. . . . ,1 t ' : ,'' 7 i bo nb'- VOLUME LVI. ASTORIA, OREGON', SATURDAY, Jl'LY 4, 1903. - M1MIMtMaiM1MJM ' aHBn3BaHBmEc:;(g'":'' ' ;' ' jj-jjjjj. ' ' ', o. WE SELL THE GOODS But not the buyers of them. Wcdothe the men indboyi : and they are satisfied ' because well dressed Enormous selling enables os to carry a large Var iety and maintain ZZ'i low' prices.'.'; ' Just now let us direct your attention jo a fine display of seasonable underwear, . Just what you want for this weather. "I P. A. TURKISH AT 539 COMMERCIAL ST. ; Open from il I. M. to : A. M. dully, except Kiin.luj n. Uii Munrta.v from g I'. M. to U A. SI. I'lrntxIuNs hlroM list in ttlUmtUiu. T. Jt. DAY IKK, Proprietor... , HAY TOOL-5 . Of every deocriptidn nt FISHER BROTHERS Every thing from a gruB$ hook to ft mowing timciiine. FIRE WORKS WHOLESALE AND , RETAIL - - All Kinds - - J.N. GRI FF IN. lis American la . AMONO A THOUSAND OOOD THINGS FOR THE LADIES, WE SELL THE AMERICAN LADY COnSKT. .? s Qlrdie Corset In White or famoy. colors .... .. ...... ... ........ .8 Tape Girdle pink, blue and whits.,,. ,.83o The Straight Front low bust, long hip corset, white, colors and black II Cambrto Corset Covers, four rows Insertion .... .. .. ... .. .. .. ....25c Cambric Corset Covers, four, rows Insertion back and front ,.B0o White Skirts, ruffle of braid embroidery .... .. .... .. ;.80o White Skirts, same, wltti two rows Insertion and lace dust ruffles.,.. 11 Lace Trimmed Drawers .. .. !5o Wash silk .... 36o MANY BAIIGAIN9 LEFT IN WHITE of s.11 kinds at Baxgaln -prices. THE BEE HIVE HmSduSm V Man Hud Tailored 1 1) 5 h ) a STOKES BATHS Russian The Old Way WAS GOOD ENOt'OH. a long; u there wa no better, but now It'a possible to have modern thing the sort of conveniences which ' In crease enjoyment and personal comfort Let us tit up your bathroom properly, Tos'll like the way w do the work. W.J. SCULLEY 470-47S Commercial, Phone Black 224S GOODS AND LAWNS. Laces f .' t-f; '' SIGNS OF THE TIMES Address To Country Made By ' Negroes At Their ' Convention. , NEGRO IS BEING HELD UP InHiieiu'4-N At Work To Urntroy FrU-ndly VvMng I'revalllnir litweeu Better Vlnw. L)uUvlll, Ky., July I. The clrmlni day of the f!on of tbo Afrt-Am-tfi'k'on council wa marki-d by n a4 trr to th country on tho race prob Inn. T1 ad)rf la In part an fol- "W rcnrnJ with pleasure the frl endly relation between the beet people of the white race and our own, but no one who not carefully the alien of the time can fall to dlacover influence at, work In nearly every part of the hind to. deatroy It. Who can fat) to we Ihut the n'-Rio 1 belnif held up a the nvm objctlicble cltlxen that trdd the American aolIT" t dlaavowe all nympalhy with the negro- who lommlt namcleea crimes aaulnitt th women. fiuklnif of jut"? which huve dlafranchteed the ne. ,roe It nay: , In uih itate taxation without rep-, reenti4km prevail a when England hi-ld '.onrol over the American colon. It . We make no objection to the die-franchltK-ment of the Ignorunt negro, provide J the name chuia of other races wre almit.irly d;alt with." IJKTRAYED BY A RAT. Postal Thieve Had Secreted Register ed Mall In A I tat Hole. . Philadelphia. July J. Bertram and Albert Laycock, brfrtlK-ra, and Charles Fournter, empU'yee cf the Pneumatic Transit company, are under arrest '"ere charged w'ln conspiracy to embeis- le and upen'and destroy. letters In the Tnlt'd (States mail. Bertram Laycoik. who was stationed at the Broad street station, the end of the pneumatic ser vie, was first arrested and after i hearing before a United States commis sioner, he was held In 11,000 bail. At the hearing be confessed and Implicat ed his brother Albert and Fournler, who were stationed In the central post office,. They wl'l be given a hearing today. Postal Inspectors say the men confessed to having taken special de livery letters from the carriers of the pneumutlc tubes, among t'hem being letters to A. J. Caaset, president of the Pennsylvania railroad company, John Yioanuker and the Trust Company of North America. The' arrests were the outcome of a chase after a rat at 17th and Filbert streets. , The rat ran across Filbert street towards the arches of the eleval-M ed trucks of the Pennsylvania rail road. T. J. McCarthy, a telephone line foreman, gave chase. Seeing a lurge hUe, he thrust in a stick. No rat ap peared, but when the stick was pulled out It brought with It two letters. He saw that they were registered and ad dressed to A. J. Casset and WHIlnm J. Thompson. Again Inserting the stick, the man brought .forth three' more let ters, ail registered., McCarthy noti fied the chief postal Inspectors and the arrests followed. . WIRELESS FOR ALASKA. , Government Will Provide For Tele graph Stations At Once. Taeoma, July J. Without depending on contractors the United States Sig nal corps will Itself proceed to erect a d equip a series of wireless stations In Alaska. The first station will be constructed at Fort Davis, Nome, com prising one mast and quarter tor three telegraphers. The next station will be at Safety Harbor. SO miles south of Nome, where two masts and quarters for four men will be Installed. An other wireless post will be placed atSt. Michael. Wireless stations to be es tablished In Ontario will ,r comprise masts and buildings at Fort G bson and Bates Rapids connecting a land line from St. Michael with Fort Egbert and also with a line through Copper elver vulley to ,Valdes, were a sub marine cable-will connect the Alaska system with Puget Sound. LITTLE AHEAD OF TIME. Leadvllle, Colo., July S Snow storms which usually reach LeadvUle July 4, arrived today. There Is an Inch of snow on the ground. The thermometer jiand at freeslng point. KHC'APBD Ut'SHIA'S WRATH. .WiierU-anlssed Finn Tslla Of The Peace Cwir" Wicked Scheme In Finland. San Francleco, July I. A. A. Kar- juiiairien, native of junk, county of about. t,M) population, In the cen tral part of Finland, Is In this city. He hd to fly from his borne to avoid exile to Siberia by the Russian govern ment, who took exceptions to soma ad vice he extended' to his countrymen not to volunteer for army examinations at the recruiting ; stations of the Czar K.irjailulnorj wa in America some years- ago and tok out full citlsenshlp puiwrs. He returned to Finland some months ago, Intending to take up Ms residence there permanently. By the aid of his American passport he man- 4cd u effsct his escape In time to pre vent hi arrest by Russian officials. He tells of trouble his nation, has with the' l:ul-in who are trying to break the Finnish religion by forcing the yaung men Into the army of the Em-1 ? her! ."? W.W .Pb. 41. ,aAW be found1.'- - plre. den by the Csur, who Js determined to break up the Finnish Individually and abolish the last trace of home ru'e, even the languge having been forbid den to be tauglit In theV-hoots. WILL, CONTEST FOR MILLIONS. Victim Of Alcohol Left His Family Without A Dollar. Seattle, July J. Edna WaJlacV Hop per nrrlved here Uist night witli her attorney, Judge E P. Coyne, of JNew fork. They are on their way to Vic toria. B. C, where Miss Hopper's suit against James Dunsmulr, ex-premier of British Columbia, Is to be heard next Tuesday. She is bringing action to have the will of her stepfather, Alex ander Dunsmulr,, set aside . on the grounds of undue Influence and Incom petency, He left a fortune of $3,000,000 j to his brother, James Dunsmulr and died shortly aft erwwrds of alcoholic dementia. The will cut oft Mrs. Duns mulr, Miss Hopper's mother, without a dollar. .- WARNING FOR NOISE FIENDS. Lockjaw In Children From Use Of . Blank Cartridges. New York, July J. The bacteriolo gist of the Newark, N. J.. Board of Health, has Announced the discovery of tetanus germs in blank qartr dges. Heretofore It was generally believed that the many cases of lockjaw follow ing fourth of July accidents was dtje to dirt on the hands of the victims at the time they received their wounds. It was not suspected that fatal germs were In the cartrldaea. Several differ ent nvakes were used In the tests. Ef forts will be made to clwck the sales of blank cartridges today and tomorrow in the hopes of lessen ng the usual num ber of deaths anion: children from lockjaw. SIX MONTHS FOR ASSAULT.' Onlnlon of Judge Blair on the Rights of Laborers. New York. July S. William J. Sweeney, a striker who assaulted a non union workman .recently In the Hud son river tunnel, "has been sentenced to six months In the penitentiary. Re garding labor unions, Judge Blair said. In pasHlng sentence: "If you stood alone In this matter the court might be Inclined to leniency, but you represent a body of men w ho consider themselves abovg the lnw. Every man has a right to sell his labor for what he pleases and j should not be interfered with In so do ing. The question of wages Is one be tween the employer and employed and cannot be dictated by any body of men. The right to labor must be secured as guaranteed by law."" HOT IN CHICAGO. MfTny Prostrated A A Result, The Death List Growing. And I Chicago July 3. Heat claimed many Victims yesterday and while the death list was not so large as on Wednesday, the prostrations Increased, and lnjwo cases temporary mental derangement was the direct result. Two deaths and nine nrostratlons were reported. The temperature reached 0 degrees. SAN FRANCISCO MAN VICTORIOUS Vancouver. B. C. July S. Louis Long, of San Francisco, put out Caesar Attell. of the Bame place, In the 12th round of what was to have b&n a 20- round go, lust evening. The fight was fast and furious, but from the seventh round Long beat his man down. CONDITION DESPERATE Mine Disaster Leaves Many In Destitute And Helpless Condition. SOME HAVE LOST THEIR ALL Families With Bread Winner Gone AIiiNt Itely Upon Pub. ; He Assistance. . nanna, wro., jury -1. tm gangs working In the slope of wrecked mine No. 1 made good progress today, and cars are running to the 12th level. At the present rate of progress "cars will be running to the bottom of the level. 6200 feet In, by tomorrow night. Be yona the 5200-foot dip, a long incline The wal!ing-fn of the fire in the 17th entry Is proceeding rapidly, and bo more trouble from that source Is antic ipate. No one not actively engaged In the mine Is permitted to approach with in 200 yards of the siope. Great destitution prevails among the families of the 235 men ho lost their lives in the dire mine disaster Tuesday Those wlio lost their sola support num ber hundreds. The charitable people of Wyoming, Colorado, and other west esn states are urged to send liberal assistance to the mayor of Hanna, with out delay. '"" '' .. ,r'v .. . . 't .... - s .. ? INGENIOUS MOSQUITO EXTERMI- . NATORS. ' Scientists Will Now Charm Them With I Music. 'Boston July J.rThe Brooklyn' board of health, which Is systematically ex terminating mosquitoes by means of kerosene oil. Is now about to take up a suggestion calling attention to a new process of lessening evlj by means of musical sounds. ", The discoverer of the new process says: -It has been found, that practical application has been ef- j fected by raising to a great number of j vibrations per second the i particular note to which the mosquito is most sen sitively attuned. This intensified note produced by sudden electrical Impulse upon a musical Instrument causes every motqulto near to plunge head ing to the Instrument and die. TEXAS FLOOD SITUATION. Water Still Rising And Much Damage " . Anticipated ' '' Gainsville, Texas, July S. At J:30, A. M., the flood situation is growing desperate. The water Is rising 'very rapidly and the report Is received that a still greater flood is coming down from the direction of St. Joseph. The cries of terror stricken people are heard In every direction. All around the de pot and along the main street of the town the water is so deep that even horses are compiled to swim. It is re ported that a Santa Fe passenger train has been ditched three miles out on account of washed out tracks and it Is feared that many lives have been j lost. A relief train has been sent out. j BIG BRIBES OFFERED GOVERNOR Bat Propositions To Sell Out Were Re- , Fused By Stephens. St. Louis, Mo., July 3. Evidence gathered by Circuit Attorney Folk dis closed today that while governor, Lon V.Stephens was offered $100,000 wxrth of stock if he signed a bill legalizing the consideration of St. Louis street railways, and 120,000 more if he would appoint James J. But tier excise com missioner of St. Louis. The former governor declared that both propo sitions were refused. LET QUT FOR LAX METHODS. Auditor Petty Removed And Offered Smaller Position. Washington, July S. The board of commissioners of the District of Colum bia, today notified James T. Petty, aud itor, that he can no longer serve In that office, as a result of the negligent methods which made possible a defal cation of $73,000 by Jas. M. A. Watson one of his'trusted clerks. The commi sioners have ofered Petty a place, on the board of personal tax appraisers long to fhe Instrument and die." , SNOW AND COLD RAIN. Cheyenne. July, 3. Snow fell here to day tor several minutes and vegeta tion has been given a backset.. Cold rain has been falling tor 24 hours. FROM DALLAS, Dallas, Texas," July S. 2:39, A. M. A telephone message from Gainsville says that fhe engeneer, fireman and ex press messenger on the wrecked Santa Fe train are reported missing. & fur no deaths are reported ht Gainsville. THE EPPINGER3 RETICENT. Failed After ; Borrowing Money Grain Which Did Not Exist. On Sun Francisco, July Jacog and Her man Epirfnger and Bernard Ettllnger obeyed the summons of the grand jury to appear before It today, making their first appearance In public since the fail tire of the firm of Epplnger A Co.. of which they were members. They prov ed bad witnesses on the stand and la variaply refused to answer questions on the grounds of defective memory or that it would tend to Incriminate them. Nothing in the way of throwing any light upon the operations of the defunct firm was obtained from, either on or another of them.. The proofs were pre sented during the session that the firm hAd borrowed money from the Inter national Banking company on grain al leged to be In warehouses, whlc1, as a matter of fact, was not there... The grand jury will take up the Investiga tion again on Wednesday next. . FOUR MONTHS ALONE. After Watching On Stranded Courtney , Ford For Four Months, Wm. Ode Dies. San Francisco, July 3. The fate Of William Ode, a sailor who was left be hind as watchman on the wreck of the schooner Courtney Ford, which ran a3hore on tzenbeck Island, Alaska on September C 1502, Is told with dramatic realism in the log 'kept by the unfor tunate man. which has just " reached here. It was found beside his dead body by revenue cutter officers and covered a period of four months. from October 4. 1S02, down to the following February When ii pencil faintly traced opposite the entries of February i and i are the-words: "Deatte at last. Four months alone, y He has set down the happenings of that 'quarter-: year, giving a complete ralendar of events, all leading to the end the extinguishing of William Ode, sailor. when the Courtney Ford was wrecked the captain and surviving members of the crew were picked ui and landed at Seattle, leaving Ode be hind until relief was sent to him. . This only happened a few days ago when the schooner Carrie and Annie, with wreck, ing apparatus on board, left for Izien- fcek, too late, however, to be of sen-Ice to the sailor who had watched hi vain for her; . ... .. PLAGUE IN IQUIQUE. Burbonlc Plague And Smallpox Caus ing Much Alarm New York, July S. The governor of I quique declared Wednesday that dur Ing thelast 24 fcours there had been eight new cases of bubonic plague, three of which have been fatal, says a .-Herald dispatch, from Valparaiso. Owing, perhaps to the mild character of the disease, the inhabitants doubt Its existanee. The spread of smallpox In Anofagasra Is causing alarm. School teachers have requested authority to closethe schools to prevent further con tagion, The sanatary board of Val paraiso have decided rhut there Is no reason whatever for believing that the plague Is In this part. .. Your Money Slipping' Away. Better Invest It In Our , Fine Furniture We can save Money For You Call and seejonr new Bed Room Sets, Mattresses Couches, Carpets, Linolitims, And Everything For The House. ROBINSON'S FURNITURE CZAR ALONE AUST DECIDE Foreign Office Hopes He Wj!J Not Accept Petition From The United States. . " t - ' ; ; ALEXANDER SET PRECEDENT Hope Ia Expressed That ThU V Government Will Not Invito f 8lllit From linssla, St. Petersburg July J, President Roosevelt's dicislon to forward to th Russian government the petition In be half of the Russian Jews Is not publish ed here.-1 The foreign Office has mads the following statements ; ,W i "The cxar alone can decide whether the petition will be received, but Alex ander III would never have received such a petition; Te petition from the Guild Hall meeting, called by Lord Mayor in London in 18S9, was returned through the forelfB office as being In convenient. .The foreign office hope the Americans wilt not invite such a slight. They would resent an antl lynhin'g petition. The foreign office has no special interest In the question extept they desire that International re lations remain undisturbed, since the matter belongs to another ministerial department." St. ' Petersburg, July I. In an 'arti cle which in official clrcjes Is declared to be inspired, the Novoe Vremya com bats the claim of the United States -government that Russia should "grant American Jews free access to Russian territory." The Novoe Vremya declar es that if all American citizens were ad mltted to Russia, "it would not be long before thousands of Jews who' have left Russia for various reasons would refluck to Russia in the guise of Am erican eitisens, just as they are doing in Roumania, Bulgaria and Turkey. If Russia acceded to the United States' Sah. she could not refuse ' to grant something to the other countries, and w.uld'soon undergo a perfect invasion of foreign Jews." CRAZED BY ELECTRIC SHOCK. Conductor Stepped On Third Rail And Became Instantly Insane. New York, July 3. Shock from the third rail of a Brooklyn elevated line has deprived Conductor Satchel of his reason'. When he stepped on the rail be was thrown into the air. Half ft dozen fellow workers rushed to the res cue. Satchel sprang to his feet and at tacked them. , He was restrained with some difficulty and It was found neces sary to give him ether before he could be taken to the hospital. vThe surgeon could not find a single burn or mark on Satchel's body, although he received the full power from the rall (They think he will recovet his reason in a few days. , " , . CONGRATULATES ROOSEVELT . American Rabbis Are Pleased That Their Petition Is Forarded. Detroit, July 3. The conference of American Rabbis today ordered a tele gram sent to President Roosevelt con gratulating him on his decision to for- ' ward the resolutions of the Society of B'nai B'rith to the czar and thanking him for it. ' -.