W f - '4 l' fi'H ,w ,U 'If i""') J .ffi ASTOUIA, OREGON,' SUNDAY, M'GUST 16, 1903." 1 . . . 1903 .: VOLUME LV1. , ; , f -wn f A (Good o i&iftiuune P. A. STOKES Pure Prepared Paint Sold Only By Fisher Bros NEW HAMMOCKS Large assortment of unusually hand some goods just received 75 cents to $5.00. J . N . G R IFF I N. 7 LU " &HS& msm -mm.. MM Bee THE BEE HIVE Pleases the eye We sell the highest grade of clothing at figures which please everybody, Perfect style, tailoring, fit and quality here combine with honest prices. A Trial Convinces Plumbing Troubles , Imperfect pliunbing make real trouble. If yon have an imperfect job, better fix it. We'll ii 8 repair or new work wo rcepond jMwuipuy, uo ii wen ana gee your approval with our pay. - . ; v ' W.J. SCULLEY 470-471 Commercial. Phone Black t24 Pleases o well aa nicely laundered linen. We have the neatest and most sanitary laundry In the state and do the best work. - ALL WHITE HELP. ? Corner Tenth and Duane atreet. Thone im. The Troy Laundry Hive Ladies' Fall Suits are now on Display, Ladies' Dress and ,. Walking Skirts. , ' WILD RIOTS . IN STREETS Strikers and Non-Union Men Clash at Renwood, W. Va. Aged Man Injured - IS ATTACKED BY' RUFEIANS Thit $Urt Hoitilltle Which OmU Reign of Terror in Town-Shot Ex- .dwnged Whaling W, Va., Aug, 18. From o'clock last night thlsi Sunday) morning the tnretti uf Kenwood wre the scene of wild riots. The striking machinists and non-union men who replaced them at the Wv?rslde plant of the National Tub Co clashed and many shot were (Whanged.' Hostilities were begdn hen n n diced man wm set upon and bmlly tw it'll by a crowd fit strikers. The iimn is In h serious condition. PAUPER'S TOMB IS FIT FOR. A KING Hoiti Rockwell Crowe Dili, ind 1 Inferred In Mausoleum Built In Hi -Prosperity -New York, August 15. Ms. Rock well Crow, projector of et tt-imlve wa l-r companies and once millionaire, lias died a puuf 'r at the state hospital on Ward's Island. 1I1 body hua been ii(iil In :h- iiuii.Tiiti.eni mausoleum, the fliwot In the MidJIe WVat, which he had built In (he hey day of hie pro' Krliy at FalU City, Neb. Ho projected 'he prent watr aya- tem (mJ to aupply Ward's Jalund, wiiere he died If brain fever after an hi term ai a charity patient at Utile vu hoitfial. Crowe made the milllrma he niont f lavinhly by developing water ' tenia for a number of tommunltit-a, not iil.ly In Grand Rapida, Mldv.. and in WVatclieater county In thla atate. Money betntr needed for further operations, he nuii'tgdgeJ nil pmirty and plants reck leanly. Und linam-lerlng and buaineas iliiairelN got him Into complicated lltl Itatlon, which endtd in foreclosure pro ciHHllnga and the of his entire prop erty. YOUNG CANADIANS DROWNED Tug Merwy Founder and Five on Board per lih-No DtUik. Quliec, ' Que. .Auk- 15. The- steam tog Mcray foundered on Wednesday night near OutnrJe Shoul. abut 140 miles fio where. The tug left here Sunday afUTiiiion for Seven Shoals hut had to put back becnuso of some defijct in her boiler. She started agiiln Monday and passed Tilmouaky two days later. Nothing was heard of her until a dispatch was received here say. log she had foundered and of the eight men aboard, five were drowned. The accident happened on the north shore nn the details are unobtainable. All the men aboard were young French Canadians. BUBONIC-RAGUE RAVAGES 1 1 New Tork. August 15.-Of the 24 cas es of bubank plague at Pacasmayo. 15 deaths are reported, cables the lima, Peru, correspondent of the Herald. The situation la alarming as the dlMmae op. pears to be !n virulent form. One new case of th plague Is reported at Mol lendo, where it is believed the author ities have succeeded 1n checking the dlsense. Another person infected has been found in Lima. TO PROCLAIM INDEPENDENCE London, Aug, 15.-The Evening Post states the Macedonian committee Is about to issue a manifesto proclaiming the Independence of Macedonia and the establishment of a provisional gov ernment. Pears' Ptars soap is nothing but soap. Pure soap is as gently as oil to the living skin. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soapjn all the world. , . ' Bold all over the world, For Fall and Winter Terms List'of Teachers Who Will Preside Over Country Schools in CV$op County Pall and winter terms of school will be beld at nearly every place. In Clat sop county along the line of railway, and also In some of the districts wtiere the population Is concentrated but away from the line of travel. The schools of Astoria open on Monday, Hep tember 21, and County Buperlnteident Lyman states that In the country the seme date will be observed i)y4riany of the districts.. The teachers thus far selected for the fall and winter terms of school In the county are printed below: Beasldo-Oeorge A. Kussell, principal; Miss Josle Buchanan, assistant. . Clatsop Miss Catherine Powell has been elected. Hklpanon- Miss E. V, Hess. " Warrenton Jnise Bond,' principal; Miss Lol Haln, asslstHnt. . Hammond William Round, principal Miss Lula Blevlns. assistant. Misi Muy Carmlrhall Is teaching the summer and fall term at Olney Miss Lily Lewis w III leach the fall school at Kern llill.beglnnfng after regatta. Miss Nellie Gerdlng will teach a fall term: Miss Lucy B. Morton at Knappa will finish the fall term, a period of about two months. She will probably teach a winter term at Clifton. Miss Sophie Andersnon contlnuea at Mellvllle. At Push Miss Edna Morrltwm will fin. Ish her fall term within three months and Miss E. L. Williams, the branch school In about one month. At Elsie Mlas nose West will teach a fall and winter t-rm continuing the summer term.MlsslloIstrom will nnlgh a branch school within one month. MisrCath erliie Powell will complete the term at Oiand Rapids. Jewell and Chadwell have not yet ap. pointed teacher. The Utter place Is looking for a teacher. v;. AWARDED CERTIFICATES. utility ttuprnmemient Lyman yes terday announced the following success ful appllemts in the recent examlna tions for teachers certificates: First grade Lily Lewis, average 94 S-4; Marie L. Young. 90 6-6; Sophie Anderson, 94 1-4; second grade Mary H. Dawson,83 1-3: Ora tpvllle, 84; Laura Fasta bend,9l. Miss Lois Bain took the examination in Porthuid and her papers were for warded to Astarla. She was granted a 7i',nu Kiuue eeriincate; ner average was S9. was S. Miss Florence Turner took the examination for a state certlflcnte.dwd her papers were forwarded to Salem for marking.' The papers of Miss Camp bell of KlamathCounty were forwarded there. Prof. Clark, one of the mark era of the papers, is very proud of the average maintained by the high school girls who took the examination.1 . A, FOR SHOOTING A HORSE Little Uwerence Pilkingtou Arrested Striou Charge. on a Lawrence Pilkington, the 11-year-old son of Dr. Pilkington, was arraigned before Justice Goodman yesterday on a charge of maliciously and wantonly shooting a horse, the property of J, C. Dawson, the complainant. The youth mi prisoner, through his attorney, Judge Frank Taylor, waived his plea and his preliminary heatig was set for Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. He was released on his own recognisance. The alleged malicious shooting oc cm-red Aug. ( when the little fellow and a companion, son of Mr, Hoefler, went nut hunting on the Lewis and Clark, Some cattle also perished under their deadly aim. LAUNCHING OF THE FOX Promptly at 4:05 yesterday afternoon the new launch built by R. M..Leath era for Cpt. John Reid was. launched Miss Aletta Griffiths, of Port Town- send, niece of Hon. John Fox, perform Ing the ceremony. Just as the hand some little craft slid into the waterMiss Griffiths struck the bow with a bottle of champagne, saying; "I christen thee Fox." About 00 persons witnessed the ceremony. , DEATH LIST IS SEVEN. Wlnfield, Kan., Aug. 15. The death list from the Twig shooting Thursday night now numbers seven and the list of wounded, some fatally, remains at about 28. . , , SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM Joseph Pulitzer Provides Sum Of Million For Establishment of Such a One FOR COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Candidate Will Be Admitted t'pon Eitabllthing Record of Good Character and Intelligence New Tork, August 15. Joseph Pulit zer has provided a sum of 12,000,000 to establish a school of journalism at Co lombia university. In this city. The school will hold toward the university a relation similar to that of other pro fessional schools, and like them will be national In scope. The Important fea ture of the organization of this school will be the advisory board nominated by the donor which will aid In devising the plan and coui-ae of Instruction. Rev en members of the advisory board have already been named and, with the ot'a ers to be selected, will be nominated by the trustees of Columbia university at their meeting in October. It Is hoped school may be opened in the autumn of 1904. Thee course of study will be two years. Candidates will be admitted upon examination as to good character and Intelligence but previous collegiate courses will not be required. Bankers Are After Reforms Want Government to Turn Over to Banks Business of Monye Order Business. ' , New Tork, August 15. President Stephen M.-Grtswod of the New, Tork State Banker's Association, says that nt the tenth annual meeting of the as sociation to be held. In Saratoga, Sep tember 10 and 11, action will be taken looking to the doing away of the money order system by the express companies and the postofflce department and the taking up of the same by the bank& ''In addition to this money order busi ness, the association will tackle the question of admitting trust companies to state assoclatlon"said he. "At present trust companies are not obliged to keep a reserve. This gives them an ad vantage that the banks object to. The bankers all over the country are tak ing steps to rlng the necessary pres 8iii e to bear so that the money order business now transacted by the post ofBca department and the express com panies vshall be controlled wholly by the banks. The banking associations of various states have taken the neces sary action already, and we expect to fall In line with our western brethren and reach an agreement that will en able the banks to conduct this partic ular branch of the banking business advantageously to the general public. SHAMROCK II AND RELIANCE New Tork, Aug. 15. Shamrock III and the Reliance occupied adjoining dry-docks in Erie basin today. The Reliance will be in dock until Wednes day whon the boats will be measured. Sir Thomas Llpton said that Captain Bevls, of Shamrock I, would sail on Shamrock III during the races but Capt Wrlnge would be In command. PACIFIC COAST. A Seattle Seattle 9; Portland 10. At Sacramento SacramentoS; Los Angeles 2. At San Francisco San Francisco 0; Oakland 5. ' PACIFIC NATIONAL. At Salt Lake-Salt Lake 3; Butte 8. At Tacom Tacoma 2; San Francis co 5. .' At Seattle Seattle 3; Los Angeles 18. AMERICAN. At Chicago Chicago I; Philadelphia t "' . '-. - ' At St. Louis St. Louis 1; Washing ton 5. !, . ;"" At Detroit-Detroit S; Boston 8. , At Cleveland Cleveland 6; New Tork 5. ' : NATIONAL. " At Boston First game Boston 1; Pittsburg 6. ' ' - At Boston Second game Boston 8; Pittsburg I, At Brooklyn First game Brooklyn 7 St. Louis 0. . At Brooklyn Second gameBrooklyn ; St. Louis $. At New Tork New Tork 4; Cincin nati I. Veteran Host Gets Together San Francisco Scene of Active Preparations for Annual G. A. R. Meet San Francisco, August 15. More than 2000 members of the Grand Army of the Republic and its allied associa tions have already arrived here to swell the vanguard of the boat which will attend the thirty-seventh annual en campment of the national organization. Among the later arrivals are the dele gations from South Dakota and New Hampshire, each about 100 strong and the Illinois party from headquarters numbering 220, The last named dele, gallon included among Its members General John C. Black who Is a prom inent' candidate for Commander-ln- Cliief for next year, with a strong possi billty that he wilt be elected, and Ad jutant-General Partridge of the Illinois department, G. A. R. The Veterans of the Spanish-American war are evident ly going to cut quite an important fig ure in the coming reception to the vet erans of the G. A. R.' They are pour ing into the city from all quarters and its principal features of the coming week .will be the great consolidation of all organizations of the late war. The parade of this Organization next Tuesday will Include within its ranks every man in this city who has an : honorable discharge from the Cnited States army or navy. The triumphal arches and the street decorations arel advancing . rapidly to completion and the announcement is made that every hlng will be in readiness for the gen eral illumination on Monday night The national association of naval veterans will be represented In this city during entampmer.t by about 100 members. A number of the delegates have alreadyar rived. The visiting delegates will be given an opportunity while here of view ing the old missIonDoIores church Inthe Mission district of this city, the oldest land mark now existing of the early Spanish Inhabitants., The church was built in 1TT6 and save for Sunday school exercises It has been closed to the pub lic for a long time past. The subscrip tions now have run up to $25,586. V Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As torian, $1.00 a year.: Cots, Stcols, RIatresses and Camp furniture ...the Seaside. See Our New Lice Of m Mm Suites Elegant Iron Beds Handsome Tables and Chairs Prices gmranteed Ike lowest Robinson's Furniture Store .)4 The lie a Cafe Palace - ' T H E ' Cor. 7th and Astor Streets AUGUST ERICKSON, "Proprietor T Carries the Best of Goods. Niehtly Proeram for Arauseireni RANGE WAR ISRAGING County Scene of Wild Disorder as Result of Clash Between Stockmen SHEEP HERDER STRUNG UP Made to Swear He Would Leave The CotBtry. Prominent Cattkmea Placed Under Aim! Butte, Aug. 15. That a wild rang war Is raging In Lewis and Clark cmow ty, the entire region there being In aw ful terror, is evident from a special re. ceived by the Miner from Helena. An unheard of condition of things prevail and where ft will end none' can tell. Already several arrests have been madei seven.., well-known cattlemen being among the number. The immediate charge Is an alleged attack made upon Alfred Daginalse, a sheep herder. The man says that he was strung up to a tre and made to swear that he would leave the country. '- full details of the condition of things annot be obtained at the present time but grave fear are felt that the facts, when they are known, may star tle the entire west. . . A BEAUTY Don't you want to get a really good) piano? If so, How's the time. See the beauty we are now offering for S29S. It's high grade, and beautifully band- carved. Genuine mottled walnut awe. Pay $25 down and $10 a month if yon Hke. Such an instrument is worth $42S in the regular retail way. Now It's on ly $295.' We are winding up our sate this week, and mean business. See us Monday without fail. Ellen Pita House, F, N. Smith, manager, corner Ninth and Commercial streets, Mason is building. - INFANTRY COMPETITION Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 15. The am nual lnfatry competition of the dep. artment of Missouri closed this after, noon with Corporal W. A. Vlekery. Twenty-second infantry winner. The four lrighe3t cotestants will compose a team to go to Ft. Sheridan. Illinois, on the Mlh to participate in a grand com petition there. . ' Stoves, Cheap Every thing for iOill 44t4ie)Oe) . Best Restaurant I t Rcfular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty f Eurythlni' the Market Affords Catering Conp3ny j 1 . i-iy. LOUVR E VICTOK LINPBIXK, , - Manager ' ETCS"' of Guests, .; : ,