The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 19, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Horning Astorian
EiubiuM 7. , t
Benl bv biriI. dm year. ....'.......'. $! 00
Sent by mail, per month. S"V
' Served by earner, per month rKV
Sent by mail, per year, la advance U 00
' '
' The Astorian guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
River. - . .
-,--';,.- - - :
That the president In being true to
the, principle of government has been
false to the principles of orgnnised la
bor is apparently the. decision reached
by the executive " committee ot the
Western Federation of Miners. Reso
lutions passed by tne committee last
Monday charge that as a member of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive fire
' im the president, by his action la
sending troops to quell the disturb
ance at Morencl, Artsona, has been
' goaty of treason to the principles of
organised labor. f .-:."
The Western Federation ot Miners
has not of late been in the highest-repute.
A luge body ot coal minors
troke away , from It lately, and its
methods hare not proved attractive.
The action of Its executive committee
mill not tend to bring it into renewed
favor. Union labor has always been
co the sid 3 ot order. Ot all the strikes
lately enforced, few have been marked
by any violence whatever, although the
own were in many cases severely tried.
Consequently, when the committee of
the Western Federation condemns the
president for sending troops to re
strain a mob of striking Italians from
violence it stultifies itself beyond re
The utt?r lack ot fauman feelings in
some criminals is one of the most in
explicable things In the annals of evIL
Within a comparatively few months
the Little Italy quarter in New York
lias had almost one hundred fires, most
f them the result of n Incendiary's
sorb. At the last, which was onlv at
few days ago. Ave persons were burned
to death. Including two small children.
There was no room for doubt that the
destruction and death had been deliber
ately caused, for rags soaked In kero
sene were found tin the ruins ot the
tenement, and there was a smell of
kerosene all through the building.
The dynamiter, who deals death to !
stores of innocent poeple, may be un-j bananas- oranges, guavas and alllga
dVrstood to some extent as may the as- j tor I- askinK nim 10 '! tne" a"d
sassin of a king. Both strive to mark forward the balance to him.
their unreasoning and demented hatred
t a government, or of an existing order
o( thoigs. by the most forcible means
f attracting attention. In the case of
thls Incendiary there Is not even that '
mall help to the understanding of his j
actions. . No motive can be assigned to !
the jnaa that works in the dark to!
bring the most horrible form of death
to helpless children.
...... .
The decision ' , of the supreme court
that the postmaster general has the
power to exclude publications from ad
mission to the mails as second class
matter comes as welcome news. Too
Vug have advertising devices and books
published as serials masqueraded as
newspapers or reviews, and taken ad
vantage of the rates afforded them as
second class matter. The decision of
the supreme court will stop this abuse
ot the postal service, and It will now i
be necesstary for publishers to prove
that their publications are really en
titled to the benefits of the system to
gain admission.
The rates on second class matter
mere made .what they are to help in
the dissemination of news and infor
mation among the people, not to help
8lg stores to reach prospective custom
er" easily,' and there Is now some as
surance that the object of its estab
lishment will be curled out. :.
Tt Is not to be expected that the
shorl-sighled failure of the Colombian
people to ratify the treaty with the
United States will prevent the canal
from being built. Even should Colom
bia prove obdurate, the Nlcaraguan
route ' remains and by many It is
preferred to that of Panama, Nica
ragua will be perfectly willing to pass
a treaty similar to that drawn up with
Colombia, and on terms an favorable
to this country.
The isthmalan canal must be built.
It Is as certain to come, sooner or la
ter, as anything In this 'world of un
certainties can be. Such International
conveniences will not wait, despite the
scruples of a small American repub
lic. , ;
The canal la to the nation as precious
an object as the open Columbia t Or
egon. Uoth t) become accomplished
facts, and at no distant date.
The champion circulation liar has
been discovered. His lair is In Japan,
where he is acting as editor-in-chief ot
the Thundering Dawn, a Buddhist or-
iaa just started m Tokio. Here la his
"greeting to the public."
This paper tms come from eternity.
It startt Its circulation with millions
and millions ot numbers. The rays of
(he sun, the beams of the stars, the
leaves ot the trees, the blades ot grass,
the grains of sand, the hearts ot tigers,
elephants, lions, ants, men and women
are Its subscribers. This Journal will
henceforth flow lu the universe as the
rivers flow and the oceans surge."
Any liar who can beat that can get
small Job with a big salary In New
York. Detroit Times.
The Astorian has received a copy of
L'Independant, a newspaper published
in French at Fall Fiver, Mass. It is
the .first number printed on a Duplex
press, and Its eight pages are full of
hews and have an excellent appearance
typographically. The objects of L'ln
dependant, as set forth In the leading
toltorlal, are to act as the organ ot
French-Americans, to defend the prln
ciples dear to the hearts ot the French'
Canadians, to promote naturalisation,
and to defend the institutions that are
the bulwarks ot the Catholic faith and
the French tongue in this country.
Trade unions in New Tork have. In
consequence of the Parks exposures,
started a widespread movement for the
removal of all toe walking delegates
now holding office in that city. Men ot
proved character will be installed in
the places ot those thrown out of of
fice, and although the Innocent men
will suffer with the guilty no exceptions
will be made to the rule of ousting all
the present Incumbents of the offices.
The movement, if carried to a success
ful end will result in great benefit to
the men and to the employers, too.
The collector for a San Francisco
house was run Into by a buggy and his
bag ot money was burst open, with the
result that $90 In cash went rolling
over Market attreet Tet so honest art
the people of California that he got it
ail back, wirh the aid of a small army
of police, except 1320.
vasmngton slot machine men are
preparing to fight the law. And the
! luAnl. that ..., lk.M .
are me men inai wasiea tne most
money in the machines when they were
permittd to run, or human nature is
not what it used to was.
A Samoan editor Is angry because
one of his subscribers who owed him
money sent Wm instead a boatload of
The response of Astoria to the ap
peal from Heppner was prompt and
generous, and the people of the deso-
luted city should now be safe from
the fear of suffering rom the lack of
necessities. ,
Astoria's regatta will become the
principal aquatic event of the Pacific
In a few years if the rate of progress
Is maintained. With the energetic
management there is every reason to
believe that It will even b surpassed,
A. Baltimore man whose tongue hag
been cut out finds that he is still able
to speak. It would seem now that the
only way to make sure of stopping
Bryan wuld be to cut his head off.
Tacoma has had her own daring
etreet-car holdup at last AH she can
j0 is to say that the robbers came from
Seattle, and this she does with vigor.
?The prospect of some good racing
between the three hese teams of the
city Is pleasing to the friends of good
clean snort. .
Flag day was observed In Montana
rather strikingly, after all. That eloub
burst flagged every train In Eastern
Montana Butte Inter-Mountain.
4 : . 9
The home of E. P.iderbush, corner
of Twelfth and Exchange streets, bus
been placed under quarantine by or
der of the city board of health. One of
the members of the family is suffer
ing from a mild attack of meanles.
"Priscllla" the charming opera which
lis to be presented to the music and
fun-loving public", at Fishers' opero
house on Friday and Saturday even
ings, is a musical rendition of Long
fellow's beautiful poem, "The Court
ship of Miles Blandish." Priscilla,
the modest and demur little puritanic
maiden who spends most of tier time
at the spinning wheel has somehow or
other; won the love ot that bluff old
Sadler and, Indian fighter Miles Stun
dish. Now Miles Standtsh was a most
fearless man' when tt came ta fighting
Indians, but when It came to storming
the citadel of a fair maiden's heart he
was an absolute coward.- - Having
Mend, however", who wai not so slow-
In these more delicate matters, tws re
ferred the matter1' to him, and after
much pursuasion and many pledges of
faithfulness to his superior officer, his
friend John Alden undertake to act
as proxy tor the captain In making
love to the fair Frist-Ilia. How the af
fair terminated will be most orttsttcal
ly shown at the opera house by the best
musical talent Astoria can produce.
at Astoria. 1 In the state ot Oregon, at
the close ot business June 9, 1903.
Loan and discounts .I2S5.227 69
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 6.TST 21
U. 9. Bonds to secure circu
lation 12,500 00
Premiums on V. S. Bonds., 1,250 00
Stocks, securities, etc "... 61.IS e
Banking bouse, furniture and
fixtures S.53J01
Other real estate owned 9,953 00
Due from National Banks
(not reserve agents) 11,111 SO
Due from State Banks and
Bankers 6,801 Zt
Due from approved reserve
agents 110.66$ 61
Internal-Revenue . , Stamps.. 94 74
Checks and other cash Items. 5,377 71
Notes ot other National
Banks 1.335 00
Fractional paper currency.
nickels and cents 2S0 81
Lawful Money Reserve In
Bank, via:
Specie 146.400 10
Legal-tender Notes. 8,305 00 49,705 10
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir
culation) 625 00
.K75.S39 43
Capital stock paid in t 50.000 00
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 12.770 47
National Bank notes out
standing .. 11.050 00
Individual deposits
subject to check.. $227,904 23
Demand certificates
of deposit 74.816 44
Time certificates of
deposit 1S9 2SS 29 492,018 96
Total 575,S39 43
State of Oregon, county of Clatsop, ss.
L.J. E. Higgir.s, cashier of the above-
narnel bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
f my knowledge and belief.
J. E. HIGGINS .Cashier.
Subw-ribed and sworn to before me,
this lCth day of June, 1903.
D. M. STUART, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
D. K. Warren,
George H. George,
Wm. H. Barker,
Between June 4th and August 20th,
the Illinois Central will sell round trip
ticket from Oregon and Washington
points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and
New Orleans at Greatly reduced rates.
Tickets good for three months. Going
limit 10 days. Returning limit 10 days
after starting west. .Stop over privl-
Hges either way, west of the Missouri
river. Sale dates are arranged to be
convenient for delegates to conventions
of National Educational association at
Boston; Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen
at Indianapolis; Eagles at New Tork;
Shrlners at Saratoga; Knights ot Pyth
ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav
elers at Indianapolis. You can take
your choice of 16 different routes.
Write us. We will cheerfully give you
any detailed Information you want. B.
H . TRU1I BULL, Commercial agent, 142
Third street, Portland Ore,
Notice Is hereby given, that at a
meeting of the Carpenters' union of As
toria, held Saturday evening, May 23,
1903, a resolution was unanimously
dopted, providing, that on and after
September 1, 1903, the wages shall be
3 per day, and eight hours shall con
stitute a day's work. This will not af
fect contracts made prior to that date.
or uncompleted buildings.
By order of the union.
E. Wright, " President
T. E. Souden, Secretary.
these tiny Capsules are superior
mMli I
to Balsam ot wopaioa.-t
Cubebs or Injections wdfowaA:
CURE IN 48 H0UR$lpTl
th sam diseases with-1'!
ovt inconvenience. '' f
S'M h alllh-iir-rlitt. I
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired oy varying
temperatures. Does
not evapome, crack,
expand or contract,
A low priced roofing that cn
not be equaled. tu fci knkite
The Paraffine Paint Co.
Sn Prandico, Sultlt,
Porllsnd, Lei Angeles
and Denver, Cckrd,
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon
Office phone Main S441.
Residence phont Main 1443.
Office Over Griffin's Book Store.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance. Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo and , Pacific
Express Companies. Custom
House Broker.
Dr. T. L. Ball
D E N T ' B T
524 Commercial street, Astoria Ore,
C, W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building.
57J Commercial street, Astoria, Ore,
Mansell Bldg.
Fhone Black 3065
673 Commercial 8t
Astoria Ore,
Tleph0M m.
All good shipped to our oar
Will receive special attention.
No 531 Duan 8t W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Electrical Works
428 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared tor
making estimate and executing
order for all kind of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In" stock. We sell th
celebrated 8HELBT LAMP. Call
up Phone UL
Andrew Asp,
Harm later. Blarkotiitk ui Htrekoer
Soeclal Attention Given io Shtp sr
Steamboat Repalring.Oeneral Black
smlihing, First-dais Horse
Shoeing, mit.
Central Meat Market
Vonr orders for
oleum, both
Will he promptly Mil
Nt)BiHfi,nrlly stteiKld to
3. W. MORTON, Prep.
Telepnone No. n.
Mothers lose their dread for "that
terrible second summer" when they
have Dr, Fowler' Extract of Wild
Strawberry In the house. Nature's
ppeclfio for bowel complaints of every
'Tisnt safe to be a day without Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the house.
Never can tell what moment an acci
dent Is going to happen.
Can't be In perfect health without
pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters
makes pure blood. Tone and Invig
orates the whole system,
I"1" o iiiimii N, ii iii i ii j i
jjijt ci . ,..,uivrt
IT- ,Ti".lir r.. -iw.)., !.',!. ,.k lirarrir
'N7Wv?V tl,l i.'vlll' mm
Mnili, fcr I'nrUsulnn. -Tntlmiilil,
d "Krllrf f-r I ndium luur, l.y m
MmIL 1 U.OOb TratlmD.lAl. Mui l,
wm ipw, vmh mhm, ruii,
Try them. Only 60 cent at Charles
Roger' drag store.
tn anything ok worse than to Ml
that every .nlmite will bt your lut?
Huch was th exveilence.of Mrs. 8. It,
Hi-own. a lady "of Brownsville. -.
she writes, "J endured Insufff-i'abl pain
from Indigestion, stomm-h "'and bowel
trouble. IVmh seemed inevitable
when doctors and nil remedies fulled,
At length I was induced to try Elo
irlo Hitter and the reult was nilrsc
ultu. I Imittoved at once and now
I'm completely recovered."' ' Fr liver,
kidney, slomuch, lUid unwell troubles
Electric lllttftr Is the only mdMne.
only 50 cnt. It's guaranteed by
Charles Itom-in. drugglm.
Office of 0. J. M., Vancouver Par-
rucks, Wash., June 11, 153. Sealed pro
posals, In triplicate, will tie received
here until 11 A. M July 11. 1903, and
then opened, for repairs to hospital At
Fort Stevens, Oregon. For full Informa
tion apply to this office or Quartermast
er Fort Stevens. Oregon. V. 8. re
serves the right U reject or accept any
or all proposals or any part thereof.
Envelope containing proiuJ should
be marked: "Proposals for repair to
hospital at Fort Stevens, Oregon." and
addressed to undersigned.
Bid will be received by School Dis
trict No. 1, at the offk- of th school
clerk, until June 20. 1903, tor 150 cord
or more of bark slabs or hemlock, four
foot wood, to be delivered to th dif
ferent school buildings ot th district,
as may be required, on or befor the
15th day of August, 1M)3,
Right res-'rved to reject ny nd ll
bids. By order of the board.
E. Z. Ferguson, Clerk.
Living at an nut of the way place,
remote from civilisation, a family I
often driven to desperation In case of
accident, remitting In burns, wounds,
cuts, ulcer, etc., etc. Lay In a sup
ply .f Uucklin's Arnica Salve. It'
the best on earth.' 2Sc at Cha. Rog
ers' drug store.
Would quickly leav you. It you used
Dr. King' New Life Pills. Thonsnnd
of sufferers have proved their matcn-I-'hs
merit for sick nd nervous head
nehes. ' They make pure blood and
build up your heulth. Only '1 cents
morey back If not cured. Sold by C.
llogera, druggist.
rtsrMti rar
M.u orMuiiii. i-Mti not gt ws,
excnsioa anaim
For ml mn.u of wortc.
WHrruirtl W.t.ririN,r,
, L 1(71 lK tr tn.iBMrk. Taf-TV
" ,"!l,r " (ft s I
Thii-L -...,..iM.srr- Vlift
Cun-s croupe, ore throut, pulmonary
troubles niotinri'h over pain of every
sort. Dr. Thou-ns' Electric Oil.
'L'tT'l t I
The Hero VJf of Them All
. i. .. t i 0mmm 1 L,iv f""J"Y "" f T""7 tm 1 "'"""a i
, 5 ..Cigar;,. , !
A Smoke that's a little " I "!
i , - - ' . i
better than the rest
j "'V'--- ' ...
J? Sold Everywhcrof avo Ban4j.
... . . .. Mmammmmmsmimmmmmjf. riiisrsaMh,jisgl . .
Every Huufc'hoM taj Astoria " Bhould
Know Hw to lUit It.
- V vlM . mL.m...,i.
i , Tlt back aches because the kidney
j arw blocked, . "
I Help th kidneys with their work,
j TJie back will acha no more,
j Lots ot proof that Doun's Kidney
PitU do this. . , , .
It's the best proof, for It comes from
T. VY. Hhmikliutd. who Is a street car
conductor on the Woodstock Street car
line, residing at TI0 Etswurth, street
Portland, says: "Home time liut tall
; I began having cunnlderuble, trouble
and amuiyunce from a dull, aching
pain In the back over the kidney. I
think It was caused from lh constant
shaking ami Jarring ot the car. I
thought ut first It would dlHappcar as
quickly as it came, but this was not the
i, learning of IHmn's Kidney
Pill I procured a box and took them
according to direction. Ths result
was entirely satisfactory. Th back
ache grew less and less and soon dis
appeared and so far as I can tell It I
gon for good tor ther have beet U
I symptom of a! reoocuranc."
Plenty ot similar proof In Astoria.
Call at Ctmrle Itogei" drug star for
particular. ' t'
For ml by all dealer. Price M ct
Fosier-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Kemember th nam Duan's tnd (uk
no other. '
Fresh testimony In grrat quantity Is
constantly roniing In, declaring Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, cough, and cold to b unequaled.
A recent expression from T. J. McFar
land, RentorvlU. Vs., serves a exam
pis. II writes: "I had bronchitis for
thre ur and doctored all th time
without being bentfited. Then I be
gan taking Dr. King1 Nw Discovery,
and a few bottle wholly cured m."
Equally effective In curing all lung and
throat troubles. Guaranteed by Chan.
Rogers, druggist. Trial bottle free,
rvguUr Rise Wc, and 11.00.
Its a mistake to tmuglne that Itching
pile can't be'cuwd: a mistake to (ut
ter day longer than you ran help,
Doaii's ointment brings Instant rltef
and permanent cur. At any drug
store, W cants.
Subscrib for th Semi-Weekly As
torian. 11.00 a year.
cetfs Santai-Pepsla Capsules
For ItCMBfntlleiierCtlsrri
ot id. Hinhirr ud
kldMh No ir so ftf.
Cm a-ilaklf sa4 hrw
O-nlljr th om He, at
Uanarrlia-, n4ilM,
So 3111 rnf h k.f MH
Inir. Absilauly kwnlns,
s-,la r itnnuu. rrtas
I 0, cr kr wll, MStMl4
., i imm, tLh:
.oM by t'has, HiiReis, CI Commercial
iiU t, A'torlu. Oregon. ' ;
i j
THE A 8 T O I t I A. N
JOB D ft P A R T M E N T
On account of tlis National Encamp,
ment Orind AWnjf of th JtepubHc to tm
held at Hun Francisco August 17 to 3
tlie 0. It. A N. Co, have named th low
rat of 120,04 for th round trip by
steamship In both directions, or 135.00
for atoamshlp In on, direction and rail
return or vies versa, Till rat will
enly !lly on stiwlimlilps leaving As
toria AuguM 11 and 16. ,or on trains
leaving rorUnnd ' August 13, , 13, li
TUkU will Do good for return within
final limit ot sixty day from avu
ot sale. Berth rrvtlon should 1
made early to avoid disappointment.
For further particular apply to
Hrml-Weekly Astorian, $1 a year.
I ft
111 to at
ur Aiori sad fu
" rurtisia" Ud W.y
P ml ssloris ..r Wrr, Tf
II s I rt4, rart I t'DlIu
ill . HiwmiHxl and AMorls J I0 il m
ft a "m l iiwlil, rf r'ilu,"i ia tu o n
m ml Hun, llussimd, rort Isipa
tM r.f. .im"i !.,rV"r!iL-
8udy oly.
Ail trains mok oIom connswUoaa at
Gobi with all Northern Paatflo trains
to and from th Boat and Round
points. J. C. MA TO.
Oen'l rrelght and Pass. Agent
iluxuRious Travel
Th "NorthwMtera Llml'Jd" tralu.
lctrlo lighted tbroughou. both Pisid
nd out, and stosm ncattit, ar with
out xepilon, tb flnt trains la to
world. They nbdy th latest, rwt
and bt id f jr comfort, oonvenlMo
and Itixury vr offr4 tb trivslllng
duuIIo, and altogether ar th meat
eumpUt and splendid 5roJuotloo f tb
fr builders' art.
Tb Splendid Trala
Connsct With..,,. ..
The Urtit Northcro
The Northcri I'aclflc
The Cii.dlM I'tclflc
No txtra ehrg for th tupcrtor
cumniodatlon and all class of tic.k
t ar avallabl for paassg on ta
train on this tin ar protected by th
In Knocking Elocfe 9ytm. i
Time Cartl ol TrMltm
Leave An Ive
I'uget Bound Lliniud.7: am :tt pm
Kansas aty-8U Louis
BiM-clal , u:ie am III pm
North Coast Limited t:M p m 7:00 a tn
Tacoma and Seattl Night
Ksiras) U; p m :M Bra
Tak Puget Bound Limited or North
Coast Limited for O ray's Harbor point
Tok Puget Sound Limited for Olym
pla dlrct
Tak Pugt Sound Umlt4 or Kan
sit Clty-8L Lout SpMial for point
on South Kend branch.
Double dolly train K-rvic on Or
Hnrbor branch,
Four trains dally between Portland,
Tucoma and Seattl.
Only one remedy In the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of th skin In
my part of ths body; Doan' ointment
At any drug store. GO cent