The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 26, 1903, Image 2

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    ASTORIA, ORLdON, S.JNDAY, JCLY 26, 190:1.
Horning Astorian
ErtablUhtd 73.
Dr. T. L. Bal
5S Commercial street, Attorl Or
(Scot by mail, per year. SC 00
Beet by mail, per month,.... ...... SV'
Berre J by carrier, per month , 60c
SEMI-WKEKLT. . ... .
Sent by mail, per year. In advance 1 00'
The Astorian guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
R've ; . , "v
Never corrodes, never
sweats nor expinds ; in fact
never gives any trouble of
any kind and is used for all
classes of work. A very
superior covering for bams,
factories, depots, canneries,
tanneries, sheds and mining
Sena t koektit.
The Paraffinc Paint Co,
CHIEF' of Police Hallock resents the
publication of' a' fact brought out at
the meeting of the city council last
' Monday night concerning the admin
istration of his important office. He
says, In substance, that if the myor
and city council "Instruct" him to col
lect Ines from the illegitimate sources
from which this city derives a large
portion of its revenue, ne will carry
out their Instructions, and If they tell
elm to refrain from collecting such
tribute from certain people in the city,
even though others may be paying for
police protection for the same illegal
privilege, tie will abide by their wish
es. We Infer from this that Chief
Hallock wishes to perpetuate his name
in the annals of lqcal police history as
a faithful servant, ever willing to
serve his master, or two masters if
necessary, as in this Instance.
Chief of Police Hallock. points to the
high moral standard of the city as
shown, by the records of his depart
ment, and with an emphasis that is in
tend to , banish all criticism
remarks: "I did it with my little
forcfe." - He even takes a keen delight
X in reading accounts of the holdups
that are daily occurrences fn the city
of Portland and tells himself what a
Foxy" Quiller-Sherlock Holmes of a po
nce chief Astoria has. We are Indeed
fortunate in being able to feel that we
tan retire at night without our slum
ber biing disturbed by some midnight
marauder who has received a "hunch"
that we might be able to provide him
N with money, jewelry and silverware.
The chief of police is indeed entitled
to our thanks. It is a balm to wound
ed feelings to know that not every
man we meet on the streets after dusk
is armed with a jimmy for our special
benefit. But even In the enthusiasm
of our gratitude we feel that the chief
of police Is doing no more than he is
paid to Jo when, he drives out of
the city crooks and vagrants, and for
this reason he is not entitled to the
thanks af'the community in any great
er measure than is the man who cleans
the streets. Both are public servants,
performing the duties to which they
hsfte been xssigned. '
The comment of The Morning Astor
ian at this time is not to reflect on the
greut chiefs record as a criminal chas
er. He is no worse at the game than
any other -man who has been In the
service as long as he. Neither do we
seek to close up gambling in Astoria
with one fell swoop. We appreciate
the impossibility of such a move in the
face of the state law which deals so
leniently with gamblers and the city
charter that is at once so generously
disposed towards them. To close up
gambling, action by the legislature will
be necessary, and when Jfyat body
Dlaccs it in the category of felonies
then, and only then, can we expect to
fight alonj the lines of eradication.
' Our efforts at this time are in the di
rection of keeping out of the city "vis
iting' gamblers who come here expect
ing to ply their vicious traffic under
the protecting wings vf the municipal
officials for a- cash consideration, paid
six months in advance. The law abid
ing element ' of this city protests
against any addition to the present
army of gamblers and other forms of
vice; there are altogether too many
" gamblers and their like operating now
" and th temptation for the working
man to squander away his hard earned
f money that should go to the support
'of his family, and a'so the
young men of the city. Is already too
greut for the average man with ir.ciin-
- oi.nna in that direction to resist. The
Morning Astorian seeks to prevail up
on the municipal authorities to refuse
any more gamblers the privilege of op
v erating In Ohis city.1
A to Chief of Police Hallock, The
Morning Astorian has no quarrel with
him. As an appointee of the
police commission it seems to us that
he is responsible to that body solely,
the may3r and city council to the con
trary notwithstanding. We believe in
. view of the fact that one class of peo
I lt pay tribute for one illegal priv
ilege it is only fair that every other
tlass, whether they be located in the
restricted district or In the back rooms
of uptown saloons should pay
f r similar police protection, and we
, do not tnink It Is necessary for the
Sin FrtnciKo, Seattle,
Portland, Los Angeles
and Denver, Colorado.
chief of police to wait on the mayor
and city council for Instructions In this
particular regard. His duty should
be plain to him; this Is apparent to
eveiyhody who understands the situ
ation. .
The Morning Astorian does not be
lieve in "protecting gamblers." Pro
tection .s equivalent to offering them
inducements to remain here. The ef
forts of the municipal officials should
be in the opposite direction. If the
large revenue derived from these sourc
es is so necessary and If, as has been
claimed, the city is dependent on It to
support the fire and police department
and pay interest on the bonded Indebt
edness, and, finally, If gambling can
not be eradicated, why not increase
the monthly fines and raise the saloon
license? This would drive out of busi
ness a large number of the fraternity
leaving only the so-called respectable
men la business and at the same time
the revenue would not be reduced.
Other reforms would follow In due
course of time.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping,
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific
Express Companies. Customs
House Broker,
Central Meat Market
Your orders, for
dicats. built
Will he promptly und
iis "orlly utuil to
3. W. MORTON. Prop.
rIepboa N. sjl.
Electrical Works
428 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared (or
making estimate and executing
orders for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies in stock. We sell the
celebrated BHKLBT LAMP. Call
up Phone llfL
H. W. CYRUS. - Mr
Mansell Bldg.
Phone Black 2065
573 Commercial St
Astoria Ore.
THEnew lecturn presented to the
Grace Episcopal church and dedicated
on Wednesday evening was a fitting
tribute to a woman who In life made
the spreading of God's word her spec
ial mission. The rector of the church
must have felt comforted when the to
ken of esteem was formally dedicated,
representing, as it does, the memory,
of one dear to him in life, so sweet to
him in death. It is just such gracious
acts of sympathy and kindness as the
presentation of the handsome piece of
chancel furniture to Grace Episcopal
churcto:by the members of the guild
and congregation, assisted by the con
gregation of Holy Innocents church,
that unites the pastor and his (lock,
and render easier the work of both.
Telephone SSL
All good' shipped to our car
Will receive special attention.
No 538 Duane at. W. J. COOK. Mgr.
HARMONY in the churches is some
thing greatly desired, especially in a
irrowing city like Astoria. The union
Sunday school picnic held last Friday,
at which representatives from every
I is a move in the right direction. It
is the Mepping stone to a wider ac
quaintance, a moie sympathetic re
gard, and a better understanding be
tween each denomination. We cannot
lose sight of the fact that in Christian
religion? we are all striving for the
fame goal.
C, W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building.
57S Commercial street, Astoria, Ore.
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon
Office phone Main 2441.
Residence phone Main 2443.
Office Over Griffin's Book Store,
NO matter what the weekly scribes
may have to say about John Barrett
.md his meteoric rii-e It is conceded
that he Is better than the maji
who has been sent to represent South
America in the VnitedStates. Our own
John Barrett has not a prison record
behind him.
Model Kitchen
Every Home Can Have One at a Very
Small Cost.
You would be astonished If told the
prices that Foard & Stokes Co., is sel
line its famous cooking stoves and
utensils at. A better assortment can
not be found in any store In the Btfite,
We supply everything from a dust pan
to a range at prices that -will fit any
pocketbook. It is economy to hav
your kitchen modern. Saves labor, ex
penses and your health. Let us show
you what we can do. to remodel your
home. We want at least a chance to
quote you our prices.
MR. James Oorbett, alias "Pompo
dour Jim" alia? "Gentleman Jim" alias
"a naval cadet'' is getting in shape to
stand, up in front of Mr. James J. Jef
fries again. That in;m Ji-ffni-ies always
was a neneroiis fellow.
A GAY Lothario at Linchburg, Va.,
VI years young, has just taken unto
nimsfir a cnua wife, 43 years younger.
Te people did not attempt to lynch
him 3en iha he lives at Lynch
Office Constructing Quartermaster,
Astoria, Or., July 18, 1903: Sealed pro
nosals. in triplicate, will be received
at this offfce until 10 o'clock A. M
August 8, 1903, for the construction
plumbing, heating and electric wiring
of one field officers and one double set
( lieutenants charters at Fort Stev
en.. Or. United States reserves the
right to reject any or all proposals. In
formation and specifications furnished
on uDDlicatlon. Envelopes should be
marked 'Proposals for construction
and addressed to Captain Goodale,
CONGRFSSMAX-elert Uvernash . is
In hot water again. He is accused of
patronizing a non-union barber. The
union barbers 8y that he has lathered
labor once too often this time.and they
are stropping th' ir razors for a fight.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling! no
baking I add boiling water and set to
eooL F.avorsr-Lemon, Orange, Rasp,
berry and Strawberry. Get a pacWe
at your grocers so-day. loots.
"I stuck to my engine though every
jont ached, and every nerve was rack
ed with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy,
a locomotive fireman, of Burlington,
Iowa, "I was weak and pale, without
any appetite and all run down. As
was about to give up I got a bottle of
Electric Bitters, and after taking it
I felt as well as I ever did In my Hfe.
Weak, sickly, run down people always
gain new life, strength and vigor from
their use. Try the'm. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Charles Itogers. Price
50 cents.
"I suffered for months from sore
throat. Electric Oil cured me In twen
ty-four hours." M. S. Gist, Hawes
vllle, Ky.
One of nature's remedies; cannot
barm the weakest constitution; never
fails to cure, summer complaints of
young or old. D. Fowler's Extract of
Strawberry. '
Builds up the system, puts pure rich
blood Into the veins; makes men and
women strong and healthy. Burdock
Blood Bitter.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Uobbltt of
Bargeton, Tenn., saw her dying und
were powerless to save her. The most
skillful physicians and every remedy
used failed, while consumption was
slowly but surely taking her life. In
this terrible hour Dr. King's new dls
covery for lonsumptlou turned despair
Into joy. The first bottle brought Inv
mediate relief and Its continued use
completely cured here. It's the most
certain cure In the world for nil throat
and lung troubles. Guaranteed lMt
tles 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles
free at Chas, Roger's drug store.
Itohlnes of the skin, horrible plague
Most everybody afflicted In one way or
another. Only one safe, never fulling
cure. Doan.s Ointment. At any drug
store, 60 sents.
Office of C. Q. M Vancouver Bar
racks. Wush., July 10, 1901 Scaled pro
posals, in triplicate, will be received
here until 11 o'clock, A. M., August 10.
1903, for furnishing forage and bedding
at posts In this department for year
ending June 30, 1904. Information fur
nished here- or by quartermasters at
posts, IT. S. reserve the right to re
ject or accept nny or all proposals or
nny part thereof. Envelopes contain
ing proposals should be marked:
"Proposals for Forage and Bedding nt
-" and addressed to undersigned.
I displayed by many a man during
pains of accidental cuts, wounds, Brut
es burn, scalds, sore feet or stiff
Joints. But there la no need for It.
Ituckllu's Arnica Salve will kilt th
pain and cure the trouble. It's" the
the licit salve on earth for piles, too,
:'5 cents at Charles Roger, druggist
IHl.Ml'.ftUV : TKlUJlll.KS,
it Is exceptional to find a family
where there are no domestic trouble
ncraslonly, but these can be lessened by
lining I1!'. King' Now Life pill
ui-mui.l. Much trouble they save by
their great work In stimuli h and liver
trouble. They not only relieve you
but cm you. C5 cent at Chnrlea Rog
er's drug store.
To thoughtful pupils mistake are
great teachers.
For forty year Dr. Fowler Extract
of Wild Strawberry ha been curing
summer complaint, dysentery, diar
rhoea, bloody tlux, pain In th stomach,
and It has never yet failed to do every
thing claimed for It.
Th U. 8. dispensatory ! "Opi
um lessen th perlRUlic motion of th
bowel, it' local effect (when applied
to th lower bowel) I the same It
general operation, Coulum PARALYZ
ES th motor nerves; aconite reduces
muscular strength; belladomt produce
PARALYTIC symptoms; hyocymus
nd stramonium are same a bellndo
pile medicine prescribed or on the
market contain some of the nbov pol
vl.: For ttle by CONN DRUO CO.
on, kxckpt E-nu-sA pile: cure,
"IMtU-AA uoubtle I th only pll
tnmllclu 011 (ho market which doe not
contain narcotic poison or mercury,"
III. Per C. II. McConnell, president.
"W guainiils no maroury or opiate
In E-RU-SA pll cur."-Woodard
Clarke & Co.. Portland, Or.
E-RU-SA cure pile, or W paid.
Worst ease cured with on box, E-ru
n contain no mercury, no opiates. All
reliable up-to-date druggist veil E-ru-EAGLE
Penhyroyal pills
In KI'O n-l livid th.-.lllf buiM tll
A if MU. I O.tttlU rrMtmn,!,, M-MbJ i
T 1IIW4.... hllil-r lrlMH',
WW ttM tl. I'MILA.
Try them. Only 50 cents at Charles;
i.lw a.m., Portland" I'ulon xjcliTioTtti
7:00'pot for Astoria and 9:40 p.m.
2 : SO p.m.jway point.
7:45 a.m. Kor Portland and. 11:30 a.m.
:10p.m. way point. 10:S0p.m.
I Its :50 p.m.
Roger' drug store.
Scott's Sanlal-Pfipsin Capsules
JtolsOvMiMtlon or Catarrh
ol the bladder u4 lla4 :
kldnava. No cure do pay, !
Curae quickly and Para- '
Mallgr the tonl him ot j
Uanorrhnr and !,
Bonuut"rofhowioaa'ataou '
Inr. AbMlulalT bumlril, '
Bold br drnctW Prig i
SI. 00, or by mall, postpaid. ,
(l.S0.SIoiaa.U.U. " '
Hold by Chas. itogers. 409 Commercial
street, Astoria. Oregon.
K:15 a.m.Astorla
11:30 a.m.'nton.
11 :S5 a.m.lStevens.
6: SO p.nivSenslde.
';m p.m.
for War-i 7:40 a.m.
Flavel, Ft.;i0:S0.m.
Hammond; 4:00 p.m.
I 5:50 p.m.
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
4 44444444)4444444444444 .4
Bottled Or In Keg
Proe City delivery -
l 1 f !
North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
4 044444444444444444444444 4444)444)W4)044)4)4
nttxttxnxnxttXBX) zznzuznznzuxnxuxnxrznxnzznzznzzxzr3
6:15 p.m. Seaside for Wr- :25 a.m.
9:40 a.m.'renton, Flavel,;i2:30 p.m.
30 p.m. Hammond, Ft. 1:30 p.m.
5:00;steven and A-j 7:20 p.m.
I torla 16:50 p m.
Dally except Saturday.
tSutur.lay only.
AH trains make close connections at
Cobis with all Northern Pacific train
to 11ml from the East and Sound points
J. C. Mayo,
On'l Freight and Pas. Agent
Subscribe for the
lorian, (1.00 a year.
Semi-Weekly As-
.Subscrlhe for the Semi-Weekly
'.lorUn. 11.00 a year.
B & O
Baltimore & Ohio R. R.
Finest ami Fastest scries of trains in tho world. Palutia
conches, TuHnum Buffet Parlor and Drawing Room Cars.
The Fine5t Dining Car Serv ice In the World
Is operated by tho Baltimore St Ohio Railroad.
B. IH. AUSTIiN, General Pass. Art - Chicago, III
in Recruit 5c Cigars is due entirely
to their quality Don't forget that I
At the same time every
has a band arotinHit;that! may bring
you a fortime. 142,500 iven away
5000 may come your way!
Sac tilkiB-IEainadli
Two bands from Recruit Cigars are equal to
one tag from Star Tobacco in securing presents.
7 J