ASTORIA. OREGON, SATUH DAY, AUGUST 8, 190.1. New York Cream Cheese 2oc per pound KOSS, HIGGINS (SI CO. anocEiuEa and meats. THE TIDI2H AUOU8T, 1002, High Water a " Pat. " Paturdiiy . . xundak; . . Monday . . . Tuertay . . Wednesday t Thursday . . Friday . . . a. M"rprM. "h.m. ft." h.m. ft." r.Tl 7:J7 6.7 7:22 7.1 -. I 1:45 6. 2:22 7.S . S 1:64 B. :2i 7.( . 4 10:51 (.1 10! M 7.0 . il 11:30 6,6 11:03 7.7 . I .. 11:48 7.7 . 7 ..... .... HM 7.0 ATJOUBT, 1908. Low Water. " 1)11 1 8. tfntHrilny ,, BUNDAY . . Monday . Tundy . . . Wednesday . . Thursday . . . Friday . . . . Just As Good. T a. M. TP. M. 1 h.m. ( ft h.m. ft." I i:23 1.5 1:01 2.0 1 2:S) 1.2 2:14 2.2 I 2:35 1.0 2:27 2.5 I 4:21 0. 4:24 2. 5 5:21 0.4 5:27 2.4 I 6:04 0.2 :1! 2.2 I 6:40 0.2 6: DO 2.1 . . Local Brevities; , Ilrtw often do you hc:ir that expression? Hut you don't w: t Ihut, ItmUt on THE I!i:.ST.w ' Olbcr make WEIll'i Mio bet two or three years n. NEW men. NEW h!Ma mo coming to tlie front makiog bettor C'LoT! I ICS. 1 wen wixtt to sec fr myself what is BEST. Iliitve ickeJ tlio BEST DonUityUSTASt.OOD," Buy ours "THE BEST." ; Hand Modeled" High Art Insured Agent KupM?nhciincr Cloihiiif,'. Agent .Stroma Bros., Clothing. Au'ent C. K & It. Union Made, l'eifect Tit ting Clothing. Agent Carhiirt Union Made Clothes. Agent W. M. & G. Union Made Trousers. Agent K. .V W. Collars, and liress Shirts. Agent Monarch and Clucit Soft and Stiff Shirts. . Agent Auerhach Swell NeVkwear. Edcrhctmcr, Stein & Co,, (ood Clothes for Hoys. Agent The Best Malfes On Earth eraian Wise v. STILIj IN THHJ LEAP ' Dainty eater, people with hearty appetite theater parties, and all other panic find what they deslr and ome to appreciate at tha Toke Point Oyster limine. The choicest viands In the mar ket are there served In most pleasing style. Open all night, Private rooms . CHEAP FUEL. Fir slabwood. glove iegths, 2.60 pit tqrd. lioxwood 21.S0 per large load, ('hone 2U1 tilnck. Kelly, the trnna. ivi man. ' ' Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly turlmi, 21.00 a year. '' - Still In The Lead For twenty-seven years we have been Leaders in the Furniture Trade Our Larg'e Stock I comprises the best ' C . : . . . goods obtainable All our furniture 4s first class and yet you can buy of us as cheaply as else- J where. Try it. Charles Heilborn Son; i- WRATH Kit FORECAST- -Oregon and WashlngtonBaturelay, fair and continued warm Jl'HT INA. & M. Smith' Imported .Hi-hotcli Kippered herring, .,' . JOKNHO.V Bit OS, IloND APPftOVED-At yesterday' won of the county court the bond of I'red Illulwlt II, who had petitioned the eourl for iierriilMlon to huul toga ucros tlm county road at Olney, waa approv. ed ANTCNB Lt'Nl) RELEASED The bond of 2M In the rune of Antono Lund chnrged with larceny from a tore was reduced yesterday afternoon and In lieu I hereof the caxlt bull of J((l0 oeeepted. Lund wa at mre rHrnxed., Ol't) FKLIW8 MEET The Odd Fellow hld a meeting on Thuraday iiiKht and Inltlnted into the tnyaterlea the ord'-r Alfred Wlrkkula. Thla or der la enjoylnir wide pronp5rlty, and I iitlnu'tlnK new metnler all the time. JoK LEI )N AH U ItKHTS (HIMFOUT- A ULY-Joe Leonard, third aaalatant kwr of the Tillamook rook light, who mjxtalned frai-tuna of the arm and leg by falling from a dorrUk there mently I now on the way to movery. 'He U at th hoKpltal, and la rextlnn comfort ahly. OI'EKATIOV ON MR. WEST-Harry Wi-nt, the train dlnpatehvr al the A. k C. H. It,, who was tJk;n auddenly III, on Thuiodfiy. iifiqaiiliatlnif hl remov al, to the honpllul, waa miici nfully op erated on yi-aterdny, and though he la Htlll a very U k mun he In renting eaally c"nld rln the nature of hi III nef. Hie mother im been U'k-gniph-t-d lo and ha wired bark Unit ahe will eume lo AHlorla Immediately. Mr. Weat'i home l In Spokane. AN'OTHEIt ItfN ItEPOKTED It wa reurted lant nl:ht that Rllluelteri In tl lor imrt of the river made un uauully good "atrhea on fliwd tide, the imlMtlon pointing to another' big run (oiiiIhk in. On the huiu the aelnera did not nuke noticeably big hnula but the feeult (a likely to be different by tonight. Report reached the city yester d.iy th it the wheels and other fishing contrlva ireti at the eaacade are blH-k- ed with' IIh;i and thitt Waiiu'a cannery tit tlntt point 1h ronalderably over-eup- piled. I Juet came over to shout ahlpplng car load each day from here, which we have been doing inc luat Satur day.", The reporter aaketl about the rotten neta, between drink and no forth. "Well, we can't aJwaya arrange to hfcve the fleh running our way, o we come here when they desert ua Do you take anything?" HIXT V TON OF EAD SALMON Chief of Police Hallock put two men t whrk yeaterday on the beach clearing away the putrid fleh that ha been dumped pinee the firet run waa reported Mayor Huprnant eatlmated the amount of Itsh at 60 ton, and thought Chat he waa making, a, conservative gueea, Chief Hallock haa work for more men who have boat, but they muat loe no time In appylng for the Job aa tha atench from the putrid maaa grow etrong,r ea h day. Conalderable pro t-rcea waa nwle ' yeaterday by the men aaHlgned to the work. VIEWERS A PPOl NTED-The county i-onrt jenfrdfiy appointed aa viewer to fay out thtf Lewie ami Clark road are IHiitl Mantcr Krye, County Surveyor Aetbury and Frank L. Parker. They iill nwi ut the court house Kept. 1, ii iliio'tej by the court. The loute for the proponed Christ Ebson roail for die trie I No. 5 will Ik- la'J 'it by the 'ro.i1' ntMMter. .iiuniy aurveyor and William Chmiee, who wire aleo oppolnted a viewer iif yent nlay's m itslon. Their liietrai'tionH are to meet at the court Iwuae on the 14th of next month. DECORATED WITH Iit'LLETS Be cauw they were not decorated 'lth the bra badge of liberty, numerou oi the canine tribe have been decorated with bullet during the laat few day, and there are otiher awaiting a almllar fate If the ow ner do not dig down and cough up the neceaeary 22.60, the price of the annual license. Poundmaater Olaf Petersen travel the town over In Anarch of the wandering barken, and the member of the police force act a esectit loner. Every time the pound- mater catche a dt)g he earn a fee, and every time the owner reecue the dog from the hadow of execution the city earn a llcenee fee, ao that It put money In circulation either why, '. TELEPHONE ATTACHMENT An electric gong 'attachment ha been In vented by Edward Lewellyn, driver for hone company No. 1, and the apparatuit I being uned at the hoae house. The ringing of the telephone atari the gong which can be heard at a great distance and ring for fully a minute. A circuit breaking rod prevent the battery from running down. The circuit I thrown eff by a mall witch when central la ca'led. The attachment together with the telephone proper la placed on a Rwitch board. While' the attachment look simple enough, a cloae examina tion ahowe that Mr. Lewellyn allowed great Ingenuity In evolving It. Warren Cyrua of the Reliance Electrical Work did the electrical work. 'PfHSE FOR HORSE RACES f Among the lnteet feature to be added t'l the regatta programme U a horse nice meet which will be run on Astor sheet. A purne of 2150 ha been voted for the event." and thefommlttee al leady has assurances that some of the bluest blooded, highest stepping nags that ever cantered along the aristocrat ic street will be entered. The nrrange- n?ntn for the race are In the hands of Hayes Eastabrook, who will announce the conditions and other pertinent mat ter later. In response to the" request of the committee for decorations the captains of several vessels in port have rent in their colors, and the list Includ e American, English and German II mt'. A press committee consisting of Richard C. Lee of The Budget, R.Gib wi, The News. C. J. Curtis, The Herald, an 1 Francis P.riis.i, The Morn lug Astori.'tn, wa .appointed to enter tHln th? visiting newspaper representa tives ' ' . ... ' At'MITS HE WAS MISTAKEN F. A.Setifert, of The frames, and hi broth er (V, E. tJeufert, were In the city yes te'iilny. W. E. return-,! ho;-, c in the evenimr. F. A. a.linlls that ti e horfey hn-bn Is on hint on t!ie matter of fish. He Raid aoinethMig a few weeks njjo about the fish omln to Astoria be tween drinks, nod suggested that the fishermen here UHed rotten net. Now Mr. Heufert 1 shipping out a car load j of. the falerated trailes to have charge of th Royal Chlnooks dully from Ast-:i- i of the t.abar day celebr.ttton: A. C. Cal FOR LAI.OR DAY CKLKBRATION- At,a meeting of the labor council last i tvei't '1 ine luiiowing,u coinmu i ! lee wus ap:xlnhl by President Mayer la to The Palles, "(ur tannery Is run ning short, very short" he suij at t'lie Occident yesterday In conversation with n reporter of the Astoriun. "In tVet we h ive b'n short some time, so VVaii "Sflaii.f" jj It is the Cream that makei tht eoffw ippetlring. Poor cream has .polled many a orawiw To geuuin Economy Brand Evaporated Crecam i heart the above can label. . Ask your grocer tor ui ngm mna, i wmcn I. in. mo Husiao.wi i k nd. Never our, ruaranwea I pure oow't milk, most I nuiriuous ara appetizing. r It In your oolteo it etatt au j Others. HELVETIA KELK . COHDENSINO CO. ElfhUnd, minoiJ - Ian, Oeorga Rouslow, H, H. Lund, Mlke LudesehVr, J. S. Peck, A. McCroskey and C. H. Proske. President Pete Mayer was appointed chairman by the council. This committee will be assist ed by other but the arrangements for the celebration will be In the hands of the Reneral committee. A grand pa rade and ball have been i settled upon to constitute the main feature of the celebration. Prizes will be posted by the committee to be competed for'"by the participant in the parade. The fea. Hires to be considered In the contest are floats ami the best turnouts by the various" union delegation.' 'It, wa re ported by the representatives of the union last evening their respect ive organizations would make a show ing with floats and ottyer features dur. tng the day, and the sense a expressed at the meeting la to make the celebra tion one long to be remembered. ' . , READS' FOR STREET FAIR Man acter E. W. Frost, representing E. J. Arnold' Carnival company who will furnish the attractions for the street ftir regatta week commencing Tuesda evening, Aug. IS, has about completed all arrangement for the opening. Two performances will be given dally at ont one and '7 o'clock. Special features are being arranged for each evening In the main pavilion, announcement of which will be later. In addition to the btand concerts the program In the main pa villlon will include the Flying Vlctor ellaa, in a new aerial sensation;. The De Garros, kings of the Roman rings; The Travlolas, hoop rollers and jugglers Dor Family In "Adventure with! Sa tan;" Capt Carlo Wildes In hi thril ling Hlide for Life, and Prof, .Horn' Dog and Monkey ctrcua. There will be seven lde show: W. F. Wallace's Fa mous Olas Blower; thi Menagerie; Loretta Twin Vaudeville C-, including the Great Ver Valln, the boy w ith many voice; th Old Plantation Theatre; Tetsuwarl's Japanese Actors and Acro bats; The Spanish Thiurej Alice the Wonder and the Edison Electric SGiow. Another feature secured i the famous Ferris wheel. The committee has placed the price of admission to the main pavilion at ten cent. ,; , HOHB TEAM BENEFIT Fisher' opera house w well filled last night with the friend of the Astoria hoe team, the occasion being a benefit per formance given by theMargaritaFischer 'Company. The appropriate drama, "The Fireman' Ward".' was presented, and a few dadoes ori the side not in cluded In the regular program, as for Instance when big John Corno walked on the stage In the third act and re sponded to the amorous pleadings of the Widow Brown. The house fairly shook w 1th the cyclone of applause that swept over It, and John was the wortny recipient of a beautiful callage bou-tti,'-t. The hose team also did stunt in the same act, and the member of the regular company wore hose team sweaters and caps. It was typical hose team performance from Capt. Ilrown to the demure little" leading lady. Mlas Margarita Fischer looked "too cute for anything" and read her lines with varying degrees of emotion. The supporting company was up to Its us ual standard. Gerald and Errol appear ed In a brand new sketch that was real ly entertaining, being pleasant relief from their other um. This afternoon the company will give a matinee perfoi manee. The bill will Include "My Un cle from Sweden" and "O'Grady's Wlir The matinee price will be 15 and 25 cts. Tonight for the first time on any stage i will be produced the emotional drama Utah" written especially for Wis Fischer. The hose team will receive a substantial sum for the benefit perform ance. PAYING UP BACK TAXE8-)ne of the best Indications of the prosperity that Clatsop county Is enjoying at the present time is reflected in the amount of cash that I paid over the counter at the sheriff' office dally for back taxes. The payments exceed 23(H) near- every day.and sometime the amount Is close up to $1,000j Those who are pay ing up are people who availed them selves of the six months' grace allowed by- law . That is to say, they paid one half of their taxes last spring and are now paying 4he balance. They lose the three per cenf rebate, of course, but they argued wisely at the time that the first payment was made' that If was bet ter to loe the rebate than the property The dllinquents have until the first Mon day in October to square their accounts with the sheriff. There remains about 110,000 of such taxes yet to be paid. The tax rolls are in a cleaner con'Utton at he present time than ever before. Page after page of the property assessed are ; checked up with the magic mark des ignating that '.hey have been paid, and glance, at the assessment rolls shows that the people of Clatsop county are rolliirg in prosperity. Deputy Sheriffs atsonllinder and .Alien Anderson are orkln? overtime clearing the ea'e i books showing the result of the 1$02 property sales, when the delinquent pnijierty of ten years' standing was dis posed of by auction under a special law of the legislature. . They have been working on the books for more than two months now, and If they work every day from morning until night it will take them two months more to com plete-the work. "- The Lowest Priced Store In Astoria For Fine Coeds Neckwear and Gloves Special Announcement of Choice Bargains in Seasonable Goods ? & & ' Thty must be seen to be understood und apprecinted. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN COLLARS, TIES, TURNOVERS, STOCKS, etc., etc., In Lace, Embroidery, Linen and Silk. Prices will astonish: : : : : Lisle and Sillt Gloves 1, 2 and 3 clasp, in Crays, Tons, Black and White Very desirable and cheap. Sfte A. DUNBAR CO. All Kinds of Mattresses Made to Order Furniture Repaired Upholstering Adams 3 Henhing'sen ' Dealers lu . ,- 1 ... . .m Fornitare, Stoves, Tinware, Koase Furnlshlcgs. Second-band Goods Bos?bt And Sold. We Bny All Kinds of Junk. ' 405 BOND STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. PHONE, RED 230S Nobby kinoes Stylish, Handsome, Comfortable and Durable Shoes ' . - : -- - ' .... . , 1 ,, ... Thi Latest Novelties in Summer Footwear" Largest an! Newest Stock and Lowest Prices eterson & Brown . . . Marine Notes. . The British ship Ardecraig went np the river yesterday to load wheat at Portland. She discharged a quan tity of cement at this port. The three masted schooner Advent left out yesterday for lumber for Cali fornia. She took on her cargo at St. Helens.' The three masted schooner Charles R. Wilson has arrived from San Francisco in ballast.' The vesel will load lumber for the Kay City. The steamer Homer fa now at sea, bountl for Scotch cape, iA'aska, with supplies and construction material for the light house districts. Before sail ing a -wire was received from Secre tary George B. Cortelyou authorizing the Homer to enter Alaska ports free from custom Inspection Besides sup plies arid material from Portland the Homer carled from this port a great quantity of lumber loaded at the As toria Box Company,-- uminer avings! Nowheie will your money buy "more. v Nowhere will you find greater quantities, better assortments or more reliable qualities than here. To dispose of our summer goods we lower the prices to the last notch, selling goods below what we paid for them, , Reiid on; Your grocer is glad N to moneyback Schilling's Best; it costs him nothing and brings him good-will and confidence, v Vhy should he not be 'glad? 1212, 15 and 20c Lawns and Batistes at 35 and 40c Shirt Maists at . , $1.00 and $1.25 Shirt Waists at . $2.00 and $2.25 Shirt Waists at ; 25 and 35c Ladies Neckwear at 25c Ladies Sleeveless Vests at 15c Ladies Sleeveless Vests at $1.00 and $1.25 Kid Gloves at 19c 25c 89c $1.65 19c 19c 10c 48c MORSE DEPT , STORE THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY 508-510 Commercial Street. . Astoria, Oregon. a.