ASTORIA, OREGON," TUESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1903. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD COMING IN GRAND STYLE Local Order Takes Advantage of Regatta to Bring Royalty and Nobility of its Ranks to Assist at Initiation of , Sixty-Three Neophytes Tha Woodmen of Hie World are to n Oi liniHtiMun of IN craft. Hawing wood. They aro Hrruriglnir every feu- tut of thvlr part In th regutu with uri rhr mill BiV'iiilun to aiwur It eomplrte huii'ms. The vuiigunrd of ttlr visiting neighbor commenced ar riving ym ruy, In ttm iwi-boii of ev iral "h'titi" fieni Bcaltlo miiiI Tii' em. lli-ml hunker V. Cooper am Win, Hldt niu'iniiiuiild by ninny other Portland Wimditxn will arrive today, Mr. Cooper Itaiullea mure money tliuti aay otlwr fraternal order tnun In the, wl. II In nccotniu how receipt ami dibursmnnt of over threo million of dullar of Woodmen money jtnnuiillly. Mr. lleldt I one of the roust lauler f tli order. J If It trio presiding omVer of Wehfuot camp of Portluud, which Mga coutaui over 12(H) member and I tha largest fraternal order lodge? In Oregon, Ksch gentleman In accompan ied ly hi wife and famly mid will re wain several dny. Herman tfilnule, clerk of rortlund hisj In antthcr of the order' promin ent men Mho will arrive today, Mr. fit-had nan twtrd by tho Woodmen I mak Ilia dlntrlbutlon of Ha con trlanted funda 'or tha lleppncr suffer er. Th main body of "fhopiwra" will ar rive tomorrow. Col. J. C. Jone of the Frrat lteglmnt, Uniform Hunk W, O. W. will Imva charge of lhr contingent tageth.r with three conipunle of bin department. Th Woodmen will erect their dlspliy aeros tha rtreet tonight and tomorrow forenoon. They will en tw the piu'iida tomorrow and tha differ ent companies of tha uniform rank will pnwciit a series of drllla In fancy mill (my evolution on tha Van tun gruntls. These event are scheduled for 3.30 p. in, A Ihoaa "knight of the as" are mil I to I hi the Ireat drilled bodlea of men In fumy military tactic on the count, mtK'h Interest haa followed the itiinouiireimmt of their coming and their exhibition will Im one well worth being seen by our people. Thin will cl'wo the Woodmen excr. line as fur ua tha general public la concerned, but in the evening the must Intetvuilng purN wilt occur. At 9:30 they will bold (heir breat ban- iiiet. Thin hour haa bean chosen In or der to allow thuae going on tha Putter at 9 13 tomorrow evtmtug an opportun ity of enjoying Aatorla Woodmen hoa- pltollly tiefore their deimrture. Following the banquett the Ini tial Ion will be held. Hixty-three neo j hyltca will be led through the winding piitha leading to the Innermoat part of the tityMtrrioua foreat of Perfected Woodcraft. The ceremonies of thla or der are aald to be particularly beauti ful, abounding a they do with wood- lore mid expression and imidrnta peculiur to the foreat On Uila ocean Ion the arrvle will tie almply aubllme. for It la to tat presented by a picket team fruin Portland and who, It In rlalmiil, prevent a drama which la nev er forgot ten by tho Initiate. The large majority of thla clnaa of candldutea will Ik for Aiturla camp. A few how vr, ore from ttenaide and. will form the tiut'leua of a new camp to be In Mtuled In that beautiful tuburb of Aatorla in tho neur futur. WUODMKN CAHNIVAL WKOINS Amung the royal peraonagea who wll graca tha regatta, with their presence, lx will tie queena who hava reigned during tha preawit year over Woodmen of (he World carnlvala which hava been held In Oranta Paaa, Oorvalila, Aahland, Jaiiaa, Portland and Chehalla. To gether with other carnival queena from different cltiea of tha northweat, th-y will grar the throne of Queen Francia with their preaenca and will make tha coronation the moat royal and elaborate ever held on tha coaat. The Auguat number of "The Amerl ran liny" coutulna tha third Inatall- ment of Mra. Oabrlelle B. Juckami'a alory. "Three Uood Cronlca," which read well. The cover page conalata of a aplendld picture of "The Old Bwlm mill' Hole." "Captured," by that fine writer for boyo, J. U Harbour7 telta how two txiya captured an Immenaa aer(iit belonging to clrcua. Home of the othr leading contribution In the Auguat nuinlrr are: "A Voyage on the Snow," by Will Llaenbce; "The lie ginning of an Aatronomer.""The Waah Inglon High K hool Cadeta" wlthr aome line picture; "The Bummer Life of tho l!ooevelt Children." "Tlp'a Ilerolafn,' "Life on a dan-of.War,' "Acroaa Ni agara with Wondln," "The Prlnter'a Aiiprentb c," "Something about tha Am erlca'a Cup." "The Way to Pitch Ilel Curvea" There are doxen of practical, help ful department which will encourage and Inoplre boya to do thing. The boya" paer la abaolutely clean In every repect and hit won the confi dence and eatH-m of 110,000 fiimlllea, who receive It each month regularly. The price of The American Boy la a year. The Beml-Weekly Aetor Un hua been reduced to 11.00 a year. l!y ape-.liil arrangement the Scnd- wkly Aitorlan and "American Boy" will both be furnlithed one year for Il.tO ThU offer ia gwxl for only a few week. KleepUtwneia' Is, uually brought aljout by mentiil excitement Think of ynuratdf aa being wmit-thlng inunlmute a paper weight or a log. I tela x your mtiM'Ica and then you will go to aleep and ret. What we ordinary mortal need la bareheaded romp now and then, a getting away from the check relgna and ivlcu from tho machinery In which we go the tread mill all the rcat of the year. CORONATION GOWNS ARE GORGEOUS AND ARTISTIC Rich Silks and Satin, Velvet, Ermine, Dainty Lace and Handsome Trimmings Used in the Modiste's Creation of ': ne Royal Robes One of the plcaaant feature of the regatta that will linger long In the memory of tha Indlea wHI be the beau tiful gowna and rob that Queen Fran cea will wear during her brief reign over the city. To aay that tbeaa gar ment are gorgeoua la but to exprcaa In ficbli; language tha rich and coatly creation of tree modinte'a art that have txen muda by tha royal tailor. The art In tic, elegance of the entire wardrobe cannot be adequately described; It miiKt be aeen to be appreciated. Aa torla la noted for Ita beautiful women, iimj tha function that are a feature of the aociul life of tbe city each aeaaon arm alway attended by beautifully gowned women. Mixi Thomaa haa been provided with gown that are fit to grace tha moat brilliant function ever held In the United State. Phe will be utiucen to whom every vlnltor and resi dent will be proud to pledge allegiance. Her awoct diapoaltlon; her regal bear ing, an 1 winaome manner combine to endear her to the hear la of alb The rob,- that Mlns Thomaa will wear fit her coronation are delightful to gaze upon. The skirt la of white satin, Iraped with exqulalto white lace, trim med with silver that scintillates In the Mimshine like the glitter of crystal, ft will be worn with a train of purple velvet. Id feet long, lined with white satin and trimmed with royal ermine ii ml silver atar applique. This la to lie worn with a beautiful bodice, trim med with ellver; with thla ' costume yuecn Franeee will wear a collar of tbe Queen Elisabeth period, trimmed with j tienrls and silver law Tha court dress, that will be worn at the regatta ball on Wednesday evening and again at "he public reception at the home of Mra. W. O. Wilkinson on Tburs duv night. Is designed after the court dresace of modern Europe. The bodice is cut low, with elbow sleeves; the the skirt is made of a fluffy, silver spangled material over rhlte satin, and tbe train la of rich white brocade silk, lined with pal blue autin and trimmed with ermine and iridescent applloue and pearl. The crown Is after the style of the era of Queen Anne, set with pearls and brilliants. And then there ia a wealth of petti coal and furbelows, and all the soft linen that delight the feminine eye.The hoes and gloves and bats are dream of Joy, everything being truly fit for a iucen to wear. The wardrobe Is un doubtedly one of tne most gorgeous ever designed by an Oregon mod lute, nnd If Queen Frances Is not the envied of her sex during the regatta It will be because the women of Astoria, e peclallr the young women, are prouder of their queen than they are ambitious to posse such dainty garments. PREACHER ROUGHLY USED MAN Of GOD MAKES REMARKS UNC0MHJ. MENTARY TO WOMEN AND IS rUBUClt REPRIMANDED ' "The only thing that walks back from the grave with the mourners and re fuses to be buried ia character." This ia true. W'bat a man la, survive him. It can never be burled. It stays about the home when hi footsteps sre heard no more. It liva In tbe community where he wa a known. Hence we should take care to build into our char acter only beautiful things. One writer says that divorce would be entirely done away with if married couple were compelled to live three or four blocks apart, and couid see each other only by sneaking up an alley and going In the back way after dark. We are Inclined to think there Is some thing practical In this plan. There are a lot of men, both married and single, whose past experience would fit them for model husband. New Tork, August 17. Becauaa he made a reference which- the crowd con sidered uncomplimentary to two women who were listening to him, tbe Kev. Maxwell P. Johnstone, an evangelist, who hold open air meeting at Twenty third street and Fifth avenue, waa In terrupted by several men, who started lo mob the preacher, and who only de sisted whvti a half dosen policemen In terfered, The minister wa standing on a amall box which waa kicked from un der him and he nearly fell down. -; He waa Jostled and pushed about and hia make-ahlft pulpit waa kicked through the streets. No one attempted to strike tbe minister, however, and the police finally rescued him. Meantime, the women, who appeared to be refined lersons, bad fled from the scene. . Fancy Gravensteln applea of fine quality and at low prices. Eee them at Johnson Bros. Remember that fifty fowls good breed well kept, will produce more eggs than one hundred neglected, no matter what the breed may be. .,, . Here Is the latest Idea of real es tate advertising. A. man will take a pic ture of farms, have stereoptlcan views made and then go from town to town showing hia country. It la certainly a novel plan. " , " ' ' Quick returns Is one of the advant ages of handling poultry. For the be ginner It is better than berries or fruit. Not a season passes without some re turn. A first-class hen will furnieh 100 eggs per year for use or for sale. , Kitzvllle, Washington, with a popu lation of only 2,200 is the largest local wheat market in the United States. It annually ships on an average of 1.730,000 bushels of wheat This town has no elevators. The grain is threshed Into bags and piled alongside the rail road until it can be loaded into cars. OLD PUBLISHER DEAD. Philadelphia, August 17. Moses Pol ock, said to be the oldest publisher and bookseller in the United States, ia dead at his borne here. He waa bora In 1817 and spent &2 years In the book business. Most of thegreat American libraries were indebted to hia collection. 1 I --- For the Farmer Lard la the moat econtmileal aalnial fat.. ,.: ' . , , , A harness-broken sebra I wurHi Sio.ow. Worn out mAk pans make nlca nt for hens. Printing paper la now made of com talks. , ' . There are 1.500 varieties of tha rlca grain known, of which W or mora ara cultivated. v , , Some use baked corn meal for the chicks. Mixed with milk It makes a good ration. , ": v " , , t not refuse to make an altowane for your wife, if you expect her to make allowances for you. ' . s, Feed your land well and It wlSl f4 you well In return. Nature la always ready to meet us half way, . Hoys, don't be afraid of making a friend of your father. Ha-wa one a b y. Ha will understand. Little trouble may be anticipated from mites if plenty of ashes are fur nished for them to dust themselves. - A cement floor for the cow itabla hi a sanitary floor. It should be more or less rough to prevent the cow from slipping. " ' r . The beds of pea In Colorado some times include aa many aa 2,000 acres, and there hi one bed exceeding In lxa 2,500 acre. 1 t , .1 it ia said that one pound of oyster shell will furnish lime for the shells of about seven dozen eggs. It costs one cent per pound. Wisconsin's most valuable crop of hay. Last year's production waa worth 136,000,000. The oat crop waa next in vabjtfat t2,000.000. : It la not known how long a sowing of alfalfa will last A patch planted In Texaa in 186S la etill producing and ia thus thirty-five year old. It hi regarded by some aa an ex pensive experiment to grow thorough bred chlckena from eggs. They ad via buying manufactured atock. The dandelion produce 12,000 aeed per plant; shepherd a pulse 17,066; thistle (5.000; chamomile 1S.00O; bur dock 43,000 and the common plantain It ia aald that 10,500,000 people ara employed on the farm of America. Nobody appears to be able to explain why they have not gone to the charm of fiat life' In the cities. . " THE A ST O R I A R E G A T T A .,... .'- . . i As Pictured by Herman Wise, while buying goods in the East Tl ii v. 11 "Ks 1 v - St. '( If. mwM te 1 A? L r , ASTORIA'S-ONUY UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIER Who MaRes Astoria Famous By Celling' Up-tb-Date Cloth ing' and by Continually Ad- vertising Astoria. be it amS&imd I3Lj m a a v- a c mm ijijiaatiiiMtgar" VS. rfak. ' .T. V 4 n. - 4 fa, imTZ . !!! "ir1' r " ff . I til