Books, Periodicals; MaRcrlniS. Ac., , Are Wot lo bs T;fci rroriTSio Library without p;TiL:ion. Any On fojnd ; guilty of kuch' offense. X tAyill U.. If-. L . wfut 1873 VOLUME LVI. ASTORIA, ORKGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1003. NUMBER 1!).V KB! B Ml n A f 4 1903 Good. WHIPS AT FISHER BROTHERS NEW HAMMOCKS Large assortment of unusually hand some goods just received. 75 cents to $5.00. J . N . C R I F F I N . ' jjiimwuriiiMiiiiwiiii iimwwwuMH The Bee Hive THE BEE HIVE Pleas'es the eye We sell the highest grade of clothing at figures which please everybody. Perfect style, tailoring, fit and quality here combine with honest prices. A Trial Convinces STOKES Plumbing Troubles Impt'ifcct jilumbinjt niuke real trouble. If you have an Imperfect job, bettor fix it. We'll tnnko it right for you. "Whether it's repair or-now Work we respond promptly, do it well nnd get your npprovnf with our pay. W.J. SCULLEY 470-472 Commercial. . Phone Black 2243 J Nothing Pleases to well aa nicely laundered linen. We have the neatost and most Military liumdry In the state and do the best work. ALL WHITE HELP. Comer' Tenth and Duane streets, Thoneim. The Troy Laundry Ladies' Fall Suits are now on . t Display. , Ladies' Dress and Walking ( Skirts. JAMES J. JEFFRIES RETAINS TITLE TO In Beginning of Tenth Round Corbetfs Seconds Give Up Fight to Save Their Man Needless Punishment. TWO STOMACH BLOWS DO THE WORK Ex Champion Makes Gallant Fight, But Is Outpointed and His Blows Have No Effect Whatever On Adversary San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 14. James t S. Jeffrlts, champion heavy-weight of j the worl l. jyed with Jl mCorbett fr j nine round and a half tonight and then Cornell's seconds motioned to Ui-feree Graney 10 t"p the fight in order to save their man from needlens punish ment. The end cam shortly after the beginning of the tn'h round when Jef fertrs muted one of his terrlllc left sw'Iiiks'oi) Corbet's siotriniTT. The mun wlio fniiered John L. RuUlvan drop, ped to the floor In agony and the mem orable scene at Carimri, when Hob Fit Simmons landed his solar plexus blow, aHnoitt duplicated. This time, how ever OurtK-tt struggled to his feet and again faced .its gigantic adversary. With hardly a moment's hesitation Jef fries planted one of his terrific lefts on t'ortwu's stonwh. Jim dropped to the floor, and then It was that Tommy Ityati, seeing that It was all over, mo tioned to Keferee Orafley to stop the pnnlshmmt. 'The light tonight demonstrated that beyond all doubt Jefferles stands alone In his class. He showed remarkuble improvement 'n both speed and akil. Corbet i. during the first part of the tight, was almost out-pointed and the few blows that he landed on Jeffries wi-re apparently without sting. Till' FIGHT BY HOUNDS. Round one They come to the center of the ring and Jeff chased t'orbett around and missed a left swing for the Jhvv Th-y then came together and parted carefully. Jeff tried a left swing and then gut a right to body. Jeff fol lows it with a left high on the body and they mixed It, Corbett getting light right to body and Jeff then put a left rleht over the h-.'irt and hard left to the body, J.-ff seemed Inclined lo force matters, ('orb-tt shot his right to body and they came to a clinch. Jolt thn hoiked his left hand to Jaw a id fnrbett twed In with right to wind. "As the bell rang Jeff went to his con r smiling. Jeff had a little better of th found. . .'" Ttound tjvo They Went to clinch and Jeft got his left to CorbMfa neck. As they came out of clinch Jeff landed left hard on Jim s nose. Jeff swung hard left, Corbett rushed Inside of It. They came together again. Jeff got left to chest. Jeff also got In right to body. Corbett caught Jeff a vicious left swing on head, the ehsmplon put a light right to Jaw. Jim ducked left for head and landed right on neck. In return he re volved heavy right Jolt to rUis. Round three Came together and sep arated without blows. Jeff landed left t-wlng on Jim's neck. Folowed him around landing another to wind. Cor bett was chased around the ring. Jeff put a straight left hard to boay. Jeff caught Jim on Jaw with vicious right. They clinched. CorbeU claimed foul. Jeff swung left and right to Jaw. Cor bett protested to referee that Jeff was holding on and landed savage to Jaw. Jeff sent m a left swing to Jaw. They went In to another clinch. Jeff broke It up with stiff right and left to body. This was Jeff's round. , Rwund four They weVit Into clinch, then Jeff forced Corbett back with left hook to Jaw. Followed it with two lefts to head. Jeff Jarred Corbett with rak ing left to Jaw. Folowed it with left cross to the head. Corbett put left twice to head and they came together In Iwrd clinch. Jeff uppercut Corbett Pears Teais' soap is nothing but soap. Pure soap is as gentle as oil to the living skin. Pears' is the purest and : best toilet soap in all the world. gold all orer the world. CHAMPIONSHIP with powerful left lo body. Jim stabs Jeff with left to face, Corbett clinch ing continually. Jeff landed a bard left to body and another left and right to body. Jeff sent Jim to his kntes. He look count of nine on one knee and walked Into Jeff, but later rushed aj him and landed hard right to heart. Corbett looked anxious and the sound of the bell Was welcome. " Hound live They did not get'to cen ter on 'lime ow ing to Jeff's Ing examined by police captain. Jeff rurhed in with left to wind and Corbett got In left swing to head twice. Cor bett feinted with left and swung right to head. Jeit landed hard left swing to head followed quickly with similar, blow. Again Jeff swung hard left and right to neck. Jeff met Corbett at all Klnts and outfought him. Corbett ral lied and deHvered some good rights and lefts to Jeff face. Jeff swung left twice, landed on face and Corbett clinch ed to avoid punishment. Jeff went to his corner smiling. Hound six Roth missed left leads and went to clinch. Jeff crouching and Jim blocked twp hard rights. Jeff sent Jim to lloor with stiff left to Jaw. Corbett took count and clinched. Jeff was unre lenttng and pounded left and right while Corbett hunt; on to avoid punish ment. Cotbett landed left and right hard to Jaw. Jeff rushed Corbett into his own corner, but did not land. Jut previous to the bell Jim uppercut Jeff on Jaw with hard right but did not fase Jeff. 'Corbett want to his corner smil ing but looked very much fatigued. Hound seven Jeff rushed Corbett about ring and they went to clinch. Jeff stopped Jim with left on face but was not hard. Jeff drove hard left to body and was partially bloeked. He followed with left to Jaw and followed with two more to fame place Jim yelled put sarcastically "He can't knock me but." This angered Jeff. Corbett then put rlgh to head and hard left to wind, left to body followed with trriflc left Heft to wind. Jeff then got In light left to bsdy followed with terrlfflc left swing tc jaw. Corbett came back with three stiff lefts an 1 rights on Jeff's face and the bell found them In a clinch. Covbett smiled as he went to hlsjwner as if to" Indicate Jeff had not done him tiarm. Jeff hit long lead. Hound eight Corbett led with left for foreheud and Jeff bored In Ineffect ually. Jeff f.ot lis Hsht to body and Corbett put In three-defts and rights to face and Jeff smiled, Jim got In left to face and In return received heavy right swing on neck. Clinched. Jeff caught Corbett with rtgM to Jaw and left to body. Corbett came back with stiff Jolt to face and followed It with two more to sume place. Jeff received smart left on face and Jim ducked two lefts and upper-cut Jeff on Jaw with his right Corbett then went In and jarred Jeff with succeselon of rights and lefts to Jaw-. Cell rang at this stage with Jeff bleeding at mouth. The uproar was so great that th bell could not be heard Jim showed wonderful recuperative powers In this round. - Round nine Jeft rushed in like a bull but Jim clinched and got In left to Jaw They mix It and Jim put in right up per-cut to head. Jeff found Corbett harder to find. Corbett landed two stiff lefts to body and right and left to head. Jeft bored In with right to body and kidneys and in mixup Corbett Jolt ed Jeff with right to body twice, stab bed him with succession of lfts to face anu cimcnea. jim got in leu to face Jeff put a ponderous left to body and right to head. He put Jim back with straight left to face as bel -fang. Cor bett landed a greater amount of blows in this round and seemed to have ,the champion guessing. , , Hound ten They at once went to clinch. Jeft swung his left to the face hard and right to wind. Corbett put In a straight to face and Jeft got in hard right to the wind. Jeft floored Cor belt with wicked hook to the solar plex us. Jeff sent Corbett to the mat for nine seconds with a powerful left hook to the stomach and when Corbett arose i was shukln like a leaf and evidently suffering terribly. Jeff finally floored him again and Corbetts seconds then threw up the sponge. Corbett was car ried to bis comer and vomited some. Corbett eventually recovered and shook hands with bis master at the pugilistic game. CHICAGO JURIST ON ' EVILS OF MONOPOLIES JUIXiK GUOrfriCUI' BAYS THAT IN GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION OF ORE AT CAPITALISTIC COMBINES LIES ONLY HOPE FOB PERPET UATION OF NATION Dixon, Ht. August 14. Judge Peter Grosscup of the United States Circuit Court, In an address here before the Lutheran Assembly, expressed Ms be lief that In the supervision of monop olies by the government lies the only hope for the perpetuation of the Am erican nation, and sounded a note of warning against the manipulation of securities in the Interest of unscrupul ous proinoters and speculators. In face of the fact that within the last few years the deposits in saving banks have increased from $2,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,000 a sinister rather than a sanguine meaning waa iraceu, tne Judge declaring that under normal con ditions this vast amount would have been Invested by the laboring classes. but that it was lying idle "because po lite swindlers and blgh-up rascals were ?,ble to subvert the laws and give to stocks a value -hat they do not really possess. "We can never go back to the days of pur boyhood," said the speaker, "but we can go bask to the days when the man with JIM lid not have to hoard it or entrust It to his neighbor for safekeep ing, but could put it into Industries, sure that It would return with earnings. 'What should be done? Change the laws so that no set of men can organ- lie a corporation except on a strict le gal basis. Then put it under such sup ervision ta the National banks are sub ject to, and I believe, that little by llt tl?, this immense hoarding In the sav ings banks of $10,000,000,000 will be trickling Into ownership again. 1 "I say nothing against the man who makes his fortue honestly," said Judge Grosscup, "but when I see the laws of my country, introduced to enable men to consolidate money for the public good, turned Into excuse for swindles that sho'ild land the promoters In the penitentiary, and whe I see that to be the almost uiversal history of corpor ations, every drop of my blood boils With hate and .evenge." ' , FISHERMEN AROUSED action $F Captain of Canad ian REVENUE CUTTER PETREL IN FIRING ON AMERICAN SCHOONER PROVOKES WRATH New York, August 14. Dunkirk fish- ermen are aroused over the action of the capraln of the Canadian revenue cutter Petr.d, who turned the vessel's euns on the American tug Silver Spray, saya a Herald dispatch from Dunkirk, N. Y. :;: Prastio measures are to be used by the captains of 20 fishing tugs of this port to protect themselves from the cap tain of the Petrel, who several weeks ago captured and towed to Tort Co burn, Ont., the tug Kitty D. which at the time was in American waters. Although secrecy is being maintained It has became known that several of the captains are preparing to meet the captain of the Petrel at his own game. When the CanjKan cutter next tries any tacttc like those performed with the Silver Spray, It Is said to be not at all unlikely that shot will be returned for shot and that Lake Erie will be the scene of a naval batt'e. COLOMBIA ACCEPTS TREATY ADDS NINE AMENDMENTS TO THE HAY-HERRAN TREATY SENATE WILL DISCUSS MATTER IN PUB LIC SESSIONS New York, August 14.-A cable dis patch to the Herald from Bogota, Col ombia, says: "The canal reaty committee has ren dered a report accepting the Hay-Her-ran treaty with n'ne substantial am endments. Senor Perrexetlo and Joaquin Urlbe of the committee voted for the rejec tion of the entire treaty. The senate by a vote of 17 to S has decided to discuss the treaty In public sessions, Jn spite of the opposition of the minister of foreign affairs to such a plan. SALMON SEASON COMES TO SPECTACULAR FINISH Privilege of Corralling the Toothsone Royal Chinook Expires By Limitation at Six O'clock This Morning ESTIMATE OF COLUMBIA RIVER PACK Will Fall Short of 1902, But Indications Are That Decrease Will Be t Small New Run of Fish Comes on The River at Twelfth Hour. When the Astortan reaches its read ers this morning the fishing season will have expired by limitation, and the Ruyal Chinooks can move leis urely toward the headwatersof the Co lombia, having until September 10 to reach the spawning ground. ' The close of the season has been some what spectacular, especially the cli max which was marked by a new run of fish, the quality and quantity being re markably good. All of yesterday the boats came In from the seining ground with Immense hauls and the gillnetters were amply rewarded for the assidu ous manner In which they applied them selves to the work of gathering In the offspring of the genus salmo. Every body was satisfied, which is saying a great deal sometimes, and no regrets were beard yesterday from any source that the season cannot be extended. Neither canerymen, eddstorage men or fishermen deny that the fish "being caught now are slightly inferior to the run at the beginning of the season, and as all have done well everything con sidered, there la manifest a feeling of general gladness that the close of the season has been reachdv Compared with last year the 1903 run will show a slight decrease, but aa noth Ing definite can be ascertained concern ing the pack on the Columbia river this season It is impossible to render any thing but an approximate estimate of the total output. The salmon pack last year was larg er than any preceding pack for a per iod of tout' years. The total output ln eluding thit preserved by cold storages. f imm furniture Cots, Steels, Stoves, Cheap Klatresses and Everything for ...the Seaside ... Elegant Iron Beds Handsome Tables and Chairs Prices guaranteed the lowest Robinson's furniture Store j The The I Palace DO YOU Cafe WILL MAD I SO ;. Keeps All Leading 534, Com'l St.,' and U4, uth St., ' amounted to 440.574. An estimate this year places it at 411,540. These figures however, are subject to revision, aa many of the canners and cold storage men declined to state what their pack amounted to. It is quite possiole that the estimate may be In excess of the pack, in view of the fact that the firt heavy run did not materialize till July 31. .Thousands of fislr were' refused by ! the canners, and were dumped Into the I river. , , In commplling the following estimate the Astorian received figures from the cannerymen and cold storage men di rect. Not all of them, however were prepared to approximate their pack, and the figures credited to them were fjased on general conditions: ' ESTIMATED PACK. Union fishermen's Co-Operatlve Packing Co 30,004 Tallant ft Grant Packing Co.... 10,000 Sanborn, Cutting Co 24,000 A Booth ft CO. ....... ...... 28,000 ilcGowans (three canneries) ... 35,000 Pillar Rock Packing Co. ........ 19,000 J. J. Megler ft Co. 18,50t F. M. Warren 26.00 it. A. Seaborg ..,.'.T.."..r.T : 5,000 Columbia River Packers Assao- ctatlon ...........;.... 110,000 COLD STORAGE PRODUCT. Estimating the cold storage product At 6.436 tierces, on a basis ofl.000 pounds of raw material to the tierce, this would be equivalent to 11LS40 cases of salmon added to the season's pack,-making a total of 411,540 cases. As In the matter of the salmon pack on the river , the es (Continued on See Cur New Line Of Bmm Suites T Best Restaurant Regular Meals. 2 5 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty E erytninf the Market Affords Palace Catering Cdmpsny SMOKE? Brands of Cigaf " " '' Astoria, Oregon.