The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 24, 1903, Image 2

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    ASTORIA.' OREGON, Fit I DAY, JCLY 24, 1903.
Morning Astorian
Established 1873.
rut by mail, per year, ,.$G 00
Bent by mail, per mouth. Mc
Served by carrier, per month . ..... 60c
Bent by mall, per year. In advanoe U 00
The Astorian guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Ttiver. "
"ASTORIA aids Home Industry" is
the glaring headline published In a
Portland paper over an article detail
ing the reported "new ruling" of the
municipal government to protect local
gamblers against visiting players. ' If
the municipal authorities woull lend
their efforts to the support of legiti
mate home industries their time wouli
be better occupied, and the city would
not -ret so much unpleasant notoriety
from Its neighbors The time is now
ripe to put an end to the careers of
officials who curry favor with the law
less element "Whether or not the city
derives a large revenue from the para
sites who live on the earnings of the
workingman should make no difference
Municipal prosperity tounded on the
earnings of fallen, women, gamblers
and gambling devices spells ruination
to the morals of a city, and there nev
er was an instance where Fuoh pros
perity survived the wave of public In
dignation once it began to surge. In
etoad of "protecting" the resident
gamblers by the reported contemplated
method of collecting fines six months
In advance from the visitors it would
be a better idea to deny the so-called
visitors the privilege of robbing the
people at all. This would be the first
step In the direction of eradicating the
evil entirely. There are enough houses
of prostitution, gamblers and their like
in Astoria at the present time without
encouraging more The city reeks with
their unsavory methods; they are "a
blot on the city and an insult to the
sterling citizenship that Is building up
the city by the expenditure of time,
energy, brains and money in legitimate
enterprises We can picture the sar
casm that enspired the author of the
lines "Astoria Aids Home Industry!"
T m hnrw that the city officials will
think again before they decide on the
rumored process of protection.
TllE supreme court of the state of
Oregon has handed down a decision to
the effect that a tax title is inferior
in rank to a prior existing mortgage
on the., same property This decision
ends a controversial point 'that has
been argued before the lower courts on
H t M
Itching, Scalf and Crusted
With Loss of Hair
Speedily Cured by Cuticura
Soap and Ointment
When Every Other Remedy and
Physicians Fail.
Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap
and light dressings of Cuticura, the
great skin cure, at once stop falling
hair, remove crust, scales and dandruff,
soothe irritated, Itching surfaces, des
troy hair parasites, stimulate the hair
follicles, loosen the scalp Skin, supply
the root? with energy and nourish
ment, and make the hair groW upon a
sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when
all else fails.
' .Millions of the world's best people
use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment, the great skin cure, for pre
serving "'"'fving and beautifying the
skin, foi . 0,0 scalp of crusts,
scales and landru, d the stopping
of falling hair, for softening, whiten
hi" ar.d socl'.ilng red, rough and soro
hands, for baby rashes, itchings and
cliaflnes, In the form of baths for an
noying irritations and Inflammations,
or too free or offensive perspiration, in
the form of washes for ulcerative weak
nesses, and many antiseptic purposes
which readily suggest themselves to
women, as well as for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath and nursery. Cuti
eura Soap combines in one soap at one
price the best skin and complexion
soap and the best toilet, bath and baby
soan in the world.
Complete treatment for every Hu
mour, consisting of Cuticura Soap, to
eleause the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to
heal the skin, and Cuticura Pills, to
eool the blood, may now be had for
one dollar, Jloingle set is often sura
eient to cur the most torturing, dlsflg
nrlnir. ltehlnsr. burning and scaly hu
mours, eczemas, rashes and irritations,
from infancy to age, when all else fails.
Made in California
where materials are
produced. The lowest
C'ced roofing made,
sts longer than all
others. It is weather
and water-proof and
fire resisting.
$e4 for bock let.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
Jan Francisco, Seattle,
and Denver, Colorado,
ii; ....
numerous occasions. Jiulge McBrlde
of our own circuit court passed on a
similar question on one occasion, find
ing that the tax lien was subordinate.
This has been affirmed by the high
court. The Portland Oregonian says
In regard to the decision: The decis
ion of the supreme court wilt affect
a great number of pending cases where
mortgages existed on properties that
had been sold for taxes before 1901.
The law In this state in relation to this
matter was changed by the Legislature
in 1501. which passed an act which
specifically provides that a tax title
tak's precedence over .iH mortgage
judgments and other Hens The 1901
statute only applies to property sold
for taxes since that year In the case
just decidedly the supreme court the
property was sold before that time.
The 1901 law has not been tested In
the courts, but probably will be some
THE people of the entire state are
fully aroused to the importance of the
problam awaiting solution as to
whether a State building shall be erec
ted at St. Louis to house part of our
exhibit. 'All of whit" proves ' how
keenly alive the people of Oregon are
to the importance of the great exposi
tion, and also how anxious they are
that the state should be fittingly, repre
sented on the grounds. Eliminating
the stern fact that the state cannot
afford to erect a" building out of the
appropriation, it is generally conceded
that Oregon visitors to St Louis would
feel more at home could they go to a
building displaying the crest of the
tommonwealth over its entrance. They
prefer jo be loats rather than guests.
OLD time kisVing games were played
nt a patty of "Grown-ups"' in St.
Louis lately and the people outside of
Mrs. Grundy's select Four Hundred
re . shocked, of course. Anybody
who" objects to "going back to the
good old days of childhood" must be
narrow. Then again, perhaps the
shocked ones were Jealous that they
couldn't get in and participate in the
Clap in md Out," Forfeits.-' "Wade
the Swamp" and other old time kissing
games .
TAMMANY in grappling Mr a candi
date to carry the banner at the next
polls has resurrected a former antl
Tammaiiy man, who previous to be
coming an anti was a dyed-ln-the-wool
pro-Tammany man. Tims docs the
tiger play politics, attracting to the
fold by methods of biib-iy those that
rmd gone astray. Fortunately, how
ever the republicans are in control
of Greater New York, and Indications
are that thf y are on top to stay
NEWSPAPERS no longer wait for
the death of a prominent man before
publishing his biography. Sow when
death removes such a one, as in the
case of Pope Leo XIII, there remains
nothing to tell exept im ldents sur
rounding the end. Jt I? the better way
for the world passes dickly from one
gref.t topic to another. Matters of
nine days' wonder liave Ions since been
reduced to thiee or less.
EVERY day brincjs us a day nearer
regatta week. Ilitve you decided on
the style of decorations you intend to
adorn your store or residence with?
The city iliouid be transformed into a
honor of gpy colors, and every elec
tric globe in the city should be put In
commission during the rejratta to en
hance the lUuininations at night. Let
th? decorations be appropriate
GERMANS and Irish of Portland
have a kick coming One ot the even
ing newspapers in Its telegraphic ac
count of King Edward's tour of Ire
land published the story under a Ber
lin date line. The ouestion is: Who
is entitled to kick the hardest?
EVERETT men have Invented a dp.
vice to throw the "Hullo" girls out of
their Jobs. We wonder If they ' are
pioud of their creation,
Dr. T. L. Ball
521 Commercial street, Astoria Ore.
C. J, Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific
Express Companies. Customs
House Broker.
Central Alcat Market
Tour onli'it for
meets, both
Will b promptly and
satit'tto'-irlly attended trt
3. W. MORTON. Prop.
Telephone No. 2t.
Electrical Works
428 BOND ST.
Wt ara thoroughly prepared for
making estimate and executing
ordera for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stock. We tell the
celebrated BHELBT LAMP. Call
; up Phone llOL
H. W. CYRUS. - Mar
Mansell Bldg. 673 Commercial St.
Fhone Black 2065 Astoria Ore.
... Telephone ML
All roods shipped to our care
Will reoelTe special attention.
No. 538 Dnaae 8t- W. J. COOK. Mgr.
C, W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building.
57S Commercial street, Astoria, Ore.
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon
Office phone Main 2441.
Residence phone Main 2443.
Office Over Griffin"- Book Store.
A Model Kitchen
Every Home Can Have One at a Very
' Small Cost.
, You would be astonished if told the
prices that Foard & Stokes Co., Is sel
ling ita famous cooking stoves and
utensils at A better assortment can
not be found In any store in the stpte.
We supply everything from a dust pan
to a range at prices that will fit any
pocketbook. It Is economy to have
your kitchen modern. Saves labor, ex
penses and your health. Let us show
you what we can do to remodel your
home. We want at least a chance to
quote you our prices.
Office Constructing Quartermaster,
Astoria, Or., July 18, 1903:-Sealed pro
posals, In triplicate, will be received
at this office until 10 o'clock A. M.,
August 8, 1903, for the construction,
plumbing, heating and electric wiring
of one field officers and one double set
of lieutenants quarters at Fort Stev
ens, Or. United States reserves the
right to reject any or all proposals. In
formation and specifications furnished
on application. Envelopes should be
marked "Proposals for construction"
and addressed to Captain Goodale,
"I stuck to my engine though every
Jont ached, and every nerve was rack
ed with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy,
,i locomotive fireman, of Buniington,
Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without
any appetite and all run down. As I
was about to give up I got a bottle of
Electric Bitters, and after taking it
I felt as well as I ever did In my life."
Weak, sickly, run down people always
gain new life, strength and vigor from
their use. Try them. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Charles Rogers. Price
SO cents.
"I suffered for months from sore
throat. Electric Oil cured me In twen.
ty-four hours." M. S. Gist, Hawes
ville, Ky.
One of nature's remedies; cannot
barm the weakest constitution; never
falls to cure summer complaints of
young or old. D. Fowler's Extract of
Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As
torlan, $1.00 a year. .
The family of Mrs. M. L. Kobbttt of
Hargeton, Tenn., saw her dying and
were powerless to save her. The most
skillful physicians and every remedy
used failed, while consumption was
slowly but surely taking her life, la
this terrible hour Dr. Klnjr's new di
eovery for jonsumptlon turned despair
lntoky-. The (list bottle brought Im
mediate relief and Its continued use
completely cured bore. It's the most
certain cure !n the world for all throat
and lung troubles. tluarnuteed bot
tles 50 ceuts and $1.00. Trial bottles
free at Chas. Roger's drug store.
Oft'lce of C. Q. M., Vancouver lar
racKs. Wash.. July 10. 1903. Scaled pro
posuta. In triplicate, will be received
here until 11 o'clock. A. M., August 10.
1903, fur furnishing forage and bedding
at Ksts In this department for" year
ending June 30, PJOt. Information fur
nished here or by quartermasters at
posts. V. S. reserves the right to re
ject or accept any or all proposal or
any' part thereof. Envelopes contain
ing proposals should be marked:
"Proposals for Fornge and Redding nt
" and addressed "to undersigned.
ItoMnes of the skin, horrible plague
Mot everybody afflicted In one way or
another. Only one safe, never failing
cure, Doan.a Ointment, At any drug
store, SO aents. '
Pennyroyal pills
,') vK. ur.i r.H-s r.x.i.isii
In Klin ml Ool'l a..'"U!tt turn !
fj 11 1... Hif or J".r !irwi.t. w 4. tm
jr tCiar. " lAPilMUn. Tt1lHlU
L IHH Hull I H.flttU T,.iim..U.- IMdbf
"T llini4, K. oh-kntcM ,!! ',
Try them. Only 60 cents at Charles
Roger's drug store.
Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules
Por iBSuamalloner Caivrh
of tha Blaildrr ud Dim4
Cam calcUr ud Pno.
Bntl lh wont o
UanQrrlurt ud ..:,
Bo puut'" r ol bow Ung it and
In. Abeolnlflr tunl 11,
1 1. Jo, or hf mll, pipi4
Su!l by Chas. Rogers, 459 Commercial
treet. Astoria, Oregon.
iSeaeuny Capsules are sopenoM
to Balsam ot copiiDf.-.
CtibebJOf Iniertiprn anlA--V'
CURE IN 48 HOlhaU'
the same diseases with-' I
out incpnvenience.
Sou h nil lwistt. .
Time C'nnl t Trnlnn
Leaves Anlv
Huget Sound Limited. 7:36 am t:4S p in
Kansas Clty-St. Louis
Special 11:10 am t o prr.
North Coast Limited 1:30 P m 7:00 a m
Tacoma and Seattle Night
Express 11:46 p m 1:05 re
Take Puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Orays Harbor points
Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym
pia direct
Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan
sas Clty-SU Louis Special for points
on South Bend branch.
Double dally train service on Gray's
Harbor branch.
Four trains dally between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle.
Good goods at the right price. John
son Bros.
Some Inter
esting Faets
When people are :-onten,)la.lng a
trip, whether on business or pleasure,
they naturally want the best serv'.-e
obtainable as far as speed, comfort and
safety is concerned. Employes of the
paid to serve the public and our trains
are operated so as to make close con
nections with diverging lines at all
,u not ion points.
Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair
Cars on through trains.
Dining car service unexcelled, Meals
served a la carte.
In order to obtain the first-class ser
vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you
a ticket over
The Wisconsin Central Line
and you will make direct tp.ii.ectlons
at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and
all points East.
For any further information call on
any ticket agent ,or correspond with
jas. u. POND, Gen. Pass. Ag't.
or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis.
Is only run by the Northern Pacific
between Portland and Minneapolis and
St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle,
Spokane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston.
Billings, Blsmark and Fargo. Eight
of these trains are on the run dally,
four east and four west. Each is a
solid vesttbuled train, carrying stand
ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining
car, day coaches, mall, express and
baggasre car and the elegant observa
tion car. Each train Is brilliantly
lighted with over $00 lights and the
beautv of It all Is you can travel Just
as cheaply on tills train as on any
other. All representatives will be
glad to give you additional informa
tion. A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen
eral Passenser Agent 265 Morrison St,
1 displayed by ptany a man during
imlns of accidental cuts, wounds, Bruit
e burns, acaUla, sore feet or tiff
joints. Hut there Is no need tor It,
IttukHn's Arnica Salve will kill the
pain and cure the trouble. It's the
tlio bod salve on earth for pllea, too,
;i cents at Charles Rogers, druggist.
It Is tcottUiual to find a family
where thoiN" nrc-iw domestic troubles
.ovaslonly. 't tlu-se can be lessened by
having Dr. King's New Life pills
around. Much trtuble they save by
tln-ir great work In stomnvh and liver
tiubl:. They not only relieve you j
but cure you. 23 cents nt Chni les Rog
er's drug store.
To thoughtful pupils mistakes are!
ureal teachers. J
jtulliN uirthTTiystemrputs pure rich
blixd Into the veins; makes men and
women strong and healthy. Bunlock.
Hlood Hitters.
For forty years Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry has been curing
summer complaint, dysentery, dtar.
rhoci. bloody llux, pain In ths stomach
and It has never yet tailed to do every
thing claimed for It.
8 oe a in I'oriiaud Uttia De-ll;10 a. m
7:00 p.m. pl for Astoria ad; I 40 p.m.
(3:30 p.m.iway pints.
I:4a.m..For Portland and. 11:30 a.m.
610 p ni l way points. 10 :30 p.m.
1 P6 &0 p.m.
1:15 a.lll.TAstortttf
11:30 am-lrenton, Flavel,'Ft.!10:80a.m.
11.35 tin .;Stevens, Hammond; 4:00 p.m.
5:50 p.mSenslde. 5:50 p.m.
tJ:D5pin.. I
:lip.m.,Sealde for War- ;i3 a.m.
9.40 a.m.'renton, FlBvel.;i2:30 p.m.
2.30 p.m. Hammond, Ft.! 1:30 p. m.
6:00 p.m. Stevens and As-J 7:20 p.m.
toria H :50 pm.
Dally except Saturday.
'Saturdny only.
All trnlns make closs eoaneetlons at
iloble with all Northern Pacific trains
to and from th East and Sound points
3. C. Mayo.
C.en'1 Freight aad Pass. Agent
i:etwpB June 4th and August 36th,
the Illinois Central will sell round trip
tickets from Oregon and Washington
points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, snd
New Orleans at Greatly reduced rates.
Tickets good for three months. Oolng
limit 10 days. Returning limit 10 days
after sturtlng west. Stop over prlvl
Hires either way, west of the Missouri
river. Sale dates are arranged to be
convenient for delegates to conventions
of National Educational association at
Hoston; Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen
at Indianapolis; Eagles at New Tork;
Shrlners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth
ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav
elers nt Indianapolis. You can take
your choice of It different routes.
Write uh, We will cheerfully give you
any detailed Information you want. B.
H.TIil'M BI LL, Commercial agent. 14!
Third street, Portland Ore.
Ebery smoker of Recruit 5c
cigars has an opportunity to
share in
of $142,500,
sk the
Th U. S. dispensatory saya: "Opi
um lessens the perlitallo motion ot the
bowels. It's local effect (when applied
to the lower bowel) Is the tarn as Hs
gvnoral operation, Conlum PARALYZ
ES t the motor nerves; aconite reduces
muscular strength; uelladona produces
PARALYTIC symptoms; hyoscyamus
and stramonium are same as bcllado.
pile metllclne prescribed or- on the
market contains some of the above polt
vli.: For sale by CONN DIIUO t,
The Finest Hotel
Hottled Or Iti K8
Frew City delivery
North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
a 4a4a444
f '
Caatt Aaaats .
Cah Aaaat In UnUd Sltataa. a.Oi,aj(
C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents
215 Ssosome Street Si a Pnaclsco. Ctt -
t KLMORE & CO., AKent, Astoria, Or.
Is Represented at Home and Abroad by the
A live, clean family jmpt-r.
by carrier or $0 per year y
Astoria having Associated
Published on Tuewlays mid Fridays. It gives all the .
local, county and tclcra'pic news audit costs, only'
the cash offer
T a v. m m m m m
Two bands from Recruit Cifari are equal to
one tag from Star Tobacco In securing presents.
K-lttl-flA doubtltm Is tha only pllt
medicine on the tunrket which doss not
contain narcotic poisons or mercury,"
III, IVr C. II. McConnelt, president.
"We gunrsntee no mercury or opiates
In E-RU-SA pits curs." Woodard
Clarke & Co., Portland, Or.
K-IW-SA cures piles, or t&0 paid.
Worst esses cured with one box. E-ru
k conlaUn no mercury, no opiates. All
reliable up-to-date druggists sell E-ru-
In the Northwest
Price CO cents jcr month
until. Thu oirly paper in
Press Telegraphic Kews.
cn m