ASTORIA, OREGON, : THURSDAY JILY, 16, 1903. Morning Astorian MAiSFKOID ROOFING RATEfi lien, by mail, per year Bent by mail, per month. .... Served by oarrier, per month .- '-i', v.-.. Sent by mall, per year. In advance 11 00 $6 00 30c 60c BWSj - cold. U I OSlf tO PATHYl ID1RB0ICBICKS Manseti Bldg. v S73 Commercial 8t Astoria Ore. "I suffered 'for montaifroro tore throat. Electric Oil cured me li twen ty-four hours.; M, S. ow, llawe vine, Ky. J ,. ;? ;.: U H Phone Black' v. ... The Astorian guarantees to Its ad-1 vertisera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River..:, tnal i'ly-i THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO., AN English scholar has recently been discoursing on tho wisdom of the ages. What is the wisdom of tbe age.? Does anybody know? There hav been men who have laid down hard and fast rules of living wisely, but,-wtthiw exceptions, they themselves neglected to practice what tney "preached. ' This thing qalled wisdom is hard to define. It probably stands more for pedantry and bogotry than anything else. Hu man wisdom Is human, and therefore an imperfect thing. What It considers right today miy ie wrong tomorrow. It Is too much of an abstraction and, for this very reason, hard to live up to. it Is too apt to ignore the concrete the prejudices and foibles of mankind. Wisdom Is a most beautiful thing, like wise peculiar. He who pretends to be wise is frequently the moat foolish of men. Our boasted knowledge is largely delusion. It has no permanent value. It stops at the brink of the grave and forcotton when the mouth that preached it Is filled with dust iU climate' heat, rain, gisei, fumei and fir do not affect it. Comet in rol.'i ready for hying. Low freight charge. Inexpen tive. to apply, cheap in the first place and laiu for year. ; . tea tt WekM. a The Paraffin Paint Co. San Frtncbco, Sceitlt, Portland, Lm Antttw Dtsvtf, Colorado. ever, ttiat the loss tnrougn decrease will more than" be offset by a corres ponding advance in prices, thus as- suring the farmers substantial returns on their investment of and money. WHITE rlbboner of the State of Oregon are preparing to make deadly onslaught on the .saloons that flourish in cities, towns and hamlets. Dr. O. L. Tufts, the new superintendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon League appointed by the general superintendent of the American Anti-Saloon League has ar rived in Portland from the East, and will at once lay a method of organis ation before the pastors of the church es or te state. C. J. Trbnchard Insurance, Commission tad Sblpptng. Agent Wells, - Fargo and Paclfto Express Companies. Customs . House Broker.' . H J ; Dr. T. L. Ball V DENTIST 554 Commercial street, Astoria Ore. WONDEUFCL JKltVK. Is displayed by many a man dining pains of accidental cuts, wounds, Bruit es burns, .scalds, sure feet or stiff Joint. Bat there- is no need for It OucVlln'a Arnica Salve will kill th" pain and cure the trouble, . It's the the best salve on enrthj for Mies, loo. Js cents at Ohurlea Itogers, druRUt. USTORI A AND COLUMBIA UKA'XjfttNlfXHRlVR 1so4a,m.1l,ortlttiid Wu(on"W-tVrio"a.m p,m.'pot for Astoria and( 1:40 p.m '2:30 p.ii. wy points. ASTOltlA and ll )i.m RELIANCE Electrical Works 428 BOND ST, . We are thoroughly pared for. making estimatM and executing orders for all kinds of electric! Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sell the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone lio. I H.W.CYRUS. . Mar ; i !a tb8y.'clos call!, ' , "I stack to myVngine though every Jtmt ached, and every nerve was rack ed with pain," writes O. W. Hellnmy. tt locomotive fireman, of ' Rurlinaton, Iowa.' "I was weak and pale, without any appetite .and all run down. Aa I was about to give up I gut a bottle of Rlectrlc Bitters,! and aftT taking' it I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new Ufe, strength and vigor from their usei Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Charles Rogers. Price SO cents. i UNITED States Senator Levi Ankeny of WalU Walla has Just emerged from a local light that has taken the stif fening out of his military moustache. The boss of Walla Walla barely es caped defeat at the polls, his candi date for mayor receiving a bare ma jority of 15, and his candidate for chief of police perishing under an avalanche of 303 votes. Frank KeeS .the defeated candidate for chief of police, was a member of the last legislature, and made the nominating speech in the house for Ankeny. He was also one of the principal advocates for the bill to muzzle the press, which was inglor- iously defeated. Thus does Walla Walla administer a severe rebuke to ma chine rule. - THE city dads of Portland have re pented, and the heart of the small boy and his parents has been made glad again. The circus license will be re duced from J1200 to $300, and Ringling Bros., will pitch their tents and parade the graceful elephants and "Rube' band as of yore. Sensible city papas. THE Corvallls Gazette, as if to In tensify the warm weather, devotes column of editorial space to a blister ing discussion of the warm subject. The Elimination of Hell." The ar ticle does not state whether or not the office "devil" Is included In the prop osition. THE people who rush through life In the East at the rate of sixty miles Ier hour are reported as dying on the streets from the effects of heat from Old Sol's fiery rays. , What a differ ence exists in Astoria and throughout the State. 'of Oragonf, We are blessed with a mild climate, a generous am ount of sunshine and all the rain that Is good for us. In the face of Eastern statistics Oregon people have nothing to complain of, hot even the constant downpour of the heavenly waterworks. KING Pster of Servia continues to announce that "he is safe in the love of his 'people" but it is suggested in spirit of kindliness by his friends this side of the world that it won't be a bad plan for him to look under the bed at night t THE school census of Astoria shows an Increase over 19)3 or 4W. tws means a larger income for the district from the sta.te school apportionment Who says that the city is not growing? THE current issue of the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society con tains an 'article on the subject, "An Educational History of Astoria" from the pen of Alfred A. Cleveland.. ! ADVERTISE in the home paper The Morning Astorian. Apropos of adver tising as a good investment read. what Harpers Weekly has to say on,the subject: "This is- th age of display, every oue turns advertiser;- posters are needed today, even by king and kais er. Don't be frigid and proud, act as your cousins and kin do; capture the eye of the crowd everything .into the window." To which -we' would add, "everything Into the advertising col umns of The Astorian. . , PRESENT Indications are that the entire wheat crop of the Northwest, which includes Oregon, . Washington and Idaho, will show a falling, oft this yearof about 15 per cent. The entire yield promises to approximate 36,000,000 bushels. It Is gratifying to know, how- HAVE you sent In your application for membership in the Chamber of Commerce yet? If not, why not? - OCR MOTTO: Astoria and Ciat3op county first, the rest of the world after wards. ; . t : HAVE you seen the alert boys of the hose team at practice this week? GOOD morning, what are you going to do for Astoria today. NO more rain this summer, maybe! Itohines of the skin, horrible plugue Most everybody afflicted in one way or another. Only one safe, never failing cure. Doan.s Ointment. At any drug store, 50 sents. Central Meat Market ' 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders for mrsts. talk FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. SAVED FROM A TERRIBLH DRATH The family of Mrs. M. L. Hobbttt of Bargeton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used failed, while consumption . was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's new dis covery for consumption turned despair Into joy. The first bottle brought lm mediate relief and its continued nxe completely cured here. It's the most certain cure In the world for all throut and lung troubles. Guaranteed bot ties 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Chas. Roger's drug store. t0:p.m, iK.IA .. ... 4 lre.WI'.HH, 7 Ai For Purtlaiu t:10p.m. way point. TrIiVa.nTAtorl"aTtor Waf:40ikn? U.Jfla.m.livnton, Flavtl, Ft.il0;Wa.m. 11:35 a.m. Stevens. Hammondl 4:00 p.m. R;.V p.m.;Seuslde. S :50 p.m. !5:r5 p. in. :!& p.m. seaside (or war- I.K a m. t:40a.iu.renton, Flavel,ll:S0 p,m 2:30 p.m.lltaminond, - Ft. 1:30pm. 5:00p.m.;tfteyen ( and sAs- 7:20 p.m. ' torh 's 1 tf :10 p.m. Dally except Saturday. (Saturday only. All trains make dost'coniMOtlons at Goble with alt Northern Paclfto trains to and from the Rait and Sound points ,,,!.) J- C, Mayo, Qen'l Freight and Pass. Agent. Telepaoa No. m. Dr. Nellie .Smith Vernon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office phone Main !441. Residence phone Main 2443. Office Over Griffin's Book Store. Lo eLio Mo Oregon Siiorj Line Ms Sastat-Pepsis En;ss mvi cusi huaanttoa srOMank aaUkl aal Rr u al aawa ami a ostnvs cvsz Wat tahuaantlM srdaMrrk tf lb. KUdJ.r aa4 PI. mil V9W aiur U.aorrMu aa4 4iMa. ao aiatltof aov 1h au. wn aanaMa, !! ! ft r " bamu, Ute,lwM,LS Sold by Chas, treet. Astoria, tni unuwn ml uaeTatam Rogers, 46 Commercial Oregon. For forty years Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has been curing summer complaint, dysentery, diar rhoea, bloody flux, pain In tha stomach, and it has never yet tailed to do every thing claimed for It. (pLATERfTB li Mlnrsi fitter) YOU-MAX tXTMN)) IIVlLDtnU ... ,. Xe.aaxVit sMMiiir to h kimcid a wo M9'r lUMtr Ets ATE RITE ROOFING Takes the plica of ahluKlei, tin, Iron, tar anil grsvel, and all preparsd naidngs For tint and steep surfaces, guttiira, valleva, etc. Kasy to lay. Tempeied for all climate, lieaaouabls in oust. . Hold on merit,. OuarautesU. l will pay to ask fur , price and information. ' THE LLAT EKI IE RO0nG CO., Worcester DuiidinQj ;PbW jnd. am ---wf m. m jvh t - 's ! Palace Cafe Best Rcsfaurailt i HcfoUrstili, IfCciU' Suitey filBnr i SpicUttr , Eilrylklif til Nlfttt Affotil Palace Catering Company BCKSMlTHIiStG,, Carrlire isfl Wion Bondlnf. '.FIr$t-CIass Horse Sboetof. L.02Sl'i8 Caittip' Work. All kinds of wagon material in itock fur sale. v ' We guarantee the best work dono In (he city. Trice right. if ; lr. V 1.. ANDREW ASP. Corner Twelfth and Duahe Su. 'I'hone 91 i . - 1 4 Depart PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone tSL OKAYING AND EXPRESSING AO goods aUpped to oar ears . Will receive scecial attention. No. S3S Dnaot fit W. 3. COOK. Mgr. Chicago Portland Special :20 a. viaHuntn lngton. TIME SCHED ULES From Portland. C. W. BanDentist Aico UMOK PACIFIC Mansell BuUdlng. S7I Commercial street. Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONB RED 2M1. Arrive. Atlantic l.lfi p.m. vlaHuntJ Salt Lake, Denver, j Ft Worth, Oma-j 4:S0p.m. ha, Kansas City St Louis, Chicago and East Salt Lake, Denver, Express! Ft. Worth. Oma ha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chi- SETS THE SHIM OH FIRE No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, and burns like Eczema. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually spreads, followed by pustules or blisters from which a gummy, sticky fluid oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking,sores and scabs.' It ap pears on different parts of thebqdy but oftenest upon the back, arms, hands," legs and face, and is a , V-itnl.U tnrnt f at Ia 1866 1 experienced at tunas patches on the in ; veritable torment ar miAm Dt h.d, ,ht itfh v,..j " mnon amcomrort. as time want br it nieht or when over- f ' heated. ( -The cause of Ecze ma is a too acid and in 9 . .1 fraw worn, ana l was convinced that was afflicted with Eczema. X con sulted several physioians and a num ber of specialists, and used asveral ex tarnal applications, receiving but aliabt tamporary relief. In Febrsary I decided V try 8. 8. 8., and in ieaa than a month I experisnoed a cbanse for the better, and by May all symptoms had disappeared, and I found myaelf entire ly curad, and have bad no return of the disease ainoti. W. P. RRTTR FT Manager Stockman's Advertising Agency. ' SUtioa A, Kansas City, Mo. " general unhealthy con- W Jf dition of the blood. The terrifying itching end burning is pro duced by the overflow through the glands and pores of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the blood-current is over- , i . i , . toaaea. vvauc external applications, sucfl a washes, soaps, salves and powders aresoot hing and cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or touch the real cause of the disease, but S. S. S. does, and purifies, enriches, and strengthens the thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system, when the glein clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears. - Send for our -free book oa the Skin and its diseases. No charge for medical advice. . TKE SWFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIAMTA, BA IT WOMEN ONLY KNEW. What A Heap Of Happiness It Would Bring To Astoria Homes. Hard to do housework with an ach ing back. Hours of misery at leisure or at work If women only knew the cause. Backache pains come from sick kid neys Doan's Kidney Pills will cure It. Astoria people endorse this. Mrs. D. Murphey, widow, who lives at 395 Ivon street, Portland, says: "Tears ago, when living in Kansas, I was greatly troubled with kidney com plaint. At that time I was, I might say, perfectly helpless for months but in time it wore away as mysteriously as It came. It did not bother me again until last fall when there was every symptom of Us return and knowing what I had suffered formerly I began to look around for something to check it. and on looking over the paper I noticed Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommend ed so I procured them and took them as directed It only required a few day's treatment to ward off the attack. Since then I -have recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to a number of my friends. Plenty more proof like this from As toria people. Call at the drug store of Charles Rogers and ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 c. per box. Foster Millburn Co., Buffalo N. T sole agents for the LT. S. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. lngton.! cago and East Walla Walla. St Paul! Lewlston, Spo- FaitMalf kane, Minneapolis, p. m. j St Paul; Duluth, via. I Milwaukee, Chl- Spokane cago and East. lU:Ms.m 7:35 p. m, 70 hours from Portland to Chicago No change of cars. OCEAN AND PJYER SCHEDULE. From Astoria ; All sailing dates i ' subject to change, j t j For San Francis- j co every Ave days. ' Ta. m. j Columbia River : 4: a. m.. Daly ex to Portland and ' Dally ei cept Surj Way Landings. , cept Mot Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide daily except Sunday for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tigia and North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same ev ening. G. W. LOUNSBERRT.Agent Astoria. eenls at Charles All Kinds of Mattresses Made to Order Yf Furniture Unpaired Upholstering Adams Q HenriihfisiBn Itaalers I , . Farnltore, Stoves. Tinware, House Fornlshings. Sccood-hanJ Goods Booght And Sold. , Wt Bay AN t4t sf Jos. '403 BOND iTfttef, ASTORIA, OREGON. 'MONK. RED UtS til ttftaggMta, eBMwivaj. mm Try lh?rn. Onlr Roger's drug itor It T UXORIOUS 1 HAVEL Th. "Northwestern Urnl! trains. electrlo lighted throughou'. both lild and out, and steam Heated, art with out exception, the finest trains la the arid. The embody the litest r rarest and best ideas for comfort convanlstUM and luxury ever offered tba travailing public, and sltogether art the most complete and splendid sroduotion f tbt car builders' art. These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Nortlleri The Northers f aclflc tut The Canadian Pacific AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO ajid the BAST. No extra charge tor these supHot acommodatlons and all class of tick ets are available for passu on the trains on this line are protected by th Interlocking Elect Pyattm. Clings, ; W art prepared to mftiihim on' irtiof t 09ttc aa6 o bMt rtahs-''-' -Let us fWs'rc) tstlmattt'oa nf ' 4f castings qr pattern work. Lowest s ( prices for, flrst-eJaas workl . , TELEPHONE NO.' 1481. ! . '? - IRON, STEEL, k and BI ' flit, tatk aad' tiaaaua ai 4 m Subscribe for the torlan, 11. (r a year. Beml-Weekly As i A familiar nam of tbs Chloaara, MUwauks sV St Paul Railway, knowu ail over th Union M th Oreai Raul way running; tha "Pioneer Lfmltsd" traioa vary day and night between Bt Paul and Chloago,nd Omaha and Cbioago, "Tn only psrfaot train In tna wocld." Understand: OonaotloM ar . aaada with all transooUnratal Unas, urw to paawngars th beat servios known. Luxurious eoaobes, eleotrlo light, steam heat, of , variety eauaJed br no otter tin. Be that your ticks reads via "The Milwaukee", when going to any point In th United Ptate or Cana4a. Ad ticket agents Mil them. For rates, pamphltts or other lnfor rmstion. addeaa. J. W. CASEY, H. 8. ROWE. Trar. Pads. Aft'., Hen. Agf. Portland, Or. Portland. Or. KXCURSON RATES HAST VIA if- QfttiAT NORTH RUN RAILWAY 'f tWf.t ; . 1 i Chlrag and return, III. to. LWla and return. K7 . SO ' Ieorla and return W U i St. Paul' and return $00. , Mlnoaapotls and return . Duluth and return ISO. Date bf sals-June 4 and l and !4 to tt. July 1S and li and Auritt 16 to Uk For fuil Information r'cnlV on or ad urvss, H. pickfun, city, ticket agent, 121 Third stntrt PorUand, Or. iu U ORAJO, Osaeral Passenger Agtnt Porttaad, Oregon. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS vu A Model Kitchen Every Home Can Have One at a .Very Small Cost. You would be astonished if told the prices that Foard & Stokes Co., is sel ling its famous cooking stoves and utensils at. A better assortment can not be found in any store in the stytte. WeNsupply everything from a dust pan to a range at prices that will fit any pocketbook. It Is economy to have your kitchen modern. Saves labor, ex penses and your health. Let us show you what we can do to remodel your home. We want at least a. chance to tuote you our prices. . FOARD &STOKE3 CO,., ' ..TO.. SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. TRAINM DAILY 2 2 3 A TO HER 8 A L V Bi' irt moot heiinz ofv m the wot it FAST TIME New Equipment Throughout Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet, Smoking Library Cars. Daylight Trip Through the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For Full Particulars, Rat;es, Folders, Etc., Call on or Address J. W. PHALON, ' H. DICKSON, Trav. Pass. Agt,: City Ticket Aet V Third Street, Portland. C12 First. Avenue, Seattle, Wash. A. B. C. DBNNI8TON. O. W. P. A. First ih: jpricc in" qiiditv First in aroma -1)1 the great 5c Ci0?; T1m( Lhrtjett Selling Brand of Cig&rt in the Wori4 7 J i The Bai if ffto Smoker'i Protection.