like them nohow, b they erved on golden philter, displayed wrajd In graceful coll around the elnewy form of the wild man from Bor neo, or an the particular pete of the "toldy from the tropica," A. for Booco the man who would rather dine off frl cnaeed vlT, with crawling rattler for demwrt thiin atiythlng elae on the menu, the roumil would have none of him, an tliu doom of the mun with the train ed aerpenta of the ovlpnroua kind who fiilliiua in the wake of clrcua shows, wua sounded In the paaaage of an or dinance amending the ordinance reg ulating the licensing of such entertain ment. The amendment says that no person with a fondness for handling and doing stunts with snakes shall ex hibit In the city of Astoria, and that no snake shall be exhibited unless they are in a gluss cane. Other shows shall pay a license of $J wr Any or $50 per quarter, which me ans that the Itinerary slde-showmnn who exiect to reap a golden harvest during the regatta will have to divvy up with the city. The ' ordinance was Inspired by the appear ance In the city of a reptile eater, who j has a reputation for giving a show that for downright disgusting features has no eijual. WAR ON CONTRACTS. It was not a very lengthy session of the council last night, but the members .awed considerable routine, and enough was suid at the meeting to give con tractors for public work to understand that unless they complete their con tract In the future to the extent of re moving the accumulated debris from the streets there will be no money paid out by the city. Complaints were re ceived from several sources. Including the mayor and councllmen, that certain streets designated as completed resem bled the aftermath of a tornado, and that until a broom brigade Is put to work to clear away the debris it will be Impossible to tell just what has been done In the way of Improvement. New ordinances, were Introduced for the Improvement of the following streets;' Franklin avenue, from fittn to Ninth; to be completed October 15. Fifteenth street. Cedar to Date; Oct. 15. Exchange street. Hth to 17th; Nov 1. Ordinances were passed establish ing the grade of Ninth street from Franklin to Jerome, and Franklin aven ue from the west line of Adalra to 36th street. A communication was read from the street superintendent calling attention to the condition of the drain lying south of Jtlh street. It will have to be re built. The main drain runs through private property, and unless something Is done before the heavy rains come on there will be some damage done, he said. The drain in McClure's also re quires some attention. It picks up a creek near the crossing of Fifth street and Franklin and empties Into the sew er at the crossing of Sixth and Ex change streets. The attention of the council was also called to the bad con dition of Ninth street from Astor street north to the front north of the railroad depot. The underpinning Is bad and should be rebuilt, said the stre?t super intendent. . IIOCTINE I'SINESS. The applications of C. K. Wright and Victor Curlson for liquor licenses were referred, and on recommendation of the proper committee' the apllcatlons of Henderson and Wine for similar priv ileges were granted. The following bills wre recommended for payment, and the auditor Instructed to draw warrants: . ... Astoria Dally News .$13;.21 Olaf Peterson 9.50 Mrs. H. H. Sheet 26.13 Frye-Oerdlng Co., 5.00 J. P. Uiiumgarten, 6.00 Charles Rogers, 1.15 Morse Department Store 16.00 Fisher Bros., 62.00 Astoria Electric Co.,' 5.00 Prael & Cook Transfer Co., 16.00 Holmes & Selbert, 11.75.00 Charles Gibbons 2.70 Holmes & Selbert, ; 11.75 E. A. Gerdlng i....... 2.75 C. G. Palmberg 19104 Sherman Transfer Co 2.00 Foard & Stokes Co 4.00 Fisher Bros 8-65 Astoria Box Co 25.49 L. Lebeck, 68.00 Prael & Cook ; -60 H. H. Wllllt Board of street assessors,...!.... 40,00 J. C. Clinton, Uppertown Transfer Co,, ........ 4.50 Killed by a Horse Wilis McCroskey Dies From Eff ects of Collision on Com mercial Street lllllt McCroskey, the l-year old ton of Mr. and Mr. William McCroskey, died at 9 o'clock last night from the effects of being trampled upon by a home earlier In the day on Commercial street between Eleventh and Twelfth. Hlllls was riding a bicycle when he col lided with ne of A. V. Allen's delivery wagons driven by Paul Marlon, An eye witness afterwards stated that the accident occurred Just affer the boy tried to turn to one side. It seemed that the driver rtld not see what was ahea of him and as lllllls attempted to get out of '.he way the horse struck him knocking him from the wheel and tram pllng upon his body. The boy was at once carried Into P. A. Trulllnger'a cl gnr store and medical aid was summon ed. It was thought at first that only the boy's legs were hurt, but a closer examination disclosed the fact that the real Injuries were Internal. The boy was taken to bis home and everything possible done to alleviate his suffering, but at 9 o'clock he expired. The funeral will be held at I o'clock this afternoon with Interment in Green wood cemetery, but full arrangements have not yet been made. Last night Coroner Pohl had not de cided ft to an Inquest being held. In vestigation will be made today and should It be deemed advisable to con duct an oftUUl Inquiry into, the cause of death an Inquest will be held some time this afternoon. RETIRED PHYSICIAN DIES OR. J. S. LACKEY PASSES AWAY AFTER A PAINFUL ILLNESS OF MONTHS - FORM ERLY RESIDED IN ILLINOIS After an illness of several months Dr. J. S. Lackey, retired physician and father of Edward Lackey, train dis patcher for the A. A C. R. R., died at his home In this city Sunday evening. Dr. Lackey was 67 years of age and was a native of Kentucky. For the past three yean he has resided In this city. He Is survived by his wife, one daugh ter, Mrs. Virgil Smith, of Kentucky, and two sons, Edward and Keith. Dr. Lackey hal not' been actively engagen In his profession for about 10 years, his principal field of lagor having been In Illinois.. The body will be taken to Portland this morning to be cremated. This was Dr. lackey's request. Among those who will accompany the remains out of the city will be Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Estes, the presence of a physician be ing particularly desired on account of the condition of Mrs. Lackey, who is nearly prostrated with grief and the great strain occasioned by her long vlg H at the bedside of her husband. DEATH FROM APP0PLEXY Mrs. Thora Soflh Pearson, wife of the buoy station keeper at Tongue point. died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Benson, In Alderbrook. Mrs.' Benson Is manager of the Hume mill mess house and It is there that Mrs Pearson was attacked with appoplexy Saturduy afternoon. Death came yes terday, the invalid not having regain ed consciousness In the Interval. Mrs. Pearson was 53 years of age and had not been entirely well for some time preceding the fatal attack. The funeral will be held tomorrow with In terment In Greenwood cemetery. DEATH OF GEORGE SLAVICH ' i George, the 5-year old son of Jerry Slavlch, proprietor of the Model restau rant, died .Sunday from general consura Ption. Xhe little fellow had been fall ing for some time so the end was not unexpected. The funeral' will be held today and the interment will be In Greenwood cemetary. " LADIES PROVIDE ROOM The ladles of the W. C. T, U. .will keep their room on Bond street open during the regatta days for those who wish to read or rest. Arrangements will be made for any who may wish to prepare tea or coffee," a stove""being In readiness for that purpose. No charge will be made by the YT. C. T. U.,the only thought of the ladles beUigfor the comfort of the pubHc. ." LAUNCH NEARS COMPLETION A small launch, the construction "of which Is being directed by Peter Schla tnd at the Barker cannery, is nearlng completion. Warren Cyrus, of the Re liance Electrical Works, finished wir ing the boat yetrterday, The launch will probably be used as a cannery ten der, , ' ... . Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As torlan. 11,00 a year, . . Social and Personal . . Mr. Wetherred was In from Seaside yesterday. ChaHe R.Vosburg Is In the city from Oregon City, Miss Hadle Paterson was over from Deep river yesterday where she teaches school. Secretary of State Dunbar, Who spent Sunday In the city, returned to Salem last night, Lee Straus and V, V, Vincent were among the arrivals from Skamokawa last night.. A delegation from Cathlamet arrived Inst night. Among them- was ex-Sheriff Mart Hogsin and J. Cook. - Mrs. Caroline Larsen, of St. Paul, Minn., who has been visiting her sons L. A. La men and E. L. Nauthrup, left this morning for St, Paul. E. W. Crlghton, manager of the White Collar Line in the days when the company ran boat Into Astoria, is iii the city to attend the regatta. Henry O'Brien, of Ireland, and Mlkal M. Johnson, native of Norway, took ouJ first citizenship papers yesterday before County Clerk Clinton. C. A. May, accompanied by his daughter, will attend the G. A. B. en campment at San Francisco. They were passengers out on the Columbia. Thos. Dealey and A Craig were pass engers on the Columbia for San Francis co Sunday. They go as delegates from Cushlng post to attenrihe G. A. R. encampment. A. Ellis has assumed management of the local office of the Western Union Teleghaph Company. Mr. Peterson, who has been acting manager. Is spend ing a vacation at Long beach. Mrs. S. Normile, a former regatta queen. Is In the city from Seattle to at tend the fete this week. Mr. Normile accompanied his wife to Astoria but re turned yesterday to the sound. Mrs. T. T, Geer arrived from Salem yesterday and will remain over during regatta. The ex-governor was prevented from accompanying Mrs. Geer by the death of his father who lived in Union county. ' ,. - Sootty" Jamleson, the Australian hlgh-dlver, arrived from Cathlamet yes terday evening. Scotty says he will carry away the $500 high-diving medal. He has Harry McCarry, of Bath, Maine and Gibbons, the San Francisco diver, to reckon with. A. L. Craig, general passenger agent of the O. R. AN. railroad company, accompanied oy Mr. Lounsbury, were in the city Saturday. R. M. Hall, ad vertising agent of the company is pre vented from prosecuting his work of advertising resources by reason of a streak of bad luck that has befallen him. A few days ago he climbed a tree at Bingham Springs to take a kodak view. In to'lng to bend a limb he met with the same fate as the bear steal ing honey. The rebounding limb struck him on the head and In descend ing from his perch he sustained a bruised root. To ease the foot, upon reaching home, he placed It In water. The water was too hot and his foot was severely1 scalded. The "Hot foot" may prevent Mr. Hall from attending regatta. MILL IS GOING t'P The foundation for the proposed mill at Warrenton Is being placed and a large force of men Is doing the work. The frame will go up soon and the ma chinery is to be installed as rapidly as possible. The plant Is to be-one of the finest equipped In this section and its operation will be a valuable addition to the industries of this county. At first it was intended to operate a cir cular saw, but this plan has been aban doned and a band saw will be used. This will make the plan modern In ev ery detail. It cannot be stated how soon the mill will be in operation but the labor of putting up the works will be pushed as rapidly as possible. INFANT GIRL DIES Martha Josephine, the infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Haatajan, died yesterday In this city. The Inter ment x ill be In Seal river cemetery to day. , NEW BOAT LINE Articles of Incorporation have been fild at Salem incorporating the Oregon PaclfleNavlgation Company, Portland, with a tapital stock of $3j,000, with J. K, Locke, A. J. Parrington and F. H. Skinner as incorporators. This Is the company that is to put on a line ot steamers between Portland and Tilla mook. We are mformed that It was the lnteution to purchase &--fiteamer that was for sale on the Sound, but as this vessel was not suitable for the pur poses a new' vessel to be built and in the meantime other arrangements will be made to Commence business as soon as possible. Tillamook Headlight. If you haven't found-out S cnJl ling's Best, you and Schillinrr are losing some money. m The Lowest Priced Store REGATTA Neckwear and Gloves Special Announcement of Choice Bargain in Seasonable Goods j& 0 0 They must be seen to le understood and appreciated, : ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN COLLARS, TIES, TURNOVERS, STOCKS, etc., etc., . In Lace, Embroidery, Linen and Silk, Prices will astonish: : : : : - Lisle and SillC Gloves 1, 2 and 3 clasp, in Grays, Tans, Black and White Very desirable and cheap. ( Ufie A. DUNBAR CO. All Kinds of Mattresses Made to Order Adams Q Henning'sen Dealers In Furaitsre. Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishings. Seconl'bani Goods Bought And Sold. V We Bny Ail Kinds of Junk. 405 BOND STREET, ASTORIA. OREGON. , PHONE. RED 2305 . Nobby $hoes Stylish, IHandsome, Comfortable and Durable Shoes The Latest Novelties in Summer Footwear Largest and Newest Stock and Lowest Prices Peterson & Brown SALE OF SHEET and PILLOW SLIPS 81x90 Best Muslin Sheets at - 60c 3-4 size Best Muslin Sheets at 50c 42x36 Pillow Slips at - - - 10c 45x36 Pillow Slips at - - - 10c These are made from the best Lonsdale and Androsscoggin Muslin. MORSE DEPT STORE THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY 508-510 Commercial Street. In Astoria For Fine Coeds Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Astoria, Oregon.