4. ASTORIA, OREGON, FKI DAY.. J UN i: 2i, IMS. ' T. i. Ksliey and wife have dlpo rf telr Crj river timber claim ' f.ir I'-V.- A marriage ilens tras lssnd t-May to Louis Vogd and Kosey Wels Wski. -' - . New stock of fancy goods Just arrlY- d at Tokohama Bazaar. Call and ace 'the latest novelties from Japan. "i John Cor no suffered from an apoec Uo Bt last nlfrtit. as the r.ult of hav- In dono extra heavy lifting during: the day. . Fourth af July goods, ammunition - canes, tor(4oe and giant crackers at r. P. A. TmlHnger' Two stores, Con vtercial street. :' ' .Deputy Fish Warden Webster con i tlnuVs to enforce the taw regarding the marking of boats, nets, and traps, mak ing another arrest yesterdny. ' The Unique theater was packed to the doors lust night aa usual. The fea ture of . the show Is aide-splitting comedy by Leon Enrol, entitled "Blue Qraoa, or Kill 'em Quick." The big audience fairly howled when Mr. Er 1 ro dta't out tis but prescription, 'known at "Blue (Jraaa." Wen the doctor pulls the tooth out. and he and Ms student sit oa the patient. It la dla covered that they have pulled out the " wrong tooth, and the audience is fairly convulsed with laughter.,,. The perfor : mance will be repeated this evening. Candies, Ice Creams, - sherbets Astoria, Oregon. . Branch Seaside, Oregon; branch Long Beach, Washington. "J . THimSDAT AFTERNOON CLUB ! The Thursday Afternoon club was en ' tertained yesterday at the home of Mrs. eGorge H. George by Miss Sadie Crang. In the evening the ladles form ed themselves into a theater party and attended "Hazel Kirke," in a body. SENDS GIRL TO SOCIETY. Nellie Hansen, a minor, was yester . day ordered by Judg e McBrtfle into the custody of the Boys and Girls' Aid o- ciety.' " The action waa taken on the petition of the girl's sister, who aileg ed that the former custodians of the , child were not fit persons .. to have i charge of her. v STORES WILL BE CLOSED. All the meat markets In the city will be closed on July 4 from 8:30 a. m. through the entire day, so customers . The other business houses will doubt less also close their doors at some early hour but no positive announcement has yet been made to that effect. The ex cursion to be given to Seaside by the commercial bodies is awakening so much interest among1 the . merchants that they feel disposed to aid it aa much as possible. Seaside Is preparing to celebrate In a grand style, so ex cursionists will meet with a warm re ception 'in the coast. Astoria band has been engaged to furnish music for the occasion, and '.he speaking- will be of a high -ordor. Effort is being made to secure the services of Senator John H. Mitchell and a final reply will be re ceived from him In a day or so. - NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids will be received by the under signed for finishing one school room at Hammond, Ore. Plans and specifica tions can be s?en at the residence of Willis Mudd, clerk. The right Is re served to reject any or all bids which will be opened at the' school house at 7:30 p. im., July 3, 1903. ' ; ' WILLIS MUDD, Clerk Diet. No. 6, Hammond, Ore. . . THE AST OR J AN ; : ) JOB DEPARTMENT 4) s i for J O B P R I N T i'N G l : - " ; ' , (ELATERITE li Mineral Rubber) YOU MAY ITTJi.-XIJ BL'ILIKO Or find It ncooaury to KEI'LACi: A WORST-OUT KOOJr' ELATERITE ROOFING Take the place of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings lor flat Bnd steep surfaces, garters, valley, etc. Easy to lay. Tempered for all climates. Reasonable in cost. Sold on merit. Guaranteed. It. will pay to ask for prices and information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland. HOTEL, PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND, - - OREGON BENFFIT INCKRASES HEPPNER RELIEF FUND BY NEAULT ISOO Vaudeville Entertainment Pro vKJ rent "" Help Mayor 8uprenant Ex tends Thanks to Those s ; , Who Assisted. 1 i The Heppner relief fund was Inorea ed $1W by the benefit given in Ftalwsr's opera house v eaneMay anemoon. The greatest credit is due the perform ers and those who aided in making the affair the succwa It was. ? J.' Mayer Suprenant has Issued the fol lowing card of thanks: As mayor of the city of Astoria and chairman of the relief committee, I feel It a peamrsble duty to direct atten tion to the spontaneous , outburst of sympathy and generosity displayed by the citixens of Astoria toward the cit ixena of our sister city of Heppner, in the hour ;f her terrible distress and suffering. The members of the com nil new which I appointed, promptly an swered the call to duty and found the cltUens equally ready to respond to the call on them until within a fw hours here was rats! In the city a fund that attracted favorable comment from all parts of the state. I desire to thank all of them for what they did witfc such open hearts yet the act of giving to such a cause was full compensation in itself.'''"- '.r . V- To those who participated In the performance at Fishers opera house on Wednesday afternoon, I desire to thank for the public, and particularly Man ager Sellg of Fishers' opera house; Man ager Percy Allen of the Allen Stock company; Manager Al. Hager of the Unique theater: Dr. Davis of the Qua ker doctors; Little, Verna Felton, Mrs. T. Ross, members of theMusieinns" union, Mr. W. R. Hume. Captain Jas, Keating and Mr. Nace Grant, J. W. Suprenant, Mayor and Chairman of the Relief Committee." J SCHOOL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Sealed bids will be received by the clerk for the school property situated on Boon avenue, Hammond, Ore., con sisting of lots 2 and S. block 14, and the school building situated thereon. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened at the school house July 15. 1903, at 7:30 p. m. WILLIS MCDD, ; Clerk Dist. No. , Hammond, Ore. SPECIAL FOURTH OF JULY ROUND TRIP RATES VIA , , A. 4k C. R. R. On July S, and 4 the A. & C. R. R. will sell special round trip excursion tickets between all points at . ONE FARE for the round trip, limited good to return until July 8, inclusive. ;V SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop; on the 24th day of June, 1903, upon a Judgment ind decree ren dered therein on the 10th day of June, 1903, in favor of Emma Ausmus and against J. L. Slipp and Fannie Slipp, and in favor of defendant David L. Kelly against Annie S. Grant, former ly Annie S. Miles, defendants, for the sum of 31413.00 together with Interest on $813.00 thereof from June 16, 1903, and on 3600.00 thereof at 8 per cent from the 18th of March, 1902, and the costs and disbursements of this action taxed at $92.75, and $175.00 attorney's fees, together with Interest thereon from the 16th day of June, 1903, at 6 per cent, and the costs of and upon this writ commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wlt: An undivided two-thirds (2-3) Inter est in and to lot No. four (4), In block No. ' sixty-four (64), in the town, now city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, aa laid out and recorded by John Mc- Clure,.and extended by Cyms Olney, together with '.he tenement?, heredit aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 27th day of July, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, in front of and at the court house door in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, se'.l at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the above described teal property to satisfy the said Judgments, interest costs an) all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE, Sheriff Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. June 2Gth, 1903. THE COMING FOURTH OF JULY.' As this popular holiday approaches it brings to mind the terrible struggle of th colonists for their feeedom, re calls heros of the past and Inspires pat riotlsm tor the future. Every true Amerctun will . accordingly assist in making the day's celebration one that will surpis all others. The first es sentlal, however, for a proper celebr' tton Is go.xl health. If you are weak and run down and In need of a tonic, we urge you to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitten because it is universally ac knonledged to be the best health re storer In elstance. It will restore the appetite, purify the btood. strengthen the nerves and cure sour stomach.heart burn, belohng, nausea. Indignation, dys pepsia and malaria. Women will aluo find It beneficial as a regulator and strength giver. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John C, Trullinger. deceased, has filed his final account as such admin' istrator in the county court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county. That the same has been set for hearing and final settlement on Monday. Auuust 3rd, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. All persons Interested In said es tate are hereby notified to then and mere appear and show cause. If any exists, why said final account should not be allowed and the estate settled P. A. TRULLINGER, Administrator of the Estate of John C Trullinger, Deceased. Dated this 23rd day of June. 1903. 6-26-7-31. OUR BOYS' CLOTHING DEPT. Everylhing here of the best makes and styles, and always at the lowest prices. 1 Boys sailor blouse suits. Boys Norfolk suits. Boys double-breasted suits. Boys' three-piece suits. Prices. $150 to $8.50. S. DANZIGER & CO. It Travel UXURIOUS Th. "Northwestern Liml.d" trains. electric lighted throughou. both 1'islde and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, tbe finest trains ia the world. Thee embody the litest, newest and btst idea for comfort, convenimce and luxury ever offered the travelling ouDiie. and altogether are th meat complete and splendid production it th' car builders' art. These splendid Train Connect With..... .. The Great Nortbera The Northers Pacific and The Canadiao Pacific . AT 8T. PAUL FOB CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for the sup riot acommodatlons and all rlassas of tick ets are available for paasag cn the train on this line are protected by tkc Interlocking- Bices system. - NORTH COAST LIMITED. I only run by the Northern Pacific I between Portland and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Missoula, Butte, Livingston, Billing. Blsmark and Fargo. Eight of these train are on th run dally, four east and four west. Each is solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining car, day coaches, mall, expres and baggage car and the elegant observa tion car. . Each train ia brilliantly lighted with over too light and the beaut? of it all la yon can travel Juat aa cheaply on tfci train aa on any other. All representative wSl be glad to give yon additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen eral Panensrer Affent 2S6 Morrison St, NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card of Train PORTLAND. Leave Arrive Puget Sound Llmlted.7:2S am l:4S pm Kama Citv-SL Louis Special 11:10 am 1:46 pre I North Coast Limited l:X p m 7:00 a m Tacoma and Seattle Night Express ...U:5 pra 1:06 rel Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray Harbor point Take Puget Sound Limited lor Olym- pia direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas City-8t. ' Louis Special for point! on South Bend branch. Double dally train aervic on Gray Harbor branch. Four train dally between Portland, I Tacoma and Seattle, . . Only one remedy In the world that will at once stop itchiness of the skin in any part of the body; Doan's ointment At any drug store, CO cent. . Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly A- torian, $1.00 a year. ' rh $f EXQUISITE f I REQUISITE I 91 tat kX wmtbw. Cool, th Moo4 tl urf 4WHM Um thim. V ij Hires J I Vf. Robtbeer 1 tfwihn,rnfriH. M Uwar of luitMMM. . IMwUrf. jf 16 V auausaaiHscsw REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF at Astoria, In the state of Oregon, at the close of business June i, 190S. RESOURCES. ' Loans and discounts $3.2 69 Overdrafts, secured and un secured U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation i... Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. S.T9? :i 12.500 00 l.!iO 04 Stocks, sei-urltlis, etc 61.2S4 6 Unuklng house, furniture and . fixtures S.SSS 01 Oth?r real estate owned S.J35 00 Duo from National Hanks (not reserve agents) 11,111 30 Due from State Banks and Banker S.S01 f Due front approved reserve intents 110.6t3 61 Internal-Revenue , Stamps.. M 71 Cheeks and other cash Items. 5.377 71 Notes of other National Banks 1.SS5 00 Fractional paper lUrrvnry, nickels and cents.. SS0 81 Lawful Money Reserve in Bunk, vis; Specie $48,400 10 Legal-t?mler Notes. 3.303 00 49,703 10 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation) 825 00 Total 1575,839 43 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $ 50.000 00 Surplus fund 10.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex- penses and taxes paid 12,770 4' National Bank notes out standing 11.050 00 Individual deposits subject to check.. 1227,904 23 Deman i certificates of deiosit 74,818 44 Time certificates of deposit 1S9.?9S 29 492.01S 96 Total $575,839 4$ State of Oregon, county of Clatsop, ss. I, J. E. Higglns, cashier of the above name: bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best f my knowledge .and belief. J. E. HIGGINS .Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ICth day of June, 1903. D. M. STUART. Notary Public. Correct Attest: D. K. Warren, George H. George, Wm. H. Barker. Directors. FOR RENT. Housekeeping, 2 large rooms, fur nlshed or unfurnished, gas and electric lights, water in kitchen. Over Peter son Se Brown's shoe store. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given, that at a meeting of the Carpenters' union of As toria, held Saturday evening, May 23, 1903. a resolution was unanimously adopted, providing, that on and after September 1, 1903, the wages shall be $3 per day, and eight hours shall con stitute a day's work. This will not af fect contracts made prior to that date, or uncompleted buildings, By order of the union. F. E. Wright, President. T. E. Souden, Secretary. Sweet Cream 10 cents pint. A. Tagg. FISHERS' Opera House L E. Helig, Lessee and Manager. WeeK Commencing Monday. June 22. THE Allen Stock Co. Featuring Little Verne, Felton. Producing the following Repertoire "THE POWER OF WEALTH" "SHALL WE FORGIVE HER?" "THE REAL LORD LENNOX" "HAZEL KIRKE" "A FAIR REBEL" "DANGERS OF NEW YORK" , and "A BLACK HEIFER" Band and Orchestra. PRICES: Reserved Seat 35 cents. Gallery, 25 cent. Seat on sale at Griffin's book store Saturday mornlsg. Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly As- torlan, $100 a rear. Golden I For Wanted Girl to do office work. Ap ply at 1 p. m. at No. 433 Commercial stiect. Trulllngvr A llardenty. Wanted Hoy under 21 years of age. to carry Wn:ior, Apply to A. J. Klaf fki. at Popular restaurant, t'Hiay. Itosyln coal Insia lontrer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other coal on the market. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telehime 1311. , Wanted Ulrl to cook at Seaalde, gentleman and wife camping. Work ery light. 120. Charles Wright, Occi dent hotel. For Kent One und a half story six room cottage; on Fourth between Com menial and Bond streets. Enquire nt No. HA Bond street. Lost Between Sixth and Fourteenth streets, a gold arrow pin with a pink shell and smull diamond In center; re ward will be paid for return to Mrs. Isaac Bergman. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VI ..TU.. SPOKANE. ST. PAUL. DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. 2 TRAIN M DAILY 2 FAST TIME New Equipment Throughout Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet, Smoking Library Cars. Daylight Trip Through the Cascade and Ro;ky Mountains, For Full Particulars, Rate. Folders, Etc., Call on or Address J. W. FHALON. H. DICKSON. Trav. Pass. Agt. City Ticket Aft. 123 Third Street, Portland. 612 First Avenue, - Seattle, Wash. A. B. C. DHNNISTON. O. W. P. A. Don't Guess at It But If on arv cow aat writ u for our rates and let ua tell you about the service and accommodation offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write na about your trip as we are in a posi tion to give you some valuable infor mation and assistance; 6319 mile of track over which are operated some of the finest train in the world. For particular regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. . C LIIl D8BT, B. H. TRUMBELL, T. F. R. A. Com'l Agt. 142 Third St. Portland. Ore. S. Feo. Q. P. ft T. A.. Bt. Paul. Minn, The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt Lake City, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Spring and Denver. Offer the Choree of Three Route Thiough the Famous Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five Distinct Routes East and South of Denver. 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Botween Ogden and Denver, Carrying All Classes of Modern Equipment. Perfect Dining Car BerVm and Per- conally Conducted Tourist Ex cursion to All Points East. STOP 0YERS ALLOWED pa All Classes of Tickets. - Fcr information or illustrated litera ture call on or address m' t W. C. MeBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third St, Portland, Or. i OpportuEities. All Wise Buyers Turkish and Russian baths, on first pago. 8m ad. The imwent n,l luteal In cigarette fall Mali; cork tips, at P. A. Trul linger'. Two store. Just received n special line of fire works for the Fourth from San Fran Cisco. Jewte Fong company, For good, reliable piano work see your local dealer, Th. Frederlckson 2071 Bond stret. Phone 2074 Red. There will be no need to take bas kets on next Sunday's excursion a ar rangements have been made by the lied Men with th Cathlamet hotels to feed all 'that attend the axcurslon at rea sonable rates. FULL CIIKAM CHEESE. Made in Gray's River. Retails at 15 cent a pound. The best ever offered on the lower Columbia. Try it and be convinced. Bond Street Market. M. El to, proprietor. TOBACCO and cigars TURKISH PATROL for cigarettes. Fine. GOLD SHORE PLlJG for the pipe. Unexcelled UNION MADEUNION LABEL Agent for the Poi'tltim! Safe & Lxk Co. Call nml see Humpies, Two stores, Commercial St P. The Boston mm iommi:iu Best and Neatest Eating House tn Astoria Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention MARINOVICH Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CICARS.... .. Su'li(f4 of all kindrt nt lowest rate, for tiHlitTtut'ti, Famif re and Loggere. Ae V ALLEN Tenth and Cnmmcrdnl Street 444444e4. KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottle Or In Keg Free City delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria Ca5tings We are prepared to make them on short notice and of th best materials, Let u give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest price for flrst-class work. .TELEPHONE NO. 8451. The Troy Ijaundry ' Corner Tenth and Duane Streets Has the Ncfitcfit, Cleaticut, and most Sunitary Laundry Establishment in tho Stato. Prices rea8onablo. Let uh call for your wash. ; 'Phone Main 1991. ' mm wmsimm General Blacksmithing, Boat and Cannery Work. ' Seeus for High Class Work. Shop Corner of Fif - teenth and DoaDe Streets, near St, Mary ' Hospital. H O LMB S Ci ' BEIB E RT ' t$fi. x ,lk4T fr, J:-inf imfM"ttr 'wlt'ttrrrf,' The Red Men of Cathlamet have ar ranged to glvu prixe for the different races next Kunduy. v STILL IN THE LEAD Dainty eaters, people with hearty upprtltea thter parties, and all other parties find wlittt they desire and some to appreciate a the Toke Point oyster house. The choicest viands In the mar ket nre there served In most pleasing style. Open till night. Prtvnt rooms. Cheap Pud Fir labod, stov legtha, tt.M prr cord. iBox'od ti.do per large toad. Phono 2211 I. lack. Kelly, th trans fer man. HAT- TRIMMED FREE. Mr. R. Inn etjn wilt continue her re duction sale of hsts skirt, waist and ladles' and children' furnUhlng goods until October 1. Call and se th line. Also carry a complete line of hair switches and pompadour. Price will suit you. MRS. R. 1NOI.ETON, ' Welch Block. Cilre ns your order lor Ijttcxt mill Bout Phono gru)li ttml griijihojihoiio lve'ink A. Trullinger. Restaurant I iai. sti:i:t High Class Chef I & BOSKOVICH I 4v..4vaH44 IRON, STEEL, , BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IrcnO Crass Works Cur. 1Mb and Frtitkllu are!. - ": m- r-erv