The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 14, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Morning Astorian
, Established 1873,
Scut by mail, per year , ......... ..$5 00
Bent by mail, per mooth.... ....... ' 9te
8erved by carrier, per month...... 60c.
-: - 6EMI-WEEKLT. ' -
Bent by mail, per year, ta advance U 00
The Astorian guarantees to It ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
aewspaper published on the Columbia
River. .
! The trial of t Horace Dunbar, proprl
tor of the Rainier-Grand hotel in Seat
tie, on the chars? of operating an elec
trically controlled roulette wheal in hla
. hotel serve to call attention to the in-
evltsble results of allowing the law to
be disregarded in dome instance and In
others enforcing it
While the regular gambling houses in
Seattle were paying regular fines Into
the city treasury, Dunbar was not It
was an open secret that he was "run
ning a game in his hotel, which was
,the leading one In the city, and thai
traveling men and others would be easi
ly inveigled Into playing where they
might fairly infer from the surround
ings that there would be a square deal.
The strong allegation that Dunbar was
fleecing his victims by "fixed" faro
boxes and electric roulette wheels is a
mere detail. The fact that he was per
mitted, with the undoubted knowledge
of the police, to keep his games going
when the public gambling houses were
nosed, and mat be did not even go
through the formality of paying his One
to the city, shows the state of morals
that Is engendered of laxity in the en
forcement of the laws. , ;, t
Gambling has now been made a fel
tony in the state of Washington and
public opinion at present Is such that
those persisting in gambling will re
ceive a felon's deserts. How long such
a condition of affairs will last depends
upon the people themselves. Too many
citizens, who are too lazy and careless
tu bestir thmesetves In the suppression
of the abuses they deplore, throw the
Ma me upon the police for permitting
gambling and other vices to flourish
unchecked. It Is the people and not
the police that should be blamed.
It Is of laxity that corruption in born.
I . . . , '
The fact that 'Astoria. Is at last to
have a park will be welcome news to
those that are interested In the city m
which they live. Aside from the actual
tneflts of such a place of recreation,
4 tabllshment is a sign of civic
pride and acts as an incentive to fur
ther manifestations of the same nature.
The stranger Visiting a town" where
there Is a carefully kept park is more
favorably impressed by that one fact
, Ui an he would be by all the talk of all
--- . . ...
Stiroiiie Sores
Eating Dicers, tS&$.
Nothing is a source of so much trouble as an old sore or ulcer, particu
larly when located opon the lower extremities where the circulation is weak
and sluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the leg is a frightful sight,
and as the poison barrows deeper and deeper into the tissue beneath and the
ore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh melting away and feel
the strength going out with the sickening discharges. Creat running sore
and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a pimple boil, swollen giant
bruise or pimple, and are a threatening danger always, because, while a
such sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this should make yo
suspicious of all chronic, slow-healing ulcers and tsores, particularly if cat
cer runs in your family. Face sores are common and cause the greate
annoyance because uey are so per
sistent and unsightly and detract so
much from one's personal appearance.
Middle aged and old people and
those whose blood is contaminated and
tainted with the germs and poison of
malaria or some previous sickness, arc
'i She chief sufferers from chronic sores
' and ulcers. While the blood remains ifl
an unhealthy, polluted condition heal-
ing is impossible, and the sore will
continue to grow and spread in spite of
washes and sa1ves or any superficial or
; surface treatment," for the sore is but
the outward sign of some constitu
tional disorder, a' bad condition, of
the blood and system which local
i remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier
ana ionic is what you need, borne- "
thing to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the cireula.
tion and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy.
S. S. S..reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to
the very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all
the imposities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
Strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified
purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic sores
and ulcers. If you have a slow-healiu;' sore of any kind, external or internal,
write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge. Book
a The Blood and Its Diseases " free. .
the real estate men within the city
limits. . ,V . .-
A park is to city much what a tost
is to a woman. It Is not a necessary
part of the dress, but it adds Immense
ly to the general effect.
And then it will be a nice place to
teke Portland people in the future when
they come to visit the seaport metrop
olis of the coast y t
The following paragraph from th
New York Tribune sounds as If serious
rioting had broken out In that city:
The blockade of Friday evening,
with its attendant panic and seml-rtot,
happily passed off without any serious
vet-ulls. One policeman was knocked
down and trampled upon, and the same
fate befell a good many other persons.
Hundreds, probably, had their clothes
turn and bundles! or other property lost
or stolen In-the wild rush, and not a
few suffered bruises, sprains and other
physical Injuries. It is really wonder
ful that many were not maimed or
killed outright1
And after all It's only people fighting
for a seat in the trolley cars.
Of all the mistakes that have been
made in misdirecting parcels, none has
ever been more extraordinary than the
recent Instance reported from Tacoma.
The receiver in a laundry there wa
unwrapping a bundle the other day,
and discovered to his horror that it
contained the body of a dead baby.
There was an address on the outside of
the package, and when the police called
thereat they found the family about to
bury a bundle of dirty linen. The child
bad been . still-born, and . the parents
had arranged to bury it when the par
cels got mixed up.
The Push club excursion, which la to
be given on July 4, will doubtless be
patronized extensively for its own sake.
It has also a claim upon the people by
virtue of the excellent object to which
the proceeds will be devoted, the clear
ing off of the deficit In the club's fund
for the payment of the cost of the
Smith's point spur track.
' A commission man has been telling
the New York Commercial that the loss
6f eggs from breakage is very small.
Apparently the eggs are not kept quite
long enough to explode.
Representative Griggs, of Georgia,
says that democracy needs a live issue.
Why can't It "view with regret" the
great floods that have occurred under
a republican administration. -
The expenses of Yale atheletes now
amount to $30,060 a year. And they
don't enjoy themselves any more than
the Astoria hose team. ,
Society girls at Newport are Intro
ducing the habit of wearing their hair
down their backs. That kind will prob
ably cost more. .
I knew a girl once whose name was
Mary. She went off to a boarding
school and changed it to Mayme. Then
She shortened it to May, and finally
wrote it Mae. The poor girl got mar
ried about a year ago, now she is
called Ma Hillsboro News.
Gentlemen i About tan years ago
small sore came on each of my ankle
Dew got into the places and they b
came large, citing ulcers, and 1 sa
fered intensely for nearly ten year
I had spent mors than $500.00 tr
ing to get well whan I chanced
see 8. 8. 8. advertised in a hlemph .
paper. I began to take it and w
cured. Mr limbs have never be
sore or given me any pain at t
sinoe. Z have recommended 8. 8.
to a great many people, and am so
giving it to my nine-year-old son 1
Kcsem. During my long eickness
was living near Memphis, Tenn., bi
have since romoved to Kansas Clt
and am now residing at Ho. 61
East Sixteenth Street.
JCaasee City, Mo.
and the system purgea oi an moroia,
unhjalthy matter the bx-aling process
begins, and the ulcer or sore is soon
entirely gone. " .
P. S. S. contains no mineral or poison
ous drugs of any description, but is guar
nnti ,.(1 a mirclv vegetable remedy, a blood
Made of felt, thor
oughly; saturated with
Pic B compound. Not
impaired oy varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that ctn
not be equaled'. su tu uut
The Paraffine Paint Co.
$ Sta f ranches, Jh!,
Portland, Lot Angela
and Denver, Colorado,
Tajrg'a Delirious Ice Crraiti
j.1 cents a pint.
Dr. Nellie .Smith Vernon
Office phona Main SMI,
Residence phone Main !44S.
Office Over Qrlfftn'i Book Store.
C.J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific
Express Companies. Customs
House Broker,
Dr. T. L. Ball
S24 Commercial street, Astoria Ore.
C. W. Ban Dentist
Mansell Building.
S7S Commercial street Astoria, Ore.
Mansell Bldg.
Fhone Black 2065
573 Commercial St
Astoria Ore.
Telephone t2L
All goods shipped to oar care
Will receive special attention.
No $38 Daane St . W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Electrical Works
428 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared for
making estimate and executing
orders for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies in stock. We sell the
celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call
up Phone 11 Q.
H. W. CYRUS. - Mgr
Andrew Asp,
Wares later, BUrkumilk ibi Hru:fctr
Special Attention Given to Ship artf
Steamboat Repalrlng.Qeneral Black
smithing, Flrst-CIats Horse
. Shoeing, ecc
Central Meat Market
Tour ordere for
mem. both
Will be promptly aud
HstlHtac'orlty attended to
3. W. MORTON, Prep.
TelepHuoe No. 321.
Mothers lose their dread for "that
terrible second summer" when they
have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry In the house. Nature's
rpeclflc for bowel complaints of every
'Tisnt safe te be a day without Dr.
Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil In the house.
Never can tell what moment 'an acci
dent is going to happen.
Can't be in perfect health without
pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters
makes pure blood. Tones and invig
orates the whole system. .
Otomost hoalinc salve in the woilc.
To savo a life Dr. T, a. Ferrlit, ot
No. Mehoopany, IV, made a startling
test resulting In a wonderful cure. He
wrttea "a patient was attacked with
lolent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera
tion of the stomnvh. I had often found
Electric Btttem excellent for acute
stoinnch and liver troubles w I pre
scribed them. The patent gained
trout the first, and has not had an at
tack In II month." Eloctile Bitters
are positively guaranteed for Dyspep
sia, constitution and kidney troubles.
Is Proverbial. Astoila Women No
How much we owe to the sympathetic
side of womankind; When otlw
suffer they chyerfully lend helping
hand. They tell you the mean
which brought relief to them Jhut you
may profit by their experience. Read
the testimony given here by an Aatorla
Mrs. Close, wife of John Close, night
engineer at Llndenberger's cold storage
house, foot of Eighth street, residing
at 130 Commercial street, says:
' About a year ago we moved, here
from Portland and as I had a grent
deal to look after t overdid myself, and
the result was I brought on kidney
trouble. My back began to ache and
as time rolled by it kept getting worse
instead cf better. It Anally grew so
bad that I could scarcely stoop or
straighten after stooping. When I
did any work requiring bending I could
hardly get up and I had headaches,
ditty spells and at times everything
before me looked blurred. I was
Just about to start to the store for a
plaster to put on my back when I rend
about Donn's Kidney Pills and as they
were so highly recommended for kidney
trouble I made up my mind to try them
and procured a box at C. Roger's drug
store on Commercial street. They
went right to the root of the disease
and helped me from the start and be
fore I had finished the box I was cured
Everything is changed with me now
and I have no symptoms of kidney
trouble whatever."
For sale by alt dealers; price SO els.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
role agents for the U. S. Remember
the name and take no substitute.
Short Line
and UfllOflPACiriC
ULES From Portland.
Portland. Salt Lake, Denver,
Special j Ft. Worth, Oma-
4:30 p.m.
9:20 a. ha, Kansas City
viaHunt-i St. Iuls, Chicago
Ington. ; and East
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver.
Express Ft. Worth, Oma-
8:15 p.m. I ha, Kansas City,
19:30 a.m.
viaHunt-. St. Louis, Chl-
InKlon.) cago and East.
ttk-i'W Wulla Walla'
ht. fauli Lewlston, Spo-
FastMaiT kane, Minneapolis,
6 p. m. ' St. Paul, Duluth,
via. ! Milwaukee, Chl-
:35 p. m.
fjpokanei cago and East.
0 hours from Portland to Chicago
No change of cars.
From Astoria
All sailing dates
j subject to change.
For San Francis
co every five days.
Columbia River
to Portland and
Way Landings.
T a. m.
i: a. m.,
J Dally ex
i cept Moi
Daly ex
cept Sur
Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on
tide dally except Sunday for Ilwaco,
onnectlng there with trains for Long
Beach, .Tig) and North Beach point.
Returning arrives at Astoria same ev
Aitorla. A. L. CRAIO,
General - Passenger Agent, N
Portland, Oregon.
A familiar name of the Chicago,
Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway, known
all over the Union as the Great Railway
running the "Pioneer Limited" train
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, sgtd Omaha and Chicago.
"The only perfect train in the world."
Understand: Connections are made
with all transcontinental lines, securing
to passengers the best service known,
Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam
heat, of a variety equaled by no other
See that your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point
In the Uulted States or Canada. All
ticket agents sell hem.
For rates, pamphlets or other Infor
mation, addess.
Trav. Pass. Agt ''.en. Agt.
Portland Ore. Portland, Ore.
Ofitoe of C. Q.- M.,;, Vancouver Bar
racks, Wash., June II, 'Ml 'Sealed pro
poMls, In triplicate, will be received
here until U A. M July 11,1 DOS. and
then opened, tor repairs to hospital at
Port Stevens, Oregon. For full Informa
tion apply to this office or Qunrternmst
er Fort Elevens, OrvsAm. t 8. re.
serves the right ta reject or accept aft)
or all projuisal or any part thereof.
Envelopes containing propow'.t should
be marked: "Proposal fur repair to
hospital at Fort Steven-, Oregon." and
Addressed to undersigned.
' F. If. HATHAWAY. C, Q. M.
Notice it hereby, given, that at a
meeting of the Carpenters' union of As
toria, held Saturday evening, May ii.
1903, a resolution was unanimously
adopted, providing, that on and after
September 1, 1W1 the wages shall be
13 per day, and eight hours shall con
stitute a day's work. This will not at
feet contracts made ptior to that date,
or uncompleted building.
By order of the union.
F. E. Wright, President.
T. E. Souden, Secretary.
Bid will be received by School Dis
trict No. 1, at the office of the school
clerk, until June SO, IMS, for 1&0 cords
or more of bark slabs or hemlock, four
foot wood, to be delivered to the dif
ferent school building of the district,
as may be required, on or before the
15th day of August. IMS.
Right reserved to reject any and all
bids. By order of the board,
E. Z. Ferguson, Clerk.
"One of Dr. King's New Life PIU
each nlKht for two night has put me
In my "teens" again wrl es D. K. Tur
ner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the
best In the world for liver, stomach and
bowels. Purely vegltable. Never
gripe. Only 25 cents at Charles Roger
drug store.
J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala., was
twice In the hospital from a severe
rase of plies causing 24 tumors. After
doctor and all remedies falled.Buckllns
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inamatton and cured him. It conquers
aches and kills pain. A cents at Chas.
Rogers, druggist,
By taking advantage of the cheap
rates eait offered by the North-weetern
line: Chicago and return 171. M; St.
Paul and return $60. Tickets good 90
days. Stop-overs allowed. Dates of
sale June 4, (. 94, . 26. 27, 28, 9, 30;
July 15 and 18 and August 15 and 26.
Full information by addressing II. L.
Slsler, general agent, 132 Third street,'
Portland, Ore.
PemmrsTcn e Naut.
mmmi pills
MKiI n,l uU o,,m
LSAfE. - I u.. n.,tm
'.yul t dll III--I Ki;-H tttKiMMt
'KAI r 1 I It M ..'.!t, !!
SV S-T-? -"."-.. 'I.!.. "lll-f. MrftlV
1 )-,r.,iw -b!,.m,.lt m. a4 lmll.
(ff !' I' f : ' . " .'" - le.
I Jt ."r t- I'iiii.-,;. r.tiw.i,iiii,
V ? ' '-tU'SM ." ."I.I.W.H ..
-. ii.-f i" ' .1'. ? . -.,..'. -m.; ,,
" ' 1 (,., I ' l,. .M,M f .
IiiIm . . , v
Try th'Jin. Only 00 cents at Charles
Roger's drug store.
f .
f S that
F -AiSBSStSBBb. TS. - jjnMfL
Q1Q2,56) Given
la T, yT i usAva rvsiMSM snniys
The Scenic Line
Through Salt Lake City, Leadvtlle,
Tueblo, Colorado Spring and .
on'eti the Choice of Three Route
Thiough the Famous Rocky Moun
tain Scenery, and Five Dltlni t
Route Esit and South of. Denver.
Between Ogden and Denver, Carrying
All Clusses of Modern Equipment.
Purfett Dicing Car Service and Per
sonally Conducted Tourist Ex- .
cursion to All Point Estt.
On All Cltase f Tickets.
Fcr Information or Illustrated litera
ture call on or addresa .
W. C MoBRlDE, Oeneral' Agent
Ui Third St, Portland, Or.
.-.' ' i
Don't Guess at It
But If sou are eowva Bast writ ui
for our rate and let ua tell you about
the service gad aeoommodattons offer
from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and
Ctnotonatl. Don't tall to writ n
about your trip aa wo are la a posi
tion to give you soma valuable Infor
mation and aeelataaoe; Ull mil) of
track over which are operated aotoo
of the flneot trains in the world.
For particulars regarding freight or
oassenger rate cell oa or address),
T. P. 4t R. A. Com'l Agt
iu raira oi.. roruana, ure.
S. Feo, O. P. A T. A St. Paul. Ulna
Time Card ol Train
Leave Arrive
Puget Sound Limited. T: am 1:41 p m
Kansas Clty-St. Louts
Special 11:10 am l:4S pin
North Coaat Limited l:0 p m 7:00 a ro
Tacoma and Seattle Nlcbt
Exiire 11:46 pm 1:01 pr
Take Puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Orwfn Harbor point
Take I'uget Sound Limited for Olym-
pia direct
Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan
ii City-Hu Lout Special for point
on South Bend branch.
Double dully train eervlo on Oray
Hurbor branch.
Four train dally between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle.
Only one remedy In the world thai
will at once stop itchiness of the sklu In
any part of th body; poan's ointment
At any drug tore, 60 cents.
The bands around Recruit Cigars
U.H.X I'l'll"'! "" " '''' mmmmmnm mi i 'ii
while serving as the smoker's pro
tection, also represent a money value
of unusual worth. To the holders
f J N '5'' '
kr tMrtailk ' 111bW ' 0 A IM) l IMtH k , L, .
bands and other, brands of banded cigars,
$142,500 will be distributed, and some one
will receive in one prize alone $5000,00.
your dealer for full particulars.
Recruit Cigars are sold everywhere.
1 00 m I IMrllnud Pa wn Pot I tl 10 s St
Toupwl Kur Aniurl ud Way I u s at
f nrUsnd VJ w y
ill Ms i
ktAHkVMUN . .,
-siaaini Auru iinp wnrrminm, I lu
l& in r A
it "
4'Xln h.
litiliotnl sod Aalarts
I0 4i
'k U "h.T ... it.,.tL. T'ii kiu "
v W at Hvi, lUmmcnd, ,"ort 7 IM e
' .' 1 " i and AtrU J3. MJkX
Buadar enlr. , ' 1
I All train make oloe connection at
iOoblt with all Northern I'aolrta trains
.. .,.1 Inn Ml. V..I - nA
point. J. C. MAYO.
Oen'l Freight and Pass. Agent
RATES. i ., j ,
Th Denver A Ilia OrenJe popularly
known aa the "Scenlo , Lin of the
World" baa announced greatly reduced
roundlrlp rale from Pacific coast
points for the benefit of teaohen who
will spend their. vacation In th east,
and of delegate to all th prominent
conventions N. B. A., at Boston; A.
O. U. W at St. Paul; D. P. Oi E . at
Bantimorei Woodmen of America at la
dtanapoll; Eagle at New York, Myst
ic Bhrln j at Saratoga 8prlngs; K.
of P. at Louisville, and T. P. A. at In
dlanapotl. Ticket at reduced rate
will be baaed upon on far for the
round trip but will be sold only on th
certain day. Thee ticket will carry
stopover privilege on tit going trip,
tftvlng passenger an opportunity to vl
It Salt Lak City, O ten wood Spring.
Colorado Spring and Denver; and will
be good to return any time within N
day- Passenger going via th Denver
6 Rio Grande are given the privilege of
returning via a different rout. For
th rat to th point you wish to go,
and for date of sale and other parti
cular aa well a for Illustrated pamph
let, writ W. C. McBRIDE, General
agent. 124 Third street Portland Ore.
It I said that nothing I sure except
death and taxes, but that 1 not alto
gether true. Dr. King' new Discov
ery for consumption I a sure cure for
all lung nd throat trouble. Thous
ands can testify to that. Mr. C. R.
Van Metre of Sheperdtuwn. W. Va.,
: "I had a severe case of bronchitis
and for a year tried everything I heard
of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr.
Kin' New Discovery then cured m
absolutely." It I Infallible for croup,
whooping cough, grip, pneumonia and
consumption. Try It. It's guaran
teed by Charles Rogers, druggist. Trial
bottle free. Reg. site (0 cents, tl.
8 sett's Santal-Pepsla Ch?ss
of lb HIM.r u4 ilMH
Mllf In Mat mm t
Jiterrba u4 eilcs.
so aiMMrol bo kne Hue.
Int. AlawllMr kWDlMt.
i)ld bf SrauM. Iru
'TBI urrai-vi sou
by Cha. Rgers, 459 Commercial
Astoria, Oregon,
Foley's Honey "ti Tar
heula lungs and Mom f fi coueh.
3 rrr-T r rr!
I . A.
rtA A