.J A luWKa wmt VOLUME LVI. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, Jl'LY 31, 1903. NUMBER 182. 1873 1903 More Than Price u.l. V We make ft our business to attend to these features for you. You get correct clothes and pay only an honest price P. A. STOKES -v WHIPS M .. . AT ' FISHER BROTHERS NEW HAMMOCKS Large assortment of unusually hand some goods just received. 75 cents to $5.00. J . N . G R I FF'lN. ij H Wfl GOODS BOOTS Best lines in the city for the money ' GROCERIES I'rompt delivery of Freshest Fruits, Vegetables, Prepared Foods Cured Meats, Flour, Feed, etc Cor. Eleventh and Bond V. H. COFFEY ' 1 T . r . The demonstrators of the Fin de Steele Comb will be here the rest of this weeK. .if? & & & , We have Big Line of Men's and Boys' Sweaters Boys' Cotton Sweaters . . , ,f ? 4 . .v35c Wool Sweaters . . . . . . 95c and $1.00 Men's Sweaters, plain and fancy 95c to $3.00 Fall lines of Ladies' and Children's Shoes now coming in. Have you seen our Fancy Hosiery Window? THE BEE HIVE In select! re clothing: the style, quality, des'a and tailoring are of more Ira portaoce than the price, for If they are not correct you don't want the gar ment at any price. Plumbing Troubles Imperfect plumbing makes mil trouble, it you uavo bii imperfect job, better fix it. We'll mulm ifr firvltf f.ti vaii IVIiAtlmr ' repair or new work we respond promptly, do it well and get your approval with our pay. W. J. SCULLEY 470-478 Commercial. Phone Black 224J T -x.'" - HOE ! FOLSOM CONVICTS ARE LOCATED BY POSSE Officers Now In Pursuit of Desperadoes With Force of Men With Indica tions of an Early Capture Sheriff Telephones to Sacramento District Alarmed In Spite Officers-Headed Sacramento, ' July 10. Sheriff Ree tonight telephoned from Loft us to hi on here the following menage: "W have located the convict south of thla place, bctwen here and the railroad. Will attrt In a few momenta with 20 men. Hope to catch up with them.,. ' Platervllle, July SO. Although bun dreda of men are engaged In the aearch for twelve prisoner who ewaped from Polaum Monday the outlaw have auc twJtJ in eluding their purtucr and the ultimate eioape of a portion of the gang CONDITION OF IRON TRADE WALL STKEET CRASH KAILS TO LNTLfENCK MARKET -PRICES HKMAIN FIRM. FIRM AND DEMAND CleYl ind, July SO. The Iron Trade Review In It laaue thl week aaya: The tennatlonal fall In aecurltiea this wet'R and the Acute feeling of peaaim iam attending it have begotten no cor refpontMng sentiment In the Iron trade, but naturally they have not helped to break the lull In the market. No note worthy bunlneea has resulted from the revival of the billet agreement, with a price basis somewhat below that recent "ly prevalent but there to sufficient Id encourage buying by rod mills. That steel mills which have had' no ateel to sll fur months are now able to offer a certain small fraction of their output on the market Indicate that furnishing capacity Is not a fully occupied aa It tlKht be. even after the shut donna of the first half cf July. " t While there are no Indications thus far that consumption is to be nwteril ly reduced In the near future yet the ef fect of the Wall Street cniah, or rather of the cuuoos that led to It, upon the business Interests of the country is be ing seriously discussed. Over exten sion of credit on industrial operations Is likely to be followed by the sam scared scrutiny and shifting aa have come to the stocks of over capitalised consolidations. The railroads, while not scrambling for early places on order books of the tail mills keep on contracting for next year and it Is estimated that close to lftOOOOO tons for 1W4 delivery Is now booked, including what was originally placed for 1903 that must go over. Tho Investigations by the granger roads Into the probable yield In the wheat and com states have brought them to the conclusion that every car will be needed to meet the demands of Mi fall and winter. Pig Iron la weaker. Stocks have been Increasing while foundrymen have waited and the large buyers of foundry Iron assert that Southern iron Is within sight, though reports of a law block being taken at that figure are again denied. Contracts for castings are being taken with every week, for which the pig Iron la yet to be bought. Importations, presumably under old contracts, have been more of a factor than has been generally sup posed, being 79000 tons for June and SKOOOtons for tn5 year enaing June tv, or euual to the output of 12 foundry Iron furnace each producing 200 tons a day. WILL HAVE LARGE TIME MINUTE HAND OF THIS CLOCK TO BE SIXTY FEET, IN.. LENGTH FOR WORLD'S FAIR 1, ' . Chicago, July 30. A dispatch to the Tribune from Milwaukee, says'. The greatest clock In the world, the dial of which will be 120 feet In diameter, Is being built here for use at the Lou isiana Purchase exposition next year. Only the hands and machinery are being made here, for the dial ia to be a brilliant bed of tlowers. The clock will be placed on the side of the hill north of the agricultural building. The minute hand will be 60 feet long, and the ring at the end, which will be fastened to the machinery, will be eight fwt In diameter. The minute hand will move five feet every minute The numerals marking the various hour will be 15 feet In length and made of bright colored coleus. In a brqad circle surrounding the dial will be 12 flower beds, one opposite eadh hour and each two feet wide and 15 feet long. At night the time piece will be Illuminated with 2000 incandescent That Quarry Is Spotted-PeopIe In of Presence of Peace for Mountains : aeem highly probable. Since the fight at Pilot Hill Monday night other huvt not been aeen, unlea the atory of a cowboy who saya he met two armed men In Placer county today and after ward Identified them a convict by photogr.ipha. prove to be true. The conviction la growing that the lleeing men are headed for the Sierra Nevada mountain being aided by ex-convlcta who wide along the route. ' Peopie throughout ihl section of the date are greatly alarmed, notwithstanding the preaence of peace "officer. INTERESTED IN LINE ROOSEVELT 8I5NDS COMMISSION ER TO "CHILE AND ACTION MEETS WITH APPROVAL New York, July 30. Interest Is be ing ahown throughout Chile, according to South American papers received here. In the Pan-American Railway project and in the mission of Charles M. PepperCwho ha been sent aa com missioner to South America by Presi dent Roosevelt to secure the co-operation of those government for the com pie (Ion of the line. Senor Augusto Matte, who waa a colleague of Com missioner Pepper at die Pan-Amerl-cvrn Congress In Mexico is quoted in EI Mereurio as follow: The undertaking I a gigantic one but perfectly practical, and great ben efits will be derived by Chile from the close touch which the Interior of the country will have with Bhe rich terri tory of the North. It will mean a boom to the development of our country and will benefit our political and Industrial life in general,' ESCAPE OF THE RULERS TWEED RING VSED SECRET PAS SAGE THAT IS UNCOVERED BY WORKMEN New York,' uly JO. In removing the large oil painting of Andrew Jackson from It place In the old council cham ber in the west wing of the city hall preparatory to renovating the room, an old secret stairway leading to the up per floor of the city hall to the base ment has been uncovered. An old em ploye was able to explain the use of the unkonwn exit. When the "Tweed Ring" was in con trol of the municipal government, the stairway, he said, was often used by aldermen as a means of escaping from th building when angry constituents were awaiting them oumuiu and was used on other occasions to escape the Service of legal papers In suits brought by taxpayers to prevent the grants of franchises. - 1 WHERE THE SHAMROCK GROWS. Galway, Ireland, July 30.-King Ed ward and Queen- Alexandria continued by motor their Inspection today of some of the wildest and most pictur esque regions of Ireland, the start was made this morning from Leenan on the shore of Klllarney bay. The motor Journey ended at Recess, where the party had luncheon. B. P. O. E. TRUSTEES MEET. New York,' July 30. At he annual meeting of the board of grand trustees of the Benovlent and Protective Order of Elks, which has Just been held here, only routine business was transacted. The following members of the board at tended: Henry W. Mears, of Baltimore; John D, O'Shea, of Linn, Mass.,; Robert W. Browning of Louicvellle; Joseph T. Fanning," grand exalted ruler; George W, A. Reynolds, grand secretary. An other meeting will be held at the Elk's national home at Bedford, Va., late In August. . - PAYS TO BE SMALL ' Chlcaso Jnlv xn ,v h, h. the Union Garment Workers Associa tion, which ended last night, It wsas decided to with the alxe of the garment. Thus, a man welehincr isn nmma micM Ha able to buy his suit for 310. while the man whose physique would measure 250 pounds on the scales might be NEGROES TOO INQUISITIVE Police Called In to Quell Disturb ance Resulting From Fire of Questions. OPPOSED TO Mr. WASHINGTON Meeting Conducted iiy Great Colored Leader Nearly Up. itetBj KiotousScampH. Roston, July 30.-An attempt by half a dozen colored persons opposed to Rooker Washington, president of the Tuskigee Institute, to ask questions at a meeting which he Was addressing to night at Zlon church, almost result ed In a riot and 25 policemen were cal led to quell the disturbance. Washing ton was allowed to proceed. . ' At li e close of the meeting Washing ton Ucued a statement that- the color ed people of Boston should not be held responsible for a few riotous Individu als and Vm. Trotter, one of those ar retted, stand that the cause of the riot lug was an absurd ruling of Chairman Lewis in ordering the arrest and eject Ion of any person who hlid the speak er. He said the disturbance waa pre arranged and after the meeting Trotter and his friends admitted that they went there with the intention of breed ing trouble. ACQUITS HERSELF NOBLY SHAMROCK III BEATS SHAMROCK I IN STIFF BREEZE LATTER IS INJURED BY PCFF OF WIND. Atlanta Highlands, N. J., July 30 In a sea rougher that any she hud raced In before and with wind that blew more that 12 knots an hour. Sham rock III experienced her most severe racing trial today, and acquitted her self aa became a candidate for-Amer ica's cup. Her performance in eight miles of windward work. In which It was estimated that she beat Shamrock I by six minutes, was a surprise. Be fore the race was finished, however, a puff of wind split two feet of the main sail of Shamrock I near the peak. 'The trial was abandoned. CURED OF LOCKJAW I REMARKABLE FEAT PERFORMED BY DOCTORS IN INTEREST OF MEDICAL SCIENCE N San Francisco, July 30. The doctors at the German hospital have succeeded In conquering a case of lockjaw. The patient was PietrO Ralflno, who was badly burned at Stockton last" May and was attacked by lockjaw. His cure is a remarkable one and will be the subject of a medical paper. He arrived at the hospital on May 31. The following day anti-toxin was Injected In the muscles of the back. The next day he was given two more Injections. On Wednesday it wa8 found that no Improvement had developed and early in the morning he was given an In jection of anti-toxin in the spinal anal and again in the afternoon. The fol lowing morning, Thursday, the doctors drilled a small hole through the skull, Inserting a spinal needle and Injected anti-toxin into the Veral ventricle. The treatment proved successful and now Raftino though somewhat weak Is aa well as ever he was. CAKEWALK IN LONDON SOCIETY SWELL WINS A NOVEL . WAGER TO THE DELIGHT OF A LARGE AUDIENCE New York, July 30.For a wager of 32500 a rather well known gentlemau of athletic propensities undertook, says a London dispatch to the Herald, to perform a cake walk from a well known restaurant to Hyde Park corner and back, between 11 o'clock In the morning and 6 o'clock in the evening The appearance of a well dressed man alternately walking with his knees on a level with his chest and hopping on on foot, followed by hansom cabs containing umpires and backers caused considerable comment and amusement, in the West End. However, he wo, the wager. YOUNG WOMEN STRIKE New York, July SO.-Nearly 200O vninxr women who compose the Wrap per Makers Union, are on a strike for a nine hour day. a . rnu-.i of the strikers Invaded one shop where the women had refused to quit. They overturned sewing ma chines and scattered partly nnisneu garments around the floor. Police re had in ha called to auell the disturbance and several strikers were CARDINALS DO NOT APPRECIATE THEIR CELLS Absence of Running Water and Proper Ventilation Creates Disgust In , Itanhs of Churchmen Experiments Mith Kitchens and Dumb Waiters Prove That They Are In Perfect Order-To Be Confined lndefinitely-Are Marshaling Their Strength Rome, July 30. The cardinal today visited the cells which they are to oc cupy during the conclave, but it can not be said that they returned very en thusiastic over -the ,ldea of being con fined In what are rightly termed"cells" which are without running water and necessary ventilation. It la feared that the health of some of the older cardi nals might suffer. Perhaps the most dissatisfied was Cardinal' Maszary who as primate of Hungary is the wealth iest of the cardinals.' He Is credited with an income of $100000 annually. He Insists 'he cannot eat with others and must have bis meals outside. Tonight experiments were made with the kUchen,the workings of which are considered quite important as about 500 people must be fed thrice a day for an indefinite period. The trials were quite successful. The revolving dum waiters were also tested. They are character istically Roman and consist of shelves on which things are placed and are made to revolve carrying things in or CHEMISTRY AND JEWELS PERFECT IMITATIONS OF COSTLY GEMS NOW EASILY OBTAINABLE THROUGH THE CHEMISTS CRUC- ' I RLE. : New York, July 30. In connection with recent decisions of . the general hoard of appraisers regarding duty on imitations of precious stones, well known Jewelry expert ef this ' city, through whose hands millionsof dol lar's worth of precious stones have passed, declares that rubles, beautiful in color and rivalling the natural gems are today easily produced from the chemist's crucible. The secret of their production, which he says was known in France years ago, but was kept sec ret, lies in the manner of fusing a num tier of small,- cheap stones into a sin gle large one. It Is said the manufac ture is now being carried on extensive ly in several European countries and only the most experienced examiner can detect the real stones . and those from the crucible. NOTICE TO QUASH INDICTMENTS New York, July 30. Notice has been filed by counsel before District Attor ney Jerome of a motion to quash the indictment against Robert L. Martin and Harry Velthusen, of the Delaware Surety Company. Martin is a brother-in-law of F. A. Heinxe of Montana. The Indictments which have been pend ing two years charge false swearing in regard to the capital of the surety com p.iny. The men named never have pleaded to the findings. There is an incident of the litigation between the big Montana Copper Companies. (Camp Furniture Cots, Stcols, Stoves, Cheap Hatresses and Everything for .the Seaside... See Our New Line Of led Suites Elegant Iron Deds Handsome Fables and Cliajrs Prices guaranteed the Jawest J Robinson's Furniture Stcre out but making It Impossible for pee sons on either side to see each other. Rome, July 30. -The Vatican today wa the scene of great activity both In ide and outside. In ttoe Vatican, preparations wers making for the con clave and everything was in the utmost confusion. . In the Sistine chapel work will go on throughout the night. The catafalque erected for the funer al services Is being pulled down and the galleries, are being replaced by stalls for the cardinals. Outside the Vatican ttw work waa of a different character, the quiet work of support ers of different candidates marshaling their strength for the contest which 1 to come when the doors of the conclave are cloced. No one candidate stands out prominently a did Count Peccl, -in the conclave of 1ST8 and the discus sion here Is not so much concerning the superior qualities of the candidate as of the strength with which they are civdited. ' ' .'. . . UNCHAIN THE DOGS OF WAR : AND THE -ENEMY WILL FIND I RUSSIA UNRELENTING-ACTIVE- IN MILITARY CIRCLES New York, July 30. Unusual actlv I lty continues In euoth Russia military J circles, says a Moscow dispatch to the j Times by way of London. Frequent ; conferences' are being held In Odessa, i by military chiefs from south Russia, ; Unusually exhaustive inspections of troops are being held throughout the south. Large orders for ammunition cases, etc., have just been placed in various towns by the War Office, and fche gov ernment magazines have accumulated unusually large quantities of stores for sometime. It is reported that the vol unteer fleet authorized by the govern ment that provisions must be made for the contingency of expenditlous with drawal of the fleet from service under the commercial flag between Odessa and the far east. : . 'V ",'..r; ... TOUR OF INDIAN BAND. ; ' San Francisco, uly 30. Twenty-five young Indian musicians, the band of the United States - Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona, are visiting this city In charge of E. B. Custer, the discip linarian of the Institution. The band Includes Indian boys from the 10 of the 40 or more Indian tribes represented ! among the 700 pupils of the school. The largest number are Apaches, and there are Hopias, Marlcopas, Walopals, PI mas, Klamaths, and others. The boys havp made a tour of the Interior cities of the state and will return via the coast towns. Their trip is educational In Its object. . . i light. cuurgea sit. arrested. - .