The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 23, 1903, Image 1

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Books. Periodica,, Vfi
I i , '
But not the buyers of them.
We clothe the men and boys
and they are satisfied
because well
dressed v
Enormous selling enables
ns to carry a Urge var
iety and maintain
low prices.
Jast now let us direct your
attention to a fine display
of seasonable underwear,
Just what you want for
this weather.
Im from il l M. to it A. M. dully, exc't Kuiidiiva,
On SiiikIjijh from K 1. M. to il A. M. f Irnt-rlujoi cliiropo
dUt 111 rtUrudniice. T. It. IAVII'.M, I'roprlotor.
We Guarantee every foot of our hose
Horn e
V Mara
Hind Tutored
l'amou Clobe-Wernicke Sectional
Filing Devices
Book Cases
Handsomest and most convenient
furniture made. Sold in bections
for all uses, sizes and shapes.
Call and see Samples. ,
Our Strong Feature
Is the Work We Do
Soma plumber make a featura of the
bllU thy aend thafa not our atyle.
We aend a good man; ha doe good
i work and we charge a right price.
If its New Work
er Repairs
We want to handle It and will handle
It to your aatlsf action.
470-472 Commercial, Fhone Black 2243
Lawn remnants in 3 and 9 yard lengths,
choice patterns, suitable lor dresses
and Kemonas, at a bargain.
Beautiful, two-toned, mercerized Lawns.
Reduced from 50c to 85c. ;'
All kinds of trimmings, medallions,
Appliques and imitation Clumy-
. ... -. 'v :i ;'
great bargain in white embroidered
, Valenciennes band at 5c yard.
Debris And Refuse Being Remov
ed And Improved Order Of
Things Prevails.
Wwlti-r Arc Kyoto-mat Ivnlly Or-
Kiuil.eil and KtMilt U Ilali
ly Evident. f,nldiiic
Oiiiirdi-d Agalnid.
H-ppnr, June 11. Four belles
were found today and all of th'-m
were Identified. They are Mr. Itob't
Morgan, Andrew Peterson, Mm. 8. Mo
Bride, Iv Ashbaugh. , t
Clearing away the debris caused by
the flood I proKrtMtliig rapidly. The
i mult of organisation In a systematic
manner Is evident ujion nil sides and
soon all wreckage will huve been re
muved. Only two building remain m
the main street that were tarried here
by wtr and pediment, that wan do
posited nn the stioeu, 1 being speedily
lemoved. Tli sanitary condition of
tin? town at present are fur better than
had been hoped for. but every precau
tion 1 being taken to guard agalnxt an
epidemic. Dr. Smith who represents
the sutc board of health ordered alka
II from the hills to be placed on t
metis and that work I no blng a
Missing bodies now number about 35.
J Ilr Par Wat Scarred. and Burned by
Carbolic Acid.
New York. June 13. Detectives are
luvMUgutlng'tbe'denth of Gretchen pt-
ten, a wuitree. wfrtth wua at first up
poaed to have been a cuee of eutclde
by carbolic ald. Examination, bow
tver. ahowed that the girl ad not
drunk the acid, but that the fluid had
destroyed her eye and scarred her
face "aril that ahe had been severely
vhoked. A "ynff man who la ald to
have breti the father of a child to
wljk-h the girl gave birth a year ago !
being sought for In the hop that he
may throw .some light upon the af
Under Such Condition MOO.000 Will Be
Young Man'a Portion.
New York, June !2. A Newark, N. J.,
man Is seeking renldents of New Jer
sey, who; he say, are heirs under a pe-
cullar will made by James Ruahell,
who died In California about four
months ago, leaving a large estate. Be
sides bequests of one or two thousand
dollars to a number of persons, tt Is
stated that Rushcll left 1400,000 to his
son. provided he aha 11 marry a New
Jersey girl. None of the alleged heirs.
nor the desired bride has been found
New York, Tune 22. The police au
thorities of New Roohelle ransacked
every house In the Italian quarter In
an endeavor to locate the murderer of
Special Policeman Ahearn. who was
killed earlv Saturday morning by a
man believed to have been a burglar,
Their efforts w'ere unsuccessful, but It
Is expected they will be renewed ,to
day when the bloodhound are pro
cured, v
Re-election of Walking Delegate, Un
der Indictment, In Doubt.
New York, June 22. Slow progress
hue been made In the counting of bal
lot coat for officers of the House
smiths" and Brldgemen'a union, and
another day I likely to pas before It
can be known with certainty what was
the result In the case of Samuel Parks,
the walking delegate and candidate for
re-eleotlon who Is under Indictment on
the charge of extorting money from
employers In consideration of calling
strike off. As the count stands thus
far, however, there I little doubt of
Parks' re-election. ,
Seattle, June 21. John Courtney,
aged 18 year, was killed on the Inter
urban, near Vanasselt, tonight shortly
before 8 o'clock. Whether he fell un
der the wheels while trying to Jump
off the car or was run down, cannot be
determined, for the trainmen ay they
know nothing about the matter.
Worry Ovs-r (TJuxlneii Affalm Iiringf
on Bute of Coma,
New York, .June II. Tne Aranite
rasa of C. Endl'-ott Allen, a young Har
vard man. I; attracting muoh- atten
tion. He ban bten asleep with ort In
terval of W!iul-coiineounei, for the
last month, In a hospital at Long
Branch. The only cauxe so far as can
tie learn id is worry over business rc-v't-rsca
which recently cams to W fath
er, forcing the fm to go out Into the
world' fur himself. ' ' - ,
Tho hospital physician ha diagnosed
the caMi hyuterla and nald there U
hope that he Villi yei come out of his
long lep Bftfi" a few week. For 30
diy Allen ha taken very little wild
fiod. Ll lb Id food U foroed down
liiront, a he rannot be nufflt'lently
nrouaed to wallow naturtilly. Never
theteM, the patient bo gained 'n
weight. .
Blowing fhit of Fuse Drives people
Out.f Their Wit.
New York. June 22. Three person
have be"i severely hurt and a score
were cut and bruined In a panlu alKiart'
an aveiiue trolley car. The
fu In the controller bo blew, out
und Jets of blue fire frightened those
sitting nearby almost out of their wlta.
A worimn leaped off and struck her
head against an Iron pillar. She was
badly cut Hf husband Jumped with
their llttle-glrl and also was badly cut.
The child was iinlnjured. : V
Another man broke one of hi legs.
Dy this time the excitement aboard the
crowded car hd become intense. Sev
eral women fainted and their fellow
passengers trampled them under foot
In tho rush for the exite.
Dinner In Brooklyn wui frooaoiy naise
Prk e of Beef.
New York, June 22 Ex-Mayor Robert
Van Wyck retains the tUle of lhaniplon
beef eaur of Gttater New York- An fit
fort to beat his reported record of two
year ago of elgnt and three-quarter
pounds at one sitting falltsl at a con
test Just held In Williamsburg. The
contestants were:
Michael Schaupauf aud F. Oschean,
Fully 600 Brooklynltes watched the con
test. The time limit was one hour and
40 mlnu48. Schaupauf took the lead
at the second steak, holding It until
the finish-, when it was announced that
he had eaten In addition to 100 dams
and crackers, five and three-quarter
pounds of steak. 50 oysters two loaves
of breud, a bunch of asparagus and 10
Effort WUI Be Made to Convene Con
gress Without Rupture.
Nv York, June 22. The government
Is (taking active measures to prevent
any disorder In connection with the
opening of congress, says a Herald
dispatch from Lima, Peru. A procla
mation has been Issued by President
Candamo." pparently the government
has sufficient force to maintain order.
The government has decided to secure
on a three years contract a geologist
from the United States or Europe to
study the fossil formations of Peru.
Boston, June 22. Without friends,
and hungry, with no place to sleep, wet
and footsore. 1 ln Walter H. Price,
once a prosperous physician and sur
geon of this city has surrendered to the
police. He explained that a warrant
had been issued against him more than
a year ago on a charge of performing
a criminal operation. He was tired of
dodging the police, he said, and wanted
to be locked up and then given a trial.
Dr. Price was taken to Jail. ,
New York, June 22Danlel Judson
Holden, a member of the law firm of
Curtis Brothers, Is dead at his home In
this city. He was stricken very sud
denly. Mr. Holden was a member of
many leading clubs and ah official of
several large southwestern development
Boston, June 22. In less than a
month In this state there have been
at least four deaths from glanders In
human beings. The board or heaitn,
fearing an epidemic is making every
effort to prevent the spread of the dis
Long Train Tore Wildly Through
Spokane At Early Hour In
The Morning.
After. Lfttvliij; Track (liiiiana?
Ie iiiolKlird lInIldiitK And
Then IMle fnTaii.'l fifty
i;l In llolglit.
?Ikane, June 23. X runaway train
of 0 or more cars, without an engine,
rushed four miles down grade through
ton early this morning; demolishing
a dwelling house,- wrecking a laundry,
killing at least four people, injuring
nine other and piling up a tangled
max of debris estimated to be (0 feet
Just how many ears Trade the long
dash down hill Is unknown, but the es
timates run from 60 to 90 nearly the
entire train being heavily loaded with
soft coal. These cars were eoupled to
gether and left standing on the old
Spokane Falls & Northern line, part of
the Great Northern system, now used
as a storage track. From Hilfyard a
Kng grade slopes down to Division
street, In Spokane, four miles away." '
About 2:30 o'clock this morning the
jYtavjr train began to slide slowly down
the grade. Gaining momentum rapidly.
It was soon rushing through the city
with a tremendous force.' Every
switch was clear and so far as knowo
nothing Impeded Its progress until It
struck an empty box car near the old
8. F. & N. depot. In this car William
Thomas and another man, supposed to
have been a tramp, ' were sleeping.
Shoving this car ahead of it as a bump
er, the runaway train swept on to Di
vision street! Here be track ended,
but the train plugged . forward, cross
lng the street, running over a rockplle
and swinging along the south side of
Harrison avenue. v . . , j , .
Nearly 200 feet from the end of the
track sctood' a six-room house occupied
by the families of John Slee and Mrs.
Myers. Striking this house squarely In
the center, the flying train smashed It
to kindling wood. Still rushing fori
ward, the cars tore over the rough
ground for 200 feet further striking the
frame building occupied by the Crystal
Steam laundry. This was not demol
ished, but was moved bodily, being
shoved three or four feet west Hure
the runaway train had spent Its force.
Nine people were sleeping in the Slee
house when the train struck It How
any escaped Is a mystery, as it is said
nearly every timber in' the building;
was broken. James Slee, the father.
was pulled 'out of the ruins practically
uninjured. The dead body of hla son,
James, Slee. Jr., was found near by.
Another son, Clarence, and the baby,
Viola, were found to be Injured and
were taken to the' hospital. Of t&e three
children of Mrs. Myers who were sleep
ing in the house, only one Irene, was
Injured. ' ' ' ' I
Not far from the house were found
the bodies of Thomas and bis com
panion. They had been carried nearly
1000 feet from the place where their box
car was first struck. !v , ' h .
The momentum of the train may be
Judged from the discovery of wheels
and axles more than 100 feet from Us
path. Along the route taken by the
cars, the wreckuge is scattered for
nearly a quarter of a mile. At Division
street the cars are piled up in a heap
of wreckage 50 feet high. Narly S9
curs are piled UP, near this point and
other at points along the path of the
runaway.. 11 .'. ' . ;:V ;""
Billy RecordJ the hook tender at Ye-on-Pelton
camp at Rainier, hoida the
record for yarding logs on the CoUint
bla, says the Oregon lumberman. In
10 hour he yarded out 111 logs. V. A.
W.- Schlappl, the efficient boom man,
Is not very alow himself. In six and a
half hour he hung the sticks and
made up a, raft of 260,000 feet. He wag
assisted by his 16-year-old son, Arthur.
This Is good work.
was the first maker
of sticks of soap for
shaving. Sticks in 3
sizes; shaving cakes
in 3 sizes. '
fears' Soap ciUUuhed am loo yeas.
Body of Housekeeper of Prominent Pol-
Iticlan Will Have Autopsy Per
formed Before It Is Interred. ,
New. York, June 22-Telephone mes
sages sent by Coroner He holer of this
etty to Paaualc, have prevented the ln
tesment of the body of Mr. Cora Sny
der, a musle teacher, and eet the New
Jtrsey town In an uproar. Mr. Sny
der for the lat year had lived at the
home of a prominent politician, where
she wa housekeeper and governess of
the politician' daughter.: Her death
occurred last Friday bt the apartment
of a midwife in this city. Her child
also died. 1 Until the Interrupted funer
al h was supposed in Passaic that ap
pendicitis was the cause of Mrs. Sny
der' death.'. . -; - . -
On receipt of Dr. Soboler" telephone
message the; Passaic authorities took
Immediate action.. The county physi
cian, McBrjfle, ordered the local under
taker who had, charge of the funeral,
to atop the proceedings. In order to
prevent a- sensation. Dr. Mc Bride de
cided to a'low tire funeral to take place
and to "prevent only the Interment. The
funeral a as held as had been planned.
A large number of the woman's friends
followed her ; body to the cenwetery.
Instead of placing the casket In the
grave, "it was announced that It would
be kept temporarily In a vault, owing
to water In -the grave. The mourners
departed without a suspicion of the
state of affairs. ... i .
A oon aa the last of the carriages
had disappeared, the undertaker took
the body out of the vault and It was
taken back to Ms mortuary- Pending
the report of an autopsy, the authori
ties have taken no official action.
A Hundred Fall to Find Little Albert
Erickson, Wbo Suddenly Dis
appeared at Smith's Point.
One hundred eager searchers aided
by the two "Tracy" bloodhounds,
failed yesterday la the search for lit
tle Albert. Erickson, two and a half
years old, who bas been missing from
hi home on Smith' point since S
clock on Saturday evening.
The child I the son of Ole Erickson,
resident at the gardens of the lat A. J,
Johnson, government, forestry expert,
who wa the brother of Mrs. Erickson.
On Saturday afternoon Albert was
seen with some other children, but since
that time not a trace of him ha been
fcund. It la aa though the earth bad
opened .and swallowed him up. Crowds
of men have helped In the search' for
him. Charley Wise gave the use of hi
bloodhounds. William Beasly took out
bis stag hounds, and every spot of
ground was gone over.
The theories advanced to. account for
the boy'a disappearance are four in
number. He might have fallen Into the
water, been carried off by 'a cougar,
have fallen Into a bog pen close by and
been eaten by the hogs, or he might
have been done away with by the Chi
nese that lives next door to the Erick
son house. All of these are mere sup
positions for not a clue has been dis
covered. , .
That the boy fell Into the water is
the most generally accepted theory, al
though it is some distance to the river
from where he was last seen. In sup
port of this belief is the tact that the
bloodhounds on taking the trail fol
lowed it to the water. It Is unlikely
Sells Good, Stylish Fur
nishings At Low Prices.
Carpets, Mattings, Lino
liums, Rugs, Fancy Rock
ers, Stoves, Tables, Bed
Room and Parlor Sets.
Everything' for the House
588 Commercial Street
Result 6f Investigation By Grand;
Jury Into Frauds Of Postal
x Department.
The iirott And Two Others
Must! face The 51 .ile With
Disgraced Kx-Oindul.
Evidence Damning. v
Washington, June , 22. The grand
Jury, which has been Investigating pos
tal affair today returned an Indict
ment against August W. Mac hen, Dll
ler B. Graft, Samuel A. Croft, George
E. Lorenx and Martha J. Lorenz, the
two latter being residents of Toledo,
Ohio. As previously stated In these
dispatches, the specific charge 1 con
spiracy to defraud the government The
indictment I baaed on section uVS of
the revised statute,, which provides
a penalty of $10,000 off two years' Im
prisonment, or both, in the discretion
of the court i -
The Indictment sys that this agree
ment wa carried out by Machea on
June 30, recommending the puchase of
6000 cf the fasteneiB at the price men
tiond, that the Groff brother en the
same date presented a blU for 000 fas
teners at the price mentioned; that on
September 13 of the stme year Macben
recommended to the - first assistant
postmaster-general ' tAe payment . of
that bill.' and that the Groff brothers,
"having thereafter on September 22 of
that yean received from the United
States 27500 in payment of the bill";
Diiler B. Groff on October 20, the same
year, paid 23000 to George E. and Mar
tha Lorenz. . , 1 .
that there were any cougars about or
Beaaley's dogs would have' found
trace of them. A to the Chinese,
thefe Is no reason to connect hhn h
any way with the loss of the child, be
yond the fact thai some of- the neigh,
boring youngsters are said to have an
noyed him by destroying plant In ni
garden. Chief Hallock, who Investi
gated the matter", say that he is con
vinced that the Chinese bad nothing to
do with the afftlr. There is a possi
bility that the boy might have fallen in
to the hog pen and have been eaten
bodily by the bogs Htfd any of hla
clothing been undevoured. It might eas
ily have been trampled Into the mud.
which lie there six Inches deep. As has
ben stated, however, there Is absolute
ly no' clue to base any reasoning tip
on. and any of the four possibilities
enumerated may contain the correct so-.
lution. ' ,
The only person In the district tha
is not thoroughly anxious about the
boy' loss Is his mother. Mrs Eric
son has consulted a spiritualist, and
the spiritualist ha said that little AJV
bert is safe and sound somewhere, so
the mother is convinced of hi being
recovered ultimately. - ,
There are seven other children In the
Erickson family, one younger than the
boy that 1 missing.
The body of James McCarthy was In
terred in the Catholic cemetery In Port
land yesterday In the early morning
low mass was said, over the remain
at the local Catholic church, after
which the casket waa escorted to the
train by a delegation from Seaside
lodge. , .