ASTOWA PUBUC UB1ART ASSOC1ATIOH. Booka, Periodicals, Marines. Ac, ' AreRcftafcg Tetai FrcriTha UDrary wiihout permission. Any onett.nd gu.ity of 'tuch offente. t Will h ItKio . - v., ' !: -'-. i-W IS- I. . ....,.- ..... . v .v .. j . . VOLUME, LVI. ,. ' ,, ,. ! " . astria nnrr.nv. tuf-SHAy. n i.v ' 11' men -- - - : . . ; , : t . ... ,,. . .. . ' ' T"' ' J"1'; . . ii-i.,..l ' w ......... , , . ... .... - ,. nUjUiiLK V7, : . ' .. n Just Nobbiest Salts In Astoria Largest, Newest and Best Se lected Stock ' Fall Value With j, Every Pur .' chase' ,'fn.. Lowest Price 'Consistent With -Honest Values in; TVpiSH J-; BATHS '1wsan AT 539 COMMERCIAL ST. Open from 3 1. M. to 3 A. M. daily, xep( Sunday. . On Sundayi from 8 P. M, to 3 A. M. Flrst-vlaa chiropo dist In attendant. T. It DAVIEM, Proprietor. The Best NEW HAMMOCKS Lare assortment of unusually hand- some goods Just received. 75 cents to $5.00. J . N, GR1FF1 N. 1 ,AWD'WOWT mix 1 nr. jm Ladies' Bathing Suits ' Children's Bathing Suits Duck and Crash Outing Skirts Fifty-cent sailor hats Beach hats 1 i 1. Swimming tights THE BEE HIVE Received '' mil riivm-'"''--' i v. 'ill vvrf y 1 On Earth The Did Way U ..... , . WABOOOD ENOUUH. - ai Ion; u thwt m no bolter, but now it' poMlblo to hav modern thlnit tho )r of onveilocet )rhch In- crtaM iijoyment and penonal. Comfort 1H ui tit up your bathroom properly, Tou'll like the way we do'the work. wculley! , 4704)1 Commercial. Phone Black Wi 3 A . ! 39c -. ' lOc . -rfr jr. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, JU1 PONTIFF IS GETTING LOW Hitlerto Lucid Mind of Pope Leo h'Clouded By Approach ' ' ' Death.' DOCTORS SAY END IS (NEAR Arounoa from Lethariry lly Con atant I'ae of I'owerful Htiiuu '. ulantltlMR EmU All. ; Home July 14. . m.)-Whlle hre la life thre In hop, huh the can olntlon ihiit Dr. Lappunl would give to nlKht In admitting that Pope Uii'ii con dition wan very grave. . The pontiff wai thla morning In a more vrltU-ul condl tlm thnn at any tlmeim-e the middle of laH week. The ml- oncluu coo lltkm into -which he fell at midnight ind ih c'intumfd ntute of hla heretofore lucid mind on hla awakening at an tarty hour thlf morning, aot-ompunlrd by a mill gjvater d-irealon tmm dur ing ynii-roay, nr regarded aa eynip tom of the gruveet imture and n jointing to imminent dlioolutlon Kven In tho early evening Dr. ilaxxoiil thougnt th en4 waa in iight. " He ex ireed the belief that unl? the dla te.inr took n unexjxsi'ted turn there waa no reanon to npprttend Ueutlr for two or three day. Thle atntfiiient, how rver, did nt rellevve th anxiety of thoe who knew that powerful etlmu- lanta are being ronatantly nilnilnlnter ed. ' PATIENT FEELS TIItED. Ttome, July 14, (4:30 a. m. ir. Lap- muI haa succeeded in re-nnimutlng the fiope with atlmulanta; He nlao gave him a little nourishment. The patient' breathing is again difficult. He say be feels very tired; SINKING RAPIDLT. London, July II. A dispatch from Rome timed midnight today says: The. pope 1 rapidly sinking; relatives have been summoned. It Is reported that hi haa relapsed Into unconscious1 nesa. WOVLD CURE THE POPE. Rome, July IS At both the Vatican and the house of Dr. Lnpponi the ar rivals of patent medicfrie, eurgloul In struments and medical apparatus of all kind continues, each being accompanied by assurance that his holiness will re' cover If it Is used according to direct' tlons. Prom. Vienna have come highly pei fected machines for producing arti ficial respiration and for making ox ygen. The pontiff, However naa not re quired the udmlnstraton of oxygen for the lat three days, "What I need," says Pope Leo, "is jUr fresh air. Be sides I should be allowed to rise. An old man of 4 ahould not be kept In bed when without fever." NO NEED FOR CONFESSOR Priest left the Vatican Feeling Slighted Uecause HI Services were not asked Mgr. Pfllteri, the confessor of his holiness, feels rather offended because he s not , allowed to entor the sick rhuniher and Is especially dissatisfied with the attending physicians, believ ing It Is due to them that he excluded. Thla morning he again asked to be per mitted :o see Pope Lo. On bearing the request the pontiff said: "When I need him I shall send for hlm,"ind Mgr. Pflfferl left the vatloan, consld eflng himself an Injured man, v rears Which , would you rath er have, if you could have your choice, transparent skin or perfect features ? AH the world would ' - - --.v.. : ... choose one , way; and you can have it measurably,' Jf you use Pears' Soap and " live wholesomely otherwise, . you will have the best complexion Na ture has for you. . Sold all over th world. ''KEHEJJTIM Exj" HAS A V Pope Leo Thinks he V Thursday will I'le on Pope Leo Is credited with having suid: , . I "If I am destined to die fromftlils WW nesa I feel I shall expire on TBursday. the feist day of the Carmelite madonna whom I especially worship." i This presentment Is remarkable be titune In a certain way V coincides with the prophesy made In the twelfth century by SU Itulschy, the bishop of Armagh'' who predicted that Pope Leo would be succeeded by a pope symUillxIng the motto "Ignes A Mens" (burning fire.) The Carmallte madonna is the patroness of the Carmelite order, which attributes Its origin to the prophet Elijah, who ascended to Heav en in a chariot of fire. Besides being a member and protector of this order Is Cardinal Gotto, who Is looked upon as the most likely successor to the pontl llciil. HAIL FOLLOWS DROUTH London Suburbs Troubled Mosquitoes. With New Tork, July 13. The heat wave has suffered an Interruption says a Herald dispatch- from London. Thun der and hall storms have brought the temix'rature to below normal for the time of the year. London's drought of 'it days was broken. ' in Matlock and the neighborhood a thunderstorm was followed by blinding showers of large hailstones. The ground waa soon cov ered aa though with unow. A large part of Lincolnshire felt the effects of the storm to an extraordinary extent Hailstones broke , the lamps and bouse windows, ... The wreckage at Newark, where the storm extended over an area pt four miles. Included the smashing through of the glass roof Of the railway station and much damage was done to grow ing crop throughout the storm area. ' Life la becoming a burden hard to be borne In the suburbs of London bordering upon the lower Thames by reason of a plague of mosquitoes. All InhablUtted places adjacent to the de Thames marsh ground of Wool 'vli'h and Greenwich,' and even high and wholesome land toward Olackheath are groaning under the common incu bus. ' -:..''. .1 In Eiisthum hospital the attendants are obliged to cover the beds with muslin curtains, a thing heretofore un known. ' FROM FIRE TO PIT Narrow Escape of Eighty Passengers In Burning Trolley Car New Yor, July 13. Fifteen persons have been hurt by faPlng Into the sub way excavation at Lenox Ave., and 125th street after jumping from a burn ing trolley car on which they had a thrilling ride for several blocks while the motorman was making desperate efforts to reach a fire engine house. The car was filled with about 80 pas sengers, mostly women and children. When they discovered the fire many tried to Jump but the motorman put on the full power. He had not gone two blocks before the car was enveloped In flames. The conductor saw that ther? was danger of burning the whole car lvid of passengers and pang the bell. The car came to a stop right oyer the excavations for the subway. The pas sengers piled off on top of one another. The planking over the whole collapsed and about twenty-five persons were carried down. Those on the bottom were severely bruised, but only one was In a serious condition. - LOS ANGELES LINES . . ; . CONSOLIDATED Huntington Syndicate to Control Good - Dividend Paying System. - ; Los r Angeles,' Cattj July 13. It ; is stated on reliable information that; the Huntlngton-Hellman ,i street railway syndicate will on next Wednesday as sume control of all the street railway lines In Los Angeles, Including the Los Angeles traction system. The price paid for the traction system Is stated as $1,785,000. Tho holdings of the Los Angeles Traction Company which In clude tho California Pacific railway with a trackage of twenty miles, con slst'of 49 miles of street traik-together with power houses, sub-station and rol ling stock valued at almost a million dollars. The gross earnings of the company last year amounted to $270, 763 and the net earnings were 3115,600. CALLED IN THE POLICE Violent Demonstration in Dublin on Question of Edward's Proposed Visit WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED Lord Mayor Harrington Aaaiated In Dow iiliijr AririreftM of Wei tome In Hcathliijr Sjeetli. Dublin, July 13. Wild scenes today marked the second day's debate by the Municipal Corporation on the question of presenting an address of welcome to King Edward at his arrival at Dublin. The' public gallery was filled with peo pie long before the meeting. Lord May or Harrington made a violent speech against the address and compared the Nationalists who favored It to men "who had Bold the Irish people." Maude Oonne was among the demon strators, who continued the uproar uti till t?e Lord Mayor finally called In the police, who cleared the hall. After a stormy sitting of four hours, the motion Jn favor of the address was defeated by 40 to 27 votes. IN MEMORY OF A NOVELIST Vanderbilt Places Memorial Window In . Hla Church In Honor of a' Friend. New' Tork, July 13. In memory of his friend, Paul Leicester Ford.' the novel ist, Geo, W. Vanderbilt haa executed a handsome Ualned glass window which will be placed In . All Souls church, which Mr. Vanderbilt erected at Bal timore, JI. C, for the benefit of the people of his household and for the use of the inhabitants if the immediate neighborhood. The window la in Am erican Opalescent glass. The subject Is "the entombment of Christ.". GREAT CARNIVAL TO OPEN. Mrs. Jackson Receives Greatest Vote Ever Cast For Portland Queen. Portland. July 14. (Special.) The Woodmen of the World carnival opens today. It Is arranged on a most elab orate scale and promises to surpass anything of that pature heretofore held here. Twelve queens from as many cities of the northwest are here and with their maids of honor are stop ping at the Hotel Portland as the guests of the local Woodmen. The queen regent. Mrs. Emma Jackson of this city, received the highest vote ever cast here for a queen. The city is be ing elaborately decorated in carnival colors!., VIOLATED SUNDAY CLOSING LAW Many Arrests Made for Failure Close Both Doors to Saloons to New York, July 13. There were 132 arrests during Sunday in Manhattan and Brooklyn for alleged violations of the excise law. This was said to have been the largest number made In one day.' Just what caused the activity of the police In the enforcement of the liquor laws was not made known. Strange detectives from outlying pre cincts were detailed to duty in the ten derloin and the tegular officers there, learnfng of the invasion, lost no time in locating unlocked side doors, etc. At the big hotels the usual conditions prevailed those who wished liquid re' fresh tnents were served with real sand wiches for whlcjh they had to pay. THE MARTYR SPIRIT Roiih, July 13. When- Mgr. Angell, one of the pope's secretaries described to the pope the enthusiasm, called forth by hg illness, declaring that tt had produced a revival favorable to the Catholic church unexampled in Its his tory, the pontiff exclaimed "blessed illness."' : ' ": BETTER MAKE IT REAL ' ' : Negro Murderer Has Troubled Dreams and Fears to FUce Accusers Louisville, Ky., July 13. John Tinsley alias Lee Brown, the negro who killed Policeman Louis Massey at Evansvtlle Is giving the Jeffersonvllle reforma tory officials a great deal of trouble. He arouses the guards about midnight and pretends to be dying. Dr. Sharp has to be called and sedatives admin istered. He fears to be token back to Evonsvllle... In spite of his nervous feurs he Is Improving and soon will be well. TRIBUTE TO LEO. Dying Pontiff Credited with having Restored Golden Age ot Papacy. - New York, July 13 A special tribute to the dying head of the Roman Cath olic church has been uttered by the Rev. G. W. Grlnton of the Forty fourth street M. E. Church. fit Is generatly the rule," he said, "to criticise a man unmercifully while he lives, to expose all Ms weaknesses and follies. If he be a public aervan to caricature blm and bold him np to a world wide ridicule, and then when dead to gather up his good deeds Into a wreath and place them on his casket. "The rule haa b een reversed Jn the application to the pontiff about whose health nnd well being" millions have been deeply solicitous and whose good acts have been recorded In all lands. "His love of Justice simple dignity and kindly sympathy have endeared the pontiff to the Catholic world, who delight to pay tribute to the statesman ship, tact and splendid genius of their loved pope, who haa done much for the progress of clvllizat&n. From crowned head to peasant, from president to la boring man, ' prayer and good wishes have been expressed for this remark able man. ''' ;',.''"'- "Leo haa known no nationality, but has been interested in alb' Deprived of temporal power be has possessed' a greater, power, a dynamic one, that has controlled the hearts ; of " men - and shaped in many Instances, the policies of monarchies and republics. He has restored tho goiden age of the papacy In its best sense. As philanthropist,' poet, educator and reformer, the name of J.eo XIII will be placed among the very gr4T,'if t the greatest pope'ln Bis- tory ,tv MtW LE.4.VB THE TREASURE Search f for Capt Kidd't Wealth En dangers Building New Xqrk. ,Ju!y It Another search for. CsfrtKWd's treasure has coin to naught and all there is to, show, for it la a big hole In the cellar 'of a More house connected with a big coffee mill in Brooklyn. Rains have filled the ex cavation and the manager of the plant has stopped the treasure search. In spite of the fact that Henry Endum, an engineer, , is positive that the "spirits" which caused the search were playing no idle Joke when they trans mitted to him the Information that Captain Kldd" had deposited $50,000.00; worth of loot In' the ground on which the building stands. JUST RECEIVED ! Eaw Collars and Cuffs HERMAN WISE, S6? Reliable Clothier and Hatter. Opposite Palace Restaurant. ; t Your Money Slipping Away. Better Invest It ' In Our " ! Fine Furniture We can save V Money For You Call and see our' new Bed Room Sets, Mattresses, Couches, Carpets, Linoliums, v And Everything For The House. ROBINSON'S FURNITURE STORE FOR PEACE AND PROGRESS Leading Nations are Being Rec ognized as United In Spirit UNFRIENDLINESS BELITTLED Vlnltg of Crown Heads and Pres ident and Honor to AuierU : ". f v.? :i - , .... ;( , can Make Talk. New York, July 13. King Edward'g vWt to Portugal, Italy and France, President Loubet s reception In London and the toasts and sentiments ex changed with the officers of the Am erican squadron force upon German politicians certain facts sometimes studiously ignored, says a Berlin dis patch to the Times by way of London, The leading part played by King Ed ward in developing British foreign rela tions ft becoming generally recognize! Moreover the popularity of the British government's foreign policy is begin ning to be appreciated. Attempts to make out that the whole British nation, including the parlia mentary opposition does not stand be hind the government with Its friendship for America, France and Italy and Its alliances with Portugal and Japan, be come daily more feeble and Intermit tent The friendship of those nations which on both sides of the AtlanMo stand for progress In liberty's paths Is recognised to be a sort of gulf stream encircling and warming the world and bearing everywhere by the happiest coincidence the surest guarantee of freedom In the invincible and unap proachable naval power of the co-operating empires and states. CENTENARIAN JEArj. , Oakland, Cat.. July 1 Miss Lavlna Wheeler is dead In this city at the aga of 102 years. She was In full posses sion of her faculties almost up to the moment of her death. She died of ofd age. She was born In New York la lsot ; . ", ' FRENCH IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Paris July 13. The Import for the past six months increased 328.S70.806, and the exports decreased $3,731,600. Eaw Dress Shirts