The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 18, 1903, Image 1

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lli. W- B
VOLUME ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, A I'GUST 18. 1903. , . v y'' ; ,; ; ,y ": , ; i - y NUMBER 7.
Good ( IFlec&ive Reatlttsi Geeste
Pure Prepared Paint
Sold OalyBy
Fisher Bros
Large assortment of unusually hand
some goods just received.
75 cents to $5.00.
jp ii
Pleases the eye
We sell lbe highest
trade o( clothin; at figures
which please everybody.
Perfect style, tailoring, fit and quality
here combine with honest prices.
A Trial Convinces
Plumbing Troubles
Imperfect plumbing v make
mil trouble. If you have an
iinDcrfectiob. better fix it. WVll
nmkc it right for you. Whether
it's repair or new wnrk wo respond
promptly, do it well n'nd get your
approval with our pay.
47M72 Commercial. Phone Black KM
Nothing Pleases
r well as nicely laundered linen. We
have the neatest and moat sanitary
laundVy In the Mate and do the best
work. . '
Corner Tenth and Duane streets.
Thone 1991.
The Troy Laundry
Ladies' Fall Suits are now on
Display. Ladies' Dress and
Walking Skirts. ,
Admiral Smith and Staff, Accom
panied by Visiting' Notables
will Arrive Today
Street Fair Opens Tonight Formal Opening of Regatta Occurs
Tomorrow Morning at Nine O'ClocK With Coronation
of Queen Frances First Vessels of Pacific Squad
ron Reach Port Line of March for Parade
Beginning tomorrow morning at
o'clock, there will be heard In Astoria
the tooting of horn., the blowing or
whistles, the blur of brass, the hur
rah of th'iunuivlit of people, and the
sound of revelry by day and by night.
The city will be full of m rangers gather
ed from evry ltit of the compass to
I ru'l,.uf in th.- grandest regatta Ah-
torhi has ';vr wttm-sed. There will be
a giand partde, novel feat urea, and
visiting royalty galore. The royalty of
American womanhood wIM reign over
city of nobility the nobility of Amer
lean citizenship, and the featoona of
vhlte and blue bunting, colore of the
regatta, wlil mingle with the red. white
and blue of the proud American flag.
Hilarity will reign supreme; It will be
a gala time from start to finish.
After week, of hard labor the regat
ta committee la about to real. All thut
la now required to make the regatta the
'icoss It deserves to be la perfect
weather, which la anoured, a eplrlt of
goud fvllowiihlp among the pleaaure
eekfr. and a honpitable welcome to
the attangera who vill be In the city.
Urand Marshal Wherlty haa complet
ed the nrrangenvnta fr the grand pa
rrtde, " I'nleea the plana of the commit-7
tee nilararry. It will ecllpae all prevloua
effort In thla lln ever before attempt
ed In th city. It 1 probable that the
auldkra from Ft. Stevena and Columbia
will partb lp,'it, Capt. Steele having
lul.1 a reitiet of the regatta committee
to this end before the commanding offi
cer. The blue Jackets from the ship
of the North Pacific ayumlron will be a
cotmplcjou figure of the parade, and
thf-re will be the carriages containing
the quoin and hfr court, the admiral
and hi staff, Governor Chamberlain
and his staff, the visiting athletes, row
ing crews, local fraternal organisations
the Woodmen of the World, the vis
iting Woodmen and the royalty of their
rHHifvnl. will be In the parade, and the
Hosts of the commercial
and Industrial Importance of the sec
ond city In the Mute "where rolls the
Oregon," Last, but not least, the greUt
Chinese dragon with its celestial body
The parade wlil begin at 11 o'clock,
the line of formation being at the de-
pot on Commercial Btreet. It wl'l then
move west on Commercial to Fifth,
thence to Bond, i rossing to Fourteenth,
marching to regatta headquarters,
where the parade will disband.
Chief of Police, Hallsck announces
that no traffic will be allowed along the
line of march while the parade Is mov
ing. Miss Thomas has been Indisposed for
several days, and yesterday she re
mained in doors In order to be thorough
ly rested for the arduous social func
tions that will devolve on her the re
mainder of the week. She received a
few callers yesterday. Since her clee
tlon as queen she has been the recip
ient of numerous congratulatory letters
from all parts of the United States.
The cruisers Marblehead and Concord
nrlvcd In the river yesterday. They
were sighted by the soldiers of Forts
Stevens and Columbia at 1 o'clock In
the afternoon. Upon approichlng the
mouth of the river they made a feint
toward putting back to sea, but sudden
ly turning crossed the bar and were
fired upon with blank charges from the
i t i it.. ... 1
forts. Since Wednesday mgni w oui
dlers have been at the guns under ot
ders received from General Funston
to lookout for the cruisers. The Con
cord came on up tne nvr mm.v
greeted by the craft in harbor and the
. - t - -
I J t
r . v-
cruisers. The Murbleheud.havlng a case
of light appendicitis on board, stopped
at buoy No. 7 and the patient sent to
the hospital. The Marblehead will move
down In the morning and will receive.
A number of citizens paid their respects
to the commander of the Concord this
afternoon. The Alert, expected for the
past three days, hasSiot yet put in an
The Vancouver and Victoria rowing
crewa arrived on Sunday night. Each
crew brought a four-oar and a single
shell, and the Victoria crew a canoe
also. The shells are the best of their
kind and were put up In London. The
four-oars are 4S feet and the two-oars
28 feet in length.
The James FUy Athletic Association
"i i ii-iui m ami meir positions re:
Wilson, stroke. Kennedy, S; Sullivan,
2; Jesse, bow. Vancouver crew: Grab
ble, stroke; Seymour, S: Dallon, 2;
Sawyer, bow. Springer, single shell
for Vancouver will be pitted against
Des Breese for Victoria. Patton-and
Gore comprise the tandem canoe team,
and Gore the single paddle.
The dhoalwater bay team also nr
rived yesterday, and the other crews
are due to reach the city tonight.
The admiral's flagship, the Potter, on
Its arrival front Portland this afternoon
will be met by riueen Francis and mem
bers of her court. , When the vessel
comes in sight of the city it will be met
by several launches and boats that will
act as escort to the 0. R. & N. dock.
Admiral Smith will be accompanied by
his staff, and it Is exbecled that Gover
nor Chamberlain will be on board with
his staff . Several of the visiting W. O.
V. queens will also come on the Potter.
The street fairs will be formally In
augurated tonight with the opening of
Arnold's street fair. This traveling a.
gregatton has been a uromlnent feature
of nearly every carnival, that haa been
held in the Northwest during the past
few years and l.a become known as
the "tented city." . While the show car-
rls a number of menagerie attractions,
it does not claim to be a circus, for
there are no rings and no performing
elephants and horses. But in the past
the. Arnold combination has been noted
for high class acts of various descrp
The merchants and businessmen gen
erally, as well as the private household
ers, have responded generously to the
appeal of the regatta committee
through the columns of the local press
for a profusion of decorations and every
business house In the city will be re
splendent in appropriate dress when the
royal procession passes through the
street tomorow. The blue and white
colors of 'the' regitfa prevail In tWcbl
or scheme, and some beautiful drap
eries have been displayed.
Every flag In Astoria will wave to
morrow, and will continue to wave un
til the last echo of the jrsst event has
died away.
The harbor presents a proud appear-
fance at the present time. The cruiser
Concord, the Ugh house tenders Man
slxanlla, Columbine and Heather, and
the regular mosquito fleet, as well as
the canvas leet assembled off the docks
gives an appearancj -ind air of Impor
tance that Atoia has pever before wit
All craft on the river not otherwise
engaged are urged :o meet the Potter
on her arivaJ tomorwv 'fternoon.
Santa Barbara, Cat., Aug. IT, Miss
Catherine Grathwol, of St. Paul, Minn.,
Is dead; Frederick Leuders, an artist
of this city, is a raving maniac, and
Fred Webster, Nellie Stone, Fred Gil
bert and Gray Porter, also of this city,
cannot be located and mystery sur
rounds the whole affair.
The party left here yesterday for a
picnic at the summit of the mountains,
which is reached by Lacuinbre trial.
Frederick Lueders arrived In town last
night and reported that one of the
party. Miss Grathwol, was dying, but
he was so exhausted none of the partic
ulars could be learned.
A party trs?n left for the scene and
Lueders followed them. They returned
at midnight " with Leuders, who was
found at the foot of the grade a raving
maniac and w ho could give no account
of the whereabouts of the rest of the
party. The efforts of the searchers so
far have been fruitless in finding any
of the lost excursionists.
Miss Grathwol was staying in Santa
Barbara for her health and was only
24 years old.
Manila, August 17, 10 a. m. Major
Robert I Bullard, has demanded re
dress from Sultan Deseen, the tribal
leader of the Lairao Moros. Although
professing a warm friendship for Am
ericans, the Sultan recently surrounded
small detachment qf United States
troops paying him a friendly visit with
a strong force of warriors and offered
battle, his men insulting those bearing
an American flag. So far the only re
ply from the Sultan to Major Bullard's
demands has been defiance.
Queen Frances and Her Attend
ants go Through the Corona
tion Ceremonies
Miss Thomas Prestntt Her Maids of Honor,
. Udks-ia-Vaiting and Other Nobility
With Beautiful Mementos
In receiving rooms lavishly decorated
with flowers and foliage, and on a bau
tlful little throne constructed espec
ially for the public reception thatQueen
Frances will give on Thursday night.
the royal court held a rehearaal of the
coronation ceremonies last night. The
mands of honor, ladies-in-walttng,
pages, flower girl and crown bearer
were present with the exception of Mrs
Wardand Miss Lighter. Master Frank
Streiblg, Jr., has been added to the list
of pages, and was In attendance.
Those who were ; present say that
every thing 'went off splendidly, and
that every member of the . court of
Queen Frances had studied ettquete to
advantage. There was no prime mln
Ister present, owing to the fact that
Hon. Harrison Allen has notified the re
gatta commute that he cannot be pres
ent at court. The committee haa de
cided that as a prime minister Is more
of a luxury than a necessity, the va
cancsWia "ot be filled. .
Queen Frances performed . her part
of the coronation rehearsal with all the
ease and grace of an old world mon
arch; the ladies-in-waiting and other
members of the royal retinue also went
through -heir respective parts, showing
familiarity with the duties of court at goes withoVit saying that the
regatta court will be conspicuous for
its beauty of face and figure as well
as for Its elegance of manners and con
stumlng. . .. - , ,
' At the close of the 'rehearsal Miss
Thomas pleasantly surprised the mem
bers of her court by presenting to every
member a dainty and appropriate sou
venir of the tegatta and her reign. To
each of the ladies-in-waiting flower
girl and maids of honor she gave a
beautiful brooch pin, designed to-represent
the order of the garter. The pins
are of pale blue enamel on a silver
background, upon which is engraved
In silver, "Frances I, 1903." To the
pages and enwn bearer she presented
handsome gold stick pins, the ornament
al portion consisting of a' bird with
outstretched wings. In Its mouth the
bird holds a tiny opal, and the wings
of the bird are studded with small
The souvenirs combine beauty and
utility, and coming so unexpectedly
were a'l vthe more appreciated.
On Thursday night Queen Frances
will give a public reception at the home
of her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Wilkinson, a
cordial im itation to attend is extended
to both visitors and residents. Queen
Frances expresses the hope that the In
vitation will be accepted by all, as she
ie particular desirous 'of expressing to
each of her loyal subjects the deep ap
preciation she feels of the honor accord
ed her in her election as queen of the
best regatta Astoria has ever planned.
At New York First game New York
7; Cincinnati 4. ,
At New York Second game New
York G; Cincinnati 4.
At Brooklyn First game Brooklyn
4; St. Louis 8.
At Brooklyn Second game Brooklyn
Brooklyn 6; St. Louis S.
At Boston Boston 8; Pittsburg 4.
At Chicago Chicago 1; Washington
2. 7 ;' .,. ' - ;'.
t St. Louis St. Louis 2; Phlladel
phla 3. "
At Detroit Detroit ; New York 3.
At Cleveland-Cleveland 9; Boston J.
President Roosevelt Inspects Great
Fleet of Ships in Time
of Peace
Decatur Is Rammed By Sister Ship During Re
view...prtj!dwit and Wife art Calm
During Mishap.
Oyster Bay, Aug. 17. For the first
Mrrfe In the history of the country the
president of the United States today re
viewed and Inspected in time of peace
great fleet of United States ships. The
ceremony was unmarred br the slight
est mishap until Just at the conclusion
when the torpedo? boat destroyer Barry
rammed trie Decatur, fortunately doing
little damage. As the flrst squadron of
destroyers was approaching the May
flower at full speed, orders were sig
nalled from the Decatur to form a
wedge. In executing the orders the
Decatur swung across the bow of the
Barry and an Instant later the Barry
NmmMt lior. In a ffw minutes thft Tfa
catur hoisted a signal of "No serious
damage," but the accident put a sudden
stop to the maneuvers of the destroy
er squadron. '
Both President and Mrs. Roosevelt -notel
the accident with great calmness
notwithstanding that their son Kermit
was on the Decatur at theTInW The
review occurred on Long Island sound.
As the Mayflower, -with the president
on board, steamed down one column
and up another she was saluted by ?S
guns by each ship. After the review
the president received the commander
rf the different squadrons.,
The captains of the small vessels in
the fleet received, the naval attaches of
the great powers. Sir Thomas Liptoj'
owners of the Defender, Reliance, and
other distinguished guests. After the
reptiin the president entertained the
guests at lunch and visited the Kear- .
sarge..'A,. ,.;.'; , T.! ','n'v '
As the president went aboard, his flag
was broken at the main peak and every
ine of the 12 warships In the fleet fired
the president's salute. .
New York, Aug. 17. Mystery sur
rounds the theft of a diamond brooch
so valuable that the stones composing
It are well known to Jewelers andcollect
orsof tMs country and Europe, says the
Herald. Its owner is a member of a
wealthy New York family and if was
from her home in this city ahat the or
nament disappeared. Detai's are with
held and detectives uponthe case have
been instructed to proceed with unus
ual secrecy, but It is said the thieves
are known to have fled and there is
little hone of effecting their ..capture.
While there Is a possibility of recov
ering the Jewels, which may have been
purchased by an unscrupulous dealer
in the hope of making large profits af
ter the search had become iax. Auth
orities of principal European centers
are also at work on the case.
New York, August 17. C. Endlcott
Allen, the young real estate man and
Harvard student, who after lying In a
doze at Long Branch for 42 days, was
brought to Bellevue Hospital in this
cjty for examination, haa been pro
nounced Insane and will be placed In a
sanitarium. The doctors say his long
sleep was the early sign of dementia
although It puzzled the doctors, because
during his waking hours, Allen's mind
was perfectly clear and his physical
condition good.