ASTORIA OREGON. THURSDAY, Jt'LY 2, 190:1. Morning Astorian X ; Established I87J. GjnionI ; ;;; ratesi , Sent by mail, per year, i . . . . . S6 00 Sent by malt, per month. &V " Served by carrier, per month.. .... 60c SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mall. per year. In advance 11 00 The Astorian guarantees to tta d i Tertiaer the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia THE ASTORtAJf PCBUSHINO CO., A CLERICAL MEDDLER. ' The Rev. R. C. Filllngham. lcar " Hexton. England, ft probaly right thinking that he will get no answer from Bishop Potter except a courteous acknowledgement of Ms letter of pro test against the services at the Church nf St. Mar the Virgin, says the N. Y Tribune. If later on he should attend mass there, as he Indicates that be may and should disturb the worship of the congregation, he would probably find himself lodged In a police station cell as a disorderly person; and nobody n this country would have the least pity for Mm. The Rev. Mr. FHllngham, vicar of Hexton, England, is simply an Imper tinent meddler. The conduct of the churote of St. Mary the Virgin Is none of his business. That church may tmve gone to such extremes of ritualism that !t violates the law of the Episcopal Church. Many Episcopalians in this city, we believe,' feel that It has. Bishop Potter may. as the Rev. Mr. Filling ham hints, be overdevoted to a "quiet life" and neglectful of his episcopal duty to bold his parishes obedient to te canons. If so, that Is a mater for the consideration of the constiuted au thorities of the Episcopal Church. It no more concerns the vicar of Hexton. England, than It does the Pope of Rome or the Grand Lama of Thibet. Mr. FUHnghatn seems to be a person Who goes around looking for trouble. He has freauently attempted to disturb ser vices in England. As he is a clergy man of the Church of England, that may be his right, though, the London police do not seem to have so regarded It. For htm to come here, however, and attempt the same tactics is sheer Impudence. ' j TARIFF AND FINANCE. Deeply embedded In the foundations ' of this nation's prosperity are two po tential elements of success, which should not be disturbed for some time. These are the tariff and nuance. At a time when Great Britain, through ber most observing statesmen, confesses the particular failure of her free trade pol icy and is turning her attention ser iously to the adoption of protection, It behooves theUnited States to stand fast y the doctrine that has developed the nation's industrial greatness and made It a formidable competitor In the mar kets of the worlds .... f Fealty to the economic welfare of this country stands first in the estima tion of every right thinking American citizen, and the wisdom of adhering to the protective tariff policy is now more apparent than has been In many years With- a sound tariff policy and sound money, prudent and peaceful industrial conditions, and the same progressive spirit that has won for American pro djcts an honorable place in the mar-' kets of the world, there is no reason why the next decade should not be one of unprecedented prosperity for the United StateB.. . POPULISTS NEXT. YEAR. v Considerable comment has been caus , ed In the west by the assertion of a '' leading populist of Kansas that he be lieves that most of the old-time mem aNeEROUS Ulcers HOOTED IN THE BLOOD. Aftef the age of 45 or 50, when the vital powers are naturally weaker, It is noticed that a hurt of any kind heals slowly and often a very insignifi cant scratch or bruise A mmU pimpl, OM0. on my jaw, but save me no becomes a bad ulcer or pain or Inconvenience, and I should have forgot Af thia time of ten about it had it not began to inflame and itch ; it Bore. At this lime OI oiad hled a litti tnejl cah over, but would not life warty growths, heal. This continusd for com time then th Cancer . , j T,;mn1pethat began to sat and spread, until it was as largs as a moiesand pimples tuit ltfolUl wb,ni "near of 8. 8. 8. and determined have been on the body t0 jv. it a fair trial, and it is remarkable what a u I mnit from birth beein wonderful effect it had from the beginning; the sore aiuiosurom. uirui ucgiu h a w W1 and ,attt taking a few bottles disap- tO mliiis awl lester, reared entirely. This wa two years ago ; there are tiefnro verv lonir still no signs of the Cancer, nd mv general hjaitn and before ery long ;jntinue, ood Ullti E skeb, Wyaoonda, Mo. . are large eating ulcers. 'Wheuever a sore or ulcer is slow in healing then you may be sure something is radically wrong with your blood. Some old taint or poison that has been slumbering there for years, is beginning to assert itsell, and breaks out and becomes a bad ulcer and perhaps the beginning of Cancer Theseold sores are rooted in the blood, and while washes, spaps, alves.' etc., keep the surface clean, they are not healing. A blood it, and ulcers 01 every Jtmu un-nj yiciu win buhucjiuiuibitv v L erties If you have an old sore or ulcer, write us all about it, and medi cal advice or any information you my desire will be given by our physi cians without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAt bers of that party. 'will support Roose velt and the republicans In next year nutlonal campaign Irrespective of ' democratic nominee, whoever he may be. The Kansas City Journal expresses the same Idea, and gives as the reason that poptiNsm In tb or Kuiiel protest against policies which were believed to have brought bard ,,n. the country. It was a des- iwrate resort of agriculturalists w were willing to try anything that at- f.. hone of relief. The restoration of prosperity through the very agen cies that the populists had thought t ho . destructive convinced them o their error, and now they desire the party under whose administration they are growing rich to continue In power tf)tM A THRIVING OITT. Every true Oregmlan Is proud of tbe mngnificlent increase in sise and com mercial Importance of the city of fort- .i.,in iho last few veal's. No less than 2.S0O houws were built In 18 In spite of the strike the number ,,. n-m he much areoier. Ten ri (ilia ,, . - wars a no the factories consisted prtn caoally of saw mills and a few other small concerns. Now the many plants In operation entitle Portland to be classed among the manufacturing cities of the nation. Her . population num hers 110,000. the census showing an ac tual gain of S per cent In the number nf . hool children In one year. That Oregon contains such a metropolis Is just cause for self congratulation. It is estimated that there are In the United States 2,500.09 more single men of marriageable age than there are single women, the official figures be ing as follows: Unmarried men.l0,8, ttB: unmarried girls and women.T.aTS,- S19. The male population of the United States, through the excess of male lm- migration and the higher male birth rate, is more than 1,000.000 in excess of the femile. Congress has granted a lump sum of U.O00 to the family of every railway mall clerk killed while on duty. There is no other occupation In the world so perilous as that of our railway mall clerks. They .lumber about 9.000 and ordinarily they get something like $1.- 2U0 a year. There were 900 accidents last year and nine were killed. He. who know s not and knows not he knows not he Is a fool; shun him. He wN knows not and knows he knows he knows not he Is simple: teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows he is aasleep: wake him. , He who knows and knows he knows be !b wise; follow him: Ex. LOW RATES TO SAN FRANCISCO. On account of the National Encamp ment Grand Army of the Republic to be held at San Francisco August 17 to 22, the O. R. & N. Co. have named the low rate of $20.00 for the round trip by steamship in both directions, or $25.00 for 'steamship in one direction and rail return or vice, versa. This rate will only apply on steamships leaving As toria August 11 and 16, or on trains leaving Portland August 12, 13, It Tickets will be good for return within a final limit of sixty days from date of sale. Berth reservations should bt made early to avoid disappointment For further particulars apply to G. W. LOU NS BERRY, Agt. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card oi Trains PORTLAND. Leaves An ivet Puget Sound Limlted.7:25 a m J:45 p m Kansas uity-st. Louis Special 11:10 am :45 ptr. North Coast Limited 1:10 p m 7:00 a m Tacoma and Seattle Night Express 11:45 pm 1:05 OK Take Pugst Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pia direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas City-St Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service oa Gray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. ulcuicinc lu yumy auu akicuguicu vwc jjuiiuia. . and a tonic t build up the general system is what is needed, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy. No poison is so powerful and no germ so deadly 4-l.ot tfiio trrMu r(TffaViV lilnnrl rnft-w iafinflt reach MALTHOID KOOFWO l.!H Minn iiiii 1 lie? A i Made in California where materials are produced. The lowest priced rooSng made. Lasts longer than all others. It is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. UU fcr taekltt. TheParaffine Paint Co. Sm PrMcisce, kattla, rVtland, L4 Anjdtt and Dtnvtr, Coktrtdo. if J pur mi 1 1,: , f it-" OSTE O PATHY DR. RH0DA CHICKS Mansell Bldg. STS Commercial St Phone Black 2065 Astoria Ore. Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office phone Main 441. Residence phone Main X443. Office ' Over Griffin's Book Store. C. J. Trenchard, Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Customs House Broker. Dr. T. L. Ball DENTf 8T 624 Commercial street, Astoria Ore. C, W. Barr Dentist Mansell Building. S7J Commercial street. Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 1061. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. . Telephone 1XL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our ear Will reeei-re special attention. No 538 Doane St W. 3. COOK. Mgr. RELIANCE Electrical Works 428 BOND 8T. We axe thoroughly prepared (or making estimates and executing order for all kinds of electrical Installing; and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sll the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 11 SI. H. W. CYRUS. - Mgr Central Meat Market! 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Yo rini for meita. tniib FRESH AKD SALT Will he promptly mid datiHfac'.oiily attended trt 3. W. MORTON. Prop. Telepauae Vo. S21. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LBAVK PORTLAND ARRIVK 100 1 m I Portland Union Dvoot 700pm For Aswrls and Way I Points 11 10s It AHTORIA 7 45 s m I For Portland and W.,y 1 11 30 a d 6 10 p ui ruiuui 1 ivwy u 8UA&1DK DIVISION Sift m ltxfisin 8 60p AKtorUfnr Warrenton, I 7 iO In FUvel, Kort Sievenn, 4'jOp u Hammond and AHtorlPM0 46 b SeHde"ib?"warrnuu, 1 12 60 p a Klavl, Hamra ,'nd. fort I 7 i p B Hmw"sand Attoria 6 16 a m vw s m 2 m Sunday only. aii (mini close connections at Ooble with all Northern Pacific traln to and from the East ana aouno points. J. C. MAYO, Gen I Freight ana r&M. Agent UK These tiny Captule are superioi to tsaisam or wopaiDa,-. Cubebi or Injections sndyrm CURE IN 48 HOURSly th same diseases with. , out inconvenience. 1 SU 'h all frrutrttti. I REDUCED SUMMER EXCURSION RATES, The Denver St Rio Grande popularly known as the "Scenic Line of the World" ha announced greatly reduced roundtrlp rate from Puciric coast points for the benVftt of teachers who will spend their vacation In the east, and of delegates to all the promlneni conventions N. E, A,, at Boston; A. O. LV W at St. Paul! B. P. O. E., hi Bantlmore; Woodmen ot America at In dlanapolls; Eagle at New York; Myst ic Shrine at Saratoga Springs; K. of r. at Louisville, and T. P. A. at In dlanapolls. Tickets at reduced rate will be based upon one fare for the round trip but will be sold only on the certain days. Thee ticket will carry itopovsr privileges on the going trip, civing passengers an opportunity to vis It Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs. Colorado Springs and Denver; and will be good to return any time within 90 days. Passenger going via the Denver ft Rto Grande are given the privilege ot returning via a different rout. For the rate to the point you wish to go, and for dates of sal and other parti cular as well as tor Illustrated pamph let write W. C, McBRIDE. General agent. 124 Third street Portland Or. ONE WORD IN TIME. Is Better Tlvtn Two Afterwards A Chance To Profit By Au Astoria Man' Experience. It Is a strange thing how people will pnt away an opportunity until too late; tVs only the little things that go to make up our every day exlstunce; the trouble Is we don't pay sufficient atten tion to them. Backache Is a little thing. Sometimes It comes after a hard day's work, or a slight cold. It will paws'off. you say; It's only the bad results of overtaxing my back. It Isn't the fault ot your back, but your kidneys. The exertion or straining has interfered with their delicate meoh anisin. You call It back aclre but It is really kidney ache. If the kidneys are not relieved chronic disorders set In and that Is where the "little thing" should not be passed over. An Astoria man has learned to appreciate what de lay means. W. R. Mcintosh, whose place of res idence Is at SS3 Harrison Ave., says: "For years I suffered very inuilt from lameness and soreness across the small of my back. To turn In bed gave nW painful twinge and when I was not working but simply standing around there was a constant aching over my hips. The kidney secretions gave me no end of trouble. I often thought I had gravel so painful were the secre tions in parsing. I read about Douu's Kidney Pills and got a box at Charles Rogers' drug store on Commercial Hf. On taking them I soon noticed an Im provement In my condition and the pain across my back was soon wonderfully relieved. Though I did not take Doan's Kidney Pills as regulnr as I should have done they did me a great deal of good." For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents Foster Mltburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents1 for the United States. Remember the name and tuke no other. rpnu A familiar name of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft 9'.. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great flail way running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious eaoh('ji, eU-otric llirht, steam heat of a variety equaled by no othr ;ne. Hee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when golnff to any paim in the Uulted States or Canada. All ticket sgent sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infui- matlon. addess. J. W. CASEY. H. S. HO WE, Trav. Pass. Agi.. fJen. Agt. Portland, urn. Portland, Ore. .ln rmiiirt The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt . Lake City, Leadvlllr, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Offers the Chotce of Three Rouli?s Tlnough the Famous Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five Distinct Routes East and South of Denver. 3--FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Ptween Ogden and Denver, Carrying All Classes of Modern Equipment. Perfect Dining Car Service and Per sonally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to All Points East. STOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Classes ot Tickets. Fcr Information or Illustrated litera ture call on or address W. C. McDRIDE, - General Agent 124 Third St, Portland, Or. Dlpthrla relieved In twenty minute. Almost iiilr t. ulouB. Dr. Thomas' E'ec trio Oil. t .tny drug atore, What's th secret of happy, vlgoms health? Simply keeping the bowels, the stomach, the liver, and the kidneys jtrong and active. Uurdcck Ulood Hitters doe It, Hives are a terrible torment to the little folks, .ma o some outer ones. Entity cureil. IVwtn's t)lntnient never falls. liiHlani relief, permanent cur. At any dm store, 50 cents, DRIVEN TO DESPERATION. Living at out of th way place, remote (ivin clvllliatlon, a family Is often driven to desperation In case ot accident, resulting In burns, wounds, cuts, ulcer, '., etc. Lay In a sup ply jf Hmklln's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 26c at Chus. Rog ers' drug store. OfiUe of 0. 3. M., Vanrouver Bar racks, Wash., June 11, 1903. Sealed pro losals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 A. M., July 11, 190S. and then opeih-d. for repairs to hospital at Fort Stevens, Oregon, For full Informa tion apply to this office or Quartermast er Fort Stevens, Oregon. U. 3. re srve the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof, Envelope containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for repairs to hospital at Fort Stevens, Oregon," and addressed to undersigned. F. H. HATHAWAY. C. Q. M, Scott's Santal-Fepsla Capsnlss A POSITIVE CURI fat leflammaUeB er Oatank of Dm SlaiMor aa4 PIhmI KldatT. Ha ear bo CiirM aWaiv mmA nnu. araU lh woni w rrb aad 4lt, so BMllro( how loaf Ma4 int. Abwlatelr kwnalM, Bale tr eratiM. I OS, Qr hf BWll. BWlBllt. II M. I BOZM , st,n. TMI tAITU-fimi BO, UUSSOTMM. omot Hold by Chas. Rogers, 45 Commercial iitrpct, An'.orla. Oregon. NORTH COAST LIMITED. 1. nniv run h th Northern PaolBa between Portland and Mlnneapolla and at Diil thmuri TiMma. Beattl. Siiokane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston, Winn, uismara ana rargo. cigna of these trains are on th run daily, (mir mmmt rA fttur WBat. Rach I a solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sieepera. ainir-a car. day coaches, mall, express and barrage car and tb elegant oDerv- tton car. Each train I brilliantly lighted with over M0 lights and th beautv of It all I you can .travel Just a cheaply oa this train a en any other. All representative wtll be glad to give yon additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton. Assistant Gen eral Paraeneer Aaent 166 Morrison Bt, STARTLING EVIDENCE. Fresh testimony In great quantity Is constantly coming In, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, roughs, and colds to be unequaled. A recent exprenslon from T. J. McFar liiml, twitorvllle, Va., serves as exam ple. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three ami doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I be- ?.m taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and u f-w bottles wholly cured me." F.otittlly effective In curing all lung and throat troubles. Guaranteed by Chas. Uogprs, druggist. Trial bottles free, r' gnl ir sues 50c, and $1.00. S2v The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World Too 0mf la Steamer SUE II. ELMORE The Largest, Staunrhsat, Steadiest, and moat awiwortby ' vstwl ver on th rout. Jtteat ot Table and Htat Room Acoojnmeda- . Hon . Will make round trip vtry five day between. , . . : Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO , . , 5 i ....... .. r ' - V "Vonctlng at Astoria with, tb Oregon Rallread A Navigation Co. and the Astoria Columbia K. R. tor Portland, Baa Francisco and aU. point Bast. For trelght and passenger rate apply to Somucl Elmore S Co iifiirl JAiffiits, Astorlit, Or. or to f )V B. C. LAMB, ' Tillamook, Or. U. c. r. a c. Portland, Or. PACIFIC COAST COtlPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use i Orders Promptly Executed. DOCKjFOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts rriniKiaiaxnxiax?;xi:iaiiiznicxaiKxnigiaxcixgiJixgi3Cttra Baltimore 6k Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BKTWKEN CHICAGO Ss NEW YORK Via WASIIINOTOMf, I. O. Finest and Fastest scries of truiim in tho world. Pnlutia conches, Pullman Bullet Pnrlor mid Drawing Room Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service in the World . Is uprated by tho Knltimore & Ohio Railroad. I B. M. AUSTIN, General Pass- Agt - Chicago, 111 J Paxxsxxnxzxznxxzsxz axnxxoxnxazta::xxnxnxttx The Smooth Smoke V V aw mw mm r f ... -n.'w m w of ihe Itslmiids (ho Smofror'a Protection UhiU ' O. R. N. Co. Portlaa. Or. TELEPHONE MUN 661 if.