The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 08, 1903, Image 2

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Horning Astorian
Established IS73.
, RATE81
tjent by mail, per year.,., . .$6 00
Bont by niail, per month. v.., -..r.-, 50o
Served by carrier, per month...... 60c
Bent by mail, per year. in advance tl 00
The Astorlan 'guarantees to Us ad
YPrtlseTS the largest circulation of any
r,"wi aper published on the Columbia
IT 13 feared that unless the regatta
committee revives more names and ad
dresses of householders who are willing
to provide accommodations for thous
amls Df people who will attend the re
gatta, many of the visitors will have to
leave the city before the fete is over,
as present indications are that there
are not enough hotele and boarding
houses in the city to take care of Ihalf
the number of visitdra expected to be
in attendance. "
The suggestion has been advanced
that fraternal societies owning their
own hall make special provisions for
housing of the visiting members ot
their orders by placing cots In the halls
and those members who are able to
take in a limited number of roomers do
so. This will go long way towards
solving the problem of sleeping accom
modations for part of the visitors, Th
strangers, men and women who have
no friends in the city and do not belong
to any of the numerous fraternal or.
dei-s will be able to get rooms at the
lit vlow of the jact that ordinarily
there is a dearth of sleeping apart
ments for rent in this city the sugges
tion that thejodge rooms be so arrang
ed as to take care of the visitors seems
lo bo a good one. It would cost very
little to rent the cots necessary ana oea-
linen, and the cost of employing wo
men to make up the beds and keep the
rooms In order would be relatively
small. The societies could charge say
fifty cents per night for the beds, and
would thus clear the entire expense and
possibly have a small fund left to turn
over to the lodge.
The lodges might do worse than call i
special meetings to discuss this matter.
Meantime, householders are urged to
notify the regatta committee of the
number of people they can accommo
date, and whether or not they are In
a position to provide board as well as
IN the apolntment of Frederick Am
brose Barker to West Point, Astoria
has cause, for luide. There is not a
more popular Uby in the city than Mr.
Karker. By dint of conscientious work
he has qualified for admission to the
nation's great military academy. Ke
ill undoubtedly acquit himself with
conspielous credit,, and la future years
may be ranked among the distinguished
military students of the country. And
whatever' honors Mr. Barker may re- j
t Wp in ths career he has chosen, the j
r '.me of Astoria, or wnun ne is a na- ;
lw son, wi'l always be linked.
. j
SEATTLE papers say that when the j HAYING inaugurated a crusade hav
queen of the labor carnival received tt ;s for its object the clearing of the
governor of the. -state- ne inquired or tier ,
III ms. oesi liuiubl-'u mHMiier, i wunutii
who those people are looking at" t' :
Which the dignified and stately young j
monarch 'with -fill the refinement and j
elegance of one to the "manor born" j
replied: "Oh, I don't know. They have j
. .i.., . i h j
Lledicinos como
.ledicines go
but lasting popularity can only be ob-
ninfl hv nrnvpH lrmtinty henpfitQ. T-fav
vou ever considered why Beecham's Pills '
are ths greatest patent medicine and have
outlivetf competitors ? Nothing
superior merit and usefulness, and that
they have proved themselves unequalled
for removing the common ailments o
men, women and children. Year i:i
and year out thousands of familief
throughout the world keep
on hand for minor ailments, which, if
not at once checked, will lead to 6erious
illness. Don't experiment with untried
remedies so persistently and plausibly of
fered, but remember that Beecham's Pills
will prove every point claimed and will
Roll on Forever
If you would look well, feel well and
keep well, use Beecham's Pills.
Sold Everywhere.
In boxes, IOc. and 25c.
''tt" nil.',-v
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not be equaled, tta for kootkf
The Paraffin Paint Co.
5 Stn rrinciico. Seattle,
fortlina, Los Anjtlts
ano Denver, Colorado.
been rubbering like this for ten days
now and can't get out of the habit.
Then the governor looked abashed and
did not know what to say to nil In the
big gob of silence that followed.
MR. Mique Fisher, the baseball mag
nate of Sacramento has been getting
off a few rods of talk to the reporters
In regard to the spelling of his christ
ian name. "It Is spelled with a q-u-e"
said the ex-patrolman. Also, there is
no "c" in his last name. ''I'm not
Dutch, and I don't like it. and what's
more I won't have if were the new
rules laid down to the mfin behind the
pencil. The reporter forgot to venture
the question if the q-a-e reflected any
thing celestial in his nationality.
ENTERPRISING burglars in Seattle
removed the safe from the Hotel Wash
ington on Thursday morning and pro
ceeded to do the dynamite trick to it
In the heart of the city. Then the po
lice were happened along and picked up
the fragments. It was mosl considerate
of the knights of rhejimmy not to do
the Job Inside the hotel. As it would
have wrecked the office and might have
listurbed the slumber of the night clerk
THE Methodists have added another
victory to their long list of converts.
Geronimo has embraced the church and
the church has embraced the old war
rior. The only thing to be regretted in
connection with the conversion is that
,h dkl not discover the soft
ening streak of religion in
aliout eighteen years ago.
better late than never.
ON a platform of tariff tinkering
rthur Poe Gorman. United States dem
coralic senator from the state of Mary
land, s.iys the democrats can win in
U'OL Incidentally it might be re
marked that Mr. Gorman has an eye
on the democratic presidential nomina
tion, and he 1? not particular whether
it is banded him on a gold or silver
COLORADO nmv appreciates how the
southern people felt over Judge Park
ir of New York, the democratic aspir
ant for a presidential nomination who
was termed "a human icicle." Ice
chunks ten inches in length are reportea
to have fallen in that state; juugt
Parker is more than six feet tall.
-tr-' re.
the city parents are now in a
position t') see that the streets are also
cleaned. We want our guests to say besides b"iiig the most hospitable
, ity in the state of Oregon it is also
tije neatest.
AS to the baseball iiennant.-Caiifor-
nia intends to protect it on both sides,
i l.ns Angeles wishes it to lie under
j stooil that "thre is no room on top of
the lad.ler, and Oakland is running Se-
atUe a close race for the apartments
in the cellar.
IF the weather continues as brilliant
aa it has been during the last few days
the regatta will be held under ideal con
ilitionH, nnd the inducement to business
houses and citizens generally to decor
ate with lavish profusion will be trebled
REPORTS received from Seattle indi
cat? that besides the labor, carnival
there 1 another carnival in progress
t'ae oarnival of crime.
THE HOO-HOOS meet in Portland to
day, and many a timid kitten will be
come a full Hedged cat ere the day end
DECORA TK, decorate
some more.
and deeorate
A grevious wail sometimes comes as
a result of unbearable pain from over
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache,
liver complaint and constipation. But
.thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills
they put an end to it all. They are1 gen
tie but thorough. Try them. Only 25
cents. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers'
drug store.
Dr. T. L. Ball
424 Commercial street, Astoria Or.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo nd Pacific
Express Companies. Customs
.House Broker.
John Fuhrman, Win, Werthos,
Central Meat Market
Your orders for
Will he promptly and
siuUHArlly aueudvd to
Telepaule Nvit.- - -
Electrical Works
428 BOND 8T;
We axe thoroughly prepared for
making estimates and executing
orden for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies in atock. We sell the
celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call
up Phone 11 SL
H. W. CYRUS, - Mr
Mansell Bldg.
5T3 Commercial St.
Fhone Black;
Astoria Ore
Telephone XSL
All goods shipped to our care
Will receive special attention.
No 538 Duane St. W. J. COOK. Mgr
C, W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building.
573 Commercial street, Astoria. Ore.
Do, Nellie Smith Vernon
Office phone Main 2411.
Residence phone Main 2443.
Office Over Griffin's Book Store.
"Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lnna" writes J. F. Hughes, of Dul'ont,
Ga., "and gave me up. Everybody
thought my time had come. As a last
resort I tried Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption. The benefit I re
ceived was striking and I was on my
feet in a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my health." It conquers all
coughs, colds and throat and lung
troubles, Guaranteed by Charles Rog
ers' drug store. Price 50'-, and 11.00.
Trial bottles free.
Builds up the system, puts pure rich
blood Into the veins; makes men and
women strong and healthy. Burdock
Blood Bitters.
Its Influence Has Been Kelt By So
Many Astoria Readers.
The soothing influence of relief
After Buffering from itching piles
From eczema or any itchiness of the
Makes one feel grateful to the remedy
Doan's ointment has soothed hund
Here's what one man says:
It. B. Long, harness maker, employ.
ed with John Clark & Son,- 101 Front
street, Portland, who resides at 218 Sec
ond street, same city, Bays: "Early lat
summer I broke out all over with body
eczema tetter or itch. I did not know
Just what !it was nor what caused its
appearance, but I do know that the tor
ture I endured was something tierce.
I was very mu::h alarmed about it, was
anxious -o know what it was and what
caused It, I thought the best thing to
do was to go to a doctor for treatment.
I did so and was treated by different
ones but they failed to do me any good
When I became the least bit overheat-
ed I Just fairly clawed the skin off me
Anyone who has nev had anything
of the kind kflows nothing at all about
It. I was In bad shape when I noticed
an advertisement in our paper about
Doan's Ointment being a sure cure for
such afflictions. I said to myself:
'there's another fake, but I'll try it.
It proved to be fill that Is claimed for
it.v Less lhan two boxes made a com
plete cure in my case. About this time
my younger brother was taken with
ihe same affliction. A box and a half
of Doan's Ointment cured him. I know
what I am talking about when I say
that Doan's Ointment Is one remedy
which can be depended upon."
' Plenty more proof like this from As
toria people. Call at the drug store of
Charles Roger and ask what his cus
tomers report. For sale by all dealers.
Price 50 cents a box. Foster-MIHburn
Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the
U.S. Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
For forty years Pr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry has been curing
summer complaint, dysentery dlar
rhoo, bloody ttux, ln in the stomach,
and It has never yet fulled to do every
thing clnlmed for it.
A little thing sometime ivsutts. ill
death. Thus a mere scratch, litsigul
tl. ant cuts or puny boils hav paid Hie I
death penalty. It Is wtsa to have Hm k
leu's. Arnica Salve ever handy. It s the
best salve on earth ami will prevent
f.itullty, when burns, sure, ulcers and
piles threaten. Only :5 cent at Charles
lloscv' drug store.
Itohlnes of the skin, horrible pmgue
Most everybody afflicted In one way or
another. Only oiw safe, never falling
cure. Poan.s Ointment. At any drug
store, 60 sents.
Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver liur
racka. Wash., July 10, IMS. S.-aled pro
losa!a. in triplicate, will be received
Here until 11 o'clock, A. M., August W.
I90J, fr furnishing forage and bedding
at posts In this department for year
ending June SO, 1994. Information fur
nished here or by quartermasters ut
posts. V. 8, reserves the right to re
ject or accept any or all proposal or
any nart thereof. Envelopes contain
ing proposals should be . marked
"Proposals for Forage and Bedding nt
" and addressed to undersigned.
Office Constructing Quartermaster.
Astoria, Or., July IS. 1903: Sealed pro
posals, In triplicate, will be received
at this office until 10 o'clock A. M.,
August S, 1503, for the .construction,
plumbing, heating and electric wiring
of ona field officers and one double set
of lieutenants quarters at Fort Stev
enn, Or. United States reserves the
right to reject any or all proposal. In
formation and specifications furnished
on application. Envelopes should be
marked "Proposals fr construction"
and addressed to Captnln Goodale,
' Quartermaster. "
Notice Is hereby given that the coun
ty superintendent of Clatsop county
will hold, the regular examination of
applicants for st:e and county papers
at Astoria, Oregon, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, August 12,
nt 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing un
til Saturday, August 15, at 4 o'clock.
Wednesday -Penmanship, history,
spelling algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday, Written arithmetic, theory
cf teaching, grammar, hook-keeping.
physic, civil government.
Frlday-I'hy.-ioloKy, g.;oRr:.phy. mn '
al arithmetic, composition, physical !
Saturday Botany, plane
nera! history, Knglh-h
lit"!' ttuve.
psyi hology.
Commencing Wedn-vday, A'i.;u-t VI,
at a o'clock a. in., and tonllnuinjr
until Friday, August 14. at -I o'clock p.
First, second ari l third gra'te certifi
Wednesday- P ntnanshlp, history.
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written aritlim-"!' -.theory
of teaching, grammar, physlolo:.-'.'.
Friday Oograpiiy, mental antrm'--tic,
school law, civl gowrnmoii'..
Primary certllVales.
Wednesday Penmanship, Vrtiio,;i-a-phy,
reading, arithmetic,
Thursday Art of qu;-htinning, Hi'ory
of teaching and methods, physiology.
Yours truly,
Superintendent of Public; Instruction.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered will Interest many. A run down
system, or despondency invariably pre
cede suicide' and something has been
found that will prevent that condition
which makes suicide likely. At the
flr.-t thought of sejf destruction take
ElectrP: Hitters. It being a great tonic
and nervine will strengthen the. nerves
and build up the system, it's also a
Brent stomach, liver and kidney regula
tor. Only 50e at Charles lingers' drug
Between June 4th and August 26th,
the Illinois Central will sell round trip
tickets from Oregon and Washington
points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and
New Orleans at Greatly reduced rates.
Tickets good for three months. Going
limit 10 days. P.eturnlng limit 10 days
after starting west. Stop over prlvl-
llges either way, west of the Missouri
river. Sale dates are arranged to be
convenient for delegates to conventions
of National Educational association at
Boston; Elks at Baltimore: Woodmen
it Indianapolis; Eagles at New York;
Shriners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth
ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav
elers at Indianapolis. You can take
your choice of 16 different routes.
Write us. We will cheerfully give you
any detailed Information you want, B.
H.TItUMPULL, Commercial agent, 142
Third street, Portland Ore,
lkavb rornxAND iamuyr
H.W a.m'iriiriland VTtonT5ili?iti aim
,','pot for Astoria and! 8;10p,nt.
2;S0 p.m.:wity point.
T 4i u.nt.Tor PoitliUid and.lLJoa.m,
: 10 p.m. i way point. !lQ:30p.m.
I '" !t5;S0 p.m.
S;15 tt.m.Astorla
11;S0 a.m.ja'iiton.
5:50 p.m.:Sensld.
i5:J3 p.m. I
for War-i 7:40 a.m.
Flavel, Pt.;i0;J0a.m,
lUmmond! 4:00 p.m.
5: JO p.m.
:15 p.n.;Sensldo for War-l a.m.
9;40 a.m.'renton, Flavel.'l!:30 p.m,
5:30 p.m.;llnmmoiJ. ; Ft.; l:S0p.m.
&:00 and A-7i50p.m.
I torla
Dally except Saturday.
tStiturday only.
All trains make close connection at
G3blo with all Northern Pacific train
to and from the East and Sound points
J. C. Mayo.
Gen'l Freight and Pm. Agent.
One of nature' remedies; cannot
harm the weakest constitution: never
falls to cure summer complaint! of
young or old. D. Fowler' Extract of
liuxuRious Travel
Th "Northweitern Utnl'v-d'' Iraln.
electric llghud through ju', bath i'lsld
and out, and steam heated, are with
out exception, the flueti train I til
world. They embedy the tttet, rtwett
n l bst ld tjr comfort, convfnlj'ice
and luxury ever offered the trivellta
puDitc, anj itoatnr ir the meet
complete and splendid aivluotion i f lh
cr builder1 art.
These splendid Train ,
Connect With
The Grcot Xorthere
The Northers Taciflc and
The Canadian I'Hcifk
CHICAGO and the CAST.'
No extra charge fr th 'jprioi
ioonimoJatlons and til t'lMs of dek
: are available for pag ct th
train on thl line r protecitd h. tf
tn'rlockln Rlnefe vtm S
Some Inter
esting Facts
When people ar a
trip, whether on bualneu or pleasure,
they naturally want the best ierv'.-e
obtainable a far a r.p"cd, comfort and
'ftv im iv,nep4-nd 1!mnlove of the
paid to serve the public and our train
j are operated eo a to make clone con
i nectim with diverging line at all
junction point.
; Pullman Palace Sleeping and Cha4i
''nrs on through tralnn. '
i Dlnlrifr ca icrvice unexcelled, !eal
! served a la carte.
. In order o obtain the flm-fln or
I vice, a.ik the ticket agent to sell you
a ticket hver
; The Wisconsin Central line
;and you will make Jircct ic.ii.ectlon
'at St. I'aul fo Chicago, Milwaukee and
ill point Rast.
, Pir any further Information call on
any ticket aent ,or correspond with
I JA3. C POND, Onn. ran. Ag't.
I r ia a rrV'K Mllivmik Wi
H TkHSQtmvOsrtsulesaw iiipono
V! to D
. L Cube
'-?. Sf.
M nut ir
, 11 n.
Cuhebs or Inje'tiOfi fniiw
iE lit AtXt.JUhi.
tarno d.'-o . oa vith-
out wconveniflif
'(I ei , 't.-rt'T'..
V-"I suffered for months from sore"
throat. Electric Oil cured me In twenty-four
hours'." M. 9. Gist, Hawes
vllle, Ky. 1 . '
never varies in , y In the ll
II price, quality V ' ' Wofd 11
I or aroma. X . "" II
J gold here, there and VS. n Thi tand h th 1 ,
f I everywhere. '0 . Smoktjr'i Trotietion. 1
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
. , Ilottletl Or lit Kou
I'rco City dollvwry
North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
Steamer SUE
The LariMt. ttaancheat. Bteadleat. and moat tea worthy
ever on the route. Heat of Table and State Room Accommedt
tlona Will make round trip every five day between.
Astoria and Tillamook
FARE $3.50
Connecting at Aatorta with th Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. and
the Attorta Columbia R. H. (or Portland. Baa Francisco and all
point 10L Por irelght and pacngr rata apply to
Samuel Eltnoro cV Co
(iciifrnl JAut'iilH, AxCorlii, r.
or to
Tillamook, Or.
C. R. R. Co.
Pertland, Or.
Of New Zealand
W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco.
Has been Uulor'ritiii; on the Pacific Cwwt ovei twtmty-twu year
KIjMOKH & CO., Afronta, Astoria, Or v
The U. 8. dispensatory says: 'dpi-,
um lessens tho perlslalle motion of thj
bowels. It's Km ill effect (wlo-n nppllnj j
to the lower bowel) Is the Humi? u !U
general operation. Contain l'AUALYZf
ES the motor nerys; a. finite reduces'
muscular strength; b-llndonu prnduteal
PARALYTIC symptoms; liyoscymmis
aTM -stramonium are same as lielludo-
pile medicine prescribed or on ,th;
market contains some of tin; above puis!
h.i vis.: For sale by CONN DUUU CO,
3 .-C"X n.,4 oi,l lirmi.
- "ii iii.ii Kit's m.i.isii
f 'jJf.' . M. HI It ..1 ,. !.,, ,W
'LX j 'tl ' iw-'e.t;.... I :,L. bt,,iihr. Urfif ,
7-1 H i ,-, fuh.O;MOn. m4 JntlUc
lift t c . f i ', ,ilr t'i,allNtOMli.ltt
ti t " In M, I r.r di,lliHiiti, r
t,l"1t Ml,a. I (t.lMIO r"-tln,f.htW. No4til
1! Ill -,, I ..l.k..,. , k I I
tam uk u4iw i.rfc I'UILA. x
Try th'im. Only r,0 cents ut Charles
Korafs drug store.
Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly
torlan, 11,00 a year.
O. ft. N. Co.
Portland. Or.
"K-iU'-SA doubtte Is llin only pile
medicine on the market which does not
contain narcotic poisons or mercury,"
lit. Per C. U.McConnell, president,
"We Rimtantee no mercury or opiates
In E-ItU-BA pile cure," WoodarrJ
Clarke A Co., IVirttnml, ftr.
F.-UU-8.V cures piles, or $10 paid.
Worst esses cured with one box. E-ru
sri contains no mercury, no opiates. All
reliable up-to-date druggists tU E-ru
EACILR Dl'lt'3 CO., C1IA8 ItOdEnS,
Scott's Saokl-fepsia Capsules
Vor IriSaniiiimlOB or Cmarrk
of tti HlMldxr mt Ulf4
H,UMft, Ho cur iin pf,
liir rnlcdjf u4 frrmt
rvmlv li t, wurat rim ol
4inriHi i nil lnl,
nc nlt- r(,f h'w Uirn iluJ.
In. AIMjlriMlf iiwoilMb
Dull! by dr.lK,!U. i'rlix
I efi, cr tr ll, bMlpkliL
thi mmnnin co,
H Sold by Chns. Itogers, i:,5 Commercial
street. Astoria, Oregon.