,; i j.i - ..-vA. V'1 -nntre. ftiftf .?Wr f 5 ASTORIA OREGON, SATUKDAY, JULY t 100.1. i a. .1 . (Great Plate Me In tirtlnr to nmko room for our (alt tK'k of crm;kery, w nr. wiling lilitln whit Ahcl (loconiioa plains reulur valu (5 cent to II t tut to vIom out t 40 t'KNTS t'KU KT OP SIX. our lino befur buy IriK, All broken II nm (mvitly induced. ROSS. HIGGINiS (Q. CO. OltOCKfllES AND MKATS. THE TIDEM INcedv. Will . ' .... . ... Be Assisted JVLT, 1101. JULT, 190S. t 3fi,hwiir; "a." m.Jjp. "i.oW'wmnr." ' "a.' m71 pr m. " DatsT "Jb.m ft." h.n ft. Ditto. "" hrn. ft. h.nvj ft." Ifi-idliTT. .". . io 0: 4t i.t itH 7.0 waV . rrTTfib f:SS 0.0 7;4.4 Ksturday .... It 1:11 7.1 1:11 7.1 Hnturday . . . 11 1:06 6.3 l;l 1.4 KUNDAT . . . I! 1:45 7.7 1:64 7.1 MUMMY . . . 12 ;2 0.4 1:44 1.3 Mondny . . . . 11 1:19 7.6 1:10 7.4 Monday . . . . 13 1:61 0.0 (:14 1.0 TuMiUy . . ..14 l:M 7.1 1:111 7.0 Tudny . . ..14 :! 0.1 ;51 1.1 W.dnwulajr . ..IIS I:4U 7.0 4:28 7.1 Wednesday . ..15 1:60 1.110:19 1.4 Thursday . . .. If 4:18 I.t S:09 7.1 Thursday . . .18 10; 11( 1.011:13 1.1 A Flyer ! To Make Room For The Fall Stock Which Select ed While East, I Herewith Make the Following Offer: $1.00 Hark with svwy suit thni h been - elilnf up to and Including $12.50 $2.00 Jinrk with every lull that Rolling from above til. y $17.50 $3.00 linK with vry suit thiu hiut lmn illlng ubovs $17.50 HERMAN WISE, UhQ Reliable Clothier and Hatter OpjHisiU! Palace- llostaurant. PERSONAL MENTION , Dr. Uurr lias returned front mi Mrt- rn vlnlt. I'rof. J.W. MH'onmie tind brldortve returned from their wedding rip. J. W. (lhwn siid fumlly m r vxiwetml home In a few days. W. W. Whipple went up the line hint evening for h brlt-f outing 'it the tall timber, lltt will remain lit thin sw tlon for mverl days. A. Noltner, nsprem-ntlng the "Expo iiltlon" u In the city yesterday itnd lust nlRht. He was here In th lntr-'t-st of the Clatsop county numtier. Mr. T. . Cornelluii returned lust nlKht from a vlnlt to Hlllsboro. . Samuel Klmore, who hits been In Port bind for a dny or no, returned home lost night. II. Van DtiHBii attended th meeting f the 1a-v.Ii! itnd Clark' txposlilun In Portland yesterday and returned hum lust night. ' ( lr. AugiiHt Kinney, came down froma Tortliind vlnlt lust night. Mr. and Mrs. Morton returned home Inst night from their wedding trip. ' . ' S. (Ir.tnt Trulllnger ami brldo return ed to the city hint nlghW, , j Ernest IIi-obs, managing editor of the j Oregonlnn, came down from Portland ! bint nlghf and will go over today to j Iing beach, Mn., iiroM came ' from the north rhore yenterdtty fo Join her hUHluuid on hln arrival lit tho c ity, Mr. Good, repremmllng n Portland el 1 ettrlral mnnpany, came down from Port ! bind bint n I it lit and will go today to j Oenrhart. . "' ' t " i 1 ' - Still In CTheLead For twenty-seven years we have been Leaders in the Furniture Trade i V Our Larg'e Stock comprises the best goods obtainable All our furniture is 1 first class and yet you can buy of us as cheaply as else- ,,4 where. Try it. Charles Heilborn Residents In West End Planning Bi $ Benefit Entertainment For Hanna. v Dr. C, C. lUmenberg, publlnher of tho Lannetar, the Plnnlim paper of thin city, yemerday received a comnuinlca tlon from the relief committee of Han na. VVyo., the ncene of the rat initio dlnoater, giving the organization of the fominllt and atatlng lla object. The letter, whl h will apiieur In Dr. Ilow-n-berg'a paper, aayg In art: "In order 'o relieve the prenent tlln tri'nn of tht nufTerer from the recent mine dlxiitu-r at llantia, VVyo., a r mnnent relief committee waa oitilzi d tonight (July 4) to provide for the want of the many wldowg and fatlier lenn children," The lettur requeata that all cotnmun Ication and remittanct; Ite wnt direct to the necretary, I. Chrlatennen, ad drena Ultima, Wyoming,' The Klnnlah people of thla city pro pone to do their ahare toward contrib uting to the alleviation nf tho nuffer Ing of lhlr dintrsd countrymen and are alrealy planning for meam to ral money which w"l b eent to the front Immediately. On next Hnturday even ing an entertainment will be ylven In Suoml hall for the purpose of getting a fund aUrted. A rich mimical pro gram will be given and elabo-nte rf frenhmenta will be aeneJ. The com mittee having the matter In churge In tend that thone who attend will re ceive their money'a worth benidea help ing along a worthy cauae. BAK DKEDGE DELAYED The trannport Orunt, now at Mire In land navy yard being converted Into a dredge for use In deepening the channel at the mouth of the Columbia, will not be ready for nervlce before September 15. The delay la wantoned by the non arrival of the pump which are to nuik up the nand from the bottom of the channel. It la not probable that muh benefit will be obtained In the nhorl time left for 'work thin nea-aon. FCKU.VL OF ODD FELLOW A large delegation of Odd Fellow and many'frlendn ulton-tiM' the" funeral of th bite C. W. Chr.Btennon yenter ilny, The fimt nervlce wni held from the hall of the lodge of which the de raad had ror no many years been an hunorel Hwmlier. The Interment wan In O'ean View cemetery on the went aide, ltt'v. J. W. McCormuo oftifbited snd the aervlees were conduot'l under the aunplcea of Hcavor Lo.lc I. O. O. "YOU'LL IIAVK TO HI. UltY" If you want to be-umons; tlie fortun nle who v 111 go with the Kpworth League uo the Columbia Tuesday even !ng next. Tickets going fnnt. Only a limited number for Bale, You can pet them ut either Griffin's or flvennon'st biKik tre, Hfairer leaver foot ( Fourteenth nttvel at 8 u'vlock. Tl'kSDAY KVENlXtl Tho awvllunt event of the ne.inon. The Epworth League moonlight excursion up the Columbia. Steumer Miler leaven foot of Fourteenth atreet ot 8 o'clock. Shlnola Is a modern pho polish used for ladles', men's and children's shoes, nnd all black leathor article. ' It re quire no molnteging and is without a doubt the bent polish on the market. Try It a'ni It you are not 'satisfied we refund your money. Johnson Bros. Indigestion Is caused by trying to compel the stomach to keep too rapid a pace. It is . , the bane of the present acre and is wrecking lives by the wholesale a little assistance is needed by tne diges tive organs of half the world. That distressed feeling can be removed speedily by using Beecham's Pills and can posi tively be cured by taking a course of this excellent medicine. Your stomach will be kept sweet and clean and your gen eral health will be perfect if you will use . ; lEEGIIAEal'S PILLS Sold, Everywhere. In boxes, lOo. and SSo. , DIRECTORS DKFKIt ELECTION H. W, Hntt Will Doubtless Be Presi dent of Lewis arid ' - " ; Clark Fair.' ' - J A meeting of the directors of the Lew Is and Clark Culr was held In Portland yesterday afternoon which was the first session of the board iince the last election by ttm stockholders of the corporation. The obct of the meeting was to perfect organisation but this failed of accomplishment, the election of president and director-general being deferred until tb next meeting, which will be on the 24th of thin month. Thone spoken of prominently for the of fice of president are Messrs H. W. Hcott. T. B. Wilcox, and W. Ladd. Mr. Kcott, it Is generally believed, will be eleotnl to the presidency, the only opposition being from himself. All but four of the new directors weft present and formally ; entered upon their duties. The others were absent from the state, one of them being In Ku rope. Mr. Cotton, after be'ng qualifi ed, tendered hi resignation, which waa accepted. A commltt'je of live con sisting of Messrs. Kcott, Mallory, Wes sengcr, Fenton and Alnsworth, was ap pointed for the purpose of tilling the vacancy, Construction work on the exposition buildings will commence early next year and the prospect for a growth of Interest In the fair proposal appeared blight to the directors. When the board Is finally organised the appoint ing ot Important committees 'ill be made and then rupld progress will be forthcoming. r SITE FOR DRILLS CHOSEN. It has been arranged for the fancy military drills, which will be given by the crack Portland companies of the uniform rank. Woodmen of the World, during regatta week, to take place on the Van Duaen grounds. These are now being prepared for the event. Sev eral thousand people can view the beau tlful sight and these drills are bound to prove among the best drawing cards of the season. Mr. Rogers, the state or ganiser of the Woodmen of the World. Is doing atl In Ms power to Interest the 16.000 members of Oregon In these ex ercises and has sent a bulletin to every camp In the state reciting the fact that the First regiment of the uniform rank and a half doxen W. O. W. carnival queens from as many different cities, would be here, and Inviting them to mke Astoria, at that time, one ot the objective points of their summer's vis-It. HOAUD ELECTS TEACHERS. School Houses Will Be Repaired and Painted this Summer. , The school hoard has accepted the res Ignatlon of A. A. Cleveland. MIks Amy .Jnue Powell, Miss Harriet Alexander and Misn Amy Holmes, snd elected W. M. Hound. O. W. Eyve. Miaa Kathryn Shlvely, Mina Ma Gustafson end Mlna Huden. With th exception of Mr. Eyre the newly elected teuchers lave not been assigned. Mr. Eyre will be the Latin Instructor in the hifih rchool, the osltion formerly held by Miss Amy Powell. He Is a .-esident of Dayton, Wash., and la a graduate of Eugene university. ' He comes Aijthly recommended and la known to be a capable Instructor. Prof. Round taught last year In Warrenton," where he held the position of principal. i His homa is In Portland and he is a native of North Carolina. Mr. Hound may be placed either In the. Aldorbrook of Ol :.iey school. There will be some ether changes before he is finally assigned. Prof. McCormnc will take the Shlvely school, recently presided overby A. A. Cleveland, who has resigned for the purpose of obtaining a hlglwr educctlon In the enst. Last year Mr. McCormac taught the Olney school. v There is talk of transferring Prof. Stupp from the Alderbrook to the Ol ney. The Board assigned Miss May Utxlnger to teach the Eighth grade of the McCKfre school. Before the fall term Wglns the Shlv ely school building will be thoroughly renovated, tt" being the Intention to place a new root and raise the rear of the structure, which Is sagging. The Adair and Alderbrook will be minted and the former will ,1m ve some work done to lta foundation. Basil & Rohr will Inspect the building and will report as to he extent of the tepalrs neces sary. The clerk of the school board will advertise for bids to do the painting. Children's matinee at the Unique theater today. Admission -will be 5c. Come and find out "Why is a crow?'' A little Ufe may be sacrificed to an hour's delay. Cholera Infantum, dysen tery, diarrhoea come suddenly. ', Only safe plan is to have Dr. Fowler's Ex tract of Wild Strawberry, always on nand.. ' For plumbing that will be - satisfac tory and safe give your orders to John A. Montgomery, 42S Bond street. CountyvWill Be Benefitted "Exposition" Devoted To The Interests Of This Section Is ' Now On Hand. The June number of the "Exposition" Is out and It certainly Is a hummer. Eleven pages of the magazine are de voted entirely to the Interests of this county, and the reading matter and cm are all first ckms. There have been "100 copies run off the press and these will be distributed all over the United States. Already they have Started on their tour of advertising this section. The Harrlman system will receive Moo. and 1000 have been sent to the Press dub convention at At lantic City, wh.-re are congregated newsjiaper men from all over the coun try. Mrs. Weatherred who Is one of the delegates at the convention, will personally superintend the distrlbu tlon. , , . . The publisher took In every Indus try and every part of the county. Sea- aide, Warrenton. and U west side Dolnts are written up at length, the write-ups being supplemented by cuts, the best that could be obtained. As toria comes In for a strong article, an exhaustive acount of her resource be ing given. The Chamber of Commerce deserves Kreat credit for backing up the Idea an1 seeing It through. The expense ha been light and the results are ex peeled to be of rare, benefit, The Unique theater has arranged for a fine 'show this afternoon when there will be a children's matinee. Tickets can now be had by applying at the box office, which will admit the little ones for five cents. The feature of the show this week is Walters and Hagan, the black-face song and dance team, who always win continuous applause, so don't fall to see these artists and And out "Why is a crow?" The Swarx children have on a new sketch since Wednesday, at the Unique theater, which Is as good, If not better, than thy had on the first of the week. The Illustrated song entitled "Stay in Tour Own Back Yard" is the most pa thetic ballad ever sung. The pictures are great. The moving pictures of Mt. Hlanc Is a fine piece of work In photo graphic art. ' NEW BRIDGE" TENDER. The county has appointed A. Mc Clean bridge tender on the WaHuskl, to fill the position recently made va cant through the death of Ira B. Daw son. The appolntae has been a reel dent of Warrenton for the past few years and has been previously employ ed by the county In a position similar to the one he la now scheduled to fill. The ladles of the W. C. T. U. will give a picnic to Smith point nextThur sday. All those Interested in the union and who want to enjoy themselves are Invited to Join In the outing. No ext pense attached to the occasion, except streetcar fare. ' What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling ! no baking I add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp, berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. io cts. JULY CLOTHING SALE. Boys Clothing Department The Great Saving Offered Must Interest You. All the newest styles, in well-made suits, for 'ages from three to 12 years, will be sold as follows: $3.75 suits, now ...... W.15 4.00 suits, now ...... 3,40 4.50 suits, now ...I.-. I.SS B.OO suits, now ...... 4.10 5.50 suits, now 4.65 S. DANZIGER & CO. ?U SAVE YOUR MONEY. ' ECONOMICAL HOUSEWIVES CAN EASILY DO THIS AT FOARD & STOKES CO. W'e are offerings more seasonable' goods at reduced prices than any other stor? in Astoria. We ask every house wife to look Into our ; assortment Of glass jars, stone Jars, and preserving kettles, particularly adapted for fruit. This is the rime of year when your at tention needs to be directed toward put ting up fruit for the winter. Lots of fruit now In and selling cheap. Place your order now before It is too late. , Foard A Stokes Co. The Lowest Priced Store in Astoria For Fine foods 6ftc A DUNBAR CO. U -itr.iwim.iiiriiiw K "V '' THE DELINEATOR AND BUTTERICK PATTERNS FOR AUGUST ARE NOW HERE , . I.'. .' At . 15he A. DUNBAR CO The Most Popular Store Because It Combines Satis- , faction With Economy. , YOU CAN SAVE MONEY :,'.' ,;Bjr buying oor DRY GOODS, SHOES, RUBBER ;And Oil Goods, Groceries, Cured Meats, Flour, and Feed. ' - ' V.- ;H.' GOFFEY l' 1 Corner Eleventh and Bond.- The Troy Laundry , ; Corner Tenth and Daane Streets Haa the Neatest, Cleanest, and most Sanitary ' ' Laundry Establisbment in the State. Prices Reasonable. Let us call for your wash. Thone Main 1991. " "'" Special Prices Combination Desb BoqK Cases EXTENSION L TABLES A choice line at $5 to $18. Unusual bargains in fine willow, oak and leather upholstered rockers H. HZAPF; ; The Holurnisher 30-m COMxMERCiAL STIIEET Palace4 Cafe ine isest Kesiaurant u K Refslar Meals. 25 Cents t 1 Sunday Dinners Specialty f Everything-tne Market Afforis ';i'.-- - - -.".y'AyAiin Palace Catering .Company ' BlwACKSMITHING. . Carriage and Wagon Building. First-CIass Horse Shoeing. , Logging Camp Work, All kinds bf wagon materials in stock for sale. 1 ' We guarantee the best work done in the city. ' Prices right. : ANDREW Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts.' 'Phone 921. All Kinds of Mattresses " Made to Order , . Fnrnitnre Repaired Upholsteriug . Aaams k nenningscn ,''., .'. ' .-' , v .' . Dealers In '"-,'.''' . '' Furnitare, Stoves. Tinware. House Furnishings. : , Second-hand Goods Bonght And Soil - W Bny An Kinds of Junk.' " 405 BOND STREET. ASTORIA, OREGON. 'PHONE, RED 1305 i