ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 19X. ... v..! . TilE OLD ' Mgj Absolutely Pure there is no substitute SHIPPED TO ASTORIA -The Iac and quiet of that sequestered littfe nook called Chinook was rudely disturbed yesterday by a member of the Afro American race, and for about ten min utes It as a question whether there ; would be a lynching or just plain tar and feathers. The name of the black contention Is Abner Debleu, and the of , . fens charged against him was just plain lax in ess. The people of Chinook offered him work, which he declined, preferring to bask In the warm sun shine by day and beg, borrow or steal his food by night. Then the citixens , got together and decided that they had no room in their clean little town for such a man, and he was told to "get." Again be refused, and the trouble be gan. In order to avert trouble the men folks took up a collection to raise funds , to send him away. They gathered a small handful of silver, amounting to $2.73. Jack Johnson happened to be , in town and not wishing to officiate; ... at a lynching, he took the colored gen- tleman abord the steamsr ' MMor and j brought him to Astoria, where he was Remember the Regatta Is da this month! It will be a great success but not greater than the success of the CARABANA, SYMPHONIE AND MANRARA BOQUET. Carried at TRULLINGER S the only two cigar stores in the city Agents for tbe Portfand Safe & Lock Co. N Call and see samples. Agent for Portland Sail & Awning Co. Sails, Tents, Awnings, and Covers. Two stores, D Commercial St i . r The Troy Laundry Corner Tenth and Duane Streets Has the Neatest, Cleanest, and most Sanitary Laundry Establishment in the State. Prices Keasonable. Let us call for your wash. 'Phone Main 1991. Special Prices ON Combination DesK BooK Cases EXTENSION TABLES A choice line at $5 to $18. Unusual bargains in fine willow, oak and leather upholstered rockers H. H. ZAPF - lhe"Housefurnisher C30-034 COMMERCIAL STREET Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V ALLEN Teat md Commercial Street RELIABLE turned over to Chief of Police Hallock, along with the 2."5 collected. CWef Halluck knew the chocolate colored gentleman the minute he set eyes on him. It seems that he honored the city wilh a visit during regatta several years ago, and that settled him as far as his city was concerned. He will be iven the alternative of getting out. of the city or going to jail. raino THE PURE V J UKiurv vwrrtc If you use Grain-0 in place of coffee you will enjoy it just as - much for it tastes the same ; yet, it is like a food to the system, dis- . tributing the full substance of th pure grain with every drop. TRY IT TO-DAY. A! pw rrerjwb-Tt ; lSe. tad Kc per pukaf. Water melons by the million at Foard St Stokes Co. Give as your order for Latest and Best Phono graph and graphophone records. A TV., 11 xx. ll UillllgCi . '"" "n n mp-T'snMiiiiiirr- h mrr -i "" ' '" '"""" ' a nmm, -Tr-rrir-1WpW,,Mw)- yimmttmm smm nn if i f T "' "' ' " n -, . , f nTi thi iijsjiiiiiMiiiMsmiiiiu st inn in -i . Social and Personal . . Pred Blaisdel, - the prominent OIney logger, went up to Cape Horn with his family yesterday to visit tor a time. Miss Caroline Young of Youngs rlvt ha been 111 for several days with a ser ious attack of the grip. The Thursday afternoon club was n tertanwd this week by Miss LUa Suth erland who was assisted by Mrs. Dun Allen. The ladies played dominoes, the winners being Miss Cole and Miss Crung. Mrs. Harry Hell arrived from Set tle lust night to visit with her nwther, Mrs. McKeon. Miss Elmore and Miss Elsie Elmore went to Portland yesterday to attend the tennis tournament now In progress. P. Zlgler and Mrs. Ziegler have re turned to Astoria where they will here after reside. Mr. Ziegler during his ab sence has been engaged In the lumber business in Portland. He will contin ue In the same line of work here hav ing been engaged by the Tongue Point Lumber Co. as timber buyer and head scaler.. S ;.'...(, The Dorcas societyof the First Luth eran church and their friends spent a most enjoyable time last eveninng at the home of Miss Alema Nyland wtw showed herself an entertaining hostess. The main feature was an advertlsemen picture contest. First prise was car ried off by Miss Alma, Lawson. Later on refreshments .were seved. The so ciety decide! to hold a picnic on Labor Day. BASE BALL SCORES : PACIFIC COAST. At Portland Portland 6; San Fran risco 1. At Seattle Seattle 7: Sacramento 4. At San Francisco Oakland 1; Los Angeles 4. . PACIFIC NATIONAL. At Tacoma Tacoma S; Helena 13. At Seattle Seattle 2; Salt Lake S. At Butte Butte 1; . San Francisco 4. At Spokane Spokane 3; Los Ange les 2. AMERICAN. At St. Louis St. Louis 10; Detroit 3. At Chicago Chicago 2; Cleveland 5. , - At New Tork New Tork 3; Phlladel phia 1. At Washington Washington 4; Bos ton 4. NATIONAL. At St. Louis St. Louis 5; Pittsburg 6. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 10; Chic'a go 3. At Bostons-Boston 4; New Tork 1. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2; Brooklyn 1. DEATH OF CENTENARIAN. New: York. July 21. Mrs. Ld'a Han cock is dead at her home In Palmer, Mass., at the age of IN) years and one month. Cntil recently fhe had been able to read without glasses. Large bunches of celery received on Ice. 10 cents each at Foard & Stokes Co Haw's S3. 00 hats at Danziger's. It is easy to please the head of the house or the boarder with delicacies obtained at Johnson Bros. 'Phone or ders receive careful attention. Apricots 75 cents a box at Foard & Stokes Co. " Ladies Attention A Nice Assortment of Fancy Crockery : Received. We are pleased to announce to tbe ladies of Astoria and vicinity that we are able to show as fine a line of plain and decorated crockery and glassware as Is to be found in the city. Every ar ticle will command your keenest in spection and is sold at prices not to be equaled elsewhere. When you want to buy crockery of any kind for dinner, luncheon, fish sets, tea sets, cutlery to match, be sure and see our line. It will please you. FOARD & STOKES CO. Cowing & Cowing ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ' Oregon City, Oregon. Office Room 4, U. S. Land Office Bldg Practice In all the courts of the state. United t Sates Lond Office Business a , WILL CROSS THR DESRRT Her man Wise and JohnNordstrom the com mlttee on sand, have flxed up an Invi tation to the members of the Abd-l'hl Atef tomple, D. O. K. K. that Is bound to make the sunshine of laughter nit across their countenances. The Invlta; tlon is to participate In the festivities of the dramatic order that will be held In connection with the district conven tion of the Knights of rythlaa during regatta week. Members of the Aber deen, South Bend, Wash., ami all tem ples In this part of the state have bwn luvlted to Join ihe turbaned votaries of the order, and the great chancellor has promised' to be on lwnd and up plaud the stunts. The Invitation says: Alxl-fhl-Atef temple, P. O. K. K. will hold one of their famous high Jinks at Astoria on Saturday, August S3, and we hereby Invite you and all our broth er knights who desire to nwke the ac quaintance of the KuyU Tltw-r, vro treads the sands of the Sahara, to let us know within the next ten days Just how many of your bulges we may ex pect, because we wish to prepare a royal feast and that takes time. This will come regatta time when Astoria provides a splendid lot of land and wat er sports nd all the sports of the Pa cific coast gather and we have high Jinks; It will be a time never to be forgotten. Those .who miss this grand opportunity to ride the camel will sure ly regret It. Those of you who wlU be foolish enough to tempt the tiger and drink "sem sem" have our sincere sym pathy, but there Is another time coming when you will laugh loud and laugh loud. ENGLAND TO TRT AGAIN. The English people seem detemlned In their efforts to capture the cup which the Americans have held for so many years. To this end a new chnll enger is being sent over and the races next month will determine which Is the better boat. The best nedlclne In the world for curing all stomach, bowel and kidney disorders is the famous llostetter's Stomach bitters. During the summer It will be found very bene ficial as a tonic, also to keep the bowels regular, without which you cannot en- Joy good health-. Be sure to give it a trial. It will restore the appetite, purt fy the blood, promote sound sleep, and xsttively cure flatulency, nausea. head-iche, sour stomach, dyspepsia. In digestion, and liver troubles. The gen uine is for sale by all druggists. Fancy Gravensteln apples of fine quality and at low prices. See them ajt Johnson Bros. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATES Between June 4th and August 28th, the Illinois Central will sell round trip ticketffrom Oregon and Washington points to-Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and New Orleans at Greatly reduced rates. Tickets good for three months. Going limit 10 days. Returning limit 10 days after starting west. Stop over prlvl llges either way, west of the Missouri river. Sale dates are arranged to be convenient for delegates to conventions of National Educational association at Boston; Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen it Indianapolis; Eagles at New Tork; Shrlners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav elers at Indianapolis. - You can take your choice of 16 different routes. Write us. We will cheerfully give you any detailed information you want. B. H.TRUMPULL, Commercial agent, 142 Third street, Portland Ore. is' L E. Selig, Lessee and Manager. ONE WEEK COMMENTING MONDAY, AUGUST 3. The Charming Young Actress Miss irita Fischer And Her Superb Company in Repertoire of Standard Plays High Class Specialties Between Acts Prices 25 cents and 35 cents EXCURSION RATES WAST VIA GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Chicago and return, J71.5'). St. Louis and return, $67.50. Peoria and return $69.25 St. Paul and return f GO. Minneapolis and return JCO. Dulutb and return ISO. Date of sale June 4 and G and 24 to 20. July IS and 16 and August 25 to 2f. Tickets ;ood 90 days. . . For full information call on or ad dress, H. Dickson, city tltket agent, 122 Third street Portland, Ore. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. THE ASTORIAN4 4 JOB DEPARTMENT 4 for 4) JOB P R I N T I N O 4) 4 Fisne Opera House New Today SKIFF LOST." , Lost yesterday, a ZS-foot skiff, of light color and containing rock ballast and five oar-looks. Send Information to Cojumbla, River Packers Association, BALK OK STOCK. Three hundred and ten shares of Col umbia River Packers Association stock will be sold to the highest bidder by the hhilir of raelnc county, Wash., at South Itend, Washt; August 4. 1WJ. Steln-ftlook suits at Danslger's. Have you seen those new fall shirts in st III and soft bosom at Herman Wise's? ELECTRICAL WORK. ' Interview Trulllnger A Hardesty, 433 Commercial street, about your elec trical work. ---- PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable piano work see your local tuner, Th. Prederlckson, SOU Bond stree. Phone X074. Red. CIGARETTES. The newest and latest In cigarettes Pall Malls; cork tips, at P. A. Trul linger'. Two stores. BEST 15-CENT MEAL. You will always find the best tic meal In the city at the Rising Sun res taurant. No. Ill Commercial street, GOOD PLUMBING. A good workman, using good mater ials, makes a good Job and saves much annoyance.. You especially need the best In plumbing, gas fitting, beating appliances and tlnwork. Call on John A, Montgomery, 4! Bond street, and avoid trouble. Phone 1031. COAL. We handle the best coals on the mar ket. ELMORE & CO. Thone 61. . FOR SALE At rare bargan. House and lot. Fin ely situated, good lawn. Apply at this office. tt Fancy, ripe Burtlett pears SO cents per dosen at Johnson Bros. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card of. Trnlua PORTLAND. Leaves An Ives Puget Bound Limited. 7;H a m : P m Kansas Clty-St. Louis . Special 11:10 am 1:46 pa North Coast Limited 1:10 p m 7:09 1 no Tacoma and Seattle Night Ex i rets 11:45 pm 1:06 am Take puget sound Limited or Nona Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olyro pla direct Take Puget Bound Limited or Kan sas Clty-St Louis Special for point! on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Harbor branch. - Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. Good goods at, the right price. John son Bros. Some Inter esting Facts When people are .ontenplatlng a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat serv'.-e obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety 1s concerned. Employes of tbe WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. , Dining car service-unexcelled, Meals served a la carte. . . In order to obtain the first -claw ser vice, ask tbe ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Line a nit vnn Kill mira Airtrt lenliectlons at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and an points jyasi. For any further Information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond with JA8. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Ag't. or JAB. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. If you want tjh purest and best Ice cream you'll have to see Tagg. if cnta a pint. Live Well You Can do it If You Trade With Foard 41 BtokeTCo. Everybody enjoys good living but few like to see the bills come in, especially when thay are larger than you believe they should be. Look Into your buy ing and hot only try to save on your expenses but get the best food for your table at the same time. We pride our selves on keeping only the highest grade of delicacies for the table. Our preserves, dried fruit, sauces, canned specialties In meat, flsh and vegetables cannot be excelled anywhere. We want you to look at our display In this line and we can ease your troubled mind as what to eat either for breakfast, din ner or lunch. FOARD St STOKES CO Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As toria, fl.00 a rear. . JAPANKSM OOOUB. New stock of fancy goods Just arrtv. ed at Yokohama Bataar, Call and set the latest novelties from Japan. . HAT8 TRIMMKD FRKK. Mrs. R. I aglet jn will continue her re ductlon sale of hats skirts, waNts and ladles' tnd children's furnishing goods until October 1, Call and see the linn. Also carry a complete line of hair switches and pompadours, Prices will suit you. MRS. R. INGLETON. Welch Block. Summer weight um!erwar ll to 13 a suit nt S. Danxlnger it Cu's. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE " 1 fn the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multno mah. In Wm matter of the estate of Alkln Coiwland, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order and decree of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 33rd day of July, ltx3, In the above entitled matter, the undersigned Dan J. Moore, as administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rash, all of lots 1, 2, 5. (, 13 and 14 of block 129, Mary Ann Adulr's South Addition to the Port of Upper Astoria, and Lot one (1) of Block 7, McClure's Astoria, and alt of the frontage to Lot 1 of Block 7 Mc Clure's Astoria properly appertaining, and belonging thereto, all In Clatsop County, State of Oregon, at the wharf and dock situated upon said last men tioned property In the City of Astoria, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the fore noon of the !th day of August. m. Terms of sule cash In had on the ac ceptance of bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. The bidder shall deposit at the time of making his bid, certified check or cartr for ten per cent of the amount of his suld bid and as tit earnest for the performance thereof If said bid slmuld be approved by the administrator and by said County Court. All rejected bidders will receive a return of deposit so made. Dated SSth day of July, 1903 DAN J. MOORE. Administrator. Scow Bay Iron 0 Brass Works Manafacturers cr Iron, Steel, Hrnss nnd Bronze Costings. " General Fountlryniun tttitl Putternmnkers. f V " Absolutely firstclasw work. Prices lowest. Phone 2451. " Corner Elfihteentb aixl Franklia. The The Palace Palace Cafe BLACKSMITHING. Carriage and Wagon Building. First-Class Horse Shoeing. ' Lonsltifi Camp Work, V All kinds of wagon materials in stock for sale. We. guarantee the best work clone in the city." Prices right. ANDREW ASP. , , Corner Twelfth and DunnSti. Ji'honcJi. v ; XPERT HORSESHOEING General I'liickomitliiiig, flout and Cannery Work. Sceua for High CIhm Work. Simp Corimr of Fif teenth and Dunne Streets, nenr St, Mary's Hospital. HOLMES & SBIBBRT I'houe 2501. .' The Boston KiO COMMERCIAL 8THKKT Best and Neatest Eating House In Astoria Try Onr 25-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention MARINOVICH &.CO - (ELATERITE Is Mistral Rubber) YOU HAY INTiiiltll JIUILIJIWO prima It iwwtMrr taWKPMCH A WOKfr.OUT Hooy ELATERITE ROOFING; Take the place of shingles, tin, iron, tsr and grsvel, and all prepared roofings For fiat snd stesn surfaces, nutters, valleva etc. Kasv to lav. Tumnarixl for uA climates. Reasonable in cost. Bold on ticm snd Information. ELATERITE ROOHMG CO., DKNSMORB TYPEWRITERS, , We el, rent, and repair sit makes of typewriters. Writs for new catalogue of New Denamort, - Huxley, Ryan k Co,, ' 83 Fourth Street. Portland, Or, EXCURSION NOTICB. ' I The ladles of Grace church will give a niounllght excursion to Seaside on Tuenibiy evening. August 4. Th train ' will leave Astoria at 7:13 p, m., md re turning will leave Seaside at It: 30 p. m. The round trip fare will be TS rente Tickets may be obtained of the ladles or at Griffin's book store. 75 MHh suits, Ages 3 to I years, for Sfio t H. Dnnilgwr k Co's. KXKiU'lSl C A rial. In nothing Is greater cars and skill necesnary than In house plumblsg. Un minllary plumbing Is a menace to health. See J. A. Montgomery, iSIV Itond street. FULL CREAM HCK8B. Made In Gray's River. Retails at l cents a pound. The best ever offered on Ihe lower Columbia. Try It sad be convinced. Bond Street Market, M. Kilo, proprietor.; , , " IV wash suits for 33c at Danslger's.. - COAL. Rosy In coal last's longer. Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other coae on the market. George W, Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Nweet t'reniii 10 iTiitn u pint. A. Tittfir. Best Restaurant! Reculir Meats, 2S Centi Sunday Dlantrs a Specialty E erything the Market Affords Catering Company f '44Wa Restaurant i High Class Chef J merit. Guaranteed. It will pit to ssk tor , Worcester Building, Portland.